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Syrian President Assad Assassinated By Own Bodyguard?

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posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni
reply to post by InnerPeace2012

And... this isnt the 60s anymore... we dont go out and whack people we dont like in public anymore... I dont know if you have noticed but that trend has died out.

Yeah, now we just bankroll, arm, and equip terrorists around the world in order to achieve geopolitical objectives – while simultaneously invoking the threat of terrorists domestically to keep the general populace in a perpetual state of fear so they don't react as the bill of rights is torn asunder.

> "We don't whack people we dont like in public anymore..."


So now we do it in private? Is that it? The Church Committee hearings – A Senatorial investigation into the CIA’s plots to assassinate foreign leaders - was convened in the Mid 70′s and determined that these capabilities existed (cancer / Heart attack weapons) AND they they had been used in the field. Several witnesses have come forward to report that they had witnessed such actions in the 1960′s to develop a fast acting cancer bio weapon to assassinate Castro... now we see Hugu Chavez being taken out (in private).

John Perkins, in his bestselling book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, supplies more evidence that the bankers that own the US government routinely murder heads of state, using private assassins as well as CIA killers. By his own account, Perkins would meet with a targeted nation’s leader and say: “I have a fist-full of hundred dollar bills in one hand, and a bullet in the other. Which do you want?” If the leader accepted the loans, thereby enslaving his country, he got the payoff. If he angrily chased Perkins out of his office, the bankers would call in the “jackels” to assassinate the uncooperative head of state.

As the US has tended in recent years to obscure its blacker activities under “plausible deniability,” it doesn’t take much imagination to figure that cancer would be a better cloak for murder than a bullet to the head. However, drone attacks from the sky are hardly private.... and we can expect a lot more of that kind of public assassination in the coming years. American citizen Anwar Al-Awlaki was killed by a drone strike simply for producing propaganda videos and communicating with accused terrorists. His 16-year-old son was similarly slaughtered for merely sharing his father’s surname.

After the overthrow of Gaddafi, NATO powers aided in airlifting LIFG militants into Syria to continue the fight to impose Sharia law across the region. As Afghan President Hamid Karzai made clear last week, the Obama administration is now colluding with the Taliban while the group carries out suicide bombings in the “service of America. The administration has sent nearly half a billion dollars ($365 million plus another $60 million) and is now using US Special Forces to train militants in Syria who have pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda and who continue to carry out grisly beheadings, terrorist bombings targeting innocent civilians and chemical weapons attacks against women and children. This is the trend for the future... this is how we do things now... ” Just as WMDs were a fraudulent pretext for the Iraq war, the Al-Qaeda cut out threat is 100 per cent manufactured to destroy western free societies and convert the entire planet into a totalitarian world government.

edit on 24-3-2013 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by merkins

Is it not possible that we are seeing the effects of an ancient religion, based in cultures retarded by strict adherence to a book written when men were men, and women property? Have you seen footage of the war in Syria? Whether they are shouting Allah Akbar for the benefit of the cameras or not, it is pretty certain that God and politics go hand in hand wherever Islam is the dominant power.

Possibly there is no NWO involvement in Islam over the pretty obvious attempt by Islamic groups to create a Caliphate and make us pay Jizya.

What I do know is that Islamic states tend to operate better under despots, who often keep them in line. It is only when these despots fall that Islamism in all its backwards glory is allowed to flourish. Don't get me wrong I hate Assad, Ahmadinejad and Hussein. I hope that all undemocratic cretins including the Lib/ Lab/ Con conspiracy and the EU get whats coming to them.

The Wikipedia entry edit for Assad's death originated in Islamabad. The reports of his demise are coming out of states other than Syria by what I can see. Personally I don't think he is dead. It is interesting though that the guy being fingered for the attack is being named as an Iranian Revolutionary Guard sent to protect him. A rift between Assad and Iran would be explosive, if it where true.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 07:53 PM
The only thing I found on Al-Jazeera concerning Syria is the opposition leader stepping down:

Syrian opposition leader resigns

If it is true that al-Assad is assassinated, prepare for a huge shiftstorm of activity and possibly US involvement for "peace keeping".

I'd give it a month or so before we start initiating the Draft like during Vietnam if we can't round up some troops from Iraq or Afghanistan to step in.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 08:20 PM
"Yeah, now we just bankroll, arm, and equip terrorists around the world in order to achieve geopolitical objectives – while simultaneously invoking the threat of terrorists domestically to keep the general populace in a perpetual state of fear so they don't react as the bill of rights is torn asunder."

I agree 100%. But a man much wiser than myself once stated a truism that explains why this is the case;

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Said Lord Acton.

There is no greater power in my land than that held by politicians, they constantly set rules and then relieve themselves of their need to follow them. To many of my countries leaders the path they chose is hindered by the public and the most expedient path to ease their job is to pass more and more draconian laws. Just like Rome our leaders are becoming corrupted.

They see an opportunity in Islamic jihad at home to enforce their Christmas list of wishes and they do it in full view of the public because they can. They have removed the instruments of dissent so effectively that a million people on the streets is easily ignored.

Is Assad any worse than our own? Or is he just not as far down the road to control as our leaders?

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 08:39 PM
Fabian mission creep is debauchery, this entities reward for capitulation unchecked access to drugs, money and sex - the acceptance of which in exchange for racketeering services - individuals thus pledged are under threat of death in perpetuity for their redaction. Once in your head, Fabians destroy you, their ability to do this precipitated on your having taken their debauchery bait. You don't get their resources least you give up reason, and they kill you if after having joined one of their organizations you have a change of heart. In Assad's case, they also kill you if you have something they want.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by GoldenRuled

Arab news is saying about hospital roads being closed and Damascus diving into chaos

Streets are not closed according to:

So therefore, it might be a hoax.
edit on 24-3-2013 by SOLIDSNAKE101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by redshoes

Look it's quite simple.

I made a statement that the TPTB want a corrupted puritanical organisatiion, not unlike the MB, to take power in Syria.

On the basis of that, you made the error in comprehension and incorrectly inferred that I believed it would The MB, or a new faction of them taking control over there. You jumped to conclusions rather than looking at the actual words and understanding them.

Later you stated that the MB were not in play in Libya and that you were astounded/astonished by my ignorance. So I rightly corrected you in your error that MB were not in Libya and in your subsequent post you admitted they were.

Perhaps you were right and your understanding of English as fallen due to all the arabic you've been writing.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Eedjee

Syrian Arab Spring started in 2010 and this would be the climax here if true....

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 09:53 PM

Army is Winning, just Turkish generated rumours to demoralise the military. The opposition is falling apart somewhat. But the conflict is likely to spill over to a regional war.
Anonymous source
Recorded over midnight, hence the date stamp 24/25 March

edit on 3/24/2013 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:16 PM
This seems to be heading towards it being a mistaken report. Fog of war and all that. The longer he remains unseen the more likely we'll hear of a sudden devastating stroke.

Edit:to add poster above states no restrictions around the hospital. So maybe this will turn out to be a hoax, or pehaps a psyop.

reply to post by Rob7774

Absolutely agree with your opening statement, but I believe the NWO has been in operation in one fom or other for at least 6000yrs. Ambitious and greedy psychos have always risen up the ranks of power ever since the first one of us picked up a tool and bashed the anothers head in with it. I also believe that ancient knowledge within the NWO is a legacy from the years and generations of powerful families who in the shadows kept watch and kept secrets and ancient knowledge until it was again a time possible to resume their ideology.
edit on 24-3-2013 by merkins because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:31 PM

Jerusalem, Israel --- March 24, 2013 … Russian media sources have confirmed that Syria President Bashar Assad was shot by an Iranian bodyguard Saturday night. "The lone assassination pumped several bullets at point blank range into Assad," said the source. "Assad was rushed to Al-Shami Hospital in Damascus in critical condition. He died on the operating table from heart failure resulting from massive blood loss."

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:33 PM
I believe this report is new
Russian media ...

I was too slow.
edit on 24-3-2013 by Twilightgem because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Twilightgem

If its true, then Iran has successfully taken over Iraq and Syria in the space of a decade.

Need to confirm this

The Israeli analyst said that several events have taken place in the last 24 hours including the Syrian army shooting at an Israeli border patrol unit. It is believed that this action was coordinated by Assad loyalists who stood outside the dead President's hospital room to deflect the global media from the assassination and to pull Israel into a war with the Syrian army. The leader of the Western-backed Syrian opposition coalition announced he was resigning.

edit on 24-3-2013 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:46 PM

edit on 24-3-2013 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
Can I ask a simple question to all the wise and learned folks on ATS?

If this is true, would the violence escalate or de-escalate?

It depends on who takes over. With Assad it was clear who the rebels were fighting. If his army were afraid of him they may pull away when he is gone. Unlikely since they were not fighting the ideology of one man but one man with many backers. It's an entirely different system than ours; although people are rebelling against a dictatorship there are still those that find comfort in having one man decide everything within their country. What will they do without that leader? Who will take charge and what is this heir like (heir meaning whoever steps in to his place so not necessarily a relative)? Will Russia get involved? If so maybe things will even out.....(depends). If Iran gets involved.....??? If all of this is valid (haven't gotten through whole thread yet or checked myself), then it will be something to watch closely.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:56 PM
If this does end up being true, then here's to the ATS community for this one. I haven't found any US or even Western sources that are engaged in this story. This would certainly be a scoop - if it does end up being true.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:58 PM
Why is our government lying to us about Syria?

edit on 24-3-2013 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by merkins
reply to post by newpopeislast

Interesting post and I agree with much of it, but I think there will be a transitional period when there is a one world religion alongside a one world government. I think you are being too optimistic in resigning religion to history. I also think we'll (meaning the general population) be manipuated into moving away from worshipping money as an asparation in itself, but it will remain important as a survial mechanism.

I also feel that unless they've built up the green movement sufficiently enough to take off as a global one world religion in its own right, the position will be a global Islamic based religion with as many restrictions to life and liberty as they can dream up. I hope you are right that religion is coming to an end to be replaced with common sense, but I fear you are wrong.

I think we'll still need religion to bind us and influence our behaviours even after we have started colonies on other heavenly bodies. As Quigley described in 'Tragedy and Hope' offshoots and colonies tend to rebel and eventually eclipse the empires they spring from. So any extra ties to bind people from disparate regions such as a kind of religious solidarity through a shared faith, will continue to be employed until there is no longer any need for them. I don't think that the green movement is anywhere near ready for the role of religion yet, and I hope it never becomes so because the potential for oppression and abuse in that regard probably eclipses all the wrong ever done in the name of religion.

edit on 24-3-2013 by merkins because: (no reason given)

I don't see a one world religion without a lot of years of war and a lot of killing. I also don't see an end to Middle East stuff even when these countries finish up with their revolutions. As appears to be a well informed historian who is familiar with day to day life in those countries, a member herein pointed out that these are distinct tribes, and the protection of their most deeply held beliefs will likely not be swayed without at minimum several decades (and I am not saying they should be swayed) . These are sovern nations forced into a global community. In trying to fit these two things together leaders have not had a lot of foresight in my opinion. I don't see an end, without a powerful nation bombing these places to submission. This is why there is an international law to not step on sovernty - because it means the majority will force their ideologies onto others. I wish I could get a glimpse at an alternate recent history over there - no involvement from US as an example.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by wasaka

You're closer, not quite there, but closer. And of course a lot closer than our friend there whos obsessed with the new world order.

And when I said "you dont whack people in public" I meant that nowadays you actually have to manipulate and create a whole story, script and plausible scenario around it - a blanket if you will - you just dont kill people anymore and shut up about it. People today tend to ask questions and they do not simply ask them, they demand them. Theres a lot of leaks here and there a lot of stupid cameras capturing everything... what, you think you are the only one worried about the big brother? You think the big brother is not somewhat preoccupied about the little brother? Well he is... so... things have to take a whole different route these days for an almost infinite number of reasons - too many variables, too many mistakes.

Mentioning JFK today is completely pointless since today such an event is unthinkable and well... simply impossible to do like it was done. Watch the video... not the incident itself mind you; actually look at everything but the incident and imagine it today - its impossible to stage an event like that today. Comparing it to anything that goes on today is totally inadequate by today's standards.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Xeven

You know nothing mate,

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