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Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood”

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by olaru12

I completely agree with you.

To think that TPTB would not at least try to use this technology would be very naive, I tried to keep a balanced approach in my OP since I cannot prove this practice to be factual even though I do believe it to be in existence on a a much larger scale than people are aware.

I wonder how advanced this technology has actually become?

Well, just last week they demonstrated a device that allowed a human to control a rat's movements with thoughts alone. That's what we allowed to know about.

In other, totally unrelated and off-topic news, spree killers like James Holmes report not having any recollection of the shooting incident. Almost as if someone else just "took over" with some sort of "take over" device that allows one living being to control the actions of another living being... If only we knew of some type of technology that, if sufficiently funded and researched with the might of an entity as powerful as say, The U.S. Military Industrial Complex black budget, could be advanced enough to enable such a thing to take place... Oh well. I can't think of anything... I apologize for this totally off-topic unrelated rambling, I have a habit of taking off onto random tangents of thought that are in no way relevant or helpful to the matter at hand.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Is anyone else having problems playing that video on mind control?

I wonder if they are intentionally censoring it or if it is just a glitch?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:40 PM
Dreams are shifts of assembled awarness. How many dreams have you awoken from and not remembered , until a moment of dejavu triggers the memory of a being in a place you have seen before. Is not memory erasure in a Ufo abduction not the dream hypnosis, what is a dream and where is the awareness to be assessmbled next, when you awoke from the Mkultra was it the same reality you left or had it been supplanted by a new one.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
Dreams are shifts of assembled awarness. How many dreams have you awoken from and not remembered , until a moment of dejavu triggers the memory of a being in a place you have seen before. Is not memory erasure in a Ufo abduction not the dream hypnosis, what is a dream and where is the awareness to be assessmbled next, when you awoke from the Mkultra was it the same reality you left or had it been supplanted by a new one.

I have seen that alien abductions are used as a cover for mind control. So the mind controlled person thinks they were abducted and probed by aliens when it was really humans implanting them with mind control programming.

I also wonder if they use this whole satanic angle as a cover for this in the same way.. maybe they are playing off all our fears and superstitions. They could use the David Icke reptilian thing this way too...
edit on 16-4-2013 by TheKeyMaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by TheKeyMaster

They could use the David Icke reptilian thing this way too...

He could be a Mkultra agent, and be the perfect front. He may not even be aware hes being used for this purpose. If you ever watch a video where he describes how he got into what he does it came from being exposed to subliminal cues and experiences, and whose to say they werent all done as a deliberate set up to pull him in, and to set up his belief system.

And how many more like him, have been used this way, and how many more will be used to fulfill Mkultras plans.

edit on 16-4-2013 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are

Originally posted by Miracula
It becomes especially dangerous when you combine an image called an avatar and combine it with a moniker. It can be used to convey a meaning that can result in conditions like the one Mr. Quaid went through due to his inexperience in this process.

What are you trying to convey with your avatar and moniker if I may ask?

edit on 4/16/2013 by this_is_who_we_are because: photo

I found this doing a search. I was trying to figure out what a grimpachi was.

Some guy did this years ago at a pier trying to instigate a fight for apparently no reason.

I figured out that this was an anteater and did a google search and found this amusing so I posted it.

But back to what I mean about demonic mind programming.

I made a post where on one of my threads were I talked about silver in relationship to a serious sin, and then someone came on here and posted a building falling and called it "Sterling". I thought, man if one of the family members of the 9/11 incident sees that they will think that there families were engaged in sin.
So, I made point of clarifying that I think that the people who perpetrated 9/11 were engaged in that sin, not their victims.

And that is what I mean by meanings that can be used to create hurt and harmful effects. And that is why the internet can be bad. People should only be allowed to create a moniker IMHO, not attach it to an avatar.

edit on 16-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Well the fact is that there is no clear agenda being put forth by say Hollywood. Yes they are generally liberal but they are certianly not talking about anything in the same way. Their views range from moderate to extreme. Plus you have many conservatives in Hollywood, though not as pronounced, certainly exist.

How do you attribute mind control to that?

They would have to be targeting only certain individuals in which case that percentage would exist regardless of whether or not they are being controlled.

You would need to show evidence of a large group of people all acting and speaking the same way on any given topic with no separation at all between their views to even begin to entertain the thought of mass mind-control and that doesn't exist anywhere that I can think of.

If your not going to use it for mass effect than why would you even bother in the first place.

Well, from where I sit, there is a overwhelming amount of people that fit into what you describe. Denial, out of touch etc. Maybe you should have a look aroun around, you might just see some of them.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:53 PM
Here is more of what I am talking about when I say demonic influence in our media. Look at this quote below. This isn't an accident. It's either divine inspiration or demonic. And since God doesn't mock pain and suffering when it includes 8 year old boys getting killed then it must be inspiration of an evil source. Therefore whoever produced it would be a unrepentant atheist still under control of spiritual Babylon.

Fox television on Tuesday pulled a recent episode of animated series "Family Guy" from television and Internet sites after unrelated clips that were edited together to depict a bombing at the Boston Marathon went viral on the web.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

That's a great point. I definitely think that is a possibility. He is the poster boy for discrediting conspiracy theorists.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

Of course Bob isn't real so he doesn't really think he needs one. What I do think is interesting is that SWIB (someone who isn't Bob) concocted the hoop that he can't jump through.

Not saying that WhiteAlice had any particular need or reason for doing that, just that it was done. What is also interesting is that we both participated in a thread where the OP came out and asked that we just suspend disbelief and take people claming to be victims of these assaults at their word, which seems to indicate a sort of codependancy.

Even if people are not victims, they need victims to exist to validate their belief in the conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by flice

You should take a look at her political platform when she was running for the nomination in the Green Party. I'd hardly say it was something a sane person would put together.

I believe that Rosanne Barr has officially lost it.

I felt more proud of my vote for Rosanne Barr for President than any other vote I've made in my life. Seeing her speech announcing that see was running was inspiring.

A-H.E.M. (formerly M.E.H.)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
Dreams are shifts of assembled awarness. How many dreams have you awoken from and not remembered , until a moment of dejavu triggers the memory of a being in a place you have seen before. Is not memory erasure in a Ufo abduction not the dream hypnosis, what is a dream and where is the awareness to be assessmbled next, when you awoke from the Mkultra was it the same reality you left or had it been supplanted by a new one.


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 03:02 AM
I believe the MKULTRA stuff. I have read that Sesame Street is an MKULTRA program for conditioning children for some purpose not yet known. I can't tell how much of that interview is her genuine testimony and how much of it is the comedic side of her being channeled, but it could be she couched some of the deeper stuff in comedy for a reason.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by daskakik
reply to post by Bedlam

Not saying that WhiteAlice had any particular need or reason for doing that, just that it was done. What is also interesting is that we both participated in a thread where the OP came out and asked that we just suspend disbelief and take people claming to be victims of these assaults at their word, which seems to indicate a sort of codependancy.

Even if people are not victims, they need victims to exist to validate their belief in the conspiracy.

Yes, and I am the OP of the thrread you are referencing, and you and I went round and round about IF there were even any such victims. It's not codependency. It's that it seems you have a bias, as many people do, and therefore, whenever someone attempts a thread on this subject matter (at least that I have encountered)
no one can share such an experience without continual, pointed comments and downright judgemental accusations about the status of their mental health, even when there are plenty of well regarded sources to back up that it happens to people, that it is real, that it's been conducted by corporations testing different tech, universities collecting "research," and governmental covert agencies......

And yet, here again, we are with an assertion of some "mental health agenda or problem," codependency being the latest. I happen to resent that you chose to carry this on to another thread, and use another judgemental mental determination to back up your own theory that we're just all imagining, or somehow need each other to "believe...."

I need no one to endorse my beliefs, nor to agree with me, to know the truth of my life, nor what I have personally witnessed others endure. It is sad that you put that codependency label on a thread that was intended to be supportive of those who suffer, who don't feel safe to talk about what's happened to them, without this, and then finding it carried over into other threads, as well.
I have no particular agenda on this website. I comment on many different threads, of varied subject matter, and I try to, at least, keep my mind open, whether I agree or not, and can at least recognize when I have my own bias to deal with. When such is the case, I don't carry it around to every thread on the same topic. This shouldn't be personal, but labelling people who participate in certain thrreads you don't happen to agree with only shows more about you, than it does about those sharing their experiences.
edit on 17-4-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 12:55 PM
Why would an entity use such technology and tactics on its citizens?

In my case, I threatened my employer, government, with writing a book about various abuses I've witnessed over the years.

They completely destroyed me - physically, emotionally, professionally.

A poster said there has to be a common theme in order to prove this goes on?

There is. These entities always induce mental illness and voices and the voices are always nasty. Careers are always destroyed. Reputations are always crushed.

Wake up. Don't just look. SEE. Listen. HEAR.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by tetra50

For someone who claims to not have a personal stake in the topic, you sure do seem to take it personally.

I just made an observation. It may apply to you or it may not.

The one thing that you don't seem to understand, even in your thread, is that I have never said that these things have not happened or that they are not still happening. I just can't believe that every claim is legit so a blanket suspending of disbelief doesn't seem logical to me.
edit on 17-4-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by TheKeyMaster

I was having problems with it too. Don't know if it was just us?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:36 PM
Is there still a problem with the video that I linked if so I will post it again.

Peace, NRE.

BTW its a condensed version of a hour long video I will link that one as well.

Here is the original video

edit on 17-4-2013 by NoRegretsEver because: add video

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Just trying to express the difficulties that someone may face in terms of confronting something that is outside what the majority accepts as "the way things are". Hence the hypothetical Bob. People say "oh it'd be so easy to prove because all you'd have to get it substantiated by a doctor and tests". Thing is, even if Bob is lying, it'd still be hard just based on the way that the medical system is set up and Bob would be afraid to. You, yourself, said that anybody who would have "broken programming" or anything would likely to be snuffed out. That's like the most common thought when it comes to having any sort of evidence of governmental wrongdoing. The thing is, in reality, it doesn't play out that way. I seem to recall a lot of MK and human radiation experiment survivors living, testifying and actually getting compensation and not "disappearing". The biggest obstacle is getting over the fear that you're going to be declared insane. Maybe have your kids taken away from you without ever getting chance of being taken seriously. Those are the kinds of things that I would absolutely fear.

That's the problem.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by WhiteAlice
reply to post by daskakik

People say "oh it'd be so easy to prove because all you'd have to get it substantiated by a doctor and tests". Thing is, even if Bob is lying, it'd still be hard just based on the way that the medical system is set up and Bob would be afraid to.

I can't help but see this as an excuse. Maybe I'm just a little on the radical side but if someone hacked into my brain I would have no problem doing whatever had to be done.

You, yourself, said that anybody who would have "broken programming" or anything would likely to be snuffed out. That's like the most common thought when it comes to having any sort of evidence of governmental wrongdoing. The thing is, in reality, it doesn't play out that way. I seem to recall a lot of MK and human radiation experiment survivors living, testifying and actually getting compensation and not "disappearing".

I think you are mixing things up here. It's one thing to be a survivor of some unethical action on the part of the government, get an apology and compensation and another to be continuously harassed for years.

Also, could it be that things don't play out the way I described because, they are not really going on that way to begin with?

The biggest obstacle is getting over the fear that you're going to be declared insane. Maybe have your kids taken away from you without ever getting chance of being taken seriously. Those are the kinds of things that I would absolutely fear.

Wouldn't this be the reason that people find it easy to believe? It is something that most people fear. If anything I would say that that is the real element of control in the situation.
edit on 17-4-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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