Governmental use of mind control has a lot more to do with psychology than technology, but at the same time one could consider their techniques a
technology because of the scientific nature of their development.
Psychological operations or Psy Ops are basically the scientific evolution of control techniques that most of us use on an everyday basis to get
others to do what we want, though most of us don't realize what we're doing when we do it. A person with low self esteem is easier to control, a
person with low self esteem does not believe in their own ability to govern their life and is thus more likely to seek the guidance of others which is
exactly what the government wants. The government doesn't want you to govern your own life, they want to govern it for you. First and foremost a
persons spirit must be broken, this is accomplished with general belittling and emotional attacks from all angles. These attacks must be sustained
until the subjects will is broken.
Essentially they're going to continue calling the subject stupid and worthless in a variety of ways. Sometimes this will be a direct assault, for
instance when the subject posts anything at all on a forum his ideas will be attacked by several other profiles and labeled as wrong, stupid, idiotic,
pathetic, etcetera. However; these forms of attacks are not always direct, you'll also find indirect attacks that take the form of tidbits left for
the subject to find, but are not specifically addressed to the subject. These are still generally designed to make the subject feel stupid in an
effort to make him reject his own ideals. Again this will continue to happen over a period of time until the subject is broken. The techniques play
on the subjects weakness, most people desire acceptance from their peers and are willing to 'change' in order to gain this acceptance.
The goal here is not only to destroy the subjects confidence in themselves, but also lead them to believe they'll need to change their views and/or
attitude in order to gain acceptance from their peers. For this purpose you'll also find that there are those, a very few, who will attempt to
identify with the subject for the purpose of befriending them. This is so that when the subject is broken he has someone he trusts and can run to for
direction. Once the subject is broken and decides he's ready to change in order to gain acceptance he has someone he trusts to tell him where he
needs to change and how.
You'll find that many of these techniques are used in boot camp in order to break the young soldiers individuality. These techniques have been used
long before Nazi Germany ever became an issue. You'll also find these being used in the general schooling system where a student is not only
belittled by his peers, but also by his teachers. A student is given an F when he doesn't do as he's told and a gold star when he does, sometimes the
punishment/reward system takes different forms such as a pizza party if the whole class meets a certain goal. That is a great example of peer
pressure, the whole class is given a task and if a single individual or small group of individuals keep the class from reaching that goal the whole
class turns against them further punishing them for not obeying authority and conforming themselves to their prescribed mold.
I don't buy into the whole chip in the brain idea presented by Rosanne, but if she is targeted then I wouldn't be surprised if they want her to
believe she has a chip in her head. Like I said, peer pressure is a very powerful tool because people generally desire to be accepted by their peers
so they'll conform to what their peers want them to be. If a person believes they are being 'watched' 24/7 then they'll conform 24/7, if a person
believes they have a chip in their head monitoring their thoughts then they won't even dare think something that they've been programmed to believe is
Fear is also a useful tool when it comes to controlling someone. As I mentioned before on ATS John McCaffee is a good example of where scare tactics
have been employed. Through a series of elaborate hoaxes he was lead to believe that the government was trying to kill him. The government was
essentially trying to scare him out of the country and it worked. Not only did he leave the country, but he discredited himself by going public with
his experiences and then being labeled crazy by the media.
You'll also find in the conspiracy world a certain 'doom' tactic. A lot of conspiracy related sites have a constant barrage leading the conspiracy
theorist to believe that doom is always imminent, but it never seems to pan out. One reason for this is because many of the conspiracy theorists will
believe that doom is imminent and tell their peers about it. After a significant number of failed predictions the peers no longer trust the opinion
of the theorist and thus his political views fail to spread.
Again most of this is stuff that we all use on a daily basis, but the government has taken what most of us do and weaponized it. I have a posting on
my website about this sort of thing here:
Edit: One effective method to subvert these techniques is to do as you will. Forget what they want you to do or what you think they want you to do
and do whatever you want to do.
Also, when dealing with this type of foe it helps to understand them. You might think that the person desiring to control is pure evil, and
technically that's true, but it's not quite as clear cut. Adolf Hitler for instance truly believed that he was the good guy, he wasn't evil because
he wanted to be evil, he was evil because he was mistaken about what good was. People generally desire to do the right thing and those who conduct
psychological operations want to do the right thing to, they simply don't know what the right thing to do is. They actually believe they are helping,
but in truth they are deeply in need of help themselves.
Also interesting is that the US government was essentially psy oped itself. WWII scared them into becoming that which they desired to destroy.
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to
destroy." -Christopher Dawson