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The racist mindset of liberals, black or white

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posted on May, 11 2013 @ 05:25 AM
I agree with the OP to an extent, in fact I authored a thread the other day based on a UK news article about the findings of a liberal "think tank" organisation Demos, which suggested that white British people were retreating from ethnic minority areas, which in turn was affecting social integration.

There is most certainly a trend in the UK, which seeks to accuse the indigenous white population of racism at every opportunity, in fact another Scottish poster on this thread, who studied at Cambridge put this point across extremely well.

This trend seems to suggest that any white person who has an issue with any ethnic or more often religious minority is automatically a racist, which is just untrue. Furthermore, failure to not only accept cultural differences, but to actively embrace them is deemed by the "liberal mindset" to be racist, which is incredibly frustrating as the majority of issues centre on religion, not race, and with the hate speech laws in place, it is now an offence to make derogatory remarks about anothers culture, which in itself is fair enough. However, this is often abused by the Muslim communities who will "take offence" at a plethora of secular behaviour, yet go without reprimand for hate speech against so-called infidels e.g. burn a copy of the koran in public and you will be arrested, burn a copy of the bible, no one will bat an eye.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:23 AM
Slavery lies in the background of most races. At one time my ancestors were slaves and I don't piss and moan about the fact. However, if it were profitable and I could use it as an excuse for poor performance and dependency, I might reconsider. I choose to take advantage of my opportunity to have a decent existence.

Personally, I'm glad to be here in the USA rather than Zimbabwe, Ivory coast or some other lawless, barely out of the stone age country. The USA is basically a free country, if a person does not like it here and feel like they been mistreated, they are perfectly free to go back their country of origin.

If so, the USA being a generous nation, I'm sure someone would gladly buy you a ticket back home, where you would likely starve to death and few would listen to the whining.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 08:58 AM
Someone forgot to mention that persons born into land wealth in the American south from old established southern families that have their roots in Southern Germany are automatically-remember they have no individual choice here- racist, Klansman, bigots, Nazis, slave owners, Republicans, conservatives, snake handlers, Baptist and start everyday with the words "Pleasure me you savage winch"

You can't choose your parents, your family or their history. It's what you do individually that counts.
edit on 11-5-2013 by spooky24 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by therationalist
In nature, there is a winner and there is a loser and if the blacks lost, it was because they were inferior than whites.
You just cannot oppress your equals, can you???

I had a rational reply to your first sentence, but then I read the rest of your post and have opted not to waste my time. By this logic, women who've been sold into sex slavery rings are inferior to the men who abuse them and children are inferior creatures we can force to do whatever dangerous task we adults can't be bothered to do ourselves. That's a rather disturbing notion, wouldn't you agree?

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:22 AM
Once again, thanks to ALL that contribute to this thread, as it makes for healthy discussion about this topic.

Now, to re-instate my original point:

Saying that most liberals are racists does not specifically state that they feel " My race is better than yours" or "I hate your race". See, it appears that this is what most are thinking what is meant by 'most liberals are racist"....


Liberals, in general, feel that a particular race(s) are victims due to the history of their ancestors, For example, a white liberal friend of mine is always making up excuses for negative behavior by minorities:

Me: Wow, did you see the local news today, where the two male blacks beat up the white male at school for no reason?

Her: Yeah, but he probably deserved it.

Me: WHAT??? How???

Her: See, whites held blacks in slavery for 400 yrs ...and these two gentlemen were feeling the rage of that. So in a way, he deserved it.

Me: (again) WHAT??? How?? He wasn't even alive, nor was his parents nor their parents.

Her: But its in white people's DNA...they are the only race that want to take over the world.

Me:But you are you feel like that?

Her: No. But my ancestors did, and that's why I feel guilty and have decided to support crimes such as this

Me: WHAT????????

Racism, in this sense, was not her feeling hatred toward blacks. It was her feeling that blacks must ALWAYS be excused for wrong behavior, as they see them as life-long victims.

That is racism.

Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to feel that the individual is responsible for their own actions, and that the excuses have run out.

edit on 11-5-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by votan
Has it occurred to anyone that racist individuals can exist in both democrat and republicans??

Racism is not exclusive to a political party , ideal or religion.

thinking otherwise is what is perpetuating the stupidity in this thread.

The reason that racism seems to be affiliated with specific parties is because of the party platform and ideology. For example, if there is a party that excuses bad behavior based on race, than that is racism. If there is a party that promotes and creates social programs that keep a group of people (especially minorities) in a certain educational and income bracket, and lifelong dependency, that is racism.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:46 AM
The American black populace is the lynchpin of the Progressive ideal to make ALL Americans dependent on the elite class. The timing of the Civil Rights Movement was perfect for them. The Civil Rights Movement was NOT a brainchild of the federal government or the elite liberal white establishment. It was a product of a courageous generation of Southern blacks. They picked their timing perfectly and, by themselves, exposed the evils in a system where many couldn't see them before. Sure, the federal government provided an assist, but it was a completely self serving assist.
By promoting a system of government "aid" in Johnson's "Great Society" programs just as they provided an assist to the Civil Rights movement, they managed to conflate to 2 things and make them synonymous in the eyes of conservatives and liberals alike.
Promoting tolerance and promoting dependence and big government are NOT the same things. It is a bamboozle.

What have Democrats brought to the black community? The destruction of the family unit. The demonizing of self reliance and individual success. A destructive sense of entitlement. A crushing dependence on others for their existence.

American blacks were a prototype for the rest of the nation. They want these things for us all. For the empowerment of a few - who proclaim they know what's best for us.

Many are waking up. The above description is a gross generalization. Many, many blacks did achieve the American dream through hard work, education, and ingenuity. A growing number of black conservatives, like the OP, are allowing their voices to be heard, despite the cries of "Uncle Tom" from establishment media and whore politicians.

Cries of "racism" have been used to bully voices of independence for over 2 decades now. People are waking up. The use of the race card by MSM and Obama proxies has reached the level of absurdity that only the choir pays attention at this point. The boy cried wolf too many times.

It is sad because racism still does indeed exist. The instances of actual racism will likely be ignored by most now since it has become generally assumed that any cry of racism is bogus at this point.

For those interested in the current voices of black conservatism, check out Jaime Dupree (aka NewsNinja), Alfonzo Rachel, Colion Noir, Timothy Johnson, Deneen Borelli. Then of course, you have your older, more mainstream black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Allen West, David Webb, CL Bryant, etc.

More and more emerge every year. Are they all "Uncle Toms" for promoting self reliance and individualism?

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by ButterCookie

Originally posted by votan
Has it occurred to anyone that racist individuals can exist in both democrat and republicans??

Racism is not exclusive to a political party , ideal or religion.

thinking otherwise is what is perpetuating the stupidity in this thread.

The reason that racism seems to be affiliated with specific parties is because of the party platform and ideology. For example, if there is a party that excuses bad behavior based on race, than that is racism. If there is a party that promotes and creates social programs that keep a group of people (especially minorities) in a certain educational and income bracket, and lifelong dependency, that is racism.

that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race
edit on 11-5-2013 by jimmyx because: addition

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by pierregustavetoutant

Bravo a million times!!

As Dr. Ben Carson said liberals don't like his message because they want him to 'get back on the plantation'.

Just the same way that many liberals (whites and blacks) didn't like when I switched parties.
edit on 11-5-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race

If it were class warfare, then poor people of every race would be treated the same but they're not. Some people can look at a poor white person and think "It's his own fault that he's still poor. If he'd just get up and try, he wouldn't be poor anymore." Meanwhile, they look at a poor black person and think "Well he just isn't able to do anything about being poor, we should help him." If the color of their skin isn't involved in your belief they need help, that's one thing. But treating someone like they can't make their own lives better and need you to help them based solely on the color of their skin is racism not class warfare. Telling someone that it's not his fault he can't do something, it's someone else's fault for keeping people like him poor for the last billion years, is racism not class warfare.
edit on 5/11/2013 by Jenna because: Used "they're" instead of 'their'.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by ButterCookie

Originally posted by votan
Has it occurred to anyone that racist individuals can exist in both democrat and republicans??

Racism is not exclusive to a political party , ideal or religion.

thinking otherwise is what is perpetuating the stupidity in this thread.

The reason that racism seems to be affiliated with specific parties is because of the party platform and ideology. For example, if there is a party that excuses bad behavior based on race, than that is racism. If there is a party that promotes and creates social programs that keep a group of people (especially minorities) in a certain educational and income bracket, and lifelong dependency, that is racism.

that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race
edit on 11-5-2013 by jimmyx because: addition

Liberals tend to shout racism, as one poster stated, to incite hatred and keeps the country divided.
edit on 11-5-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by jimmyx
that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race

If it were class warfare, then poor people of every race would be treated the same but they're not. Some people can look at a poor white person and think "It's his own fault that he's still poor. If he'd just get up and try, he wouldn't be poor anymore." Meanwhile, they look at a poor black person and think "Well he just isn't able to do anything about being poor, we should help him." If the color of their skin isn't involved in your belief they need help, that's one thing. But treating someone like they can't make their own lives better and need you to help them based solely on the color of their skin is racism not class warfare. Telling someone that it's not his fault he can't do something, it's someone else's fault for keeping people like him poor for the last billion years, is racism not class warfare.
edit on 5/11/2013 by Jenna because: Used "they're" instead of 'their'.

i'm a white 60 year old man who has traveled in the south, and what has been said in front, and around me, is all I need to hear to confirm that racism is alive and well. your assertion that liberals actually tell black people they can't do something because of the color of their skin is absurd. maybe, just maybe, in some situations, that conclusion is reached AFTER eliminating all other possibilities.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 11:49 AM
I'm Scott's irish
So now I get to bitch about my lineage( By name only cause I'm a bastard,I mean adopted)
I have a math handicap is that a good enough reason to blame others?
I was experimented on in the Gulf War can I hate you all for that?
Any time someone utilizes the passed as a ligitimate excuse,they only fool them selves,yes it's hard to believe someone could possibly be so stupid as to limit their own perceptions by such measures. How sad they are.Equally so are those who devise ANY logic to people in ONLY demographic terms.I was talking to my lesbian, black, female fried the other day about conspiracies and she said she was glad some black people take themselves out of the game like this so she could surpass them.She is part Klingon like me and takes zero percentile BS.I of course told her her music sucked and she commented how Scottish people wear dresses.We agreed the rest were worse than the two of us.
I wonder which of these opposing views will flip out the worst when aliens from space actually reveal themselves?
edit on 11-5-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: finished my point

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by ButterCookie

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by ButterCookie

Originally posted by votan
Has it occurred to anyone that racist individuals can exist in both democrat and republicans??

Racism is not exclusive to a political party , ideal or religion.

thinking otherwise is what is perpetuating the stupidity in this thread.

The reason that racism seems to be affiliated with specific parties is because of the party platform and ideology. For example, if there is a party that excuses bad behavior based on race, than that is racism. If there is a party that promotes and creates social programs that keep a group of people (especially minorities) in a certain educational and income bracket, and lifelong dependency, that is racism.

that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race
edit on 11-5-2013 by jimmyx because: addition

Liberals tend to shout racism, as one poster stated, to incite hatred and keeps the country divided.
edit on 11-5-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

Obama and his family has received 400% more death threats than any other president

how about the location of the most racists tweets a day after the 2012 election

and say.....the problem is "the racist mindset of liberals, black or white"

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by jimmyx
that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race

If it were class warfare, then poor people of every race would be treated the same but they're not. Some people can look at a poor white person and think "It's his own fault that he's still poor. If he'd just get up and try, he wouldn't be poor anymore." Meanwhile, they look at a poor black person and think "Well he just isn't able to do anything about being poor, we should help him." If the color of their skin isn't involved in your belief they need help, that's one thing. But treating someone like they can't make their own lives better and need you to help them based solely on the color of their skin is racism not class warfare. Telling someone that it's not his fault he can't do something, it's someone else's fault for keeping people like him poor for the last billion years, is racism not class warfare.
edit on 5/11/2013 by Jenna because: Used "they're" instead of 'their'.

i'm a white 60 year old man who has traveled in the south, and what has been said in front, and around me, is all I need to hear to confirm that racism is alive and well. your assertion that liberals actually tell black people they can't do something because of the color of their skin is absurd. maybe, just maybe, in some situations, that conclusion is reached AFTER eliminating all other possibilities.

Do you know how many times i heard someone on here say that line, I live in the south and i can say for sure that racism isn't alive and widespread as you say down here. I get tired of liberals repeating what CNN or MSNBC says instead of talking to a southern person one on one.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
i'm a white 60 year old man who has traveled in the south, and what has been said in front, and around me, is all I need to hear to confirm that racism is alive and well.

That's kinda what I just said..
I certainly didn't deny the existence of racism in the country, at any rate.

your assertion that liberals actually tell black people they can't do something because of the color of their skin is absurd. maybe, just maybe, in some situations, that conclusion is reached AFTER eliminating all other possibilities.

I never used the word "liberal", nor did I infer that I was speaking of any particular political ideology. I was making a general statement in reply to someone who believes that class warfare is to blame and not racism. Kindly re-read my post again with the understanding that I say exactly what I mean and don't bother hiding my intent behind flowery words. Had I wanted to point fingers at liberals, I would have.
edit on 5/11/2013 by Jenna because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Ancient Champion

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by jimmyx
that sounds more like class warfare than racism...racism means you hate all rich, and well educated, just as much as all the poor, and uneducated, of that particular race

If it were class warfare, then poor people of every race would be treated the same but they're not. Some people can look at a poor white person and think "It's his own fault that he's still poor. If he'd just get up and try, he wouldn't be poor anymore." Meanwhile, they look at a poor black person and think "Well he just isn't able to do anything about being poor, we should help him." If the color of their skin isn't involved in your belief they need help, that's one thing. But treating someone like they can't make their own lives better and need you to help them based solely on the color of their skin is racism not class warfare. Telling someone that it's not his fault he can't do something, it's someone else's fault for keeping people like him poor for the last billion years, is racism not class warfare.
edit on 5/11/2013 by Jenna because: Used "they're" instead of 'their'.

i'm a white 60 year old man who has traveled in the south, and what has been said in front, and around me, is all I need to hear to confirm that racism is alive and well. your assertion that liberals actually tell black people they can't do something because of the color of their skin is absurd. maybe, just maybe, in some situations, that conclusion is reached AFTER eliminating all other possibilities.

Do you know how many times i heard someone on here say that line, I live in the south and i can say for sure that racism isn't alive and widespread as you say down here. I get tired of liberals repeating what CNN or MSNBC says instead of talking to a southern person one on one.

I don't care if you get tired of hearing it. is it getting better or are people just more discreet about it? I've heard that in the larger cities, it is much better than it was a couple of decades ago. here in California, white people are migrating to the foothills just below the snow line, to "get away from those people". we have white supremacist groups here in California, too, and you are telling me racism isn't alive and well in the deep south?
here's a list

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 02:08 PM
everything is racist these days

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

I didn't say that racism didn't exist in the south, i was stating that it's not nearly as strong as it use be many years ago and i was countering your suggestion that the south is the source of racism. You can also cut the crap that Cali cities don't have racism in them because if anyone believes that then they are a fool.

posted on May, 11 2013 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by theboarman
everything is racist these days

This is my problem with some of the liberal ideologies and media...if someone that isn't black is not hired for a job, its because "they are black", and not because they were not qualified.

This is also a major problem with liberal black 'leaders" such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson...they did it with the Travon Martin case and with the Jenna (Louisiana) 6 case, where they excused 6 black males for beating up on a white male at a college because he hung a noose on a tree at their campus.

Granted, the symbol of a noose may incite negative imagery, but the nose wasn't hung to incite anger in blacks. Actually, the boys that hung the noose did so in friendly mockery toward a rival school rodeo-team.

Young people in the 1980's era and beyond do not harbor racism as those before them.

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