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Family’s Home Raided over Facebook Photo of Child’s Rifle

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posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 09:52 AM
I wonder how long it will take for these people to come raid my house over this pic:

I got a surprise to tell em when they do get here, besides looking at them while LMAO

ETA yeah, i know he shouldnt have his finger on the trigger
edit on 3/20/2013 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:04 AM
I was about ten years old when I started shooting a 22 on my own. My father started teaching me to shoot it when I was six but I could only use a bb gun when on my own after I was trained and until I was about ten. At twelve I was shooting a sixteen gauge when hunting, buying my first double barrel shotgun used from an old guy I worked with doing janitorial worked with using my strawberry picking money when I was thirteen. I got the shotgun, three boxes of shells, and a game bag for twelve bucks.

I am a very safety conscious person with a gun, my father stressed responsibility and proper target identification and safety. He was a WW11 Rifleman in the army. The problem nowadays is kids aren't taught gun responsibility when they are young and when they can buy one on their own they aren't adequately trained. A gun safety certificate is nothing in my book, a class does not teach a person like hard core safety minded fathers can. Especially one who fought in a war and got shot in the leg and had shrapnel in his arm. He also spent almost a year in a POW camp. He was a hard worker and good sportsman despite those metals left in his body.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
ok...let's see.... national attention focused on guns, especially assault rifles, scores of reported cases throughout america of kids bringing guns to school, media attention for the last few months on guns and shootings, actual school shootings taking what to do???...i know!, i know!...i'll put a photo of my son, in camo, holding an assault rifle, on facebook.....yeah that's problem there
doesn't anyone think ahead anymore?...and should be allowed to, but using a little common sense, AND NOT putting his picture up on facebook would have been more prudent.
edit on 20-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

What you are saying is called censorship, and americans are not bound to apply it just because a bunch of sissies are afriad of a picture of a gun.

Are you mental, hung over still from last night, just getting off of a 36 hour work shift, off your meds or just trolling for the hell of it?

Hey I know, I have seen reports of people using a red car for crimes, and I am inherently scared of them, so everyone should practice your version of common sense and alter their entire life, just appease my idiotic beliefs.

Your the problem with the world today, people using your quite flawed line of reasoning, which doesnt follow logic at all imo, to demand others conform to your view of the way things should be.

Sorry, but we are not required to alter our lives to make fringe idiots happy.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by n00bUK

O.k ti was an overreaction callingFamily Services, but at least the caller cared enough to voice their concern.

More like a mentally challenged person that doesn't know their butt from a hole in the ground stuck their nose where it didn't belong.

What indicates that the child is being neglected or abused when you view the photo?


I suppose if you see a picture of a gun, you should call the police to report a murder? Again, only if you are mentally challenged.

Maybe there was no "real" caller. The fusion center software may have stumbled upon this image and generated a call, who knows?

There is no indication of anything even remotely abusive in that image.The way the father handled the incident was very cool and level headed. But, the situation, as mentioned above, could have ended very differently and that may well have been the goal.

Maybe schools and theaters are old news, just find a guy with a butt load of weapons registered and any excuse to raid him and more often than not it won't end well. Simple, no planning and no people sitting around on the Internet trying to "connect the dots", just one simple anonymous phone call gets the ball rolling. If it ends like this you won't likely hear anything about it, if it ends poorly it will be one more "senseless gun tragedy" plastered all over the MSM.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
ok...let's see.... national attention focused on guns, especially assault rifles, scores of reported cases throughout america of kids bringing guns to school, media attention for the last few months on guns and shootings, actual school shootings taking what to do???...i know!, i know!...i'll put a photo of my son, in camo, holding an assault rifle, on facebook.....yeah that's problem there
doesn't anyone think ahead anymore?...and should be allowed to, but using a little common sense, AND NOT putting his picture up on facebook would have been more prudent.
edit on 20-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

I see. So, in your opinion, we don't need the 1st amendment for freedom of speech either? Where does it end? Freedom of speech is there to protect the speech you do NOT like, not the speech you like. See U.S. vs Flynt for a lesson on freedom of speech with regard to photographs.

So, lets add this up, regarding this story alone, there are folks in this country that want to abolish:

- 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech): Stop/don't post pictures other may find offensive even though legal to do so.

- 2nd Amendment (The Right to Keep and Bear Arms): Guns are bad, children and adults should fear them. They are unnecessary in this day and age, etc (I think I puked a bit in my throat just typing that one

- 4th Amendment (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures): The authorities (the police in this case) think it suspicious the home owner/accused refuses to allow them into his home and search his possessions. HE must be guilty of something if he is refusing, right?

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:32 AM
Oooh! Brilliant idea.

Seeing as how there is no follow through against those making the abuse claims lets all pick up a Jersey phone book and start with the A's and see if we can make it all the way to the Z's before there is a policy change.

"I'd like to report possible abuse at the home of Aaron A. Anderson."

Take their stupid policies and pre-crime nonsense and smother them dead with it.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by jimmyx
ok...let's see.... national attention focused on guns, especially assault rifles, scores of cases throughout america of kids bring guns to school, actual school shootings taking what to do???...i'll put a photo of my son, in camo, holding an assault rifle, on facebook.....yeah that's problem there
doesn't anyone think ahead anymore?...and should be allowed to, but using a little common sense, AND NOT putting his picture up on facebook would have been more prudent.

There is absolutely NO reason for any of this to have happened because a person posted a photo that is perfectly legal.
CARS ARE DANGEROUS. Should we raid every house that has a new young driver posing with their new car in a pic on Facebook??

Don't take a photo of your child posing with a deer that they killed.... Someone might conjure up an image of a gun in their head FFS, and then you'll get raided!

Where does it end???

This is exactly what they want us to do....

Pictures of GUNS are BAD!!!~!

"they" want parents to use better judgement, regarding anything to do with kids and assault rifles. you don't care what they think, fine by me.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:48 AM
This is a case of stupid people, doing stupid things. People like to judge what others do only to make them feel better about being a crappy parent. Obviously the person who called it in does not know anything about guns. Before calling the police this "informant" should have asked questions if they were so concerned or just kept their mouth shut. But with big news corporations trying to tell everyone that guns are bad and evil, I guess we better call in the parents who give their kids BB guns.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

"they" want parents to use better judgement, regarding anything to do with kids and assault rifles.

Just who are 'they', to tell any parent what judgement to use when the parents are not breaking any laws???

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Krakatoa

Originally posted by jimmyx
ok...let's see.... national attention focused on guns, especially assault rifles, scores of reported cases throughout america of kids bringing guns to school, media attention for the last few months on guns and shootings, actual school shootings taking what to do???...i know!, i know!...i'll put a photo of my son, in camo, holding an assault rifle, on facebook.....yeah that's problem there
doesn't anyone think ahead anymore?...and should be allowed to, but using a little common sense, AND NOT putting his picture up on facebook would have been more prudent.
edit on 20-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

I see. So, in your opinion, we don't need the 1st amendment for freedom of speech either? Where does it end? Freedom of speech is there to protect the speech you do NOT like, not the speech you like. See U.S. vs Flynt for a lesson on freedom of speech with regard to photographs.

So, lets add this up, regarding this story alone, there are folks in this country that want to abolish:

- 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech): Stop/don't post pictures other may find offensive even though legal to do so.

- 2nd Amendment (The Right to Keep and Bear Arms): Guns are bad, children and adults should fear them. They are unnecessary in this day and age, etc (I think I puked a bit in my throat just typing that one

- 4th Amendment (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures): The authorities (the police in this case) think it suspicious the home owner/accused refuses to allow them into his home and search his possessions. HE must be guilty of something if he is refusing, right?

not one thing about the authorities coming out to that house and asking questions, violated anyone's rights.
and the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments are not absolute....there are literally hundreds of legal cases saying so.

did the authorities in this case conduct an unreasonable search or seizure?? NO THEY DID NOT...NADA , NOTHING, .....none of those rights were violated in this case

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by stirling
The "alledged" informant does nt have to be named.....
Doesnt this alone strike you as an open door for police abuse?
The police then do not need complaint as they can make up whatever story they like....
The idea that police can demand unconstitutionally to search or anything else is worth a SCOTUS case....
What were the police doing searching the home without a warrant in the first place??
This seems hokey to me...likea set up of the NRA or whatever....

“You can’t be prosecuted for making an allegation of child abuse –even if it’s false,” she said.

And as is the case here, no evidence of child neglect/abuse was found, the police haven't been back.

And for what it's worth, I agree with the guy here.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Oooh! Brilliant idea.

Seeing as how there is no follow through against those making the abuse claims lets all pick up a Jersey phone book and start with the A's and see if we can make it all the way to the Z's before there is a policy change.

"I'd like to report possible abuse at the home of Aaron A. Anderson."

Take their stupid policies and pre-crime nonsense and smother them dead with it.

That's the spirit. Someone goes near your guns, then boy howdy, you'll make sure that anyone caught in an abusive family upbringing will have all the help trying to find them hindered with prank reports.

Yep, screw the entire process that tries to protect innocent children from violence and abuse, because god damn it You're a gun owner. Make sure they spend every waking moment chasing baloney, because who cares about a real child victim, someone has made an attack on you and your gun.

Yep, best thinking evar.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy

reply to post by jimmyx

"they" want parents to use better judgement, regarding anything to do with kids and assault rifles.

Just who are 'they', to tell any parent what judgement to use when the parents are not breaking any laws???

i didn't use the word "tell" or "force" any parent to use better the way, why don't you ask the person that made the complaint in the first place, or, ask the police why "THEY" are concerned...
edit on 20-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:15 AM
The father did the right thing.

He called his lawyer. They asked if the police has a warrant. The police did not. He asked them to leave. They did.

I don't consider this a raid. I think this was a poor decision made by some uptight social worker that wasted tax payers money.

I think she should have to pay for the salaries of the police officers that responded to this call.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional

Originally posted by jimmyx
ok...let's see.... national attention focused on guns, especially assault rifles, scores of reported cases throughout america of kids bringing guns to school, media attention for the last few months on guns and shootings, actual school shootings taking what to do???...i know!, i know!...i'll put a photo of my son, in camo, holding an assault rifle, on facebook.....yeah that's problem there
doesn't anyone think ahead anymore?...and should be allowed to, but using a little common sense, AND NOT putting his picture up on facebook would have been more prudent.
edit on 20-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

What you are saying is called censorship, and americans are not bound to apply it just because a bunch of sissies are afriad of a picture of a gun.

Are you mental, hung over still from last night, just getting off of a 36 hour work shift, off your meds or just trolling for the hell of it?

Hey I know, I have seen reports of people using a red car for crimes, and I am inherently scared of them, so everyone should practice your version of common sense and alter their entire life, just appease my idiotic beliefs.

Your the problem with the world today, people using your quite flawed line of reasoning, which doesnt follow logic at all imo, to demand others conform to your view of the way things should be.

Sorry, but we are not required to alter our lives to make fringe idiots happy.

hmmm...i'm a sissy, mentally unstable, hung over from being drunk, lacking obviously required pychotropic drugs, trolling, oh, and a fringe idiot, for suggesting that the photo of that kid, should not have been posted on facebook.
your words speak for themselves

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
The father did the right thing.

He called his lawyer. They asked if the police has a warrant. The police did not. He asked them to leave. They did.

I don't consider this a raid. I think this was a poor decision made by some uptight social worker that wasted tax payers money.

I think she should have to pay for the salaries of the police officers that responded to this call.

or...if something terrible happened, and she didn't report it....the story would be...."this obama supporting socialist case worker can't even do her job, she just sits around collecting tax-payer money and should be fired immediately" !!!

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by n00bUK
O.k ti was an overreaction callingFamily Services, but at least the caller cared enough to voice their concern. In my area, if an alarm is ringing - it gets ignored

The problem lays with the Family Services reaction and how they dealt with this, which is mostly always the case.

the person who reported the false allegations of abuse cannot be held liable

Good, because when this starts happening, people stop caring - just like in China.
edit on 20-3-2013 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

The problem with this logic is, most people seem to lack good judgement these days. If you can't tell the difference between a real crisis in the making and a kid who's responsibly displaying a new gift, well....bring in the nanny state, I guess. That will solve it! Whoever reported this family either has an agenda to push, has a personal issue with them or maybe they can't reason very well. Could be a combination of all three.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

hmmm...i'm a sissy, mentally unstable, hung over from being drunk, lacking obviously required pychotropic drugs, trolling, oh, and a fringe idiot, for suggesting that the photo of that kid, should not have been posted on facebook.

If you were sincere in writing these words, I would have certainly have given you a star!

No, really.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by inverslyproportional

Originally posted by jimmyx
ok...let's see.... national attention focused on guns, especially assault rifles, scores of reported cases throughout america of kids bringing guns to school, media attention for the last few months on guns and shootings, actual school shootings taking what to do???...i know!, i know!...i'll put a photo of my son, in camo, holding an assault rifle, on facebook.....yeah that's problem there
doesn't anyone think ahead anymore?...and should be allowed to, but using a little common sense, AND NOT putting his picture up on facebook would have been more prudent.
edit on 20-3-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

What you are saying is called censorship, and americans are not bound to apply it just because a bunch of sissies are afriad of a picture of a gun.

Are you mental, hung over still from last night, just getting off of a 36 hour work shift, off your meds or just trolling for the hell of it?

Hey I know, I have seen reports of people using a red car for crimes, and I am inherently scared of them, so everyone should practice your version of common sense and alter their entire life, just appease my idiotic beliefs.

Your the problem with the world today, people using your quite flawed line of reasoning, which doesnt follow logic at all imo, to demand others conform to your view of the way things should be.

Sorry, but we are not required to alter our lives to make fringe idiots happy.

hmmm...i'm a sissy, mentally unstable, hung over from being drunk, lacking obviously required pychotropic drugs, trolling, oh, and a fringe idiot, for suggesting that the photo of that kid, should not have been posted on facebook.
your words speak for themselves

Yes I believe they do, thanks for noticing.

edit on 20-3-2013 by inverslyproportional because: (no reason given)

Btw, just to make this clear since you wont notice the irony of my response, those were your words not mine. My words will stand on their own merit, yours.........well lol at keast you can admit your faults.
edit on 20-3-2013 by inverslyproportional because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

why don't you ask the person that made the complaint in the first place

Because it was an anonymous tip.
That's the reason you pointed me towards them to find out, right?

or, ask the police why "THEY" are concerned...

Pretty simple really, the cops get the call from the Child Welfare Bureaucrats, they have no options... they have to go.
But you knew that, didn't you?

i didn't use the word "tell" or "force"

I didn't use the word "force".
You should post a reply now telling me that you 'saw what I did there'.

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