posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 06:24 PM
I'm so very, very sorry. There's nothing anyone can say, no words at all, to alleviate the pain you & your wife are feeling. You will never forget
your daughter, you may, in time, go on to have other children but none will fill the void of this loss. Of course you will love others as much as you
do this little mite but she will forever be your first child who will live on in your hearts. I'm not a religious person but I will pray for you to
receive some peace of mind & soul. Until that happens go on & rant. Yell, cry, scream, get it all out, hold your wife & cry together. Don't get
lost in your grief & forget one another, don't forget that the other is in as much pain. You created a life together & lost that life together.
Peace be with you both.