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Father Sickened By Anti-Constitutional Note From Son’s School

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posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:20 AM
To be completely honest you are sending your kid to Public school. It is not like you really cared about their Education... there has never been a US President who went to public school. Ever.

They are not teaching your offspring anything more than being a more efficient slave. That is the point of the public school system.

Sorry, but masses do not get to sit with the Classes.
If this even remotely surprises you..... Well it might. Sorry. Truth hurts, but it is fact.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:23 AM
The extra money it takes for Private Education has never been more worth it...

It could be the difference between your child having a life time of employment and opportunity........ Or just a life time of Employment.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

my wifes mom is a teachers aid for special needs children ( autistic , ect ) and she tells me about how more or less many parents expect the teachers to raise their kids , and I guess that is true from any age in schools. People just don't care and drop everything on the laps of teachers to raise their kids to teach them about right and wrong , or in cases with my mother in law some parents have even expect the teacher to potty train them , I am just blown away how some people are just to busy to raise their kids , or who just don't care enough to and get mad at the school system for their failures as parenting.

I really do feel bad for you teachers to have to deal with that . very noble job that gets all to little credit in my opinion

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by truthinfact
To be completely honest you are sending your kid to Public school. It is not like you really cared about their Education... there has never been a US President who went to public school. Ever.

They are not teaching your offspring anything more than being a more efficient slave. That is the point of the public school system.

Sorry, but masses do not get to sit with the Classes.
If this even remotely surprises you..... Well it might. Sorry. Truth hurts, but it is fact.

fact is if you look at presidents they mostly come from wealthy families just to run for the seat you need to be a multimillionaire . people send their kids to private schools because they don't want their kids with the poor class of folk . the majority of kids and adults I have came across from wealthy families are some of the most stupid and shallow people I have ever met , who suffer from entitlement . Many people who are greedy corrupt and ethicless come from private schools , there are exceptions but your theory is severely flawed . regardless they are still all coming out of the same universities that are a product of public schools .

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Originally posted by freedomSlave
reply to post by smyleegrl

a teach preaching his own agenda , thoughts and philosophies .

Not really sure how some people in here think this is the governments doing . maybe tin foil hats are on to tight cutting off proper blood flow to their brains

Just to clarify, my husband and I both use the state curriculum to create lessons. Critical thinking is part and parcel of the curriculum. HOW you teach critical thinking is left to the teachers' judgement, hence my husband's lessons. It is his philosophy as well, QUESTION EVERYTHING, but isn't this what we want our children to do?

you are so right that today the high school graduates have NO critical thinking skills and blindly believe .... if children were taught analytical thinking skills then they would think it out themselves but you need to be taught that idea to retrain your mind from the "group think" of public education!

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:43 AM
nevermind trying to stay on topic

edit on 13/4/13 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
reply to post by Rocker2013

And a good thing too. It's not the job of a teacher to be issuing religious texts to students when that religious text is not part of a wider class. Teachers have no place promoting any religion to students, in any way. Religious education in schools should cover everything or nothing. It should be about the facts, not opinions. If I were that teacher, and an "inquisitive" student came to me to ask for a Bible or discussion about religion outside of a class, I would direct them to the library, or advise them to seek that information from a church, friend or family member outside of the education system. State employees should not be promoting any religion in a secular society.

it may be your prerogative to "direct them to the library" but a student asking questions about a religion, and a teacher answering is not illegal or wrong.

you seem to be laboring under the delusion that "separation of church and state" is in the constitution, it isn't. furthermore the student was the one asking, the teacher merely gave them the text that they could get anywhere.

also, claiming that our society is secular is far from true. the polls show "our society" firmly supports the idea of a god.

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than 9 in 10 Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?"; this is down only slightly from the 1940s, when Gallup first asked this question.

The longview from Gallup: "Some 78% of Americans today believe that God had a hand in the development of humans in some way, just slightly less than the percentage who felt this way 30 years ago. All in all, there is no evidence in this trend of a substantial movement toward a secular viewpoint on human origins."
46% believe in creationism while 32% believe god guided evolution.
edit on 12-4-2013 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

If you don't separate church and state, you get communism; the very thing that you are fighting against.

It is IMPERATIVE that church and state stay separated until the coming of the Lord. Because the kingdom of God is NOT OF THIS WORLD; and if people try to mate the bride with the bridegroom of the law of men, then you turn the bride into a harlot; because the bride does not belong to the state, but to the Lord.

If you try to push Christianity into the state, you will destroy it.

Wait.. what did Constantine do?

Wait... what is the Vatican?

Do I rest my case yet?

But on that note, a teacher is NOT the state. A teacher uses the state system to teach the children; and also is paid by the state, so is definitely a representative of the state. But teachers can also be human beings. And human beings are allowed to give other human beings Bibles. Especially since the kid asked to learn; if a kid wants to learn something, will a self-respecting teacher deny the privilege?

Not to mention, this speaks worlds about what really happened here.

They had no problem firing the teacher that gave a Bible away. But they'll do anything to make up excuses, redirect, and not punish the teacher responsible for the class that oversaw a child writing, as instructed, the statement that he is willing to give up his constitutional rights in order to be more secure.

Now, touching on the Constitution, most of you realize that the Constitution and its laws are not negative legislation, right? It's a decree, a blueprint; and then the bill of rights is just an affirmation of the rights that you naturally possess by simply being alive. So if somebody says, "Would you like to relinquish your rights to be more secure?" They are legally talking about the Bill of Rights. And if anyone is willing to give up those rights, those naturally occurring rights that are only more strongly affirmed, then they are willing to give up their BIRTH RIGHT.

Because the rights with which you are born are your birth right. And if you give those up, you have chosen to no longer be a citizen of the United States of America; but instead, you are now under authority, and under foot.

What that boy wrote on that note is a lawfully binding statement, especially if it were notarized. Of course, we know this isn't lawfully binding; but soon it will be. And people will willingly do it!

Well, except that you elect your representatives to sign away your rights for you. Because they represent you, whatever they sign, that has your signature on it.

So how nice that is?

But then, it is better that there be a republic of individuals to make choices, if sometimes AGAINST public opinion. If the public vote counted 100% of the time, this world flee long time ago.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:04 AM
This is digusting.

Telling a kid how to think or feel about somthing is just wrong. A child should be able to grow up and form their own beliefs and opinions.

A child doesn't have the capabilty to think for themsleves yet. Their brains have not yet developed fully. Making them the perfect people to manipulate.

Here's an example. If a child grows up in a heavy catholic family, chances are their going to end up the same. Because they haven't been around any other beliefs. If you beat someting into someones head over and over, no matter what it is, people will start to accept it as truth, even if it is far from the truth.

Why do you think politicians are so obsessed with children?

They know good and well children play on the hearts of people. And they will use any scapegoat or tactic to try and get people to do what they want. Sandy hook and gun control is a prime example.

They don't don't care about children, they just want them to grow up, pay taxes, get a job at their buddys criminal business, join the military, and vote for their political party, that's it.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Teacher here.

My husband teaches eight grade...they just finished a unit on propaganda. Guess what a majority of their primary sources were....US propaganda. My husband even played a "trick" on the students, getting them to sign a petition to ban water. He used the chemical name and described the dangers, and they all signed it. Then he explained what they REALLY signed...and I think those kids now understand why blindly accepting what you are told is never a good thing.
Ummm...Good ole dihydrous monoxide...the major ingredient in sewage...not just any effluvia.

I was curious about the written assignment, the presence of the "lawer guest speaker" and the possible correlation. It makes me wonder if this connection in fact does play into indoctrination and propaganda and the influence on young minds........

edit on 13-4-2013 by YouSir because: of the case of the additional r

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:40 AM
I would like to see this from a source other than Alex Jones, Infowars, and The Blaze.
(2nd line)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by MrSpad
So we have something a written by a kid who has no idea what it means nor do we have any context as in? Could the teacher have said write this down and ask your parents how they feel. So we know nothing and yet we at ATS condem what somebody may or may not have said and want to deny that person their what? Thats right, their constitutional right of free speech for the security of children from certain ideas. So in fact you all do agree with the note. Interesting that.


posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by seabag Fortunately for me, here in Texas it’s not that bad yet.

They just chip them like cattle.

How is that rfid chip/ID card experiment going anyhow? I haven't followed it for a while.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by MojaveBurning
I would like to see this from a source other than Alex Jones, Infowars, and The Blaze.
(2nd line)

oh now, if you have spent any time here, you will notice every day there is a thread or two, with the same twenty or thirty posters, that talk about how their constitutional rights have been taken away and destroyed. it's always because of the "socialist agenda", and of course, Obama and liberals are the culprits, and leaders of the pack.
same thing, different day

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Bioshock
First off what right are they suggesting the child give up to feel safer? If it is the 2end then what are they doing talking to children at this age about guns and if it is just giving up rights to be safe with no explanation then it is called "sedition", why , because the government took an oath to support and defend the constatution, YA I know, fat chance, so if the government sides with the school then it is this goes a lot further then one child or a class room of get my point???

Unite, demonstrate and boycott the school. Get all parents involved and go to the school board, the more you chase the socialist/communist cockroachs out into the light you may see a big change, if not I would concider moving, they are in control of your town. This is not about gun rights anymore, it is about a "coup" of this country and its core beliefs of freedom.

Sorry for the soap box but when THEY start with children it really is the last straw..............I would hope!!

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by truthinfact

Do you have kids? I think not. If you do, and you send them to private school, do you think you are getting a better education? Hell no. All schools are the same. Private schools push agendas too.

Folks, the public/private school system is where children are indoctrinated. It has been like that since the introduced public schools. Read a goddamn book. This started in the late 1800's and culminated with the Progressive movement in the late teens of the last century.

It is just like there are some bad cops, doctors, lawyers, etc...

Should you accept it. NO. Go to the school Monday morning, calm and collected, and ask to speak to the teacher. RECORD IT. We all have smart phones.

Then, if they deny it, you have proof. If they say they did, go to the principal. Then, go to your local school board. THAT is how you get things done and not bashing someone becaue the only outler they have is the public shool system which, if you are NOT lazy, can make it work for you.

DO something about this. Call a local TV station but do not do nothing....

edit on 13-4-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by MojaveBurning

Well actually I first saw it on both Fox News online and yahoo news yesterday morning. However I didn't think about getting a screen shot of them and the stories seem to be gone now. Ill go check the Orlando sentinel since it happened in Florida to see if there's any more information.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Its plain and simple...
Mind Kontrole.....
Its been going on with increasing degrees of success since before ww2
The US, Britain, Canada, are deeply into this form of "socially engineering" you and your children.
If you didnt know this...where yall been?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:56 AM
While I hate the Patriot Act and I don't believe you should give up rights for security -- it's a dead end pursuit - this is a little to "hair trigger" to go off on some little crayon slogan.

The teacher should be talked to, but not fired. There is no program of brainwashing that I'm aware of at "government schools." But there is always going to be SOME. We've got so many groups fighting over how to "flavor" the cool aide nobody stops to look at the experience for the kids and teachers. They are already treated like provisional convicts.

You go visit a teacher's class one day. She records that she fulfilled certain criteria. Two or three people sign off on every grade, every special thing that is done -- not just field trips. There are more people looking over the shoulder of your public school teacher than the banker who is entrusted with billions. It is ridiculous and it's a pressure cooker.

I don't want religious indoctrination, either. All that stuff should be at home. But parents freaking out about kids being taught to "share" is silly. Even this is kind of silly; there are bad teachers or bad lessons all the time and the kid will get another lesson about how "the Vietnam War" was necessary -- you think I'm happy about that? The History lessons are so boiled down as it is -- Politically Correct is Politically Correct. The Right wants to have a say what gets put in little minds just like the Left. Get over it. Kids are smarter than you think and we try and brainwash them all the time -- if they are exposed to many ideas then they discard the dumb ones.

My dad was raised in Texas to be a racist, and his college roommates were, a black, a jew and (later he found) a gay man. They became friends even though he was indoctrinated that these were people not to be trusted.

Now people WANTING to brainwash kids with nonsense that breaks down under strong light; THEY seem to have a problem with Public School all the time. That's why having a shared experience like this can be good for society; it pops bubbles.

Hell, I was told all kinds of supply-side free market economics at College. I figured out it was crap on my own.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by MojaveBurning
I would like to see this from a source other than Alex Jones, Infowars, and The Blaze.
(2nd line)

oh now, if you have spent any time here, you will notice every day there is a thread or two, with the same twenty or thirty posters, that talk about how their constitutional rights have been taken away and destroyed. it's always because of the "socialist agenda", and of course, Obama and liberals are the culprits, and leaders of the pack.
same thing, different day

They might have a thousand messages of things scrawled in crayon, like; "Jesus loves me" or "America is the best" or "Free Markets save lives" and one taken out of context that they freak out about. My kids get very watered down history, very watered down social studies and it's because of silly parents freaking out about nonsense and of course, book publishers being influenced by agendas.

I'm not a Progressive today because of school, I'm one because I learned how to learn, and I discarded a lot of nonsense -- a lot. People are going to move away from stupid things and towards things that make sense if you just expose them to all sorts of ideas.

Only stupid ideas flourish in the darkness. So if you are concerned that your kid is moving away from your beliefs -- maybe it's your beliefs that are weak and not indoctrination.

I'm not afraid of the fascist nonsense my kids are subjected to every day -- and even in commercials. I explain things like; "We honor the flag and say America is great -- because that's an ideal, but we haven't been to but one war that made sense, and a lot of people lie to make money. Things are not always as you are told in school." And they get it. They can both pass the test, and they can learn that what they are told might need more research.

Few people grow into adults thinking there really is a Santa Claus -- and that's DESPITE everyone working together to deceive kids. That's why I keep up the ruse to make my kids believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy; so they get the lesson that EVERYONE can be wrong and that they can be deceived. They have to develop their own cognitive skills.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by truthinfact

To be completely honest you are sending your kid to Public school. It is not like you really cared about their Education... there has never been a US President who went to public school. Ever. They are not teaching your offspring anything more than being a more efficient slave. That is the point of the public school system. Sorry, but masses do not get to sit with the Classes. If this even remotely surprises you..... Well it might. Sorry. Truth hurts, but it is fact.

I went to public school, k-12.

(Almost full ride to a private college, won another scholarship to Oxford. Paid the rest by working full time.

I've had papers published, blah blah blah.

Public education did fine by me.

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