posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 08:56 PM
The only thing that's common or normal about that sound,
Is the folks telling us "it's common and normal"
The OP clearly states they were in denial for a long while, this changed that denial.. and a great.. if not one of the best captures of the actual
sound and it's intensity.. (so surprises on a galaxy.. not a icrap..)
First thing i did here, back a few days when the OP made this thread is check the OP's Utube channel for anything similar (sry OP.. but this is ATS..
lol) and no.. this is the only "strange sky sound" vid there.. OP checks out as a normal person (lol.. again.. sry). so having done my background
check, i looked at the evidence presented.
That's.. some sound. It's little wonder anyone hearing that sound would have difficulty relating it to anything in the natural world, from the
sounds of it the intensity is caused by feedback harmonics.. but from what.. hard to say. Dam shame your not kitted with a dB meter, a reading could
have explained (and proven without a doubt) how intense that was, and why you had a headache. One of the biggest rules sound engineer's have is to
not go overboard, as the wrong *mix* will actually do damage to the audience.. sound isn't just a big loud toy
As for it's source.. well.. i doubt we'll know, so many folks don't even believe it could happen let alone these sounds are happening.. so until
it's a *thing* on your MSM news it'll never be looked into, even when it is it'll be laughed off... kinda like methane and earthquakes and animal
die off's and everything else lately.. just a bit at the end of the sports... nothing to see here. what i mean.. is it deserves further analysis and
testing... but it'll never get it
Great catch though