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Do Words Hurt?

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posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

All the effort to italicize, yet, 'sicks', remains.

Did they censor all your learny paper too ?

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

Words exist in the mind as words. When I perceive a word in my mind I perceive a word.
When my mind tells me I see a house then yes I have an house in my mind. Everything I sense goes through the mind, the mind can be easily tricked. The mind can tell me of the appearance of thoughts of things that are not what they seem as the case of optical illusions.

Words exist in the mind as thoughts. You can think about words. Actual words aren't existing in your head. This is common sense.

You do not have a house in your head. Houses are bigger than you, and therefore, no house can fit in your head. You have a thought about a house, not an actual house. Likewise, you have a thought about a word, not an actual word in your mind. This is common sense a child can understand.

There are hundreds of thousands of words and my mind does I do not know the meaning of them, the meaning is unknown to my mind. Foreign language is jibberishs to my mind . I do not try to communicate ideas in French words to English word speakers who do not know this language.
Persons(minds) who speak different languages to other persons(minds) that cannot understand those words don’t usally hurt others with their words they tend to confuse them as the foreign language is jibberish not recognized by the mind/person as “words”. Do those jibberish foreign letters hurt you ?No because the mind(person) is not separate from the jibberish (letters)that is appearing in it.
A reasoning mind will not replace words as we know them compare them to jiberish, or keep saying words exist outside the mind and don't hurt persons in cases of verbal abuse (that by your example, can hurt so much that it becomes intolerable to live).
I know you still want to say words are outside the mind therefore words don't have meaning but its just no the case.

A reasoning mind will not say he has houses in his head either, but nonetheless he does. Even if you do not understand the words, the words are spoken by someone who knows what they mean. That meaning does not travel with the words, as you so claim. If it did, you would understand it. It's really simple.

Words are outside of the mind until they become thoughts. I know you want to think you have actual words in your head, but it simply isn't the case.

The meaning of words is in the mind.
Where do you think words exist outside your mind?
How do you perceive words without your mind?

Finally some honesty! Yes the meaning of the word is in your mind, not the actual word. Meaning is but a thought, and we have power over our own thoughts, and consequently, the meaning of words.

To perceive words is to think about words—further evidence that words are only thoughts when perceived by minds.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:58 AM

Though it perfect for the title of this thread..

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

reply to post by LesMisanthrope

When you perceive a house you have a mental construct, a picture in your mind . Without the mind where is the house perceived ?
While in a dream state you think all the houses are real but it they are in your mind.
When in deep sleep is your house existent to you.

If you do not understand the foreign word( jibberish to your mind) when that sound in the mind is not recognized as a word the meaning is jibberish .
It is recognized by the mind as incoherent noise not a word.
In context of you thread, the bully's don't use a foreign language to verbally abuse as the words are chosen to be understood in the mind of the other person as to hurt the person.

Words are not outside the mind. I do not think when I hear a word that I have physical words in my mind, they are mental constructs.

How do you see without your mind?
How do you hear without your mind?
The meaning of words is in the mind .
Where do you think words exist outside your mind?
How do you perceive words without your mind?
To perceive words is to recognize them .

You think words outside the mind appear, how can they appear without the mind and where are they cognized outside the mind? Words appear and are recognized in the mind.

You don't have power over your thoughts they appear and you think you have power over them. When you use words to communicate to others persons you do not have the power to change the meaning and still expect others to know what you are talking about.Try changing the meanings of all the words you use.

Is it a reasonable thing to be pointing the finger at a made up idea of " meaningless words outside of the mind"?
When you cannot tell me where any of these 'meaningless words outside the mind' exist?
For who( what person) can sense words without mind?

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 04:56 PM


Words exist in the mind as thoughts. You can think about words. Actual words aren't existing in your head. This is common sense.

You do not have a house in your head. Houses are bigger than you, and therefore, no house can fit in your head. You have a thought about a house, not an actual house. Likewise, you have a thought about a word, not an actual word in your mind. This is common sense a child can understand.

I see you are still spewing nonsensical gibberish about words.

Words have many representational forms . . . sounds--phonemes, text, magnetized bits on tape etc.

AND . . . drum roll . . . bio-chemical/electrical representations, codings in the brain.

So, CERTAINLY we can say that words ARE in the brain . . . along with other symbols . . . e.g. tye Yield sign shape . . . stop sign shape etc.

You make it sound like "thoughts" are devoid of words as well as devoid of representational forms of words.


Have you ever had a single linguistics course?
Have you ever had a single psycho-linguistics course?
Have you ever had a single course in brain physiology?


A slight argument can be made that there are SOME VERY FEW instances of thoughts without words. Some visual people may well dream in images without a LOT of words associated with the images. And it may well be that some hyper-visual folks can have seconds or at least micro-seconds of thoughts in images without associated words. However, even that can be said to be fairly rare statistically, in terms of the general population averages.

Even most visual people immediately have words attached to their images . . . either about aspects, factors, details of the images and/or about feelings attached to the images.

HOWEVER, for all practical purposes, there are NO THOUGHTS WITHOUT WORDS in common daily life experiences, contexts, exchanges etc.

OF COURSE, the SENDER has a generalize but not 100% identical construction on a word's meaning that is congruent with the RECEIVER'S construction on the same word's meaning. That's MORE THAN SUFFICIENT to inflict PAIN deliberately

with . . . drum roll . . . WORDS.

Of course you'll likely continue your nonsensical, non-scientific blather about words, now. Carry on. By all means, carry on . . . this sort of mental masturbation may prevent crazier activities for however many people.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

The entire earth would be the prison; I suppose pediphiles in one separate place, serial killers in another and on and on free to feast upon one another but separate from other criminals. A free for all; but their prey is/are exactly the beings they are themselves

Not the whole world, this whole universe, this whole vibration, this whole dimenshion, is many things. But one of which you can say its an egg, another being a sort of prison. Why is it that you never see anything out there beyond your scope? Go ahead get off earth and spread to the corners of the galaxy...But what if...There is nothing there...Nothing anywhere.

Ive thought about why Earth was isolated in the first place, not only its local but the fact its three dimensional gross matter in form, not gaseous or frozen gas, Mars is the only other one but lost its atmosphere. I have no idea where we would go living in this low frequency. We'd have to rise (become lighter) or Earth forces us to as the prime generator of a higher vibration; that could be ugly resulting in many lives lost.

As George Carlin said. The earth just may shake us off like a bad case of fleas....So do you feel like a threat to the planet this week? May just be worst case scenario were earth leaves us behind at a faster rate then we can keep up. It could have happened to the martians for all anybody knows, and many other countless life and civilizations, as many as there are stars, in this experiment we call life.

Some believe Mars was a colony long ago and destroyed itself as a warring planet, much like the native americans could not get along with themselves, add the tweak of federal calvery armies, gone. We have seen every variation of life play out in history on this planet. Its astounding to think so many different civilizations have manifested here AT THE SAME TIME in different quarters on this planet. I think we have to be nearing a tipping point, that weve done it all, expirenced EVERY breakthough, strife, calamity imaginable. Science Fiction writing or parable is doing this without it actually having to happen as it happens virtually and not needed to happen in the actual.

Oh there is many, and much more to manifest that's for sure. In fact I dont think were the most potent or even the most breakthrough civilization that has manifested here. Were fiction and fact mix there is always a little room for boundaries to expand and eventually expound upon what and why it all expanded exponentially on.

I really do believe this entire planet was set up a 'living library' for many off planet beings to create freeform creature replicas of their own desire perhaps mimicking there own existance. These beings do not live in gross matter, they are of the etheral. We do the same thing today as humans with the film industry; we are them mirroring themselves. You would bring up the domestic chicken! Pet or edible foodstuff some 'God Ostrich of all feathered' decided to give to us as good joke,

Soul traps...Whats a soul some would ask. Anything that is but a mirror of your current self, the world around you, your existence your vibration is your soul its you looking in and out and through you. In Hollywood this is known as holding the audiences complete and full attention, everything around you is a mirror of your soul. Life love and death are all there to hold your attention, all while the cogs turn, and energy is ever created and released.

Is it not the same in Hollywood movies and even in all other mediums, somebody or some group creates something to "catch" the attention of others and there by ensnare and you can even say put a "spell" on them to reach certain ends, in hollywoods and many others case that end is $$$. The push and pull, the ebb and flow of life and this existence this whole world is exactly that only on a whole nother level, and its ends are different, yet you can say that the concept remains the same.

edit on 8pmThursdaypm282013f4pmThu, 28 Nov 2013 20:23:29 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:43 PM

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I see you are still spewing nonsensical gibberish about words.

And here comes mister janitor to clean it up.

Words have many representational forms . . . sounds--phonemes, text, magnetized bits on tape etc.

AND . . . drum roll . . . bio-chemical/electrical representations, codings in the brain.

So, CERTAINLY we can say that words ARE in the brain . . . along with other symbols . . . e.g. tye Yield sign shape . . . stop sign shape etc.

You make it sound like "thoughts" are devoid of words as well as devoid of representational forms of words.


Have you ever had a single linguistics course?
Have you ever had a single psycho-linguistics course?
Have you ever had a single course in brain physiology?


Ah a linguist. Then surely you know what a word is.

word |wərd|
a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
• a single distinct conceptual unit of language, comprising inflected and variant forms.
• (usu. words) something that someone says or writes; a remark or piece of information: his grandfather's words had been meant kindly | a word of warning.
• speech as distinct from action: he conforms in word and deed to the values of a society that he rejects.
• [ with negative ] (a word) even the smallest amount of something spoken or written: don't believe a word of it.
• (one's word) a person's account of the truth, esp. when it differs from that of another person: in court it would have been his word against mine.
• (one's word) a promise or assurance: everything will be taken care of—you have my word.
• (words) the text or spoken part of a play, opera, or other performed piece; a script: he had to learn his words.
• (words) angry talk: her father would have had words with her about that.
• a message; news: I was afraid to leave Washington in case there was word from the office.
• a command, password, or motto: someone gave me the word to start playing.
• a basic unit of data in a computer, typically 16 or 32 bits long.

Oxford English Dictionary

Full Definition of WORD
a :  something that is said

b plural (1) :  talk, discourse

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

WRONG again.

IF there was NO representation of WORDS


your brain, you'd have NO THOUGHTS with words, about words.

Yet again . . . what a brazenly stark FAIL about

. . . brain and thought physiology awareness . . .

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

IF there was NO representation of WORDS


your brain, you'd have NO THOUGHTS with words, about words.

Representation of words are not words, just like thoughts about cookies are not cookies. Again, tell me how smart you are and then prove the opposite. What does your courses say?

If you know anything about brain physiology, you've dissected a brain and found no words.

Grab a photo of the brain and point to me where those words exist.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 10:46 AM

reply to post by BO XIAN

Grab a photo of the brain and point to me where those words exist.

ACTUALLY . . . you are wrong AGAIN.

Some recent latest imaging technology research is almost at that point.

I think there's a thread on ATS about it. I forget the title.

= = =

However, you seem to have an ATSer "Olivet" 's style of blathering pontifically about your fantasies . . . so carry on. The mental gymnastics to support your fantasies about words must take a lot of time and energy. At least it's a reasonably harmless obsession.


edit on 29/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: added

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

Quote from Hermes Trismegistus on the fact sense and thought is united in men.

"Men think there is a difference between sense and thought, in that sense is connected with matter, and thought with incorporeal and eternal substance.But I hold that sense and thought are united and cannot be separated in the case of men.
Thought and speech are instruments of one another; speech cannot be understood without thought, and speech cannot be uttered without speech.
Speech and thought are infused into a man together,being intertwined with one another a man can neither think without perceiving , not perceive without thinking."

And you continue to think speech exists outside the mind and yet you cannot tell me how and by whom these "outside the mind words" are perceived or where they exist if you have no perception of them.
You mistake has been you separate words from meanings and the mind ( jibberish) and then make claims about things that do not exist outside the mind.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by veteranhumanbeing

The entire earth would be the prison; I suppose pediphiles in one separate place, serial killers in another and on and on free to feast upon one another but separate from other criminals. A free for all; but their prey is/are exactly the beings they are themselves.

Not the whole world, this whole universe, this whole vibration, this whole dimenshion, is many things. But one of which you can say its an egg, another being a sort of prison. Why is it that you never see anything out there beyond your scope? Go ahead get off earth and spread to the corners of the galaxy...But what if...There is nothing there...Nothing anywhere.

Wow we are really off topic here, not at the end of thread anymore apparently?! Alright, include the universe as well; not just this planet that vibrates in the 3rd dimension; but thats the point, its this planet only that does this (its not frozen gas or hot gas observable). Its a living thing with lifeforms existing and vibrating to it; otherwise we would not be here. We dont have the capacity to externalize to the higher realms; used to to but that ability was taken from us (nuetralized confinement from our God sourse).

Ive thought about why Earth was isolated in the first place, not only its local but the fact its three dimensional gross matter in form, not gaseous or frozen gas, Mars is the only other one but lost its atmosphere. I have no idea where we would go living in this low frequency. We'd have to rise (become lighter) or Earth forces us to as the prime generator of a higher vibration; that could be ugly resulting in many lives lost.

As George Carlin said. The earth just may shake us off like a bad case of fleas....So do you feel like a threat to the planet this week? May just be worst case scenario were earth leaves us behind at a faster rate then we can keep up. It could have happened to the martians for all anybody knows, and many other countless life and civilizations, as many as there are stars, in this experiment we call life.

It has been making clear those attempts lately. I think the earth is rising in fequency (YES) and those that cannot rise with it are dieing. The persons born of late, the last 30 years are more attune to this process than say my parents. I do believe there have been many civilizations living upon earth much more advanced that our worldwide cultures existing now. They destroyed themselves (by accident or they just left in mass exodus back to their home planets); the ancient Maya a good example of this happenned in Zero AD.

Some believe Mars was a colony long ago and destroyed itself as a warring planet, much like the native americans could not get along with themselves, add the tweak of federal calvery armies, gone. We have seen every variation of life play out in history on this planet. Its astounding to think so many different civilizations have manifested here AT THE SAME TIME in different quarters on this planet. I think we have to be nearing a tipping point, that weve done it all, expirenced EVERY breakthough, strife, calamity imaginable. Science Fiction writing or parable is doing this without it actually having to happen as it happens virtually and not needed to happen in the actual.

Oh there is many, and much more to manifest that's for sure. In fact I dont think were the most potent or even the most breakthrough civilization that has manifested here. Were fiction and fact mix there is always a little room for boundaries to expand and eventually expound upon what and why it all expanded exponentially on.

Expanding faster and faster, reached a weighing point and there is no stopping the hampster wheel speed up now.

I really do believe this entire planet was set up a 'living library' for many off planet beings to create freeform creature replicas of their own desire perhaps mimicking there own existance. These beings do not live in gross matter, they are of the etheral. We do the same thing today as humans with the film industry; we are them mirroring themselves. You would bring up the domestic chicken! Pet or edible foodstuff some 'God Ostrich of all feathered' decided to give to us as good joke,

Soul traps...Whats a soul some would ask. Anything that is but a mirror of your current self, the world around you, your existence your vibration is your soul its you looking in and out and through you. In Hollywood this is known as holding the audiences complete and full attention, everything around you is a mirror of your soul. Life love and death are all there to hold your attention, all while the cogs turn, and energy is ever created and released.

I couldnt agree with you more; we are captive audiences of our own dilemas shown to us (the hilarious part is we PAY MONEY to watch our shennanigans demonstrated to us) as an ENTERTAINMENT source FOR US humans!

Is it not the same in Hollywood movies and even in all other mediums, somebody or some group creates something to "catch" the attention of others and there by ensnare and you can even say put a "spell" on them to reach certain ends, in hollywoods and many others case that end is $$$. The push and pull, the ebb and flow of life and this existence this whole world is exactly that only on a whole nother level, and its ends are different, yet you can say that the concept remains the same.

The dollar part of it is what seems to me to be so incidious, no wonder the eastern religions view the west as tainted (unpure) gratification seekers; although if I were being given 'oil money' doles to the point I didnt have work for a living I could build that 10 story high soapbox (hypocrites). Its as you say the pushme pullyou llama of Dr. Doolittle fame, there must be friction to cause change (sometimes a little destruction helps the process along even more so).

edit on 29-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

ACTUALLY . . . you are wrong AGAIN.

Some recent latest imaging technology research is almost at that point.

I think there's a thread on ATS about it. I forget the title.

= = =

However, you seem to have an ATSer "Olivet" 's style of blathering pontifically about your fantasies . . . so carry on. The mental gymnastics to support your fantasies about words must take a lot of time and energy. At least it's a reasonably harmless obsession.

"You're wrong but I can't prove it!"

Let me know how your Dr. Phil career pans out. Who knows, analyzing the psychology of people you've never met through their internet posts may turn out to be a good party trick if you ever tire of talking about yourself.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

I agree with you and the person you quoted. The mind, the senses and the body are the same thing. But no words are in the body or in the senses. If there was, we'd be able to find it.

And you continue to think speech exists outside the mind and yet you cannot tell me how and by whom these "outside the mind words" are perceived or where they exist if you have no perception of them.
You mistake has been you separate words from meanings and the mind ( jibberish) and then make claims about things that do not exist outside the mind.

Yes, humans speak words and think about words. I have never argued the opposite.

Just like you could never find me a mind, you could never find me a word that exists in it. You are simply confessing your imagination, being unable to point to anything that verifies the presence of words in minds.

Perception is an ability, not a place where things exist. Things do not exist in abilities; things perform abilities.

To perceive is an action, not a place where things exist.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

The uttering of a cow doesn't affect how the chicken sees the world. Unless that is.. The chicken was raised by the cow.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 04:19 AM

Yes, humans speak words and think about words.

Words happen, speech mind happens. When language starts, language then takes on the ability to dialogue - it happens and then the dialogue continues regardless of whether there is anyone around to talk to or not. The wording is usually named thinking when the mouth is not moving.

Just like you could never find me a mind, you could never find me a word that exists in it. You are simply confessing your imagination, being unable to point to anything that verifies the presence of words in minds.

The mind being referred to is 'speech mind' - there is no such 'thing' as mind but there is wording - dialogue going on without the mouth moving.

Perception is an ability, not a place where things exist. Things do not exist in abilities; things perform abilities.

To perceive is an action, not a place where things exist.

Can wording happen outside of perception?

The perceiver and the perceived are not separate - they arise as one.
edit on 30-11-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

Again . . . you seem to have a problem with WORDS.

Haven't yet or won't vs can't.

Perhaps a dictionary would help. Though I'm beginning to be skeptical about that.

You seem to be suffering under the fantasy that your fantasies about words and their representation in the brain have been proven.


Evidently all your mirrors are broken, as well.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Wow we are really off topic here, not at the end of thread anymore apparently?! Alright, include the universe as well; not just this planet that vibrates in the 3rd dimension; but thats the point, its this planet only that does this (its not frozen gas or hot gas observable). Its a living thing with lifeforms existing and vibrating to it; otherwise we would not be here. We dont have the capacity to externalize to the higher realms; used to to but that ability was taken from us (nuetralized confinement from our God sourse).

A bit off topic I suppose. But then again the topic is words, and we are using words. So!

And I suppose I did not explain that all that well. But yes this place may be a focus point, but its like that one level in videogames were once you reach the end of the level, you somehow end back were you started at. The planet is kind of just here and in all vibrations, were the ones who trap ourselfs and project this whole thing outward. And yes it can be done, its not easy a real real pain in the ass but you can externalize to higher realms. Its kind of the modus operandi, most have only two directions to go. Up or Down. Higher or Lower.

It has been making clear those attempts lately. I think the earth is rising in fequency (YES) and those that cannot rise with it are dieing. The persons born of late, the last 30 years are more attune to this process than say my parents. I do believe there have been many civilizations living upon earth much more advanced that our worldwide cultures existing now. They destroyed themselves (

We shall see.

I couldnt agree with you more; we are captive audiences of our own dilemas shown to us (the hilarious part is we PAY MONEY to watch our shennanigans demonstrated to us) as an ENTERTAINMENT source FOR US humans!

Ya I know! Once you start to step outside of it. First it becomes a bit surreal, then a myriad of things from ridiculous funny to just sad and depressing and sick. Yes! You all pay money to watch shenanigans that you will do anyways. So in a way its like paying twice and constantly for them.

The dollar part of it is what seems to me to be so incidious, no wonder the eastern religions view the west as tainted (unpure) gratification seekers; although if I were being given 'oil money' doles to the point I didnt have work for a living I could build that 10 story high soapbox (hypocrites). Its as you say the pushme pullyou llama of Dr. Doolittle fame, there must be friction to cause change (sometimes a little destruction helps the process along even more so).

What can I say this world is full of love. Its all love, and many people love money, some love thrills, others love being worshiped, and yet other love being feared and impressing there fellow men with there possessions and impressing there will upon them. Some love life, and other love death, and everything between. Its all love you see. Its all just what there putting out, there main vibrations, it expands and moves throughout this world and eventually cements itself. Its also a majority connection and concession. Insanity and unsanity, it is and can be very much so prevalent. The world to a great degree is what you all make of it.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by BDBinc

In denial?


What's puzzling . . . is why.

Verbally &/or otherwise abused as a child? Seems at least moderately to very likely.

Abusive verbally and wants to rationalize it? Plausible.

Anyway--here's some interesting links on the brain and language . . .

- - - -

The Representation of Language in the Brain: In Honour of John C. Marshall: A Special Issue of Aphasiology (Special Issues of Aphasiology) Hardcover
by Chris Code (Editor)
Be the first to review this item

= = =

The Bilingual Brain: Cerebral Representation of Languages ☆
Franco Fabbro
IRCCS “E. Medea” Udine, Italy
University of Udine, Udine, Italy

The present article deals with theoretical and experimental aspects of language representation in the multilingual brain. Two general approaches were adopted in the study of the bilingual brain. The study of bilingual aphasics allows us to describe dissociations and double dissociations between the different subcomponents of the various languages. Furthermore, symptoms peculiar to bilingual aphasia were reported (pathological mixing and switching and translations disorders) which allowed the correlation of some abilities specific to bilinguals with particular neurofunctional systems. Another approach to the study of the bilingual brain is of the experimental type, such as electrophysiological investigations (electrocorticostimulation during brain surgery and event-related potentials) and functional neuroanatomy studies (positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging). Functional neuroanatomy studies investigated the brain representation of languages when processing lexical and syntactic stimuli and short stories. Neurophysiologic and neuroimaging studies evidenced a similar cerebral representation of L1 and L2 lexicons both in early and late bilinguals. The representation of grammatical aspects of languages seems to be different between the two languages if L2 is acquired after the age of 7, with automatic processes and correctness being lower than those of the native language. These results are in line with a greater representation of the two lexicons in the declarative memory systems, whereas morphosyntactic aspects may be organized in different systems according to the acquisition vs learning modality.

Color emphasis added. THAT is talking about REPRESENTATIONS OF
WORDS in the brain.

I won't hold my breath for an apology.

= = =

Language and the Brain: Representation and Processing (Foundations of Neuropsychology) Hardcover
by Yosef Grodzinsky (Editor) , Lewis P. Shapiro (Editor) & 1 more

= = =


= = =


. . .

Language can also be studied using brain imaging techniques. Positron emission tomography studies show that many of the expected areas of the brain have increased blood flow during language tasks, but there are also areas on both hemispheres that are activated. Therefore, it appears that even the hemisphere that is not dominant for language (usually the right side) has some involvement in language. Actually, people have problems communicating the emotions involved with language when they have damage to the right side of the brain in the area where on the left side it is used for language. This disorder is called an "aprosodia."


= = =

Brain Lang. 2000 Sep;74(2):238-59.
Language representation in the human brain: evidence from cortical mapping.
Bhatnagar SC, Mandybur GT, Buckingham HW, Andy OJ.

Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, USA.

The manner in which the human brain processes grammatical-syntactic and lexical-semantic functions has been extensively debated in neurolinguistics. The discreteness and selectivity of the representation of syntactic-morphological properties in the dominant frontal cortex and the representation of the lexical-semantics in the temporo-parietal cortex have been questioned. Three right-handed adult male neurosurgical patients undergoing left craniotomy for intractable seizures were evaluated using various grammatical and semantic tasks during cortical mapping. The sampling of language tasks consisted of trials with stimulation (experimental) and without stimulation (control) from sites in the dominant fronto-temporo-parietal cortex The sampling of language implicated a larger cortical area devoted to language (syntactic-morphological and lexical-semantic) tasks. Further, a large part of the fronto-parieto-temporal cortex was involved with syntactic-morphological functions. However, only the parieto-temporal sites were implicated with the ordering of lexicon in sentence construction. These observations suggest that the representation of language in the human brain may be columnar or multilayered.

Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

Color emphasis added . . . lexicon = dictionary . . . of . . . drum roll . . . WORDS.

= = =


= = =


= = =

Enough for now.

In short . . . yes, of course . . . WORDS ARE

represented in the brain as meaningful components of LANGUAGE . . .

And, actually, syntax is represented in the brain, too. It's not just the basic phonemes and letters comprising words that ARE represented in the brain . . . but the way a given language arranges words in syntax is also represented in the wiring of the brain.

Of course, some brains may well still deny such facts.

edit on 30/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: tags

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