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Jon Stewart Exposes The Monsanto Protection Act

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posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
You are full of it man.

So what if I am? How does that change reality?

Almost NO ONE knows that info, even around here at ATS.

Anyone who is interested and 5 seconds to google know it. Most of his fans know it. If ATS demographic doesn't so what?

Stop worshiping a TV character blindly.
Get off your knees.
Think for yourself for once.

For once I'm not worshipping anyone here. I'm not on my knees but thank you for the concernt. I think for myself plenty fine which is exactly the reason I called your point out.

No one reads wikipedia except the top 5% literates.
No one cares about information anymore, except that 5% literate.
I don't know what country you are from, but in the USA, knowledge and information are not exactly considered fashionable or hip.

Do you have stats or some source for that claim? Any of those claims?

And BTW, I have been following Stuart since the first season of Daily Show, I have his joke literature too, and no where did I see him mention his family ties, not once!

You've missed it then.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:10 PM
A lot of people watch Jon Stewart it was done in comedy, but that's better than nothing right?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by terriblyvexed
A lot of people watch Jon Stewart it was done in comedy, but that's better than nothing right?

Pretty much. This was covered by a few sources along the political spectrum, as Man in the Mask noted, himself though. I'm not a huge fan of Jon Stewart. Yeah, he's funny but I don't dismiss his familial/political connections and have known about it for a while. Not to mention that sometimes, he says some rather curious things and will pull the line just like other mainstream media sources. That said, having Stewart show some righteous outrage over what happened with the budget bill is not a bad thing as it does highlight a very, very significant issue within Congress (corruption/rider issues)...all packaged in a hard hitting, make you laugh when you want to cry, manner that seems to be the format that a lot of Americans need to have done for them. I'd love to see a study on how many adults in the US actually will read the full length of a news article and what their reading comprehension level was on the material (checking for skimming).

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Alchemst7
reply to post by jacobe001

Whats even more disgusting is the audiance laughing in the background as Jon Stewart makes a comedy about how our representative pass laws without knowing whats getting passed. This is sickening!!

This country is DEAD! The spark that formed this country is gone and is now like a pot of frogs slowly boiling to death.

I think it was more of a laugh to keep from crying type of moment, It is a comedy show after all.When Bill Hicks or george carlin tell jokes about our #ed up society do you not laugh?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

I like Jon, but thanks to ATS I see a lot of bull. He talks about Fox news all the time
but never MSNBC even though I see this I still watch. So if he points these things out
it has to get people thinking.

I guess I'm just an optimist, but I'm really hoping the next time a Ron Paul comes along
we'll vote for REAL change.

Can't blame that right?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide

Originally posted by WaterBottle
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

ATS has a right wing bias so I'm not sure what you're going on about.

edit on 13-4-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

That would be your opinion, but at the end of the day so what if it is. The point being that this was already exposed by a right wing website...but the Democrat crowd ignored the information because it simply being "right wing." Now being presented with this same information by Jon Stewart, Democrats accept it.

This is the problem we are facing, that the right / left wing acts like a horse with blinders on. Only able to see "their" side of things. I consider myself a conservative but there has been many a time that I can see the positives that liberals bring to the table.

Why can't more people do this?

The "Show" is designed that way! It's like Big Time Wrestling. The characters are not really enemies. They are each designed to appeal to a certain demographic, that remains relatively balanced for the sake of keeping people engaged in the performance, rather than pay attention to the fact that they are ALL fleecing us blind.

Most people want the same thing...a better and fairer life for everyone. The only real difference, is how to go about it, that we tend to disagree on. If we all were to start seeing the similarities among us....that is, we normal people out here....and stop falling for their game of keeping us squabbling among ourselves about how to approach it, by pretending to have differences among them, there would be nothing they could do. Forget the "other" party, and pay attention to whichever side you think you are on, and how bad they are fracking up. These are not (for the most part) stupid people. They just play stupid people in the media. If they really were that stupid, they wouldn't be ale to even function at the level of a McDonald's worker, let alone be leaders of any sort.

There is no Two Party System. There is only one Party...The Incumbent Party. And they only care about one thing. Keeping their jobs and perks and serving their masters....which is definitely NOT us. You may be a Democrat or a Republican, according to the philosophy espoused by those entities. However, the politicians who are farming you, are not. They are no more advocates of your concerns, than House is a real Doctor.

It's always easier to see where someone who is purportedly "on the other side" is wrong. The hard thing....and the smart to figure out where what you believe to be your "own side" is is wrong...or corrupt...or just plain dishonest. It's the one's on YOUR SIDE who are playing you, the hardest. If the "left" and the "right", among the People, ever manage to find their way back from the media induced and politician implemented bickering, then it will be more like the Founding Father's envisioned. Politicians working for us again....on a short leash...instead of ruling us like the cattle they think of us as.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 03:36 PM
-watches video-

-flips over keyboard-

-presses giant NOPE button-

-rockets through the ceiling and into outer space to Mars or closest habitable planet-

If only it were that easy.

I like Jon, but sometimes he can shill like the rest of his peeps. This is another one of his golden moments where people should get involved against such blatant power abuse.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:20 PM
some of these politicians are traitors..

there shall be justice...

thank you God

thank You

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
Monsanto is pure evil. We're looking at the real life equivalent of the Umbrella Corporation. Not only are they bloodthirsty in regards to money, but at the heart of it there seems to be scientists who do things to prove that they can with no consideration for whether or not they should....

There aren't many people, places, companies, etc that I legitimately hate.... but I can say without hesitation, that I genuinely hate Monsanto. We've even started a large garden at home with seeds from companies not associated with them in any way.... not for health reasons even though organic is better; simply because we do not even want to take the risk of eating their GMO veggies, or contributing monetarily to them.

They are a pervasive element in our food and this country, so you can't avoid them altogether, but that won't stop me from trying. I avoid McDonald's because of their association with Monsanto, I have also stopped watching television networks where I have seen advertisements for their Roundup products. Any television network garnering ad dollars from Monsanto is not a network I want anything to do with.

I hope they all burn in hell.....
edit on 12-4-2013 by Osiris1953 because: (no reason given)

Monsanto is Orwellian Soylent Green (is people) level Psychosis. Its like Satan getting incorporated.

Straight Up wouldn't be Surprised if The Anti-Christ is actually working there right now as we speaking, just waiting to be unleashed on the world.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by readytorevolt

Wow, surprised u got that language past them mods. Just wanted to comment that maybe the unlawful gaming law applies to the Monsanto Protection Act. Any lawyers on ATS?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom
Yes our "supposed representatives" should be kept in glass bulletproof cages with a tv chat room monitored at all times. With over a thousand cable stations, we could have 535 channels with live feeds of these guys. When we see a Monsanto lobbyist sneeking into the hen house, we could open a trap door on them that drops the coyote into a Warner Brothers cartoon. Just try and beat that roadrunner you coyote! Acme company supports the roadrunner. I am tired , so tired of this nonsense. Might as well get a laugh out of it.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:08 PM
Que twilight zone music.


in a world where news is comedy and comedy is news... you're going to have a bad time.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by dominicus
"Monsanto is Orwellian Soylent Green (is people) level Psychosis. Its like Satan getting incorporated."

Ever play that game called Oddworld?"
Poor Abe finds out that his people are actually being canned and sold by the megacorporation. When people are "disappeared by the government" --indefinite detention without trial -- how do we know they are not being sold in a can of tuna? Somethings are just so obviously wrong. It is amazing how the feds jail people for drug use, and have said that legalizing marijuana is a slippery slope leading to other drugs; yet they do not see this Monsanto Protection act and indefinite detention for the slippery slope into totalitarianism that it is. Monsanto-- the figurehead for the next Nazi overlord.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by nownow
reply to post by dominicus
"Monsanto is Orwellian Soylent Green (is people) level Psychosis. Its like Satan getting incorporated."

Ever play that game called Oddworld?"
Poor Abe finds out that his people are actually being canned and sold by the megacorporation. When people are "disappeared by the government" --indefinite detention without trial -- how do we know they are not being sold in a can of tuna? Somethings are just so obviously wrong. It is amazing how the feds jail people for drug use, and have said that legalizing marijuana is a slippery slope leading to other drugs; yet they do not see this Monsanto Protection act and indefinite detention for the slippery slope into totalitarianism that it is. Monsanto-- the figurehead for the next Nazi overlord.

YEah I used to play Oddworld!!!!! That Game was Amazing for its time, the background music, the little physics tricks you had to know to unlock cages, and save friends, and cinematography was great. When I was a kid, MEtroid for Nintendo was the only game that would draw me like that, I would actually be scared of certain levels.

Anyway, Mon$anto SUCKS!!!! Not a week goes by that I don't hear in the news some law that they paid for to get passed, or some farmer that their suing and take everything from. I'd bet the farm, they're working on growing, and patenting, petri dish synthetic human flesh to be used for food for the people like oddworld.

That, and then patenting breathing air, the flow of blood through the veins, existence itself, and then Taxing everyone to death for it.

Oh and water too. Monsanto Genetically Modified Water!!!!!

Yeah, when I hear the name of that company said on the news or popping up on my news feed, my stomach feels like its going to puke. Might as well just inject ourselves with cancer cells at the rate they're going.

Star for you, for the Oddworld mention!!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:24 PM
Sorry .. but ... what the hell is wrong with your country and its representatives?

How can this even be legal?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Solution to this? ANyone? Anybody?

Didn't think so. We are zombiefied

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Diggz

Here some more satire for you:

getting the people to laugh about something that should be taken serious....

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 11:14 PM
people told a horrific truth and laugh about it. it's why we're so screwed. "that's entertainment".

Jon Stewart and his show is more important than we think.. he has the ability to actually tell the truth about things no one else covers.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

S & F
I find it amazing that America has survived this long with these idiots on board!
Glad Jon Stewart at least brought it out in the open. I found it to be very funny, even though it is a very serious matter as you stated.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by baburak

Most people have a "out of sight, out of mind" attitude, and the ones who do see the BS get "gone"

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