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Large creature filmed in HD in Irish lake

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posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Frogs

The fact that they keep mentioning the name of the film even in replies to people on the youtube video make me think its a hoax. An attempt at making their advert go viral.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:18 PM
Last thing said in the video is "I'm not going after that thing..." What kind of person doesn't go after that thing! I guess their suit fishing short film was more important. Oh well, we could have solved the mystery.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by seabag

Originally posted by jude11

But even more so is the guy fishing in a suit jacket and white shirt.

Is this an Irish thing or is he part of a camera crew that set up a hoax?


I think you catch more fish if you dress up...dress for success, right?

That was the first thing that I noticed that was odd. I guess they put more thought into the "monster" than the setting and costumes.

First thing I noticed as well. Guy in a dress suit on a fishing boat is about as normal as me weedeating the yard in Stillettoes!

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:26 PM
Of course it's real, didn't you see Harry Potter in his suit. He was chasing it down being one of the last sea creatures in the muggle ocean

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Frogs
I managed to get a fairly decent frame of it from the vid..

As for why the guy is in a suit here is what they have to say in the Vid on Youtube where they mention why the guy was in a suit..

Was shooting in Lough Foyle when this thing went past us. It was massive. Really don't know what it was. There have been whales in the Lough before so maybe that's what it was but Matthew was closer than we were and says it was no whale. Looks like we have our own Loch Ness Monster?! Any experts out there ?
We're still filming so if it shows up again we'll do our best to get a better shot of it.
Our film's called 'Fishing with David Lynch', which was why I was wearing the suit (a David Lynch costume.)

Ok this should be a little more fuel for the debate..

That is a really good still shot and enlargement of whatever this thing is. I'm interested in the wake it created. It clearly was large.

I'm not versed well in marine biology. Does that picture remind anyone of anything that is known to exist in our waters?

I wouldn't follow that thing, or get in the water with it either. (shivers) Seeing something like that once would be enough for me. People believe what they want to believe - regardless of whatever evidence is shown.

Thanks. S&F


posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 04:37 PM
I dont understand cryptozoology. Why are people not impressed enough with the monsters we already have walking/swimming/flying around?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Frogs
I managed to get a fairly decent frame of it from the vid..

As for why the guy is in a suit here is what they have to say in the Vid on Youtube where they mention why the guy was in a suit..

Was shooting in Lough Foyle when this thing went past us. It was massive. Really don't know what it was. There have been whales in the Lough before so maybe that's what it was but Matthew was closer than we were and says it was no whale. Looks like we have our own Loch Ness Monster?! Any experts out there ?
We're still filming so if it shows up again we'll do our best to get a better shot of it.
Our film's called 'Fishing with David Lynch', which was why I was wearing the suit (a David Lynch costume.)

Ok this should be a little more fuel for the debate..

Looks like a Giant octopus

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by jimbo999

It looks real but who goes fishing wearing a blue blazer?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 05:29 PM
That was no whale! Plus I have no doubt that it was massive and seeing it hauling ass at a fast speed due to the wake in the water.

I also don't believe there was another boat or watercraft pulling this thing on a rope as a boat/watercraft would have left it's own wake in front of it.

I really think that big object was a head, but that's a big head....and a weird one too...

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 05:57 PM
that dont look like no whale
to everyone calling hoax, care to explain how it is hoaxed?
i cant see it being towed
theres no engine splash in its wake,
its going at a reasonable speed so its not a swimmer.
im genuinely interested in how this is a hoax
explain please
thanks in advance

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth

...I'm not versed well in marine biology. Does that picture remind anyone of anything that is known to exist in our waters?

When I first watched it...I thought - "Elephant!".
But - since I am (not
) a marine biologist...I'm thinking - "pollywog". (Yes - it would be a big one.)
What about you?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
That was no whale! Plus I have no doubt that it was massive and seeing it hauling ass at a fast speed due to the wake in the water.

I also don't believe there was another boat or watercraft pulling this thing on a rope as a boat/watercraft would have left it's own wake in front of it.

I really think that big object was a head, but that's a big head....and a weird one too...
I believe that is exactly what it was, a replica towed threw the water with a valve to submerge. The camera does not pan to the right looking to see if it reemerges because, the tow boat would have been seen. The rope was tied about two foot below the surface so it would not be seen or its wake noticed. The tow boat started from a dead stop so no wake would be visible in the area, besides, the rope most likely was 100 foot long..

But that isn't what caught my eye. It was the lack of motion of this thing being so close to two boats full of screaming Irishmen lol lol. There was also no visible bubbles as it descended. Most air breathers when submerging would leave a trail of bubbles, this didn't, except for the bubbles coming out of the back of its head from the valve that was opened, allowing it to sink.

But, that's just my opinion, its fake.

snap of valve opening and air venting out. Aprox at 58 seconds.

edit on 26-4-2013 by All Seeing Eye because: Edit to add photo

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Originally posted by DaRAGE
That was no whale! Plus I have no doubt that it was massive and seeing it hauling ass at a fast speed due to the wake in the water.

I also don't believe there was another boat or watercraft pulling this thing on a rope as a boat/watercraft would have left it's own wake in front of it.

I really think that big object was a head, but that's a big head....and a weird one too...
I believe that is exactly what it was, a replica towed threw the water with a valve to submerge. The camera does not pan to the right looking to see if it reemerges because, the tow boat would have been seen. The rope was tied about two foot below the surface so it would not be seen or its wake noticed. The tow boat started from a dead stop so no wake would be visible in the area, besides, the rope most likely was 100 foot long..

But that isn't what caught my eye. It was the lack of motion of this thing being so close to two boats full of screaming Irishmen lol lol. There was also no visible bubbles as it descended. Most air breathers when submerging would leave a trail of bubbles, this didn't, except for the bubbles coming out of the back of its head from the valve that was opened, allowing it to sink.

But, that's just my opinion, its fake.

would have to have been wenched in order to fake this I think. If it were towed there was no wake from the tow boat. If it were wenched in then there would be no wake.

I am thinking more CGI since these guys say they are filming a movie. Probably film students trying to go viral with great cgi.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 08:58 PM
looks pretty fake, even though a good one...
but seriously, who would wear a suit to go fishing?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 09:24 PM
A North Korean Mini Sub that thinks its in New York Harbour, but just missed somehow?

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 10:09 PM
It could be a sturgeon. They have bumpy humped backs like that and a whale would 'roll' through the water, showing flukes at some point. Sturgeon just go straight through the water and the tails typically stay under. They can get VERY big and are pretty much dinosaur fish. I touched one once and the water it was in was ice cold and it never flinched when I stroked it, not even at first. It feels like it's armored, no scales. It hardly had a nervous system at all, compared to a modern fish that would instantaneously jerk when touched.

They've been seen in European waters and can get up to 18 feet.

posted on Apr, 26 2013 @ 11:24 PM
A few posters are saying If it were towed you would see a wake from the tow boat...Seriously? There are some really long ropes, for all we know there could easily be a boat off camera towing this blob. Also if you look at large animals swimming close to the surface there is much more motion going on due to the movements of the animal propelling itself through the water.
This thing to me looks obviously towed in straight line, unless it's prop driven or even an impeller, but this would be much easier to pull off with a simple tow rope IMO.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:08 AM
I don't know what to think.
It certainly doesn't look CGI to me and whatever it is seems to be going at a fair speed.

Doesn't seem to be moving like a whale neither.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by jude11

But even more so is the guy fishing in a suit jacket and white shirt.

Is this an Irish thing or is he part of a camera crew that set up a hoax?


Funny. That was my first thought as well. Not about the "monster" who if it is real I would bet after going on whale watches is most likely just that a whale that has lost it's way. My first thought was who goes fishing with a jacket on and pants like that? The answer is almost no body ever. Would be a cool story if this was a real monster but my guess is this was the tourism board from the local town.
edit on 27-4-2013 by GArnold because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:14 AM
First thing I thought of, it's a mutant crocodile.

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