posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 09:18 AM
Update* The elderly suspect with the bomb-vest is in several Reddit threads. An obituary in the Boston Globe may or may not be him, an Albanian older
man from Watertown deceased on April 12. Some on Reddit opined that he only had a radio on him or something and was let go. The Uncle has accused a
recently-converted Albanian in Boston of "radicalising" the bomber. (There is a large Albanian community in Watertown, maybe no connection, most of
them are Christian).
Of interest though is the general reluctance of the press/police etc to discuss events the time from the street gun battle to when they found
Tsarnaev, which was quite a few hours and after they had called off the lock-down, and he was found "outside the search area". I think it was all
the kurfuffle about the old guy and his vest that gave Tsarnaev the chance to slip by them into the boat right after the chase. I think they don't
want the public to know about the old guy and there may also have been some tension about where the FBI cut into the local police jurisdiction which
was at that incident i think.
(I'm pretty sure I heard the police say on the scanner "We need the Blackhawk to take the body out of Watertown".)