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life story, as a top secret worker.

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by spartacus699
as long as you work for someone else in essense you're a slave.

I'm a slave that makes a damn good living so I'm not complaining....

Well having any job is good for a person. That is the bottom line. I'm just saying that not enough people pull there own strings anymore

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

well said..
and it will get worse.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 02:41 AM
I know why NASDAQ went down.

It was caused by an internal hardware/software bug in the SuperMontage system, between Euro and US systems.

Here is a snapshot of a top secret document of that part of the architecture.

I will not discuss this matter further, for obvious security and financial impact reasons. The situation is bad enough as it is.

I feel that the public is at least entitled to an explanation since the "they" aren't releasing one in a timely fashion.

It's a hard pill to swallow, so I can see why they would be reluctant.

Just remember, you heard it here first!

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Tylerdurden1

Originally posted by ProjectUltra2013

Originally posted by StargateSG7
I can douche U at Level 84 cuz I'm Da Masta!

Originally posted by Tylerdurden1Then you got the ninja squirrel Chuck Norris monkeys, that make sushi.

On a more serious note, do you know why they mutilate cattle? (The mouth and tongue area.)
because they eat off the ground, where all the radioactive fallout particles rest.
It's how the government tests just how severely they pooped in your sandbox.

What???!! You need to take a step back from this site for a momment. The OP is full of s Hit!

Actually that is by far the most logical reason for the 'cattle mutilation' that fits the facts. It explains why they don't buy their own ranch if it is just biological experiments. The geographical diversity is critical to taking data. They can't go buy the cattle because then the fact that they were buying cattle in certain locations at certain times gives away facts about their operations and people freak when they hear "radioactive".

Maybe in the end it really is for our own good.

edit on 24-8-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by ProjectUltra2013

Their technology isn't very effective just yet, but it's enough to tip the scale to their advantage.
It's more of a power of suggestion thing, a hypnosis technology.
It gets results.

Who is they? What are the messages?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel

Originally posted by ProjectUltra2013

Their technology isn't very effective just yet, but it's enough to tip the scale to their advantage.
It's more of a power of suggestion thing, a hypnosis technology.
It gets results.

Who is they? What are the messages?

Consist mostly of: politicians, CEO's and bankers. String pullers.

The messages are pertaining to compliance of their desires.

The stock exchange is very much a heavily involved aspect, although most of the players don't know they are actually pawns subjected to conditions not within their control.

This model is not sustainable and is subject to collapse, and leads to and is a form of slavery.

I'm not saying don't comply with them, I'm saying you are being manipulated in this way.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by ProjectUltra2013
I know why NASDAQ went down.

It was caused by an internal hardware/software bug in the SuperMontage system, between Euro and US systems.

Here is a snapshot of a top secret document of that part of the architecture.

I will not discuss this matter further, for obvious security and financial impact reasons. The situation is bad enough as it is.

I feel that the public is at least entitled to an explanation since the "they" aren't releasing one in a timely fashion.

It's a hard pill to swallow, so I can see why they would be reluctant.

Just remember, you heard it here first!


DMA write buffer overflow OR underflow (DMA = Direct Memory Access) bypasses the CPU and writes
data from the Disk buffers diectly to global heap memory or communications. 99.999% of the cause
of data failures at the level shown by the diagram is checksum errors on RAM or disk caches usually
caused by failed fans and the subsequent overheating of electronic
transactions delayed and buffered to backup disks (i.e RAID 0 to RAID 5) ... BUT all that drawing
tells me is some circuits overheated and that diagram is really about a box "THEY" put in some room
on an EDGE-level switch at AT&T and Verizon for data interception...nothing about financial transactions.

OK you're in 3rd year now...Hello Owen, time to go back to class! Oops looks like U DID finish!

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by ProjectUltra2013

You must have noticed an increase in the controllers activity in recent months. Things seem to be moving at a furious pace, as if they are sure things need to be done by a certain point - after all control is control, why the rush? Any sense of what time table they are using now? Any sense of the driving force?

The have controlled the planet for ages, and it seems by the replies on this thread they do a really fine job of controlling some 99 percent of the population perfectly, but this is not enough and there is a rational reason for that. They are concerned.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:56 PM

reply to post by ProjectUltra2013

Any sense of the driving force?
They are concerned.

Very observant.

Something along the likes of our progress being artificially slowed, in particular the last 50 years.

Protection from ourselves, inchoateness.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7


I know it's been a long time since you last posted Ultra,
but I just wanted to give your location another kick at the can:

You been hanging around here?

46.681707 -120.356267

at the NSA's Yakima Research Station/Echeleon listening post near
the Fred G. Redmon Bridge, also known as the Selah Creek Bridge.

I DO KNOW they have a few tunnels and underground computer rooms
but other than that it's the usual NSA spycraft and hacking station
for us here the pacific northwest and north asia pacific region.

Just thought I'd give this another try!

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 10:58 PM
I have a question of my own.

If you were them, what would your hiring process look like?
and after you hired those candidates, how would you operate your ship?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by ProjectUltra2013

---- PART 1 OF 3 ===>

Ok Ultra...I'll Bite!

I'll do a Software Solutions Scenario
which I think you might have some
experience with and can understand
easily enough!

My hires don't come to me! I come to them!

I have THREE classes of hires.

1) The Mavericks.

2) The Homesteaders.

3) The Editors.

Step 1:

I goto technically-oriented college campuses, Coder Faires and even High Schools.

I ask these questions:

Of your coding students...who are the ones who
write the absolute most brilliant code that works
and works FAST but who are ALWAYS LATE to class,
are brash, arrogant, don't like authority and
really don't listen all that well?

Gimme their names!


Step 2:

I goto Oil & Gas Company technical seminars,
Mechanical and computer engineering conferences,
Municipal Government Technical management workshops.

I ask these questions:

Of your technical staff, which ones are SOLID coders,
careful, deliberate, the ones who pepper their code
with LOTS of comments and explanations?

Who are the quiet, always on-time, family-oriented
30+ with 3 kids-and-a-mortgage men and women who

Of those, whose desk is the cleanest?
Who are the ones you'd trust the most
to bring a 100,000 lines-of-code city
utilities database project to HIGH-QUALITY
completion by a hard and fast deadline?


Step 3:

I goto Top-20 engineering and construction firms
and the trade shows they present at. I find the
names behind the prestigious projects that are
completed ON-TIME and ON-BUDGET.

I ask these questions:

Who is the most fatherly/motherly but firm tough-when-needed manager
of your bunch? Of you 30'somethings, which one of YOUR managers
do YOU GOTO if you NEED help in getting more resources, more
personnel, or more gear? Who is that person YOU TRUST MOST

Which ones always have that big multi-colour time-line chart in their office
that gets added-to and modified nearly daily? Who's the person who LIKES talking
your suppliers and their suppliers? Who does the golf outings with their industry
buddies to help "smooth the road" in getting a better deal or more favorable terms?

WHO is the guy YOU TRUST to make sure people get in on-time
and if necessary give some tough-love in the personnel department
and MAKES SURE that all the i's are dotted and t's crossed no matter
how many distractions there are?

edit on 2013/9/26 by StargateSG7 because: sp.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

---- PART 2 of 3 ===>

When I hire I need three things and I handle them in these ways:


I want beautifully creative code that WORKS,
gets things done faster, better and with the nicer looking interface!
I know I can't read it worth a damn cuz it's so esoteric
and the comments are pretty sparse ...but hey! it's 10x FASTER
than the current stuff!

They're hard to manage! They're always late and I really
DO NOT TRUST THEM worth a damn to keep their mouths shut!
But I REALLY LIKE their coding work!

2) So I do two things! I keep my mavericks in their own playland
separate from everyone else. They've got the 6 foot tall stuffed
dinosaur in the corner and some pinball/old Atari Arcade game machines
near the outdoor pool I set up in the 4-story heritage house in San Fran
and funky sushi-dotted parts of Seattle I bought for them. Nobody comes
in until 1:00 pm anyways so I make sure the cleaners come in before they
get back from their mid-morning snowboarding, mountain biking, skydiving,
kayaking or 15km run.

There is a REAL DeLonghi one-button cappuccino machine which
makes espresso 20 different ways and it's ALWAYS ON and filled!
The orange juice and chilled Coca Cola is always available.
So are the multi-grain chips, vitamin water and dark
organic chocolate chunks!

All the MAVERICK programmers have SIX 32" 2500x1600 monitors on
their Tyan motherboard, four-processor 64-core 512 gigabytes of
RAM workstations. The X-BOX AND PS3 are right beside them attached
to the 70" LED Big screen they have. The internet connection
is one gigabit Ethernet direct to Verizon and 40 gigabits fibre
on the internal network. Delphi RAD Studio Architect and
MS Visual Studio are my main compilers for all --- PASCAL,
C++, C#, BASIC or JAVA! The Choice of Coding Language is YOURS!

They know I'm a heavy duty graphics and number cruncher guy
and that my bosses are all finance and imaging experts and
they WANT/NEED code that can find pixels and datamine
through numbers and text on a FAST AND FURIOUS basis!
They KNOW I don't care HOW they do it...JUST THAT IT
CAN AND DOES GETS DONE! -- Can't get it done by Next
Saturday? Who here knows recursive searching?
Don't care that I can't read it...BUT can u get me a
WORKING COPY of the "Find All Fibonacci sequences
in This TEN BILLION NUMBER List" source code by
the end of next week?

From Monday to Thursday, no-one leaves until 3 or 4:00am
but i make sure THEY KNOW that 10:00pm Friday is Source Code
Repository Download Time......after I send all my Mavericks some
tickets to the Phish Reunion concert at The Gorge and some
free tickets to the Outdoor Adventure Show!


After HANDLING THE MAVERICKS, on Monday morning at
9:00am SHARP, I have my first meeting with the Block-1 to Block-10
HomeSteader Coder Teams on the 35th floor of the Columbia Tower
in Seattle! Shirts and Blouses are crisp and neat and after
sharing the newest photos of their soccer-and-hockey playing
kids via everyone's Samsung Note 2, it's down to business!
Each Code-Editor leader is asked what the latest status is
on the last 30 pages of code they got from the Mavericks
on Fibonacci Sequence searching.

I need that code BROKEN DOWN into short 10 to 20 line functions
that are HIGHLY commented and self-explanatory. Error checking
is a must and I NEED TO KNOW WHICH TEAM MEMBERS are doing the
extended scenario tests this week? Each finished source code
page needs to goto the Code Editor Teams in New York AND in
Houston where they BOTH must sign off and AGREE on the entire
code base and commentary/explanations of the translated functions
BEFORE I send it off to the FINAL TEST team in Vermont who will
be running a multi-week heavy diagnostic and scenario evaluation
on ALL submitted code for final approval to plug those functions
into the main ADA source code base and final executable compile.
Final Code Sign-Off is at the End of the Month for all
Team Code Editors and Block-1 to Block-10 Team Managers.

By the way, which of you Homesteaders took up my offer to re-finance
any mortgage over $200,000 at Prime + 0.25% from my manager friend at
Phinney and Melbourne Trust. I also want to all remind those of you
with the elementary school kids that Disney Cruises is offering a
2-for-1 sale on BOTH the Cruise AND the Disney Island stay.
I was able to get that special deal AND the free return flights
to Miami through my travel agent friend.

And those of you with the college-age kids, I've got $8000 Scholarships
available EVERY TERM if your kids can get their video essays and
volunteer work timesheets into me by every July 15 and December 16th.
I've also got good some store managers who can give you good deals
on those high-end ultrabooks and tablets for your household members.
I've also been able to get some extra dental coverage so that
your deductible is now $200 rather than the $600 it used to be.

edit on 2013/9/26 by StargateSG7 because: sp.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

---- PART 3 of 3 ====>

Mavericks, Homesteaders and Editors: They all want different things
and have different motivations. MY JOB is to get the Mavericks to
write UTTERLY BRILLIANT code and the HomeSteaders to Translate
that Brilliant Pascal/C++/C#/JAVA code to ADA and then get
The Editors to TEST and SIGN OFF on the final translations.

The Homesteaders and Editors are my ROCK-SOLID FAMILY-GUYS-AND-GALS!
They come in at 8:30 am and leave at 4:30pm with one hour for lunch
and some company-allowed personal task time.

and they ALWAYS COMMENT AND EXPLAIN their code. They have spouses,
kids, aging parents and 3 weeks of vacation plus one week off
at Christmas. I TRUST AND VERIFY THEM COMPLETELY! The youngish
30+ Block-1 to Block 10 HomeSteader Coders all start at $75,000/yr
and get up to about $120,000/yr plus full benefits and some bonuses
and company freebies once they've been with me 5 years and the older
Code Editors/Team Managers are ALL at $130,000+/year.

Their college marks are excellent! They KNOW their math and stats
and indented code are second nature! They've ALL got TS-clearances
and the extended credit/finance/criminal check done. They get paid
every second Friday and the Christmas bonus comes one week BEFORE
Christmas vacation! The Starbucks in the Columbia Tower's downstairs
is their morning ritual and a hot lunch is on my tab at any one of
the four REALLY GOOD bistros across the street!

The high-walled cubicles are LARGE and BRIGHT with 3-monitor workstations
and there are TWO large fridges with apples, bananas and chilled bottled
water and some extra chocolate milk for their coffees and snacks.
It's quiet and the supplied PREMIUM headphones can be directly
plugged into our many-genre music server connections.

The network and all data storage is FULLY encrypted with
NO USB, SATA or WIRELESS ports anywhere and the windows,
walls, floors, ceilings and workstations are ALL TEMPEST rated!

NOBODY stays late UNLESS something really important happens!
I'd really like them out by 4:30pm and in bed by 10:30 pm for
a good nights sleep FRESH for getting to the FREE monthly
downtown tower parking by 8:25am!


My Mavericks? I tell them NOTHING! All they know is that
I came to them and that my pay is outrageously good!
They know that IF they slack off and can't get their
code in every Friday night by 10pm that they'll get
HELL from me! Do it 4 times in a row and they are
OUT THE DOOR! I want WORKING CODE...I don't care
how it looks or what language it's in...I JUST CARE

I don't care WHAT TIME you come in or leave.
Just get me that working code by Friday 10pm!
I also don't care if you work Wednesday to Sunday!
Gimme your damn WORKING CODE by Friday 10pm!


The key part is that WHOEVER I HIRE IS PERFECT FOR
change to Homesteaders/Editors and vice-versa the
Homesteaders/Editors don't become Mavericks so
I ALWAYS keep them SEPARATE! The big difference
is that I TRUST AND VERIFY MY Homesteaders/Editors
cuz I want SOLID people who know how to be the
coding equivalent of Tradesmen - With Pride of Work
and Timely, High Quality SOLID Output.
They're NOT Brilliant....just SOLID and DEPENDABLE!

I'll leave it to my MAVERICKS to INVENT, DESIGN
but I will NEVER trust them with anything
confidential or secret...EVER !!!!

Heck! All they KNOW is that I'm just a weird SUIT that comes
in every Friday representing some faceless financial company
which signs their fantastic paycheques. They have NO IDEA
that their UTTERLY BRILLIANT code output is going to be
massaged, broken down into manageable components and
RIGOROUSLY TESTED and signed-off on EVERY STEP for
inclusion into some of the most expensive and
secretive aerospace projects NOT YET KNOWN TO MAN!!!

MY MAVERICKS KNOW I'm the "Heavy" and that I'll BEAT UP on them
or TOAST THEM if they can't perform.....BUT if they can pull off
these "Genius-Required" tasks and interesting problems to solve that
I give them, their paychecks and lives ARE GOLDEN AND EXCITING!
It'll be a daily adrenaline rush and I should point out that
I can get the BEST TICKETS to ANY party in town OR OUT OF IT!



Search for your BRILLIANT Mavericks First
and then hire some Verified and TRUSTED
ROCK-SOLID HomeSteader Coders and
Source Code Editors into highly
organized teams with REALISTIC
but well-orchestrated task-specific
under every condition under the
EXTREME LOAD conditions
in DIFFERENT locations

Get everyone to sign off
and get the Code Editors
to comment, dot the i's,
cross-the t's and send
the code down for EVEN

the final end-users and
do it OFTEN!!!!


But on a MANAGERIAL note,
Mavericks want EXCITEMENT

A Steady pace and organized clean manner
IS NOT THEIR STYLE! So give them a space
that is like a frat house and GIVEM ROOM
to BREATHE and EXPERIMENT! Mavericks
HATE rules and regulations and HATE being
told HOW to do something...they are REAL
GOOD at finding the HOW all by themselves


quite but solid always-there colleagues and
on a SOLID, dependable foundation where
they SEE that a fine retirement and help
for their kid's college education is in store!
This bunch WANTS security! So give them that
SOLID predictable pay and that solid predictable
vacation time plus a few bonuses and freebies
to help them ADD to that feeling of SAFETY AND SECURITY!


It's ALL ABOUT using your own connections and managerial expertise
SAFE ENGINEERING to arrive at a customer solution that gets YOU
paid some BIG BUCKS and allows you to be part of that secretive
group that is TRULY IN THE KNOW!!!


The Answer to Everything TRULY IS 42!



Do Ya Wanna Join My Pirate Crew and See My Secret Tree Fort?

edit on 2013/9/26 by StargateSG7 because: sp.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:47 PM


All of your modes of communications are tapped until death; threads monitored and deleted at will.

So how did you post this without them knowing?

I really want to know.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

I think the reply you are going to get from our thread host is this: The people recruited for the jobs like he has are groomed from birth, they are never approached after they have reached age. The tests you take in grade school are designed to single out those who are willing to sell out their fellow humans, then, once that is established, they are groomed - no one is ever chosen from a technical college at age 24. You are chosen based on: DNA first, family lineage second, testing third, and then, if then, you make the grade, your primary education will be different then the other kids, your path will be slightly out of sink with the mainstreamed kids. Once selected, the mind games begin.

Take that for what its worth, I'm going to go out on a limb that Ultra agrees and will add a few pieces I don't know about, some new wrinkles that have been added.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:09 PM
I googled "D.O.E systems lps" as it said on his supposed id tag and came up with this....

DOE Lightning Protection System at the Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility and Safety Classification of the Electrical Distribution System at the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Facility

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:40 PM

So where to begin...

Well, for starters it's actually very BORING. Believe it or not.

Yeah at first it is exciting Yes, the big WOW factor and all, but eventually it wears off and becomes it's just like any other, brown paper bag for lunch, job. Clock in, clock out. Clock in, clock out. Standard stuff.

The thing that wears on you mostly is the levels of security themselves, the compartmentalization, the isolation that imparts. I've actually seen people go mad because of the isolation in just a matter of days time. Some of them even commit suicide after a year, rare but I've seen it happen.

Some people go through what I coin the "monkey locked in a cage syndrome", doors that can't be opened from either the inside nor the outside, "they" let you in and "they" let you out. Some people just can't hack that.
People don't just waltz in and around like they do in the movies.

Elevators that only go it one direction, metal detectors, anti-electronics scanners and jammers, motion sensors, Pan/Zoom IR cameras and various other security measures of that nature. Nothing you haven't already seen featured in "Mission Impossible". You get the idea.

As far as job applications go, for the most part, they find you, you don't find them. and when it comes tax time, they put "works at McDonalds" as your place of work; as you probably guessed by now.

and that's just the beginning.
All of your modes of communications are tapped until death; threads monitored and deleted at will.
Having to take vitamin gummies because you never get to see sun light. They have biometrics scans of your body parts on file, and all sorts of legalise piled up against you. Knowing that if you make the slightest wrong move that they will cleave your head off via a rod from space right where you stand. (Keep your nose clean). If you tooted in your bath tub at home, they would know about it. (Always walking on eggshells).
Never knowing if your friend is actually a friend, or just a "they" plant. (paranoia: an inability to trust anyone, at anytime, for any reason, with anything.)
You get the idea.

Yeah, it ain't so fabulous, glitzy and glamorous like the movies make i
EVERYONE. If you get "the phone call", I suggest you think hard before just blindly accepting it.

and som

It is difficult and some can't handle it. For me it was just treat everything like it was the highest level and was heading for the hourly burn box pickup. Trying to separate everything will make you go crazy. That and the hassle of security. To be honest though I was surprised it took as long as Snowden for things to leak some facilities are just terrible and in most cases if it is on the classified net well it's all there.

The Bot

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:53 PM

I googled "D.O.E systems lps" as it said on his supposed id tag and came up with this....

DOE Lightning Protection System at the Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility and Safety Classification of the Electrical Distribution System at the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Facility

Lol, that is supposed to be the one of the groups working on impending global electrical problem. Not sure if it from comets or sun but my friend, local super at electric company said they were all contacted about something coming. He is freaked and has gassed up his generators and preparing. Supposedly this is coming in very near future. Read about couple other places so there might actually be something to it. They appear to be gearing up for something but what ever you do don't go to fema camp.

The Bot

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 12:00 AM


I googled "D.O.E systems lps" as it said on his supposed id tag and came up with this....

DOE Lightning Protection System at the Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility and Safety Classification of the Electrical Distribution System at the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Facility

Lol, that is supposed to be the one of the groups working on impending global electrical problem. Not sure if it from comets or sun but my friend, local super at electric company said they were all contacted about something coming. He is freaked and has gassed up his generators and preparing. Supposedly this is coming in very near future. Read about couple other places so there might actually be something to it. They appear to be gearing up for something but what ever you do don't go to fema camp.

The Bot


The Tritium facility is used for HOT Nuclear Fusion research...trying to get their high-powered
lasers to ignite and fuse the core for longer than a minute or two. And the lightning protection
system is for all that arcing that gets created by not only the lasers but the potential differentials
caused by ionized plasma and the "ground planes" interacting with plain atmosphere.

The titanium or other metal cladding and shells would get eaten away by all that arcing so
you need a "Sacrificial Anode"; the design and creation of which is but one task performed
by the lps department at DOE!

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