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Why the biblical religions are dangerous?

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posted on May, 8 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by logical7

Originally posted by logical7
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Energy, will, physicality.

you believe a 'will' created the universe?

I can see where my wording would raise some confusion. In certain cases of nonsentient mobility, "will" can be replaced with "function", comparable to the rotation of atoms. This movement is not consciously driven, but rather a result of nuclear interactions. In short, the fabric of existence itself (in this universe, at least) possesses the codes necessary to dictate the functions of all manifestations according to the precise parameters of their moment-to-moment existence. The most elaborate source code currently unknown to man, if you will. Where did this code come from? I have no idea. It could be one of an infinite number of possibilities, a spare few of which - including this one - actually managed to succeed for a few hundred billion years. Just a guess.

But in accordance with the character profile of the Judaic god, I firmly disagree with the possibility of such a being not only existing precisely as explained in the Bible, but also being the sole ruler of this universe.
edit on 8-5-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

Originally posted by Fromabove
reply to post by studythem1

Do you think you could say a bad word or two about Islam ? Maybe say some insulting or hateful things about Muhammad as well? Go ahead and just give it a go and see how they react. As a Christian I will tell you that with us you're pretty safe. But you do that against the religion of peace (pun intended) and they will probably torture you, rape you, and then behead you. What do you think, can you do a hateful thread on the evils of Islam and why the Quran is dangerous ?

Oh, I see... I didn't think so.

edit on 8-5-2013 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

You may have either neglected to read the OP or you might have misread it. What specifically did you find offensive about the post? It's very accurate, and there are a variety of supporting sources on the matter. You may find yourself amazed at reviewing the Abrahamic God as one would objectively look at Hinduism, for example.

I'm particularly puzzled as to why you brought up Islam. You do know that God is also, the god of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses and Jesus too? Like yours derives from Judaism, Islam derives from yours. So, in effect, the OP was 'insulting' Islam too.

To better understand why the OP wrote this, read up on the origins of Yahweh as a deity. Once you've done that, open up one for the god Ares, one for Mars, one for Horus, one for Indra, etc. Compare and contrast. They were and are all war gods, hence why holding fast to religious fundamentalism is dangerous to the core.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes

Yes, I can see it also. It is a good subject.

Any "Creator" that may or may not exist is irrelevant to the fact that there is certainly (in my opinion) a unifying force in the universe.

I think it is "love".

Fascinating that you should mention that, wildtimes. Experience this way is what prevents me from being an atheist. Though I'm sure I could have been a good one.

Though, unlike religious people, I just don't claim to know the truth of it and am very cautious, due to how easily humans seem to become delusional in their beliefs. In fact, I am open to the possibility such things are a mishap of neurons and synapses. Yet, some things can be so profound, there is no choice but to keep an open mind on it.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by studythem1
Has anyone ever studied the BIBLE (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) manual, like they've studied topics regarding 911? Probably not! There are lots and lots of spiritual truths to the BIBLE; once your religious mind gets past all the types and shadows, of things that were to come. There are lots and lots of principles, that if one follows, will bear certain fruit, in one's life. For example, the BIBLE says: "do not borrow because the borrow becomes slave to the lender". And what does mankind do? Borrows and has to work a second job. Then, mankind says: why do i never seem to be able to get ahead? When the BIBLE says, to bring your tithes to the storehouse, so you'll have more. But, mankind would rather spend his money on sporting events, lottery tickets, drugs, alcohol and interest rates. lol The BIBLE also says: discipline your child while there is hope. What does mankind do? Forbids parents from disciplining their child; leaving the parent wondering while their child is hopeless and out of control. It is impossible to read the BIBLE without being willing to go down the spiritual rabbit hole.

You can look at God's word, as some kind of murderous, I shall smite thee book, if you want to; but, that goes to show, you've never studied to show yourself approved. God does not reveal His word, until you seek His way of doing things. Unfortunately, mankind isn't willing to do things His way. Mankind has always done things: "The HARD WAY".

Today's mankind calls right, wrong; and wrong, right; while wondering why "Lord" why? Or shall i say: why "Oh" why. Stop planting apple seeds expecting oranges. God is not a genie in a bottle. Whatever you shall sow, you shall reap. Learn how to work the earth with spiritual seed. The "illuminati" are working it. they just happen to be working it in reverse. They're actually using your lack of knowledge, regarding God's principles, against you; while reaping the benefits of it. It's simplistically complicated. Evilly genius.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

And you are right, but why is it that religious people have a hard time accepting information outside of their own comfort zone, I understand that religion requires blind faith, but you must understand this does not come easy for some people, I for one have a hard time believing that humans at this point in our evolution, meaning our intellectual and emotional intelligences; could even grasp what ever this god or any god would have in mind for us if we cant even understand the basic people skills. I mean we are talking about an entire universe or even universes here.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by WonderBoi

yes i have, if you read my OP, i stated i was a seminary student, and my basis for this topic was based largely off of the anomalies present in the bible. the same bible that theologians claim is the unerrant word of god, but at the same time depicts a murdering tyrant as god, a definition i refuse to accept as the correct definition of god. it better fits as a psychological tool to prepare the mind for tyranny and abuse rather than a good guide for granted there are some great humanist ideas that are presented by the judahites as far as human rights go, but these were not limited simply to judah in its day, they were also present in other societies and even in societies predating the "golden age" of solomon reported by the bible.

i am saying that more study has to be done, but that the bible cannot be, because of its inherent problems, be the de facto source for all things that happened at the time. there are discrepencies between what it chronicles and what actually happened according to the archeological record, the study of human migration patterns and habits of the day, and the geopolitical landscape of the time. all this data must be included into the historical analysis if we are to get a clear picture of what actually happened. now did some of the events in the bible happen as they were depicted? yes and no. some of the time frames reported in the bible do not fit the archeological strate, so some things were made up to fit the physical evidence people could see at the time, and some of the events did not happen to the grand scale that was reported. the others can be explained by phenomena that established science is not ready to tackle because it it outside their own prescribed circles of influence and power, therefore there are two forces at play hindering the public at large from being exposed to the complete truth of what occurred in all its detail during the reported events of the bible.

we have clues, but many of those clues both defy established science (which is another religion) and biblical scholarly circles. so you have two suppressive forces clouding the truth. i am simply pointing out that because of the psychology inherent in the bible and in established science (which abuses the scientific method just s much as bible historians do) that they are obviously working together to keep people in the dark.

faith is one of those words that gets misused a LOT. faith comes from the latin "fedare". this means trust. trust is something you gain, something you can say you have in someone after repeated demonstrations of their actions, not from blindly following someone because they say "trust me".

if a mobster came up to you and wanted to scam you, or set you up, the first thing they usually repeat is "trust me" when of course they have not demonstrated repeatedly that they deserve it. the same psychology is present in the bible, that we must trust before there is a demonstration that trust is worthy. this is insane. its the same mentality that US congress repeatedly wants the public to adopt when they draft bills that they refuse to disclose the contents of until after a bill is passed (which has been tried many times) and is also an indication of the same kind of hoodwinking going on.

again, this is not an attack on anyone who believes, or on the creator, it is merely pointing out that spiritual movements have been hijacked by governments, tyrants, and to make people aware of this phenomenon that can be shown with historical evidence as well as anecdotal. to expose the psychology of these mind control tools, and show the parallels between them and other tools that the NWO uses against people to control them. i still contend that the real creator does not reside in the box that the bible wants to use as a restriction device. i further contend that if the character that claims to be god was an actual being, that it was not the creator, but an impostor. call it demon, or alien, or both, but it was someone who was bloodthirsty, tyrannical, and had immense technological power, enough so that a bronze age populace would easily mistaken it for the power of god.

now, if it was true that "aliens" (not little green men, but human like non natives of this planet) did pose as gods, and specifically as the god of the bible, then do we have evidence? yep. many abductees describe in almost exact detail, what is reported in the bible to be angels, but they do not give people the warm fuzzies. and they tend to be in collusion with other creatures that are a mixed bag when it comes to the fear/trust element. i for one do not take these accounts lightly. nor do i take other accounts lightly that still defy the realm of science. well documented cases are the only real sources we have for these anomalies. the other weird pseudo scientific accounts are distractions from the truth.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by studythem1

I think there is more than enough evidence to very strongly suggest that the language itself that we use to communicate, and the etymology of it, has been strongly influenced by religious ideologies.

I think that bible book thingy makes a little more sense after you do what it all says.

It says: "Judge not, lest thee be judged", and then it judges. So, if you are going to judge it, at least judge it by it's own standards. Take the verses of the book, and apply them to the verses of the book.

Lose Cipher?

"In the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by WonderBoi
It is impossible to read the BIBLE without being willing to go down the spiritual rabbit hole.

It's simplistically complicated. Evilly genius.

beautifully stated.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by ILikeStars

exactly, and this is where the anomalies begin...but it also becomes clear when we compare it to the other data available...

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove
reply to post by studythem1

Do you think you could say a bad word or two about Islam ? Maybe say some insulting or hateful things about Muhammad as well? Go ahead and just give it a go and see how they react. As a Christian I will tell you that with us you're pretty safe. But you do that against the religion of peace (pun intended) and they will probably torture you, rape you, and then behead you. What do you think, can you do a hateful thread on the evils of Islam and why the Quran is dangerous ?

Oh, I see... I didn't think so.

edit on 8-5-2013 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

it was never my intent to be hateful to christians or jews. but i have written tons of things about islam. i think there is a strong case for muhammad being abducted against his will and his mind being tampered with. this can be explained in a parallel occurrence in our day of people kidnapping other people and using abusive mind control on them. they then are able to access a part of the mind where they can implant complete verbatim volumes of information that the subject can recite word for word, even with the same inflection. this has been well documented from people who have escaped mind control and "deprogrammed". but even that information has to be sifted through. so we have a modern example of mind control being possible and providing the same results as Muhammad reciting the Quran.

but who would do this? as i stated before, there is very limited, but strong evidence to suggest that beings with immense technological power were present in our world in these ancient days and it resides within the texts in question, both the bible and quran. i personally think the evidence is strong enough to indicate they posed as angels and gods, and systematically manipulated the population in their evil experiments. i also know there is modern evidence that is consistent with the description of these beings that is outside of the bible, (many times from people who do not even know the similarity of their descriptions of abduction to the narratives of encounters with these beings in the bible, almost identical in description) and can not only verify that what is described as angels in both the Bible and Quran are one in the same, but that raises many more questions about their purpose, and it does not seem to be good at all. it all seems to be about control and manipulation. but that usually they stand off in the distance, in the shadows out of view. they create dogma and ideology, and a whole contrived apparatus to conceal their manipulation. one example is the common belief in demons and angels, and in islam as djin. these labels are thrown out to keep them mysterious and inaccessible. this is why many christians and muslims refer to these beings by these labels becasue of their conditioning, so they do not look at the similarities and dismiss them as something inaccessible or even forbidden. it is the same mentality of the wizard of oz saying "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". this behavior is also consistent with the powers that move behind all governments and religions...

this may seem like bashing, but it is only connecting dots people do not want to connect. part of that is because of the religious conditioning they have, and part of it is because of a lack of personal evidence.

i merely see things other people dont because i choose not to ignore the dots, and find they can be connected very easily.

so there...just because i take a break from ATS does not mean i am running with my tail between my means i have not had the time to backtrack and read all the responses. and im sure there are some replies i have not read yet where the author of such a reply thinks i am avoiding them also, but i just cant be omniscient and omnipresent...i will however get around to it all eventually, when i find the time. that however, is a prime commodity these days.
edit on 12-5-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

i think that screwing others over is also due to conditioning on the one hand, and the exaggerated disparity between classes on the other...and it is largely condoned by the very bible that says on the one hand to love thy neighbor, but on the other hand condoned the wholesale slaughter of populations in the name of god, and in the idea that these people who murdered others were somehow chosen or special...when one places themselves above others to that point, then i have to question their morality...yet we see many times that the same people who claim morality comes from biblical guidance only, love to ignore the anomalies in the morality of the heroes of their faith...and this is consistently ignored or brushed off as human weakness, when in fact it was conditioning and propaganda that led them to commit atrocities in the name of god and call it "morality"

it is not just men corrupting religion, but creating it to control others and confuse them that is the problem...this doesn't disprove or prove the existence of a creator, but simply shows that the religions and texts attributed to the creator are shams...
edit on 12-5-2013 by studythem1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by honested3

well it does exits, it can be dated, and it has other texts to verify that these were indeed the names of canaanite gods, and that they were in use not only then, but in later times...

De Dea Syria was one text in greek, but there were others before it that translated the canaanite gods into terms the greeks could understand around the time of the greek and persian conflict, when alexander moved into the region. this link connects the dots between the common practices of the canaanites and the continued practice of their religion even in the day of alexander, and beyond into the roman empire. it definitely throws a wrench into the biblical account of what really was going on. and both this and the ugartic texts can be dated and do exist.

this means that the bible cannot be the only text book for what happened in that time. in order for your analogy to stand up, one has to assume that the bible is the only text book worth basing any of this other information off of. which is ludicrous. there are tons of other pieces evidence in archeology and in literature contemporary to the biblical texts and even predating them, to point the other direction, that once again you seem comfortable with ignoring, yet want to use the argument of scientific method to stand on, when you do the exact opposite, by ignoring anything outside the bible...

follow the rabbit hole, dont just ignore the data, look at it all...

is it too much to ask? doesnt paul himself say to put away childish things? that milk is for babies but meat is for adults? i know i am paraphrasing, but herein lies the problem, the religious tend to still want to be babies and sheep, spoon fed and led around, instead of feeding themselves like adults...this is yet another anomaly that points to the manipulation of religion, that says one thing, but the psychology of it conditions the mind to be as babies and sheep...doesnt that kind of a label even disturb you? that the religious authorities would refer to you as a sheep or a baby?

in my experience, only those that want to control people attempt to keep them dumbed down and confined to the label or mindset of sheep and babies...and this parallel can also be drawn in modern day psychoanalysts/philanthropists scheme to do the same with the modern population, to keep them dumbed is so obvious it gives me a headache to even repeat it...

read this

Control through education

and then read the documents (in their own words) of these control freaks that are doing these things...they hold the same views of people in general, that they are sheep, children, and should be kept as such in order to play out their agenda for world control...

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:49 AM

Text do you have any sources outside of scripture to prove your point? have you even looked at the archaeological evidence from back then? do you even care? or would it only be beneficial to you if it supported the few verses you copied and pasted... you cannot prove the truth by using just one has to be from several...and if they dont agree, you find what does agree between all of them...not just one being the thing you try and force the others to match, but even more than that, if more outside sources disagree, then guess what...the single source you decided to base your argument on, becomes a very weak argument indeed... do some homework and then support your verses with external contemporary proof ( that means from the same time period that theologians claim these verses were written) before trying to make me take it as the final word...but i bet you cant find any proof other than these verses to support themselves...
reply to post by studythem1

I am sorry it took me so long to get back to your thread but will try to answer the best as I know how . I can read into your remarks as a very angry person. I stated at the beginning of my rant with the words of "I respectfully disagree" - I intended that to mean exactly as I had written it. I respectfully still disagree with your mind set and I would appreciate it if you could show the same temperament to others as they show to you. I am not angry but simply disappointed with your lack of understanding those who disagree with you.

You are not clear at all as to what you demand as proof of what I had written. In the first place what I wrote was nothing more than theology which is just theology. There is no proof in theology that I know . If there were then it would not be theology. The Hebrew tribes were all siblings at their onset of existence and there are numerous authors of archaeology who describe their existence. Hershel Shanks of biblical archaeology magazine is but one but is highly regarded as one of the best sources. I have subscribed to Biblical Archaeology for several decades and find this source as the most interesting to me.

In the science of archaeology there is much disagreement among their own and you should know that if you are as you have claimed. In dating alone you have vast differences between sources and any one who has wet their feet readily knows you must choose one source and use that source as your time line. You can never be clear if you jump all about with various sources to prove your time line. If you did you would be hopelessly lost in a quagmire of figures and reach nothing of value.

The same is with theology. I used the Geneva manuscripts simply because that is what I chose as my timeline and you are free to use your own source. The Geneva timeline agrees with the 1611 KJ timeline but does not agree with most modern timelines but that is my choice based upon my schooling. I hold no malice towards you if your choice differs from mine.

I also use the Jewish Timeline Encyclopedia for all of my sources of dates as well as information both theological and archaeological. This satisfies my schooling in this matter of unification of the Hebrew tribes. If I read other sources I do not dwell on their own opinions of timely events but only scan that which I find can add to my own present understanding. Now if there is a groundbreaking event that can be proven, then and only then will I accept it as part my retainable knowledge.

Now that I have explained some of what I believe you chastised me for, I am still unclear as to what you mean as outside sources as proof in the theological world or even the archaeological world. The entire science field is chucked full of scientists who disagree one with the other and the field changes daily in so called proof. It may not be called change but in the real world it is change.

You wrote - Quote "do some homework and then support your verses with external contemporary proof ( that means from the same time period that theologians claim these verses were written) before trying to make me take it as the final word...but i bet you cant find any proof other than these verses to support themselves." Unquote --

There are about 40 (forty) different people who wrote the present day bibles and perhaps more. What more theological proof do you need? Even though their manuscripts are compiled into one book makes no difference to the theology of the source. These same 40 (forty) manuscripts depict both religion and archaeology and at vast time lines. What more do you want in this theological realm? These were also outside books at one time. And you demand more outside books? Give me a list of your sources and enlighten me instead of challenging .

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Seede

If 40 people tell me that water is flammable, and then I test it and discover that water is not in fact flammable, then I can conclude that 40 people are delusional or ignorant.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Text If 40 people tell me that water is flammable, and then I test it and discover that water is not in fact flammable, then I can conclude that 40 people are delusional or ignorant.
reply to post by AfterInfinity

There really is no need to be impertinent when asked for reliable sources to verify your rants, For your information water is flammable and can be verified by science. I suggest you look into this matter as it may astound you to realize that those forty people who told you that water can burn were not wrong. If water does not burn then you are the one who does not know the procedure in how to make water burn. Not being able to make fire water does not make those forty people dumb but shows your own lack of knowledge.

That same example shows me that your not willing to open your mind to the realization that ancient people were very intelligent and perhaps more so than the modern cultures of today. There is nothing new under the sun as was said by the wisest man who has ever lived and shall ever live. This can not be proven but only believed by some. It is called Theology. I don't think we need to converse on this matter any further. Have a good day and as much of the best to you as you deserve.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Seede

There really is no need to be impertinent when asked for reliable sources to verify your rants, For your information water is flammable and can be verified by science. I suggest you look into this matter as it may astound you to realize that those forty people who told you that water can burn were not wrong. If water does not burn then you are the one who does not know the procedure in how to make water burn. Not being able to make fire water does not make those forty people dumb but shows your own lack of knowledge.

That same example shows me that your not willing to open your mind to the realization that ancient people were very intelligent and perhaps more so than the modern cultures of today. There is nothing new under the sun as was said by the wisest man who has ever lived and shall ever live. This can not be proven but only believed by some. It is called Theology. I don't think we need to converse on this matter any further. Have a good day and as much of the best to you as you deserve.

I said water, not breaking the chemical bond and toasting the two separated gases. Water does not burn. Throw a bucketful on a fire and the water doesn't combust. Judging by the stars, I'd say people agree with me. Also, I don't see how I was impertinent or in any way deserve the way you just treated me. If you don't like people disagreeing with you, you're in the wrong place pal. And for someone lecturing me on having an open mind, you don't seem to take challenges very well.

I made a simple observation and this is what I get.

edit on 13-5-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

You may have heard about an invention created by a 63-year-old named John Kanzius that claims to create an alternative fuel out of salt water. Through sheer serendipity, Kanzius, a former broadcast engineer, found out something incredible -- under the right conditions, salt water can burn at high temperatures.
Kanzius' journey toward surprise inspiration began with a leukemia diagnosis in 2003. Faced with the prospect of debilitating chemotherapy, he decided he would try to invent a better alternative for destroying cancerous cells. What he came up with is his radio frequency generator (RFG), a machine that generates radio waves and focuses them into a concentrated area. Kanzius used the RFG to heat small metallic particles inserted into tumors, destroying the tumors without harming normal cells.
But what­ does cancer treatment have to do with burning salt water?
During a demonstration of the RFG, an observer noticed that it was causing water in a nearby test tube to condense. If the RFG could make water condense, it could theoretically separate salt out of seawater. Perhaps, then, it could be used to desalinize water, an issue of global proportions. The old seaman's adage "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink" applies inland as well: Some nations are drying up and their populations suffering from thirst, yet the world is 70 percent ocean water. An effective means of removing salt from salt water could save countless lives. So it's no surprise that Kanzius trained his RFG on the goal of salt water desalinization.
During his first test, however, he noticed a surprising side effect. When he aimed the RFG at a test tube filled with seawater, it sparked. This is not a normal reaction by water.
Kanzius tried the test again, this time lighting a paper towel and touching it to the water while the water was in the path of the RFG. He got an even bigger surprise -- the test tube ignited and stayed alight while the RFG was turned on.
News of the experiment was generally met with allegations of it being a hoax, but after Penn State University chemists got their hands on the RFG and tried their own experiments, they found it was indeed true. The RFG could ignite and burn salt water. The flame could reach temperatures as high as 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit and burn as long as the RFG was on and aimed at it.
But how could salt water possibly ignite? Why don't careless litterbugs who flick lit cigarette butts into the sea set the whole planet aflame? It all has to do with hydrogen. In its normal state, salt water has a stable composition of sodium chloride (the salt) and hydrogen and oxygen (the water). But the radio waves from Kanzius' RFG disrupt that stability, degrading the bonds that hold the chemicals in salt water together. This releases the volatile hydrogen molecules, and the heat output from the RFG ignites them and burns them indefinitely.
So will our cars soon run on salt water instead of gasoline? Read the next page for some of the hurdles that would have to be overcome for salt water to fuel cars.

Watch your cigarette buts around salt water cause you never know when science will change their science.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Seede

ok...what i dont get is that afterinfinity said that hydrogen is the combustible gas, and water has to be broken down into its separate molecules in order to have it be flammable...but then to refute that statement you say the exact same thing as he did, but instead (to make yourself sound important), you cut and pasted something that came out of a publication like scientific american or some such thing...when he already said the same thing in short summary and well enough for a three year old to understand...there was no need for that...

i also dont understand how you can not listen to what he says, but people are supposed to listen to what you say (especially in light of the above statement i just made)...

and furthermore, i do not understand why it is ok to scrutinize someone else's statement, then refute it by saying the same EXACT thing, and then on top of that claim that biblical theology is exempt from scrutiny, because it just has to be believed...even without the slightest shred of external proof or repeatability at all...even if it defies all reason and truth...

seems like the same thing the govt tells us, that the official story is all that matters, and we should not scrutinize it...

but guess what? the minute you scrutinize the govts official story it is full of holes, and also the minute you scrutinize biblical theology, it is also full of huge gaping craters...

see a pattern here?

like i have been saying from the beginning of this thread in the OP, religion and theology are tools of the NWO, a direct construct of the people behind all the evil in the world, and cannot be trusted...they share the same patterns and share the same psychology and idiocy...

and by your actions and words, you prove it again and again...

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Seede

I don't even need to respond to that. This guy, bless his heart (or her?) did it for me. See the link below.

reply to post by studythem1

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

Let the old gods come. I can't wait to see what they drop (loot tables).

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