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Obama's $100,000 Children Spring Break vacation at Bahamas Atlantis, While America is Sequestering

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posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Odumbass has played 106 rounds of golf since becoming president - you don't find that excessive?

2 rounds of golf per don't find anything "exessive" about that. I know people that play 2 rounds of golf per week...and they aren't even wealthy folks.

It's cute that you keep making up silly names for Obama like you are a child...I thought that was against the T&C around here...but we all know how that works...

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

I never stated anywhere that they should NEVER take a vacation - but taking one every month??? Odumbass has played 106 rounds of golf since becoming president - you don't find that excessive?

106 times in 4 years and 3 months. Let's see, that works out to about 1 round of golf every 2 weeks. That does not sound excessive at all. Many, if not most, of those rounds of golf double as executive business meetings.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:24 PM
He doesn't even go to an American resort and spend the money here! There are many Americans who work in in travel and tourism who could use an Obama bump by having his entourage spend half a million at a destination right here in the good USA!

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
He doesn't even go to an American resort and spend the money here! There are many Americans who work in in travel and tourism who could use an Obama bump by having his entourage spend half a million at a destination right here in the good USA!

Would it matter?

This Obama hate has no rationality to doesn't matter where they go or what they do...there is a segment of society that will have fake outrage for whatever he does.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
He doesn't even go to an American resort and spend the money here! There are many Americans who work in in travel and tourism who could use an Obama bump by having his entourage spend half a million at a destination right here in the good USA!

Would it matter?

This Obama hate has no rationality to doesn't matter where they go or what they do...there is a segment of society that will have fake outrage for whatever he does.

This Obama LOVE has no rationality to doesn't matter where they go or what they do...there is a segment of society that will have fake SUPPORT for whatever he does.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

And right wingers include Camp David in Obama's

And it takes just as much security and Air Force One expenses to go to Texas as it does for any of Obama's "vacations".

Just admit are just desperately looking for something to bitch about...becasue that is what you do.

Well... First, let's make extremely clear here. Whatever or whoever you refer to as "Right Wingers" like it's a slur, wouldn't really be me. I've come to bash as often as support those on the far right and particularly the Republican side of politicians in Office.

Second... You're more than welcome to include Obama's time at Camp David the very same way Bush counts. No problem there. Camp David IS a working extension of the White House proper. A nice, quiet and scenic extension but no less a part of the functional Executive branch structure.

Next.....and this is the point you're missing for the blind partisanship... I've never faulted Obama on his TIME spent off. I fault HOW IT'S DONE. Flashy vacations to contract resorts in Hawaii and the best of everything for the White House Children while the White House itself is telling the American people that THEIR OWN children have to learn to do with less is obscene.

If.. perhaps the White House WAS NOT sending that precise message this may be a moot point. If, perhaps, they weren't choosing destinations that literally appear on most people's DREAM LIST for spots to go they're saying this to the nation? It would be different.

*** The ONLY times I have made a big point of air travel cost is when Barack and his Wife decide they are SO SPECIAL one plane simply won't do and they need to travel separately because one is too impatient to 'carpool' or they just don't give thought to TWICE the price for one vacation. Now THAT part is getting very very old for their vacations. Flight time though? They spend that no matter where they go. Destination and circumstance is what changes.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:45 PM
This may have been asked and subsequently answered, but whom is paying for this vacation?

Is it paid by the taxpayers or is coming out of Obama's own pocket?

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

A passing thought on this Sheep? You raise a very good point and I'd be totally unfair not to agree with what you suggest...if it's true.

If Obama not only covered the direct expenses of the Children but their guests and friends well as reimbursement for the entourage, security and related arrangements for movement of members of the First Family? Well.. It really wouldn't be any of our business. Would it?

I'll apologize..quite publicly and literally here...if it's shown all those expenses are paid or reimbursed by the family itself. I.E.... Nothing came from Tax money (including the planes...all of them..because this isn't Barack as President or Michelle as an official Ambassador as her rank carries outside the White House). Good point, indeed.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:01 PM
I don't care if Obama spends a billion dollars on vacations a year- as long as it his own personal income.

I don't care if Obama's kids go to Disney Land every weekend- as long as it is his own personal income.

I don't care if Michelle spends a million on her wardrobe every week as long a it is her own personal income.

What I do NOT approve of is it coming at tax payer expense especially when the people are suffering.

I remember a load of people bashing Romney for his home and income. But as long as it was his income- I couldn't care less. More power to him. Same to Obama.

But when I see our leaders feasting while the citizens starve, something is wrong with this picture.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

If you view "Right Winger" as a slur...that is your own defines a group based on their political leanings. I'm a "Left Winger" are in fact a "Right Winger". I didn't say Republican...I said "Right Winger"...and I have interacted with you enough to know for a fact that you are indeed a "Right Winger". If you took a political compass would definately be on the Right Wing...why deny it?

You fault Obama on just about are one of the worst Obama haters on this website. You fault things without are now back peddling on the time he takes to HOW he takes it. Moving goal's the game that is played often on here. People are proven they just move the goal posts.

I believe it is a sickness...irrational hate of everything Obama...I'm not sure if there is a cure.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

From what I have been able to dig up, the trip is paid in full by Obama.

What is unclear is whether or not Obama is reimbursing the taxpayers for Secret Service protection.

If he is none of our business. Plain and simple.

If not, the debate arises as to whether high-profile people such as the President's family should receive SS protection when vacationing.

Obama is the president and his children are "potential targets" simply because of the job he does for the American people. Should we pay to protect the kids on this vacation? That's tough to answer.

If we say yes, I guess I have no problem with that since the job comes with many dangers.

If we say no, then I think we should also complain about the SS money we spend securing national candidates for office, including the $50,000 a day we spent to ensure the safety of Romney, Newt, Santorum, Clinton....etc.

We spent TONS of cash just for candidate security in the last election. Except for Ron Paul. He paid for his own security and went as far as to call the security nothing more then "welfare".

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Fake support? That is do I fake support of something?

Fake outrage is and others are outraged at things Obama does that every single president has done. Fake Outrage at completely false stories...and continue the outrage when the stories are proven false...and still repeated over and over as accurate. Fake Outrage for bills that a Republican controlled house passes...yet it is all Obama's fault.

I don't fake my support...I support most of Obama's agenda and I don't support some of it. But I don't irrationally hate him for golfing 2 time per month.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

And I love people who are stuck in the left right paradigm. Your cute, thinking it makes a difference

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:12 PM
Here is an example of why this is fake outrage.

Did anyone care when Laura Bush went on vacation to Africa with her two daughters? Did they care when the Bush daughters went on spring break to Mexico? Or when the Bush daughters went to Argentina for their Birthday?

I'm sorry guys...but it's have all been played by Fox News and Limbaugh to spin you into fake outrage over things that are not new.

It truly is pathetic to watch.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

...the debate arises as to whether high-profile people such as the President's family should receive SS protection when vacationing.

IMO, this is a resounding yes. Of course the First Family should be afforded SS protection; regardless of their location or purpose of the trip. Vacation, the library, school, shopping, etc. The fact of the matter is that without SS protection, the First Family is completely vulnerable to kidnapping (or worse); in which case, it would immediately compromise the POTUS ability to do his/her job. Last thing we need is to have the POTUS being blackmailed or held ransom at the whim of unthinkable evils.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by IAMTAT

Fake support? That is do I fake support of something?

Fake outrage is and others are outraged at things Obama does that every single president has done. Fake Outrage at completely false stories...and continue the outrage when the stories are proven false...and still repeated over and over as accurate. Fake Outrage for bills that a Republican controlled house passes...yet it is all Obama's fault.

I don't fake my support...I support most of Obama's agenda and I don't support some of it. But I don't irrationally hate him for golfing 2 time per month.

"Fake Outrage at completely false stories"
How is the story that OP's thread is based upon "false"?
...and, for that matter, why is MY outrage" false"?

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

If you view "Right Winger" as a slur...that is your own defines a group based on their political leanings. I'm a "Left Winger" are in fact a "Right Winger".

Well, then you didn't mean it as a slur. My bad and I appreciate that clarification. To be precise on my own stance since around the 2012 election, I'm a Conservative Independent who just hasn't gotten around to changing the official listing in the voter records yet. Missouri is an open primary state, so it's a technical point I've just not gotten to on dumping the "R" from the list they keep.

(You're also talking to someone who helped re-elect Claire Mccaskill because the right wing candidate was dangerously ignorant and out of touch ...when did you last vote the other side from your own ..because someone on your own "side" was just too bad to support?)

You fault Obama on just about are one of the worst Obama haters on this website.

I am highly critical of Obama and his Presidency. I was also highly critical of Bush's starting just after the real estate bubble burst all over everyone. When the nation is suffering and the leadership isn't watching like it's their only mission in life, I'm exceptionally critical. For what it's worth, I've said numerous times that I'd be just as happy seeing Boehner step down or be removed by legal force as I would Obama. Complete and total lack of leadership or ability to work with others isn't a party or right/left thing. It's a Politician thing...and they all seem to take great enjoyment in the fight for the pure sake of it...while Rome burns.

You fault things without are now back peddling on the time he takes to HOW he takes it. Moving goal's the game that is played often on here. People are proven they just move the goal posts.

Without proof?
Me? of ALL people on here? I'm posting without sourcing? Oh brother... What do you need in my posts? MLA standard citations attached? I'll be happy to run things through Knight-site and produce that if would be better ...but I'd also get the other 99% of the site thinking I was just being a jerk by OVER sourcing the crap out of things..

Back peddling? If honestly clarifying my position, without changing a single thing I've said, so I can find common ground and agreement with others is back peddling in negative way? That would be a problem in itself for how it's seen....not the end result of trying to find ways to discuss things with those who hold opposite views.

I believe it is a sickness...irrational hate of everything Obama...I'm not sure if there is a cure.

It's not often because he doesn't earn it often my personal opinion. However, you will find I've given Obama credit on some things as well as my extremely critical take on most of what he does. Fair is Fair and even he gets it right sometimes, by one conservative's feeling.

When was the last time someone on the traditionally anti-Bush side gave the man credit for even a trivial accomplishment? "He did nothing in 8 years!" I'd imagine the reply will go...and so, highlights the difference and problem. (BTW... I'm out the door for classes.. I'll be back in a few hours and check for replies then. I didn't abandon the thread in the meantime....just have life to attend to)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by LeatherNLace

I can agree with your opinion. Their service to the US is why they face such dangers and to not provide security can create situations in which they can be compromised.

But in all fairness, Obama is paying for the vacation with his own funds. People need to know that so that we can debate the SS issue.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:40 PM
Serious question:

Is the President legally allowed to send his family abroad without a security detail?

As for Presidents taking vacation days...really, who actually believes the President gets a day off...ever?

There is a reason the poor bastards age 20 years over a 4 year span. I wouldn't wish that job on my worst enemy.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:54 PM
Essentially, with cutbacks and diminished funding within the secret service,Obama is making a choice:

Malia Obama:
"Daddy, can Sasha and I go to a luxury resort called Atlantis in the Bahamas for Spring Break with a bunch of our friends...and can we take $100,000.00 worth of taxpayer-paid secret service agents to watch us while we party?"
Head of Secret Service:
"Mr. President, with your sequester cutting back funding for the secret service, should we shut down White House tours for kids?"

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