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Have You Heard of the National Clandestine Service?

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posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

in fact it would not make any sense at all for an asset to need to log into a central site to access forms given the nature of Cyberspace and the potential for interception. A facility with an internal network for such things seems much more logical.

Who says they would be accessing it from the site? More speculation.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Pilot

in fact it would not make any sense at all for an asset to need to log into a central site to access forms given the nature of Cyberspace and the potential for interception. A facility with an internal network for such things seems much more logical.

In fact, with SSL tunneling and VPN networks it makes perfect sense from an Top -> Down agency infrastructure perspective. This way information can be heavily compartmentalised and still observable for the bosses.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Pilot

You seem to be very down on speculating about things. As opposed to what? Blind acceptance? Occams razor in this case does not support, on any level, that the post is legitimate. In fact all evidence points to the contrary.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Pilot

sad times we live in

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Pilot

You seem to be very down on speculating about things. As opposed to what? Blind acceptance? Occams razor in this case does not support, on any level, that the post is legitimate. In fact all evidence points to the contrary.

Then we will have to agree to disagree.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by bastupungen
reply to post by Pilot

sad times we live in

Does it surprise you? This kind of thing has been going on since before any of us were born.
edit on 29-3-2013 by Pilot because: grammar

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:10 PM
I think there's been alot of damage control with this situation.

if it were a hoax .. it wouldn't be getting deleted

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by infowarrior9970
I think there's been alot of damage control with this situation.

if it were a hoax .. it wouldn't be getting deleted

You make an excellent point. In addition to the previous ATS thread on this incident which was 404'd for some reason, GLP is also apparently trying to eliminate any threads on it.

You'll find that the top two results on this search, from GLP, have been yanked without a trace. Check it out for yourself here. Frankly, I'm surprised ATS is letting this conversation continue considering they erased the last thread so nobody could see it.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by bigfootgurl

Don't worry, someone will come in and try another XStart method, because they are hoping that the new PREDEV persona will be successful, but we will be hostile to their attempt to steer the discussion which will result in a

debunk FAIL!!!

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by bastupungen
reply to post by Hefficide


Edit: Still that admins answer made no sense at all. This thing is still highly questionable. But I admit I have not read the entire thread and do not understand all the background of GLP.
edit on 29-3-2013 by bastupungen because: meh

Second Edit: I second Pilot, ironically in an post before him.
edit on 29-3-2013 by bastupungen because: I Just Had to

What Heff meant to imply is that a mod would never be involved in censoring or covering up an issue on behalf of a gov or corp agency. He wants you to think its impossible. Of course, it isn't. Take even a cursory look at what's left of SH threads here, for example. That speaks for itself. I sure hope this one stays open, but its defying odds to have even made it this far.

Thanks to the OP for bringing this forward.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by bigfootgurl

Seems like typical GLP posting to me.

Twenty straight pages of forum discussion in which 80 to 90 percent of posts are copied and reposted from earlier in the thread, many of them dozens of times, seems like "typical GLP posting" to you? Maybe you should drop in there more frequently, because the regulars on the forum would beg to differ with you.

In the original thread, there are MANY comments to the effect that "this is the craziest thing I've ever seen on GLP". This refers not just to the alleged shill's "mistaken post" itself, but to the pages and pages and pages of unprecedented, sudden and coordinated spamming of the thread by multiple "members" in an apparent attempt to clutter up the thread to such a degree that any conversation about the alleged "shill" would be practically incomprehensible to anyone stumbling upon the thread and starting from page one (the incident occurred on page 7 of 27).

I did note that one of the site admins posted that it was not a shill but a person faking it. An admin would have access not only to IP's but also to things like all accounts or posts from an IP, previously banned accounts and their specifics, etc.

Okay. So what? What information could the IPs provide that would be relevant? What kind of "specifics" are you referring to that would allow the admin at GLP to determine at a glance and with such finality that the post is some kind of "joke"? And why do you suppose the admin sat back and did nothing while a handful of forum participants spammed the absolute hide off of that thread for 20-plus pages, while at the same time IMMEDIATELY 404'ing not one but TWO subsequent new threads that attempted to focus on the subject?

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 01:06 AM
It's not absolutely clear if this is a work of fiction or if it is based on a real person's experience. Interesting nonetheless.


posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 02:08 AM
At last it starts coming to light, i've spoke about this activity before on ATS and been laughed, there is an element here at ATS that will bully, harass and beguile an op and thread till it is silent , on you tube it is the same, anywhere there is debate over hot topics involving the government and conspiracy, just look at the way 9/11 topics get smashed with bot like precision any comment receives at least 5 negative comments, this action has picked up in the last 12 months.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 02:13 AM
here is a you tube video, the video is of no importance here , its the comments, go to the page and scroll through and see the type of comments

edit on 30-3-2013 by PLAYERONE01 because: clip change

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

No amount of expertise can dissolve the rare slip in concentration due to tiredness, stress etc that every human being is prone to, whether they work for clandestine intelligence services or not.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 08:57 AM
To be honest I woke up this morning, read the replies here, and find myself fairly tempted to simply walk away from the conversation. I'm as transparent as anyone online is - especially in the conspiracy community. My username here is the same username I use just about everywhere. A simple Google search pretty much opens up my entire real life in the first page or two. I am not hard to find.

That fact is what makes it frustrating when the implications that I must surely know something sinister because I am an ATS moderator start getting hinted at or tabled. I couldn't be more easy to trace and see - warts and all. I have nothing to hide... here or anywhere else. I do NOT work for the government. Moreover... if I were to suspect - AT ALL - that anyone here, behind the scenes, were trying to manipulate me? I'd quit. It is that simple.

Having said that I will try to address the points raised since I went to sleep last night.


I did not dig through all 20 pages. I did read maybe five or six and, yes, they read to me like every other thread on GLP reads to me. Lots of excessive quoting, animated .gifs of men clapping and Jim Carey dancing in a pink skirt - interspersed with "anonymous cowards" posting dribble in-between... with a few meaningful and on topic posts tossed into the mix. I'm not judging - as that format can be pretty entertaining and funny to read. But it is not the best format for delivering information or having a discussion in.


I implied nothing of the sort. What I said was that an admin would have access to IP's of all posts and would also have access to the records of the IP's that have been attached to previously banned or problematic accounts. It isn't that complicated. Also if the same email addresses are used to create more than one account - even from behind proxies - this is easy to detect.

What I will say is that I am a moderator on a conspiracy site and I have never once been involved in a cover-up on behalf of any group at all. The entire "SH can't be discussed on ATS" meme is tired. This is a private site, owned by people who get to make the rules. People here cannot discuss marijuana either - but that doesn't mean ATS is killing the conversation and leaving the masses unable to discuss their drugs. It simply means that they have to do it elsewhere. The same with Sandy Hook. I quit drinking a few years back. That doesn't mean that everyone who comes into my home must be a T-totaller. It only means that they can't get drunk here.

Again, it's not complicated.

Scope and a Beam:

I imagine you bank online - many people do these days. If not, let's just pretend that you do and let's imagine that you are going back and forth, between tabs, balancing your bank account and talking on ATS. At some point you inadvertently copy and paste your entire bank account page to ATS. Account numbers, names, addresses, balances... the whole ball of wax. Do you then panic and make 25 sock puppet accounts to try and muddy the waters or do you just edit the post out? If others had already screen captured your post - wouldn't you then simply contact ATS and ask them to not only protect your private information but to remove those screen capture images from their image hosting and ban anyone who got hell bent upon trying to get the images posted anyway?

Every thread about the subject would be trashed. Every single one. Those specific to the information and even those speaking about it in the abstract - because even those abstract conversations would be morally questionable and potential dangers to your privacy and well being. Right?

Both the general subject of Sandy Hook and the supposed shill post we are discussing here fall into aspects of this approach. They are both open to discussion in the abstract - meaning no personal information is being allowed. But the subjects themselves are freely open to debate.

People seem unwilling to accept a simple truth. Springer and SkepticOverlord did not ban the subject of Sandy Hook at all - but they did post very strong statements limiting the scope of conversation and prohibiting any talk about trying to say that the victims of the tragedy were somehow culpable. This was done because a small number of people kept insisting upon posting the real world contact information of victims and their relatives. It has stymied me that some people want to see this as problematic. If, God forbid, somebody in any of your families were ever to be the victim of a violent crime.. would YOU want strangers for conspiracy sites calling you and asking YOU if you were guilty of complicity? Asking if YOU were a Freemason, or in the Illuminati? Telling YOU that they believe you are an actor and that your dead relative was really still alive and part of some scam?

How quickly would any of you sue a sight that allowed that to happen to you in that situation?

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 11:50 AM
I find it compelling how the administrators at the forums affected are totally oblivious to the actions of groups on these forums with a clear agenda. This is not something new, not at all. For many years now I have seen obvious trolls and derailers on many of the forums i freqvent. Most obvious are the ones at the political forums who has no ability to even try to understand philosofical arguments, instead they go for personal attacks and excessive downvotes.

And then we have this. And once again, even though compelling evidence exists and with the following deletion of link and references, not only on the forum-sites but even google reacted within a few days, it is still ridiculed and all discussion is disencouraged. Heff... No one is accusing you of anything. At least no one should. But the followed deletion of the old thread about the same issue is pissing me of and i demand an explanation. Not saying that YOU deleted the thread but i want to know who did and why.

ATS/GLP being a coordinated psy-op center is still out of the bag in my opinion, pls help me heff and put those thoughts to bed. There was also the interesting objective traffic map-analysis who directly connected ATS GLP and the CIA together.. but... never mind

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 12:08 PM
well, lets look at facts , not speculation.
a very impressive mistake was made.
many posts have mysteriously been removed.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by bastupungen

It's not ATS and the CIA. The supposed connection is ATS and the NSA, due to an Internet "map" that is available online. But that evidence is misunderstood. The Internet Map maps sites based upon the following:

Users’ switching between websites forms links, and the stronger the link, the closer the websites tend to arrange themselves to each other.

So all the map proves is that people go from one site to the other. I can firmly believe the NSA views ATS and I also know that I end up on their website quite often researching the threads I author, many of which are about cyber privacy / cyber security / online spying.

Some who don't understand the map will insist that what it actually means is that the ATS servers are physically tied into the NSA servers.

This is made worse by an April Fools joke, from years back, when SkepticOverlord created a joke/hoax/April fools joke saying that ATS IP's resolve to the NSA. This continues to be procreated by some even though anyone with basic Internet skill can easily traceroute their connections and see that this is not the case.

As for the "other" thread being mentioned. I honestly don't know what thread is being referred to. There are many Sandy Hook threads in the trash bin. Many of which I voted for trashing - many of which I was not online to vote about. Whatever the case, demanding to know why it was trashed won't result in answers. The OP knows why the thread was removed and also has the ability to file a complaint to ask for more specific answers. But only the threads OP can do this. ATS will not share that information with any other members are part of the privacy practices.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

You are correct that i missrepresented the map, i am sorry about that. It was a long time ago that i read about that. But, still, why users are switching between the NSA sites and the conspiracy forums, to the extent to give about the highest connection in the map, i have no idea.

Never heard about that hoax.

The previous, deleted, thread had this name: "Did A Shill Just Get Busted?"
And you honestly not knowing what thread is being referred to even though the thread has been referenced and linked to several times during this thread is surprising. Don't you think it is quite disrespectful to the site's users and refuse to answers questions of users who are only trying to deny ignorance.


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