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Will Obama Be Vindicated or Villified if America Becomes Energy Independent???

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by coltcall

Will Obama Be Vindicated or Villified if America Becomes Energy Independent?

Regardless of whether the US were to achieve such a goal, it would be neither Obama's fault or glory responsible.

The US has had energy independence at its fingertips all along. In the Dakota, in Canada, in Alaska, in the Gulf of Mexico, there is enough oil to make us energy independent of OPEC the moment we made an effort to produce it.

Our coal deposits are less mysterious and could (and can) be tapped at a moment's notice.

The idea of a 'green' energy future is also possible, given that the technology was released from those squatting on them. Don't expect this to change.

For the moment, it benefits the oil and coal industries, as well as the ongoing, long-term crop of power brokers both in Washington and in the special interest super groups, to hold us where we are. So long as we neglect to see how our technological progress in energy production has not budged in almost 70 years, they can call the shots.

This has nothing to do with Global Warming... which is a farce to begin with, being propagated by the opposite political power factions of those previously mentioned energy brokers. Neither has the good of our country in mind and both use their little games to direct us like pawns on a chessboard.

Bite on either hook and get yanked in... make someone on one side or the other happy. Whatever you do, don't cast aside those partisan gladiator weapons, lol.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by coltcall
According to this report, America is becoming energy independent.

I'm not buying the report. It's NBC .. which is the shill machine for the Obama administration. If there were other sources claiming the same thing ... more independent sources or at least multiple sources ... then I'd consider it.

I don't see us becoming energy independent at all. Not at all ...
edit on 3/18/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

I'm not saying we will become energy independent...I'm saying there are other sources

America Will Be Energy Independent By 2030

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by coltcall

Will Obama Be Vindicated or Villified if America Becomes Energy Independent?

Regardless of whether the US were to achieve such a goal, it would be neither Obama's fault or glory responsible.

You could very well be correct. For all the power that socialists say Obama has in America....maybe he has very little.

I've always said that Obama was put into the White House by more powerful people for one purpose: to keep the antiwar protestors at home, content with welfare and food stamps.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Glinda
reply to post by coltcall

Yoko has a "gentle woman's" farm somewhere in upstate NY. She, along with her son Sean and fellow non-Ph.d Susan Sarandon have been "touring" (riding around in a luxe stretch rock star tricked out bus--but whose measuring carbon foot prints) telling the "little" people how AWFUL fracking in PA, OH, WV is (no need to worry about her "home state" of NY --he pals in Albany got HER land protected).

As I posted above, the out right poverty in southern upstate NY is stunning; Cuomo has stopped ANY drilling or fracturing for another two years for more enviro "studies" (even though ones already done show no cause for delay). Over the border in and growth.

Wow. So that's what's become of Susan Sarandon after her divorce from that actor Tim Robbins.

You'd almost think that there is an underlying plan to bring the state and city of New York into terminal decay. What was that sci-fi movie about New York City being turned into a prison: Escape from New York. With Snake Pitkin?

There are some who say that there are no gold bars in Fort Knox. That the gold bars were sold on the London Gold exchange as a means to control gold prices worldwide.

What if there are no stock on Wall Street any more? That it's all a big ruse to look as though Wall Street is still running 64 billion dollars per day through their fingertips? That the real stocks are being manipulated in an underground or mountain bunker?

While the likes of Yoko and Sarandon keep the masses busy with sing screaming....

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by coltcall

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by syrinx high priest

rush gets the credit for good things, obama gets blame for bad things

My vision of energy independence in the US includes the deaths of the majority of the people who live here. Until that happens...............don't get your hopes up!

The deaths of the majority of people here? I assume you don't include yourself or your family and close friends? Ah, well....spoken like a Viking, I suppose

I absolutely include myself and my family as victims! After all I am not one of the elite whom are shaping their NWO which includes the deaths of many people.

Although I do have Dupuytren's contracture which was once called the Vikings disease, I think that anyone whom thinks that these demons whom are causing the destruction of the world we ALL live in, have any desire to share their ill received wealth on the backs of those whom have worked their ass off for a pittance are truly living in a fantasy world.....

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Let's take a premise here. Obama was the perfect teleprompter for his puppet masters.

He kept the antiwar protestors off the streets. The war has gone unabated for the past four years. You don't see the liberal media listing the names of the war dead. You don't hear anything that is antiwar material.

Obama fulfilled his obligation for the first four years. Hew delivered his soft sell speeches. He created more welfare and food stamp allotments. The common people are content.

Now Obama no longer has to pretend going up against the oil lobby to win re-election. He stumbles around while blaming big oil, taking his payoffs under the table.

There goes the next four years of Obama's presidency.

Now, that's just a premise. What do you think?

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:07 PM
Reply to post by coltcall

Villified because the US Dollar is a petrodollar. Kissinger convinced the Saudis to sell oil in dollars, so people wanted dollars to buy oil. Unless the US becomes a net exporter of oil, a way OPEC can throw a wrench into the works is by dropping the dollar. That would leave everyone holding dollars comint to US, buying up everything that isn't bolted down (which would be great for sellers intially) and leaving the US with a whole mess of money and nothing to spend it on. The dollar then crashes and all Hell breaks loose.

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by jimmiec

I still believe in the logic of peak oil adjusted to the new reality. The US reached peak-oil long ago the rest of the world just recently in the first decade of 2000.

Peak oil is (consumption potential exceeds production potential) that is why the US had to go outside for cheaper oil but the resources are getting dim and the competition for them has increased making it no longer cheap oil and permitting these new technologies to emerge and allow a tighter squeeze of the oil at home. That and allow for competing sources of fuel and energy (including the food shortage that demonstrated that ethanol was not a very good general idea, to the chagrin of subsidized corn producers).

I do not see how the report can state that the US is going to become oil energy independent, any sane person understand that that is just false especially considering how inefficient US oil consumption still is. From pricing to how cheap fuel affects US consumerist society, just look on how most of the merchandises are transported inside the US to have an idea.

I fully welcome the end of cheap oil, this will force a better management of resources and stop product dumping, making local producers adapt to local necessities. There is only one issue is that since things will get more expensive special projects, like getting us off this rock and others will only become harder to achieve (add to that the other issues that will only get worst like climate change, demographics, food etc)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by coltcall

Now, that's just a premise. What do you think?

I think you summed it up quite well! Not much in that I can say I actually disagree with!

So the question remains, is Obama purposely destroying the United States? I would have to say "Yes he is!". So not to get the progressives riled up and frothing at the mouths, I will also say that Obama did a fine job expanding on the police state that Bush set him up with.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:23 PM
Reply to post by syrinx high priest

A weak dollar means the things we import (such as oil) costs more. Given that Tim and Ben target inflation as the monetary goal, yeah, the President does shoulder some blame for the high prices.

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by coltcall

Now, that's just a premise. What do you think?

I think you summed it up quite well! Not much in that I can say I actually disagree with!

So the question remains, is Obama purposely destroying the United States? I would have to say "Yes he is!". So not to get the progressives riled up and frothing at the mouths, I will also say that Obama did a fine job expanding on the police state that Bush set him up with.

Let's say that Obama is destroying those who most adored him. Michael Moore made a personal capitalist's fortune by condemning capitalism. Obama socialism is a tool of the capitalist. It's a temporary crowd pleaser. A crowd controller.

Will the liberal socialists turn on their former Messiah Obama?

We'll have to check the history books to find out. Heh?

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

Weak dollar is important to reduce imports and increase exports leading to a better trade balance and job creation...

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:27 PM
the extreme right wing will find a way to vilify, the rest of the world will see it as vindication. You'll know when you see it on faux news.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
Reply to post by coltcall

Villified because the US Dollar is a petrodollar. Kissinger convinced the Saudis to sell oil in dollars, so people wanted dollars to buy oil. Unless the US becomes a net exporter of oil, a way OPEC can throw a wrench into the works is by dropping the dollar. That would leave everyone holding dollars comint to US, buying up everything that isn't bolted down (which would be great for sellers intially) and leaving the US with a whole mess of money and nothing to spend it on. The dollar then crashes and all Hell breaks loose.

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As a betting man, I'm betting that the Bill Ayers' of the world will vilify Obama as his last four years draw to a conclusion.

They will resent having been duped.

Obamacare is an elaborate scheme to enrich the insurance industry.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
What has Obama done to increase oil drilling in America? Anything? Or does he happen to be the sitting Prez while the so called "evil" corporations are developing and perfecting new technologies to get the oil. So far the net result is gas is higher in cost than ever before.

so, obama sets the worlds oil prices?...please provide because you won't find any evidence. the oil companies deal in blackmail, payoffs, threats, and designed shortages when they do not get their way. they have had this type of power for some time now. it been written about in dozens of books, and numerous articles for decades

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

Weak dollar is important to reduce imports and increase exports leading to a better trade balance and job creation...

Our most lucrative export is the military........we take up 44 percent of the planet's entire military spending.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

That is why the US is busy playing Whac-A-Mole with OPEC dissenters and the rest understands pretty well that they are on power because they are being propped up by the Anglo-American interests. Heck even the Chavez issue has seemingly been resolved...

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:33 PM
Reply to post by Panic2k11

That's right. Which is a suicide pact when you import your energy needs. The big notion is we have something to export and to whom? Europe is flaming out, S. America and Africa are broke, Asia is having a currency war.

Sure, there will be some winners, but majority of the common folk will be a net loser as they're not in the fabrication and export business.

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by GreenGlassDoor
Reply to post by syrinx high priest

A weak dollar means the things we import (such as oil) costs more. Given that Tim and Ben target inflation as the monetary goal, yeah, the President does shoulder some blame for the high prices.

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really? please show the correlation that you make...consider me just a dumb liberal, happy to hear your brilliant instructive logic

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by SproutKY
the extreme right wing will find a way to vilify, the rest of the world will see it as vindication. You'll know when you see it on faux news.

US getting another conservative news channel

Upstart Herring Broadcasting is launching One America News to take on Fox News in the cable market and provide 'another platform.'

Upstart Herring Broadcasting, which is owned by San Diego's Herring family, is prepared to wager hundreds of millions of dollars that viewers will tune in to a conservative-leaning​ cable news channel that isn't named Fox News.

Though these channels tend to attract their biggest audiences during major news stories, they still make big money. Fox's 2011 profit was about $869 million, far exceeding the $596 million earned by Time Warner's (TWX -0.76%) CNN and the $187 million earned by Comcast's (CMCSA -0.84%) MSNBC, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism.
edit on 18-3-2013 by coltcall because: (no reason given)

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