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The Islamic takeover of Europe/World.

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posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 01:17 AM
Many have been saying this for years. Been getting worse with the media hype. No way to really stop it unless a country isolates itself or if it bans sensational reporting (state take over of news media would be the easiest).

The book America Alone kinds of sums up a similar story.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 01:33 AM

No matter how much you repeat a lie it's still a lie.
Truth is imperial apartheid sucks.
They destroy the natural environment by stealing
other people's resources, and create but rivers of blood.
Colonialists are like flies looking for sores to feed on.

colonialists view :

we should be investing right now.
. . . including participation in geological surveys,
. . . developing oil production

Just as Gaddafi united Africa, built canals etc., the
west was busy tearing them down and bombing them.
It's obvious who the real terrorists are.


edit on 3/4/13 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:03 AM
I am not real familiar with the situation in Great Britain. But I know intimately the situation in France.

Here, as another poster brought up, they will sonn be the majority. In big cities like Marseille, they already make up 50% of the population. Now that Hollande is goign to make it possible for foriegners to vote in local politics, we will see more and more of what has already started- the voting in of Hallal meals in schools to start with, then more and more Sharia law.

Personally I think it is too late. France is doomed to be taken over and not gently. Our decision to move high in the mountains, in an ancient pass look-out, with three foot thick stone walls was mostly due to the arab population. We had our house bombed twice, our young child beaten up, rocks and insults thrown at us each time we were outside the door, and our property vandalized repeatedly. The police were very apologetic in explaining that they could not do anything, because the ones that did it were in the arab neighborhood- too dangerous for police to enter.

Later, when I had my own grocery store and bakery, I had to live in fear, watching my collegues along the same street get robbed, shot, beat up, by the arab gangs. I shiver remembering what it was like leaving at night!

Here, the problem is not so much seen as a religious one- notice I don't say "Muslims" nor do I say "Al Quaida"- though these young arabs might turn to fanatical Islamist groups for the same reason hispanics and blacks join street gangs and skin heads got involved with Nazi white supremists.

These groups appreciate having some young troubled kids to use on the frontline of their movements- the expendables.

There is a problem here of culture, what happens to the children of immigrants, their confusion on their identity, their anger at watching their parents handicapped and powerless. Most of the crime here is carried out by these second generation young muslims, and most of it has nothing to do with Islam.

I used to have young arab men drive up to my store stumbling drunk one night, and the next morning driving their veiled grandmother before they've even been able to change clothes. The robberies and violence have nothign to do with Islam.

And yet, Islam will use them. It will offer them a sense of cultural identity and appartenance, and most of all, power to crush the environment that they feel resentful of.

And it is easy to say the french should be trying harder to integrate them, but they have been trying so hard, they are just getting walked on now. The fact is that Islam doesn't allow them to integrate. They separate themselves and also feel angry at being separated.

IT's a complicated situation, and I know it is really easy for people in the US to make a lot of judgements and strong opinions based on what they imagine is going on here, and they are welcome to do so.
Ill just stay up here in my guard tower, with my weapons, and watch the Mosques rise down there.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74

In the Uk 4.8% of the populace are Muslim a recent poll showed 40% of those want Sharia law so that is about 2.2% want it.

A NOP Research survey reported that "hardcore Islamists" make up about 9% of the British Muslim population.

It is estimated that a further group of slightly more moderate Muslims "staunch defenders of Islam" (29%) aggressively defend Islam from internal and external threats, real or imagined.

CBS News

If 38% of British Muslims are either hardcore radicals or staunch defenders of Islam, then that's 1,064,000 aggressive Muslims.

By way of comparison, the UK police force has 134,101 policeman.

The Guardian

edit on 3-4-2013 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Here's a great video which pretty much shows us how things could be in 50 years or so.. Pretty scary if its accurate.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:30 AM
the muslim takeover is just Christian scaremongering.

Atheism is and is going to continue to be the true victor in Europe.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by GrandStrategy
the muslim takeover is just Christian scaremongering.

Atheism is and is going to continue to be the true victor in Europe.

Yeah and to all the Athiests, congratulations... The Zionists have conditioned you well

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by Bluesma

Here's a great video which pretty much shows us how things could be in 50 years or so.. Pretty scary if its accurate.

For some reason I cannot access Youtube this morning. I wish I could see it. Will try again later.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by GrandStrategy
the muslim takeover is just Christian scaremongering.

Atheism is and is going to continue to be the true victor in Europe.

I sure wish that was true.
All my atheism didn't do jack schit against the homemade bombs that blew out my livingroom wall tho.
Religion is just the tool being used as justification for traditional invasion and take over that humans have enjoyed doing forever.

I personally think that you could take away the religion, they'd just find another excuse to do it. Look- Communists tried that, and they still found excuses to do this stuff! Religion is not the source of violence and abuse of power, human nature is.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by asen_y2k
Lately there has been a trend towards Islamisation of Europe, more specifically of Western Europe, a land which holds human rights to the highest levels. We have seen the calls for Sharia Law. The mass immigration from Islamic worlds have not helped either. Muslims immigrants mostly form small communities and then they try to force the majority of the populations into the Islamic way. We have seen mosques cropping up throughout Europe.
The fact that bugs me the most is that, no way in hell can you preach, demand christian ways, open churches in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. Why this double standard.
I am not a christian or a Muslim, but live amongst the international student community in a European country. I will speak from my experience here: Muslim students have a majority. And all the violence among muslims vs non Muslims(foreign students) and Muslims vs local is full of Muslims against all. Within a few years of gaining majority, they introduced Halal food and soon after that gang violence against anyone non Muslim(foreigner and locals), due to minor reasons. Even a murder in the last 5 years where a Muslim guy killed a local Jewish doctor. NO and I mean NO violence has taken place between non Muslims and locals. Muslims always group together regardless of nationality. Why is it that its always the Muslims? Mind you, I am not generalizing. Its first hand experience. Do you share this view or not and why?
I had a very tolerant view towards Islam, but after 5 years living in a Muslim majority community, I can no longer accept the view.
I fear for the future of the world. Islam has not changed over the ~1500 years. Christianity has. I fear the day they gain absolute majority. I wish to discuss this with my fellow ATSers. Do you share this view or not and why?
edit on 2/4/13 by asen_y2k because: (no reason given)


You immigrate to a new place and emigrate from an old place. You might want to get these terms straight before creating a post on the subject.

And what are you talking about, "the Islamisation [sic] of Europe"? Last time I checked, there are western European countries trying to ban the wearing of burkas and head scarves, so in fact just the opposite of what you claim is happening. Furthermore, Muslims make up a very small fraction of European populations, so I don't see them wielding political power to institute Sharia law. But what is wrong with mosques popping up around Europe or anywhere else with Muslim populations? Just seems like religious bigotry on your part.

As for not caring for the fact that many Muslim nations are relatively oppressive to other religions, I don't care for that much either, but then those countries are authoritarian dictatorships. Don't know where you are from, but western "democracies", particularly the US, support these regimes. You might petition your government to stop supporting them, or you could cut back on your petrol consumption, which also supports some of the worst of them, i.e. Saudi Arabia.

But you seem to be saying that you want western countries to become oppressive to non-Christian religions like Muslim dictatorships are towards Christianity and other religions. Why do you want that? You just want to be the Christian mirror image of these Islamic countries? Pretty nutty.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive

And what are you talking about, "the Islamisation [sic] of Europe"? Last time I checked, there are western European countries trying to ban the wearing of burkas and head scarves, so in fact just the opposite of what you claim is happening.

It is in France that covering the face is illegal in many public places. That has been a law for a long time, and all french people have been obligated to obey it. This is to facilitate identification when crimes are committed, through eye witnesses or security cameras. Motorcycle helmets, masks, anything that covers the face is not allowed in public areas of commerce.

They just finally stipulated that it includes a veil. Up to then, the law was not enforced on Muslim women, out of respect for their religion.

But there began to be a problem with that being abused. One problem that arose was in coming to pick up welfare checks, one woman could come and claim many checks under different female names, and the cashier couldn't tell. Even with ID, the face couldn't be matched to the photo. Fraud was being carried out this way.

So they stopped getting the free pass to break the existing laws that all other french people must obey.

This is another example of how the french have made way too many concessions to be respectful and trying to appease the arabs, and got walked on. They do have a history of this. Ask the Germans.
They have to be the last peoples in the world that we could accuse of being closed minded and racist

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by Bluesma

Here's a great video which pretty much shows us how things could be in 50 years or so.. Pretty scary if its accurate.

Great ? What is so great about a hoax video ? The maker of the video makes unsupported claims that France would become an “Islamic republic” by 2048 since the average French woman had 1.8 children while French Muslim women had 8.1 children. You really have to be an imbecil to believe that an average Muslims woman has 8.1 children.

deny ignorance my ass.

edit on 3-4-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by asen_y2k

I see the problem as slightly different.

Since at-least 1953 with the overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Iran, the West has been obsessed with the ME's oil.

It actually began much earlier, The discovery of oil in Kuwait, in 1938, revolutionized the sheikdom's economy and made it a valuable asset to Britain. In 1941 on the same day as the German invasion of Russia (22 June) the British took total control over Iraq and Kuwait. (The British and Russians would invade the neighboring Iran in September of that year).

So heres the deal.

The West withdraws from the Middle East. By withdraw, I mean they remove their bases, their troops, stop the endless wars, stop the installation of evil dictators, end the policy of staged uprisings, mass murder and occupation.

In exchange, the Moslems who legally migrated to the West, will go home.

Whaddya say?

I'll tell you right now, the West would NEVER agree.

Oh well. I tried.

edit on 3-4-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:13 AM
I just been flicking through their books and what a disaster for the spirit of mankind, a complete devolution without a demonstration of truth and against the Universal Law of the Sevenfold. They have no idea of the truth, leading to terrorist thoughts and acts held unto ransom and spiritual bondage.

Compare their greatest man in their religion in his fruits and compare that to Universal law and he would of not survived into the eternal despite what they say. Impossible that the law of God is to be mocked and one survives!! the law of God is the same in Moses as it was in the beginning.

Do not lie means do not lie to all man, do not kill means do not kill to all man, do not covet means do not covet to all man.

Many will be missing in their places at the end.

edit on 3-4-2013 by sevens8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:14 AM
I believe that exposure to western lifestyles will change Islam and frag it kciking and screaming into the 21st century and beyond. I know a new school opened in Dublin in Ireland for young Irish Muslims. After about 4 months, the department of education moved in and threatened to shut it down as they were not adhering to the standard curriculum and were spending up to four hours a day studying the holy Qu'ran. This led to neglect in subjects such as english irish and maths. They were told to buck up their ideas and by all accounts they have!! So Islam is definately flexible enough to blend in with the rest of us, and it will surely in the future come in line with the rest of us. Its about six centuries younger than christianity anyway so maybe it will take a bit more time, but they will get there.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:21 AM
Might be in Ireland but not in many other states that are simply failed, they first still have to demonstrate their truth by the fruits.

I tell you at the end of the day they cannot demonstrate the truth and God in a journey walking with science of the day, like in the expeditions and revealing of 1st Eden guided by the opened book of life from the foundations of the world.

I know where God is coming from at the end and compared they are all lost and in a quandary of spiritual bondage. It simply doesn't have enough truth,

I'm surprised that their books are allowed considering what they teach, you should read them, I find it very difficult, my spirit finds it difficult. Its all wrong written by man with something to gain.

They are simply beguiled and are in chains.

edit on 3-4-2013 by sevens8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere

I see the problem as slightly different.

Since at-least 1953 with the overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Iran, the West has been obsessed with the ME's oil.

Muslims immigrate to Europe because the West is obsessed with Middle East oil?

You aren't making a lot of sense.

edit on 3-4-2013 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma

They just finally stipulated that it includes a veil. Up to then, the law was not enforced on Muslim women, out of respect for their religion.

So they stopped getting the free pass to break the existing laws that all other french people must obey.

This is another example of how the french have made way too many concessions to be respectful and trying to appease the arabs, and got walked on.

So you're saying that France passing a law that makes the veil illegal in public places is an example of them making a concession to radical islam?

An odd conclusion to make.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

A NOP Research survey reported that "hardcore Islamists" make up about 9% of the British Muslim population.

It is estimated that a further group of slightly more moderate Muslims "staunch defenders of Islam" (29%) aggressively defend Islam from internal and external threats, real or imagined.

CBS News

If 38% of British Muslims are either hardcore radicals or staunch defenders of Islam, then that's 1,064,000 aggressive Muslims.

By way of comparison, the UK police force has 134,101 policeman.

The Guardian

edit on 3-4-2013 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

A nine-year old survey reported on by a clearly biased, slightly loopy polemicist. Interesting that the original poll isn't available so we can't check whether it actually says that 29 per cent of muslims are indeed "aggressive". I rather doubt that it actually means they are unthinkingly aggressive all the time, but I suppose it suits a certain agenda to pretend they are.

And how on earth will the UK police control all these violent muslims??? Since, as I say, the poll was from 2006, there must have been several enormous muslim riots that Britain's tiny police force has been unable to control in the interim, right? In fact, we must be living under Sharia law already, given that nine years has passed with this million muslim army terrifying everybody and running roughshod over the thin blue line????!!!

Give me a break.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by JuniorDisco

So you're saying that France passing a law that makes the veil illegal in public places is an example of them making a concession to radical islam?

An odd conclusion to make.

Part of my statement, that you quoted explains what I meant-

the law was not enforced on Muslim women, out of respect for their religion.

This was the sort of concession they had been making for a very long time- the Muslims were exempt from national law.
They eventually were forced stop that, but that won't save the french.

Many of our friends are Gendarmes and Police, and they tell us they have orders not to stop or arrest arabs.

Doesn't matter if they are flagrantly breaking laws in the middle of public, they must not be bothered.
Because the arab populations throw such huge fits when they do, everyone gets their car burned and the city is torn apart.
Last time that happened in my area, it was because three young arabs held up a shop owner at gunpoint, and one rushed him with an axe, saying he was going to chop his head off. In the movement, the shop owner took out a gun of his own and shot the guy in the shoulder. The arabs took their friend to the hospital, but he died.
The next day the arab population was in the streets and burning, demanding the shopowner be put to death!

My kids get pulled over if they don't wear a helmet while on their scooter, but the arab kids can pile three on a scooter and wear no helmets- they are allowed, you see. This is France, once again being bullied and taken over because they certainly don't want to be racist or predjudice...

edit on 3-4-2013 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

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