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Originally posted by guitarplayer
May I ask why is it when Catholics speak of their faith they most generally say Catholics and Christians believe this or that. Why the distinction between Catholic and Christian? If all who believe in Christ are Christian why the distinction between the two?
Originally posted by adjensen
reply to post by guitarplayer
I'm not much of a Catholic, but I don't make such a distinction. Christianity is the religion, Roman Catholic is my denomination, just as the Methodists, Baptists and Eastern Orthodox are denominations.
I don't consider anyone who conforms to the Nicene Creed to be a separate religion, though those who reject the creed, in any part, are not Christians, by the definition of the term.
Originally posted by colbeYou didn't need to leave your note.
You are holy I am not.
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by colbeYou didn't need to leave your note.
You are holy I am not.
No, Colbe, I am not. I am a human being, as you are. I am on a spiritual journey, as you are. I do not think I am more enlightened than you are, or LoneWolf, or anyone else.
I agree that anti-Catholicism is rampant, even within this thread. But I also recognize that anti-Protestantism is also rampant, even within this thread. Both you and LoneWolf love God, love Jesus, is it not obvious that God would have us focus on that love, rather than on the differences in which that love is exemplified? Do you think that you love a different Jesus than LoneWolf does?
Originally posted by colbe
My pride, It hurt to read you say something unkind to me.
There are reasonable responses, of course, to all of your criticisms -- the Monstrance, for example, is shaped the way that it is to reflect, not the sun, but to reflect that Christ is the light of the world
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by adjensen
There are reasonable responses, of course, to all of your criticisms -- the Monstrance, for example, is shaped the way that it is to reflect, not the sun, but to reflect that Christ is the light of the world
Dude it is what it is. I never took you for a blind man Adjensen. Does the monstrance not look like a solar disc with starburst flames, yes or no? Stop applying your religion to it and see the object for what it is. It looks like a blooming Star.
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by adjensen
There are reasonable responses, of course, to all of your criticisms -- the Monstrance, for example, is shaped the way that it is to reflect, not the sun, but to reflect that Christ is the light of the world
Dude it is what it is. I never took you for a blind man Adjensen. Does the monstrance not look like a solar disc with starburst flames, yes or no? Stop applying your religion to it and see the object for what it is. It looks like a blooming Star.
It doesn't matter what it looks like, it's what it represents, and what it represents is Jesus (in the Eucharist) shining as the light of the world. Period. There's no hidden "sun worship" in it, there's nothing that you have to read into, it just represents that, and if you're going to represent light, how are you going to do so? In a manner such as you see in the Monstrance.
In addition, no one worships the Monstrance, worship is directed solely at Christ, who we believe, and which has been taught since the beginnings of the church, begun by Christ's own words at the Last Supper, is present in the Eucharist.
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by adjensen
There are reasonable responses, of course, to all of your criticisms -- the Monstrance, for example, is shaped the way that it is to reflect, not the sun, but to reflect that Christ is the light of the world
Dude it is what it is. I never took you for a blind man Adjensen. Does the monstrance not look like a solar disc with starburst flames, yes or no? Stop applying your religion to it and see the object for what it is. It looks like a blooming Star.
It doesn't matter what it looks like, it's what it represents, and what it represents is Jesus (in the Eucharist) shining as the light of the world. Period. There's no hidden "sun worship" in it, there's nothing that you have to read into, it just represents that, and if you're going to represent light, how are you going to do so? In a manner such as you see in the Monstrance.
In addition, no one worships the Monstrance, worship is directed solely at Christ, who we believe, and which has been taught since the beginnings of the church, begun by Christ's own words at the Last Supper, is present in the Eucharist.
It doesn't matter what it looks like? I am pretty sure Moses heard the same excuse when he came down and found his people worshipping the golden calf. It too was merely supposed to represent God.
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by colbe
My pride, It hurt to read you say something unkind to me.
I apologize for having hurt you, Colbe, I just believe that we are all in this together, and we are where God wants us to be. For you and I, that is the Roman church, for others, that is not the Roman church, and my personal perspective is that that's okay, because salvation is God's call, not mine.
As an apologist, I need to defend our faith against misrepresentations of what it is and what it teaches, but I don't feel the need to convince everyone that I'm right, they're wrong and they need to think what I do.
We all come to God through Jesus, and so long as that is first and foremost in a person's theology, I am content to set the rest of it aside, because I'd rather let someone operate under assumptions that are far different from mine than to accidentally dissuade them (or anyone else who happens to be listening,) from that personal relationship with God by badgering them or ripping apart something that they hold dear.
"truejew" is a special case, in that he is not only a heretic who is attempting to recruit people into his cult, but I think that he lacks that personal relationship entirely.
You can reject me as not being a "real Catholic", and I'm okay with that, because I readily admit that I'm more "catholic" than I am "Catholic", and that's due to who I am, what my past experiences have been and the reason that I am a member of the Roman Catholic church.
So, again, apologies for hurting you, and I hope that I've clarified my position.
Originally posted by colbe
Catholics ARE more enlightened,
This is NOT a prideful statement
So, we are more enlightened.
Originally posted by WashMoreFeet
Originally posted by colbe
Catholics ARE more enlightened,
no they're not
This is NOT a prideful statement
uh, yeah, it is.
It is also ignorant and presumptuous.
So, we are more enlightened.
Whatever makes you feel better.
But saying it over and over doesn't make it true.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, Jesus wasn't Catholic. He was a Jew. Neither were any of the Apostles. Not one Catholic in the bunch. No Protestants either.......all Jewish. Salvation was truly from the Jews, but the whole of mankind was reconciled in Christ's death. There is no distinction. To speak otherwise, is to call the beloved Apostle Paul a liar.
Does your understanding exceed that of a chosen Disciple of God Himself?
Let me tell you something people, GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF RELIGION.
So get over it.
Christ came to UNITE us into ONE BODY, not to DIVIDE us into the denominations of men. This would also include the denomination of Catholicism. The Catholic Church is an institution, not the Body of Christ. Protestantism is an institution, not the Body of Christ.
The Body of Christ is ALL Believers who have accepted salvation through Jesus Christ. Those whom have been baptized with the Holy Spirit have been partitioned with gifts of the Spirit which are uniquely particular to each person, when put together, function as a whole.
We don't have time for this crap people. It's time to get over your pride, quit wallowing in ignorance and seek to understand for which part of His Body you have been purposed. The mother of all turds is about to hit the fan and His "PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF UNDERSTANDING"!!
By the way, I grew up Catholic, so save your breath for any accusation of hatin' on the Catholics.
A true Christian is simply a person who follows Christ, with their whole heart, to the best of their ability.
Originally posted by WashMoreFeet
reply to post by colbe
You are disturbingly deceived and only serving to be a stumbling block to others.
The only thing God wants is to redeem His creation, most importantly, His children whom will make up His eternal resting place as the Body of Christ in New Jerusalem.
The Roman Catholic Church has long been hijacked by the Enemy. The religions of men are polluted, they have all become infiltrated by the Enemy. None are right. Only the Gospel Message of Christ is right, and even the Vulgate of Jerome commissioned by the Catholic Church is corrupt. Discernment of Truth comes from God alone, as Jesus Himself said SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM.
Catholicism is a den of vipers, with the righteous Message of Christ having been raped by wolves and thieves. Catholics themselves, however, are not, as there are many within my childhood faith that truly belong to Christ and when the time comes, the Holy Spirit which dwells in them will testify to Truth, for God's Spirit recognizes His own voice.
You assume I am Protestant and you do err, Brother. I am a born-again Believer in Christ, a slave to His Kingdom until my last breath exhales in this dimension. I know His voice, and following it through the times which are upon us, will most likely cost me everything. In the handful of years we have left, I will be speaking Truth against messages like yours.
Truly the time for us to unite is upon us, however those who do so under the guise of the Vatican will be horribly and wretchedly deceived.
It is time to humble your heart my Brother, and come out of Babylon.
Originally posted by WashMoreFeet
reply to post by colbe
I will explain more, there are parts of my post you misunderstood. I understand where you are coming from Brother, I was once there. I am no mystic. I believe in the in-errancy of God's Word. It is His Word which will be the very first thing attacked. This long-planned stratagem by the Enemy is already coming together as we speak.
We fight for the same kingdom, Brother. Deception is a subtle beast and I freely admit that my ignorance far exceeds my understanding. However, I can say with certainty that we are not to put our faith in the words of men, only God and His Word. All others we are to test in Spirit and hold accountable to Christ. Prophets are to subject to other prophets, the Spirit that works in God's true prophets can easily recognize the words of an imposter.
Let me ruminate on this more and seek guidance in prayer. I am mindful to work for His kingdom and never against it. I see that you truly have a heart for Christ, therefore I am compelled to treat it as the priceless treasure He regards it to be. Therefore, whatever words I share with you, should reflect that standard. Unlike my previous post which are my own uninspired words, and that, also written in haste. For that I ask your forgiveness. Not to say that what I said is untrue, but something that I now see I should not be presumptuous about with diverse company.
Know that in seeking Him, we are at the mercy of His timing and His purposes. But also know that I will make a genuine effort on the matter, for the Body of Christ works together to serve Him by serving each other.
Marana thaedit on 6/16/2013 by WashMoreFeet because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Thread dead?
He's baaaaaaaaaack
Originally posted by WashMoreFeet
Men are not at war with each other, but that which they cannot see.
And the perception of their altogether transparent Enemy is entirely dependent upon their relationship with God.
For spiritual eyes to see Truth, they must be led by Truth. All else is perverted by deception.
What is Truth?
Truth is something that is known and understood, not taught.
Truth is ultimate and absolute, not relative
Salvation is by grace.
Our testimony to this salvation is through the manifestation of good works.
Good works not accomplished by our own will and intent, but by the grace of Christ in us and working through us.
The Holy Spirit testifies and bears witness to our salvation by giving us the desire and creating the circumstances to carry out our good works.
Without Love, the Divine Love that is only imparted by grace, any and all work is worthless because it is based on selfish gain.
(Eph 2 & 6) (John 14 & 18)
The rest I have sent to you by private message.
God bless you Brother, and may you work for His Kingdom and not against it.edit on 6/26/2013 by WashMoreFeet because: (no reason given)