posted on May, 4 2013 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by ratcals
I would be willing to say that this is BS on the whole.
863 people chosen at random is not an adequate sample audience for this kind of national opinion poll.
In addition, the polling was conducted by "Opinion America Group", this organization has a place holder website with nothing but their name on it.
The registration of that website with Go Daddy is also secret.
These facts make this poll completely irrelevant. If you are running a reputable polling company you don't add to the suspicion about it by being so
secretive and offering no information at all about the company.
There are far too many opportunities here for someone to make assertions based on their own beliefs - basically this could completely 100% biased, it
could even be completely fictional.
But, I fully expect many here to just swallow all of this "data" without even doing some very basic checking of who is making the statement, because
so many here seem to love speculation and completely abhor actual facts!