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Family’s Home Raided over Facebook Photo of Child’s Rifle

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posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:19 PM
This family did everything right, from training their son properly to knowing their rights and not allowing them to be infringed upon.....kudos to them.

I hate to say it though in this wacky society that we live in with neighbors and "friends" acting like thought police posting it on facebook was a bad idea. It doesn't matter if you only have close friends and family because all it takes for your private things to be seen on fb is one like or comment then that person's friends see it and the indignation starts. There is a good chance that the person who reported was someone unknown to them.

Delete your facebook people it is now and will only remain a tool for the fbi/cia and any other uppity human that can and will be used against you.

They need to start holding people responsible for filing fake, unwaranted and often silly cps/cop complaints. I'm not saying put them in jail put this nonsense of policing our friends and neighbors needs to stop.

Glad the man put his lawyer on the phone, smart family all around. Now if only we could get more people to recognize when their rights are being abused then and only then will this nonsense come to an end.

edit on 20-3-2013 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Krakatoa

“Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney representing Shawn Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house. They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids.” Moore was not arrested or charged.

And if family services had ignored the complaint? Good for family services for following up...and asking about a gun safe etc. Their was no arrest and no charges? What's the problem? What would the headline be if this guy turned out to be a wacko and the kid shot his parents the next day? Wouldn't folks be wondering why Child Services didn't at least knock on his door after recieving a complaint? No charges, no arrest... Child Services did the right thing and checked out the situation after recieving a complaint.

This is just idealogical hyperbole...nonsense.

Originally posted by Krakatoa
I guess it doesn't matter that Sean Moore "is a certified firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, an NRA range safety officer and a New Jersey hunter education instructor". Th photo posted even shows the kid with his finger "welded" to the frame of the rifle, and NOT on the trigger, as is correct for safety.

None of which absolves him from being a potential nut-job.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by brandiwine14
This family did everything right, from training their son properly to knowing their rights and not allowing them to be infringed upon.....kudos to them.

Agreed...and Kudos to Child Services for following up as well.

Originally posted by brandiwine14
Delete your facebook people it is now and will only remain a tool for the fbi/cia and any other uppity human that can and will be used against you.

FB is bad news...agreed.

Originally posted by brandiwine14
They need to start holding people responsible for filing fake, unwaranted and often silly cps/cop complaints.

That would discourage valid complaints. If people thought thier were potential reprecussions or if thier identities would be made known.

With child services, they err on the side of caution and I think that is a good thing where kids are involved. Child Services could have arrived to find the dad a useless drunk and the child running around playing cowboys and indians with a loaded weapon. They found the opposite, but kudos to them for following up and knocking on the door.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:39 PM
wow, Just WOW, some of you saying "it was not prudent to post this pic on face book"

if you fear the Government, that is Tyranny.

By you OWN words you admit THIS government is Tyrannical

an yet you let it slide, WHY?

are you insane or something??

I will not and have not ever let something like this stand.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by thedigirati

But the children!! Think of the children!!

The government should be sending armed goons door to door on nothing more than an anonymous wink and nod to ensure the safety of the children!!! Oh those children!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 02:54 PM
Since when does "child services" require an armed escort?

Pretty damn sad how someone sees a gun or a photo of a gun, and they go gestapo on them.

edit on 20-3-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 03:28 PM
I have had this happen to me. My nephew decided that he wanted to try out for his school's Rifle Team. I was on that team when I was in school and still had my target rifle. During summer vacation I took him to a range several times a week and taught him how to shoot. When he went back to school, he got the "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" paper to write for English class. He wrote about learning how to shoot. A few days later two CYS people showed up on my Sister's porch demanding to know how many guns she had in the house and how they were stored. When she told them that there were no guns in the house, they produced a xerox of my Nephew's paper and asked about the rifle that was mentioned in it. She told them that it was my rifle and that I kept it at my house. A few days later they showed up on my porch asking to see how I stored my weapons. I said "Got a warrant?". They said "No" and I slammed the door on them. About 2 hours later they showed up again, with a State Police Officer and a warrant. I looked at the cop and said "Hi Pete.", he answered "Hi JC.". We belonged to the same Hunting and Fishing Club. He told me that he had a warrant and had to check on how my weapons were stored. It wasn't his choice, he was just doing his job. I asked if I had to let the CYS people in and he said "No.", just him. So they waited on the porch, while he and I had a couple cups of coffee and talked guns. I showed him what I had and he liked my Glock, while I was dry firing his .40 cal S&W. After about an hour, we went back out to the porch and he told the CYS people that there was no problems that he could see, so they could get lost.

I belong to several fraternal organizations and clubs and made it known what had happened. I had scanned the warrant, with the Judge's signature on it and posted a copy at the Hunting and Fishing Club with my name blacked out. Needless to say that the Judge that issued the warrant was not re-elected for another term.

One thing that needs to be stated is that the majority of these CYS organizations have little oversight and access to Judges who will do anything that they want, while requiring very little in the way of proof or evidence that something wrong is happening. This gives them pretty much the authority to do anything that they want. we just had several of them fired in my town, because they were over heard bragging about how one of them got even with a girl that she went to school with by having her daughter put into foster care. They need to be reigned in and monitored.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 03:31 PM
What percentage of the US is now a vet? 5% maybe?

I will now tell a tale of two cultures. One culture raises their young from an early age to be proud of their heritage, their land, and their people. They are raised with the notion that fighting, killing or dying on behalf of those ideals. To reinforce that idea the youth are trained in arms. Taking up arms on behalf of thatthose cultre is esteemed, and when the youth join the military it is constantly training, focused on the profession of arms and combat to fulfill the promise of keeping their civilization alive.

The other culture is selfabsorbed. It is always worrying about feelings and takes a libertine attitude towards their civilization. Their army promotes this, instead of training, they worry about protecting that attitude. Instead of combat they train to ensure that everyone feels good about themselves.

One day, the too civilizations meet. Even if the libertine culture has a technological superiority the culture that prizes the prevalence of the many above the few doesn't faulter and knows that with perseverance they will be the victors. Years of preparation have made them ready.

You can take this tale and apply it to recent conflicts, but looking into the future, when the US fractures along cultural lines the liberal cultures will be a dead end as it is not a system of values that prizes the worth of their society above the individual; there will be no one to take up arms on behalf of that dead end. This man being raided is nothing more than liberalism attempting to subvert that.

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posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Just an FYI

I have no children, BY CHOICE

I saw what the world was becoming when I was 10 years old (1971) and knew then I would never be a father.

if the state has to take care of your children why do YOU have to pay to feed and clothe them, the state should do that for you as well..

(yes, I am aware your post was sarcasm)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:28 PM
double post

edit on 20-3-2013 by IntelRetard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
While there is some serious overreacting going on, it all started with an ill advised Facebook photo. Let's get smart people.

You are so wrong!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Krakatoa

IMO, the most telling item here is this, spoken by Dept. of Children and Families spokesperson, Kristen Brown:

the person who reported the false allegations of abuse cannot be held liable

That really grinds my gears. The man did nothing wrong, it basically sounds like he had a photo on his Facebook that someone "didn't like" so they reported him...for nothing.

And then these cowardly parasites have their identities protected after a man is harassed for no reason at all.

THIS is why our system is so eff'd up. That man has every right to confront his accuser.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Krakatoa

I guess they'd have kittens in Midwestern states where buying kids a rifle for their Birthday or Christmas before they turn 10 isn't by any means an uncommon thing. My Son got his when he was 9. Just a .22 rifle in his case and it stays in my full size gun safe when we're not out together as a family....but if I want to take a shot of him holding one of my higher caliber or "nastier" looking guns, it's absolutely NONE of anyone else's business, IMO.

Unless I or my son are doing something with a weapon that is unsafe to us or others ...or he's holding a weapon that is outright illegal to have (Say he has an M-60 Machine gun, Rambo style and we aren't holding permits for it), then I'd say there are a % of busy bodies in this nation who spend more time in OTHER people's business than their own.

I think those folks need to tend to their own matters and leave other homes and families alone. This was absurd...but then again, it was New Jersey too.
edit on 20-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Take their stupid policies and pre-crime nonsense and smother them dead with it.

I've honestly thought about doing just that.

Call and report people for terrorism; the phonebook works nicely.

People will eventually get fed up with the stupidity.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 07:07 PM
I have a family member who is a CPS worker who handles a lot of high-profile cases.

She admits to me privately that many children are left in dangerous situations where they are beaten to death by their parents. Situations in which the parents are meth fiends, mentally unstable, and violent. Situations in which the kids are starving, not made to go to school, have lice and scabies, and live in their own feces and urine while cockroaches the size of rats climb all over. CPS knows and often lets these cases slip through the cracks, God only knows why.

For CPS to get silly and demand a police presence in this case is just over-the-top. The current hysteria over guns and children is a huge waste of time for an agency that is already underfunded, and overburdened.

I understand they are supposed to follow up on every call, but we're losing our common sense as a nation.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by LewsTherinThelamon

THIS is why our system is so eff'd up. That man has every right to confront
his accuser.

He absolutely does. Even though the police state they will not prosecute a tipster, he has every right to file a freedom of information act request to obtain the name of the person. The tip was most certainly not anonymous, else the police would not have made the comment regarding prosecution to begin with.

You cannot prosecute an anonymous tipster. You can, however, keep the tipster anonymous. Until an FOIA request is fiied, that is.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Krakatoa

Really? This kid is licensed, passed his safety course is a hunter, and is proud of that accomplishment, as is his father. The fact that someone is afraid of guns, and clearly overreacted (perhaps a chat or context on the photo would have eased tensions before it was FALSELY reported) would be smarter?

I would say the person who reported the photograph isn't the real issue here. The issue is that the police decided to raid the home over this photograph, when a tiny bit of background research would have revealed who Moore was and where he worked, as well as the training his son had. And there's nothing even suspicious about the photograph to begin with...
edit on 21/3/2013 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Krakatoa

You shouldn't have to hide but quite honestly you should not be posting certain things on facebook. FB is watched by the people who want to infringe on your rights.

Just put bogus stuff on fb and do not put anything about your life.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 04:18 AM
Why oh why are people still using facebook? It's one of the biggest and most successful spy programs to date. But people insist in posting everything and anything on them about their lives. I'm not saying, go into hiding. I'm just saying, if you are going to post every aspect of your life, be prepared for this type of thing.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by Krakatoa

I guess they'd have kittens in Midwestern states where buying kids a rifle for their Birthday or Christmas before they turn 10 isn't by any means an uncommon thing. My Son got his when he was 9. Just a .22 rifle in his case and it stays in my full size gun safe when we're not out together as a family....but if I want to take a shot of him holding one of my higher caliber or "nastier" looking guns, it's absolutely NONE of anyone else's business, IMO.

Unless I or my son are doing something with a weapon that is unsafe to us or others ...or he's holding a weapon that is outright illegal to have (Say he has an M-60 Machine gun, Rambo style and we aren't holding permits for it), then I'd say there are a % of busy bodies in this nation who spend more time in OTHER people's business than their own.

I think those folks need to tend to their own matters and leave other homes and families alone. This was absurd...but then again, it was New Jersey too.
edit on 20-3-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

I live in Montana. It's normal to buy children a rifle for their birthday. It's normal to see people open carry. It's normal to see guns on a gun rack on someone's truck. We don't fear guns up here. I don't. Parents teach their children from an early age all about gun safety. They teach them how to hunt and be self sufficient, if need be. It's normal if a ten year old understands how to skin out a deer. I'm damn tired of seeing people try to twist what is normal and turn it into something evil. This is how many of us live up here. It's a way of life.

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