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Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood”

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posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by flice

Roseanne Barr comes off as a stabile woman with her opinions rather than raving about mad things to me. She keeps her cool and deals with the issues head on. I hadn't seen that King interview, but to me she seemed in control.

So did Ted Bundy!

Just saying!

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by flice

You should take a look at her political platform when she was running for the nomination in the Green Party. I'd hardly say it was something a sane person would put together.

I believe that Rosanne Barr has officially lost it.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Well the fact is that there is no clear agenda being put forth by say Hollywood. Yes they are generally liberal but they are certianly not talking about anything in the same way. Their views range from moderate to extreme. Plus you have many conservatives in Hollywood, though not as pronounced, certainly exist.

How do you attribute mind control to that?

They would have to be targeting only certain individuals in which case that percentage would exist regardless of whether or not they are being controlled.

You would need to show evidence of a large group of people all acting and speaking the same way on any given topic with no separation at all between their views to even begin to entertain the thought of mass mind-control and that doesn't exist anywhere that I can think of.

If your not going to use it for mass effect than why would you even bother in the first place.

Well... what matters is not how one appear, but what one does when no-one is looking.

Say and do what you like, as long as you keep walking towards that exit there and please try and get the guy next to you to come along as well... thank you

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
Wonderful thread CE.

I have been researching this for many years, and it never gets any easier to handle, and when you delve deep enough and see the children that suffer its becomes unbearable.


And those children, who grow into adults and continue to suffer, and have children who suffer the same as well, despite what the Book told us: the sins of the father will not be visited upon the son. but they are. And many of us who have suffered. did so, having committed no sin. For sin, itself, is a manipulation, here, wherever it is that we are, now, only for the purpose of directing blame and obfuscating truth....

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by flice

Roseanne Barr comes off as a stabile woman with her opinions rather than raving about mad things to me. She keeps her cool and deals with the issues head on. I hadn't seen that King interview, but to me she seemed in control.

So did Ted Bundy!

Just saying!

yeah, you certainly have a good point there. but it only serves to show that "knowing thy enemy" has become far more complicated, and manipulated than anyone could ever have imagined. For here, the peaceful, are made to appear as killers, and the killers are made to appear as heroes....of course, just my humble opinion.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by flice

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Well the fact is that there is no clear agenda being put forth by say Hollywood. Yes they are generally liberal but they are certianly not talking about anything in the same way. Their views range from moderate to extreme. Plus you have many conservatives in Hollywood, though not as pronounced, certainly exist.

How do you attribute mind control to that?

They would have to be targeting only certain individuals in which case that percentage would exist regardless of whether or not they are being controlled.

You would need to show evidence of a large group of people all acting and speaking the same way on any given topic with no separation at all between their views to even begin to entertain the thought of mass mind-control and that doesn't exist anywhere that I can think of.

If your not going to use it for mass effect than why would you even bother in the first place.

Well... what matters is not how one appear, but what one does when no-one is looking.

Say and do what you like, as long as you keep walking towards that exit there and please try and get the guy next to you to come along as well... thank you

How do you attribute mind control to that?

They would have to be targeting only certain individuals in which case that percentage would exist regardless of whether or not they are being controlled.

Perchance, may I ask a question of you think mind control exists at all, for you acknowledge that it does in certain of your responses. Having nodded to that----what in the world do you think it was devised to be used for, as you argue against its use in every thread that tries to pin it down?

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." J. Edgar Hoover

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by flice

You should take a look at her political platform when she was running for the nomination in the Green Party. I'd hardly say it was something a sane person would put together.

I believe that Rosanne Barr has officially lost it.

Yeah, but your presence here is obviously to say anyone who doesn't toe the line on the status quo, just sayin', has lost it. I wonder, sometimes, what you have that the rest of us have "lost."

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:23 PM
With the amount of pressure in Hollywood, Movie, Music industries to Conform to who a target audiance is, I would Imagine there are agents, promoters, advertisers, people who run the industries to make these people putty in their hands.
Look at the rampant drug use, boozing, promiscuity that is rampant. If you are high and out of it all the time, its easy to manipulate a person into what you want.
Read bio's of rock stars, how they were given drugs like candy.

Vietnam vets were given drugs in the battlefield to be more fierce, deal with war?

Its sad that an artist with true talent is turned into a product so fast to make the creepy big wigs money and power. Do the stars have much power? not really, they are at the hands of the people running their careers and if they don't comply they get black balled, or bad press.

Unless your in Scientology, then your dealing with another type of mind control.

I feel crazy people have a lot to say if we can read the layers of what they are saying.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:26 PM
Ive met her. Talked to her. She is a VERY sharp lady.

Go watch the final season of Roseanne, knowing that she feels this way. The entire season is an allegory for mind control and 'satanic' (for lack of a better word) influences on her life.

She has talked quite openly about the outside influences in hollywood.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I would suspect that Mind Control in Hollywood is just the tip of the iceberg; Think gaming, TV, Recording industry, and everything else where people are exposed to images and sound.

Subliminal suggestion is a fact. It works!!!

It would be extremely naive to think that governments wouldn't use this technology.

Yeah you're probably right. No use for this kind of tech... well, maybe this.

For what purpose would they be using this technology exactly?

Can't wait to hear this one.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:46 PM
Tom Arnold said at Roseanne's roast that she had a alternate identity that was a 10 year old German boy.. and I honestly don't think he was joking.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Ive met her. Talked to her. She is a VERY sharp lady.

Go watch the final season of Roseanne, knowing that she feels this way. The entire season is an allegory for mind control and 'satanic' (for lack of a better word) influences on her life.

She has talked quite openly about the outside influences in hollywood.

Yes, I agree, she is sharp, and unafraid to speak what she feels is the truth....very rare these days.....

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by TheKeyMaster
Tom Arnold said at Roseanne's roast that she had a alternate identity that was a 10 year old German boy.. and I honestly don't think he was joking.

He probably wasn't, and it may just have been a ten yr. old german boy with some inside info on eugenics and the "plan" we are all living through today.

Sorry to put this in a reply to you, but I am eagerly awaiting Hopechest's response to my questions......

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by flice

You should take a look at her political platform when she was running for the nomination in the Green Party. I'd hardly say it was something a sane person would put together.

I believe that Rosanne Barr has officially lost it.

When people break their mind control all kinds of triggers are set off... this is why people who do break control act crazy or do heavy drugs or kill themselves... suicide triggers are set off as well.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I would suspect that Mind Control in Hollywood is just the tip of the iceberg; Think gaming, TV, Recording industry, and everything else where people are exposed to images and sound.

Subliminal suggestion is a fact. It works!!!

It would be extremely naive to think that governments wouldn't use this technology.

For what purpose would they be using this technology exactly?

Can't wait to hear this one.

Very simple--social control. For the record, I'm not a fan of finding hidden occult messages in movies, tv shows, or commercials although I am keenly aware that ancient symbolism may sometimes provoke a response. That said, to me, it's patently clear that the social controls exist in the US. Some of them are self-perpetuating, as Roseanne states, and some of them are outright manipulations. One of the things that I do is listen and basically find patterns in thinking, especially those that can be directly sourced from media, itself. Kind of like "Get a job, you dirty hippy!". Where do you think that line originated? Fox.

The whole art of the orator probably consists in his giving listeners the illusion that the convictions and feelings he arouses within them have come not from him but from themselves, that he has only divined and lent his voice to what has been worked out in their innermost consciousness. Maurice Halbwachs, On Collective Memory

Very interesting book, btw. Social control or mind control isn't something that was just being researched by Nazis. IT was actually a subject of research that really gained momentum in the early to mid 1940's. You have the likes of Sigmund Freud, Maurice Halbwachs, Edward Bernays (politics and marketing), John B. Watson and his "Little Albert" experiment, Ivan Pavlov--all basically toying with ideas that were both novel at the time and opened the door for the idea that conditioning[/] could be a way to control an individual. They basically opened Pandora's Box. Social control and mind control are pretty much the same thing as both are deliberately using the human psyche to control order and attempt to provoke premeditated responses whether it's buying a particular brand of clothing or buying into a particular politician or political party. Or a war. The two biggest things that I see that I suspect as being indicators that social controls are being utilized on US citizen is "us v. them" mentalities, the sometimes rabid and irrational defense of things that should not be important to them (ie. saying you're going to vote independent or a third party, better yet--try telling people that you don't watch tv), controlled opposition, and then, there are those people who are saying the same damn things, often word for word, in a perverse Halbwachian echo.

Why? Because it keeps us busy. It keeps us buying things whether it be a product or an ideology. We are a democracy and that means that, whatever the public thinks is what is intended to become the law (with checks in place at the Executive and Judicial branches to assure constitutionality). Compartmentalizing us and setting up strict boundaries for behavior that become literally self-preserving and self-perpetuating in an effort to simply maintain the status quo. If you look at anything--anything at all--the larger and more complex something becomes, the more difficult it is to control. That should be a no brainer. It's precisely the same claim as why CEOs of mega corporations deserve such large paychecks (and stock options!). Same thing applies to nations and each has its own methodology for attempting to maintain it. Ours is just based on a whole lot of psychiatric research, philosophy, sociology, and educational theory.

Why do some seem to have been hit with more? Social position, perhaps? Potentiality of what they may become as they do look for future leadership capabilities in children, usually starting at the 3rd grade? One of the things that I find very interesting is that, usually when a large political movement erupts, there's always some great orator that naturally arises from it. Civil rights had MLK, Jr, Free Speech Movement had Mario Savio, Anti-war movement had J. Robert Oppenheimer. Although Occupy made claim that they were a "leaderless movement", they should've still had a great orator rise up. Didn't happen and I thought that was a little weird.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

A major reason Obama is still Prez is that he knows how to use Mind control(specifically NLP) and Romney didn't seem to.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

The alien thing fits into the same category to me... aliens have been used as a means to occupy conspiracy theorists and take us off the trail of real issues.

In essences it basically tracks back to one theme -- disinformation.

You mix the truth in with endless lies and people can never sort it out or come to a consensus...

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Hopechest

Well the fact is that there is no clear agenda being put forth by say Hollywood.

Yes there is.

Yes they are generally liberal

There you go.

I could explain to you what Hollywood is indoctrinating you to believe, but odds are, they are now your most cherished beliefs.

posted on Apr, 15 2013 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by TheKeyMaster

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by flice

You should take a look at her political platform when she was running for the nomination in the Green Party. I'd hardly say it was something a sane person would put together.

I believe that Rosanne Barr has officially lost it.

When people break their mind control all kinds of triggers are set off... this is why people who do break control act crazy or do heavy drugs or kill themselves... suicide triggers are set off as well.

Where have you been since I recovered my identty and life experience. Thanks for this, as some of us suffer so.....with no understanding, feeling so alone

You are greatly appreciated today.

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