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Originally posted by Vasa Croe
Now you are talking about educational standards....completely different than the previous argument. Sure the public education system may be better in the UK and other countries through grade school, but that has nothing to do with the argument at hand and with what you have previously stated about Americans believing crazy things.
That article on ranking is also not taking into account private school systems, only public, and only through the equivalent of high school graduation.
So....if Americans are so crazy and uneducated then how do we consistently rank above all other countries in terms of the top Universities in the World? And not just by a little....we ran 40 schools in the top 100 in the World...
Originally posted by sulaw
reply to post by Shadow Herder
29 % of Americans lack the ability to think for themselves or intelligently.
The problem is that people subconsciously are aware that their lives are pointless, they are useless, powerless, unoriginal, and quite pathetic. This is a growing awareness. People now want collapse, chaos, aliens, terrorism as to add some meaning or purpose to their lives.
Idiots buy guns and use them, others have to buy guns to protect from those idiots not knowing that they too have the tendencies of the idiot. So as you can see there are too many idiots. Too many people drink, own guns and have no purpose in life. they begin to form the delusion that big government is coming for there ultra important lives and snooping on there web-porn habits.
As you can see that the nation is paranoid and lacking understanding and true knowledge
Wow~ With an outlook on life like that.... I mean who has a Fight Club Brad pitt in retro colors ... Unoriginal.... So I clump you into the same category as your post. And nobody is better than anyone else. Not even if you are a non drinking, non gun owning and have given yourself a freak sense of self entitlement.
Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
I find it interesting that people are ignoring this:
The most recent survey by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind was conducted by telephone from April 22 through April 28, 2013 using a randomly selected sample of 863 registered voters nationwide
Yup. 29% of 863 people surely represents the entire voting population. Dear god. I could poll more people on my way home from work than this poll used as a sample size.
Oh and lets not forget this tidbit:
the survey finds that overal l, a quarter (25%) of Americans think that facts about the shootings at Sandy Hook elementary last year are being hidden and an additional eleven percent are unsure.
I assure you, 25% of the voting american population does NOT believe that.
Go ahead, follow my source link, has the questions asked, the methodology, all of it.
A sample size less than 1000? Sorry, not worth a dime. Oh, but it's done completely randomly and computer generated for random land line calls nationally.
I call shenanigans and I'd like to see ACTUAL demographics, was this an actual random national sample? Sure doesn't feel like it to me. In fact, it almost seems like maybe they polled Austin Texas exclusively.....
Originally posted by MrSpad
I would like to meet these 29 percent who think that a lovely Syrian style civil war would be something they would enjoy. I wonder if they would prefer the complete loss of all their freedoms at the hands of whoever grabbed power in their neck of the woods, the mass starvation, complete economic collapse of not only the US but a good chunk of the world, and several generations of people fighting over whatever resources are left with other nations hopping in and taking whatever natural resources they want. I would guess these people have complete lack of historical knowledge, no common sense, low IQs or are a little crazy. Most likely a mix of all of them.
Originally posted by ratcals
I did a search and found nothing. I cannot believe this hasn't been posted yet because this is exactly the kind of thing many of the people here envision happening.
Pollaganda uses outcome-based opinion samples (polling instruments designed to generate a preferential outcome) reflecting prior-opinion indoctrination or cultivation by the media. The results are then used to manipulate public opinion further by advancing the perception that a particular opinion on an issue enjoys majority support. The MSM then presents this "data" as if it were "news."
Public Policy Polling (PPP) should be ashamed of themselves
I believe its fairly common knowledge that PPP is a biased propaganda outlet for the DNC.
Public Policy Polling doesn’t like being called out for its blatant bias and idiocy, you see.
@ppppolls And you want people to believe you are a non-partisan polling org? Why not just admit you are bought and paid for my the DNC—
In one example, PPP were accused of “cheerleading” for Obama after announcing that Obama had extended his lead in Ohio beyond the margin of his 2008 victory, leading to claims that the agency was “paid by the SEIU” and exhibiting “blatant bias and idiocy.”
Others have accused PPP of deliberately including flagrantly bias questions in their surveys that are designed to elicit an overwhelmingly positive response in favor of Obama.
Lol, if there was ever any doubt that PPP is a corrupt mouthpiece for the DNC and guilty of agenda polling at it's worst, the +9 Republican sample in this poll shows it in all it's glory. Even in 2010 Republicans were only +3 in turnout and PPP has them +9? PPP you are a joke.
Why do think PPP even cares about their credibility? PPP exists to get Obama re-elected. Credibility is meaningless. All that matters to PPP is getting Obama re-elected. People need to stopping reading and quoting PPP polls. They are bias on purpose. They are garbage. PPP polls are Obama propaganda.
Originally posted by Helious
Hey Shadow, despite what you may think, violence actually does solve problems.
Originally posted by nunya13
Here's my problem with the idea of any kind of revolution right now: It wouldn't be a revolution; it would be a civil war.
We're not talking about the people fighting against a corrupt government here. We're talking about people who hold certain political ideologies wanting to violently remove those with opposing views from office. Fighting over ideologies doesn't get any one anywhere and only opens the door to tyranny.
I could easily get behind some kind of uprising in which the people finally woke up to the fact that our politicians, regardless of political orientation, are all corrupted and in collusion with the corporations, who fill their pockets, to siphon the wealth in the country up to the those at the top.
Our problem isn't socialism, communism, theocracy, Naziism, or anything like that. It's corporatism. The government and the corporations are colluding with each other in a quid-pro-quot relationship to ensure their continued survival, respectively. Meanwhile, the corporate-owned media is pumping out the propaganda that gives the illusion that it is a conservative or liberal problem in order to keep us distracted from identifying the real enemy that is tearing this country apart.
That enemy isn't your tree-hugging neighbor. It isn't your gun-toting uncle. It's the corrupted, money-hungry politicians and corporations (and by proxy, the lobbyists) who are passing legislation after legislation that ensures their continued wealth and positions of power while the masses are left to squabble of pennies in the street.