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Boston is a Farce to Take your Rights Away

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posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Mykah

First Im not saying he was bleeding out. What do you think happens to all that blood in the limbs amputated? Does it disappear.

Second in triage, you get them out as best you can. Each ambulance has 1 stretcher, if you have more patients then ambulances then you move how you can.

Third that pic of him in the wheelchair clearly shows the rod to constrict the tourniquet below cowboys hands in patients lap. Its wide and I say would be an effective tourniquet.

Fourth trendelenburg positon has been out for years, and it wasnt used for amputations. Which if you are saying elevate due to bleeding that has been out for years as well. It bandage, pressure, tourniquet

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Druid42
According to MSM, the "lockdown" on Watertown has been lifted. LE has completed their search of the area, and the suspect has not been found.

Reports indicate he may be headed to Connecticut. *unconfirmed*

Oh, a traveling martial law it is now?

Road Trip!!!!

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Anishnaabe

Seems like the only logical answer to me.
If not him, then who and why and how so fast? These are seconds in time, not minutes.

Thick legged, in blue jeans, with trainers on.

edit on 19-4-2013 by slowisfast because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by cavscout11cav

Ok I think you two can agree to disagree on the debate between the realism of the blood.

As I stated earlier this thread is not predicated upon any of these specific instances, but rather the overall scope of the political paradigm, and what possible directions it will likely take from here.

Also I pointed out how the MSM is 100% complicit with the wishes of the terrorists by utilizing fear mongering as their primary weapon against the innocent people of the USA and the world at large.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

how the MSM is 100% complicit with the wishes of the terrorists by utilizing fear mongering as their primary weapon against the innocent people of the USA and the world at large.

That's pretty generalized, but agreeable. You have a very unique perspective, which is appreciated, and even though not completely agreed with, I can respect your position.

More shots fired in Watertown.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by cavscout11cav

Cavscout, since you are the con- to Mykah's pro- on the subject de jour, I have an honest question or three about it. I see your points about shock and blood vessel constriction. In fact there are not a large number of double amputees out there, but certainly enough to say that it isn't an automatic ticket home.

Q1: In this case, we see what appears to be his leg meat flapping and hanging like rags from the bone. Have you seen this level of tissue damage IRL, and was there lack of bloodflow in such a case? TBH I can't accept the idea that there isn't residual blood draining from the shredded tissue as they wheel him away.
Q1.5: Speaking of wheeling him away, why in the world would you put a guy who could tank at any second in a wheelchair? What a mess of a scene where boo-boos get neck braces and gurneys and mortal wounds get the parade route in a wheelchair...

Q2: Shock can indeed keep someone up when they ought to go down (pass out). Losing both lower extremities would drop his blood by what, 1-1.5L? Add to that any potential bleeding on the ground prior to TQ. How long will that adrenaline rush last in grave traumatic injuries before a patient succumbs to physiology? Wouldn't the sudden shredding of his legs tank his B/P at least for a moment, causing instant unconsciousness?

Q3: Providing he can stay conscious indefinitely (as the wheeling away picture seems to prove) someone on one of the many threads pointed out that while slightly pale he maintains a healthy glow, at first glance I would rate his level of consciousness (LOC) fairly high. His lips nor fingertips are blue or grey, his eyes are fairly sharp and aware, not glassy and shocky. In your experience, have you seen many patients with this amount of damage present such a high LOC after the injury? Let's confine the timerange to 5-10 mins post-injury.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

You are being brainwashed by ATS .
Turn it off. Step away and sever the chains that bind you in slavery to this system of fear which is being used to manipulate and control you. Dude sometimes it's just crazy people .

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by cavscout11cav
reply to post by Mykah

First Im not saying he was bleeding out...

...examples blood is bright red from the artery. It stays bright red on the ground for some time.

So which is it? I think you are just dissinforming.

That fake tourniquet wrap job has a clear gap in it on the left anterior proximal thigh. It would not stop arterial bleeding, so no you are wrong. Trendlenburg is good for shock and still used, at the very least he should be supine on a stretcher not legs lowered in a wheelchair which causes more bleeding, so no you are wrong. Even your own state says just tourniquet and pressure, so where's the pressure on the fake tourniquet if this is real? Again contradicting yourself.

All you've done is try and discredit my reasoning yet here again I've shown you not only speak untruths but contradict both yourself and logic. Enough.

First they deleted my work, now they are trying to discredit it with lies and lawyering.
This was a fake scenario and they are desperately trying to keep you from seeing the truth.
Wake up people.
edit on 19-4-2013 by Mykah because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by blamethegreys
reply to post by cavscout11cav

Cavscout, since you are the con- to Mykah's pro- on the subject de jour, I have an honest question or three about it. I see your points about shock and blood vessel constriction. In fact there are not a large number of double amputees out there, but certainly enough to say that it isn't an automatic ticket home.

Q1: In this case, we see what appears to be his leg meat flapping and hanging like rags from the bone. Have you seen this level of tissue damage IRL, and was there lack of bloodflow in such a case? TBH I can't accept the idea that there isn't residual blood draining from the shredded tissue as they wheel him away.
Q1.5: Speaking of wheeling him away, why in the world would you put a guy who could tank at any second in a wheelchair? What a mess of a scene where boo-boos get neck braces and gurneys and mortal wounds get the parade route in a wheelchair...

Q2: Shock can indeed keep someone up when they ought to go down (pass out). Losing both lower extremities would drop his blood by what, 1-1.5L? Add to that any potential bleeding on the ground prior to TQ. How long will that adrenaline rush last in grave traumatic injuries before a patient succumbs to physiology? Wouldn't the sudden shredding of his legs tank his B/P at least for a moment, causing instant unconsciousness?

Q3: Providing he can stay conscious indefinitely (as the wheeling away picture seems to prove) someone on one of the many threads pointed out that while slightly pale he maintains a healthy glow, at first glance I would rate his level of consciousness (LOC) fairly high. His lips nor fingertips are blue or grey, his eyes are fairly sharp and aware, not glassy and shocky. In your experience, have you seen many patients with this amount of damage present such a high LOC after the injury? Let's confine the timerange to 5-10 mins post-injury.

Awesome post. You don't even need answers the logic in your thinking speaks for itself.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:24 PM
They were searching house to house too. And by searching I mean full-blown entering houses and searching room to room while you waited outside. No warrants were required of course. This whole thing seems way too hyped up. I mean locking down an entire city for just one kid and combing through houses? It sounds like good training for when the dollar collapses and more anti-establishment groups start taking action. It is a damn practice run is all...
edit on 19-4-2013 by Tulkor because: Added sentence.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:27 PM
For those who haven't seen this yet. The events of Thursday night/Friday were exposed by an insider that posted this on 4chan on Monday night after the first bombings then left the thread.

So far it has been followed to the T.

Take what you will from it.

These problems created by the Government require solutions.

I can think of a pretty good one.
edit on 19-4-2013 by RevolutionIsASolution because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Mykah

You should get to 20 posts and make a thread.

Shouldn't a photo of this guy walking around (pre blast) be easy to find?

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
They are just playing a silly attrition tactic.
Trying to wear us down.

Suck it up and lift that chin.
We don't have to be slaves.

Just say NO to Tyranny!

But look what happened the last time the cops went trigger-happy against a suspected suicide bomber in the UK - an innocent man (Jean Charles de Menezes) was shot to death.

Keeping the population is as for their safety from the goons in black as from the terrorist.

But they won't be able to keep that up forever. No different from the Germans vs. the Resistance in France.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Mykah

You should get to 20 posts and make a thread.

Shouldn't a photo of this guy walking around (pre blast) be easy to find?

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:37 PM
Q1:Yes I have, and it does ooze which you can see on the wheelchair. Its more of a drip. Its dependant on how long he was down.
Q1.5: In a mass cas event you get them to the ambulance as est you can. Each ambulance has only 1 stretcher. Triage is asses who is viable, put them in a category, and treat immediate life threats and transport. Time equals death.
Q2: No, shock is the bodies way of attempting to draw blood into the core to keep you alive. With a tourniquet on you lessen the space blood needs to occupy, effectively making the container smaller. BP is determined by space of the container (body) and amount of blood available. Tourniquets make the container smaller
Q3: I cannot answer this, as his LOC would be a hands on assesment. He does look ashen to me, and I cant tell if his gaze is normal or confused

As for the woman getting the stretcher, she has a head injury, look at her eyes which is either confusion or breathing problems. Looks to me like she may have a chest injury which would be a breathing airway problem

Someone that has controlled bleeding would be lower priority than somone with breathing/ head injury.

Look up start triage, its messed up. Someone who is technically alive can be classified as dead. They get transported after all other priorites get transported. If they live then they beat the odds given to them

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by blamethegreys

Those are some interesting questions you have proposed.

I know that I don't know enough about the subject so I will just state that I am thankful to have you post such well thought out questions and to share them here with everyone.

The effort required is noted, and your post has been starred for it's contribution.

So many questions, so few solid answers.
That's why I aim to safely stick with core philosophical principles as they are easier to divine from the mysteries surrounding us.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:50 PM

edit on 19-4-2013 by Mykah because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:55 PM

First Im not saying he was bleeding out...

...examples blood is bright red from the artery. It stays bright red on the ground for some time.

So which is it? I think you are just dissinforming.

I said the blood could be from other and his from the amputated limbs.

That fake tourniquet wrap job has a clear gap in it on the left anterior proximal thigh. It would not stop arterial bleeding, so no you are wrong.

How do you make a tourniquet, you wrap a fabric, place a hard object on it and tighten it up. You use another bandage to tie off the rod which leaves a gap. look it up

Trendlenburg is good for shock and still used, at the very least he should be supine on a stretcher not legs lowered in a wheelchair which causes more bleeding, so no you are wrong.

While I agree, the powers at be that rule the EMS world say otherwise. Trendelenburg is no loner taught in EMT- paramedic classes.

Even your own state says just tourniquet and pressure, so where's the pressure on the fake tourniquet if this is real? Again contradicting yourself.

Its not my state, its national registry, you know the people who register all of EMS across the country. Easy search the paramedic bleeding control standards for testing. Bandage, direct pressure then tourniquet for bleeding

All you've done is try and discredit my reasoning yet here again I've shown you not only speak untruths but contradict both yourself and logic. Enough.

I am not trying to discredit you, you have an interesting therory, but your conclusions on the injuries are slightly off

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 06:57 PM


posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 07:06 PM
Mckay we can argue this all day. I will if you want but make your own topic. We have hijacked muzzles thread.

Sorry muzzle

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