Just recorded this sky noise before noon! I always thought that these videos were a crock until now. Just got home from the bank and heard this loud
sound. I scrabbled to get my cellphone camera going. Fortunately, there was a second pulse and I caught it. I do have a really bad headache, not sure
if it's related or not. Anyways, is there anyone else in the Clearfield, Utah area that heard this? Did you get any video? PLEASE MESSAGE ME IF YOU
Since I too have heard the sky sounds here in Austin Tx
Let me be the first to tell you, you dont know what your hearing.
That's just thunder. Or a plane or a train or traffic etc...
At least that's what everyone told me haha!
Welcome to the club. You might as well have
heard a drunk leprechaun in a UFO.
That's why I'm hoping some more people recorded this today. I too was skeptical about these videos until I head it for myself. I will email anyone
the raw video file if they want to analyze it.
Ok. This post is what finally made me register so I can reply. I'm in West Point and have been scouring the net trying to find any posts about things
I've been seeing in the sky. I have heard humming overhead at night and twice the last week I've seen strange black cloud things that started as
what looks like black cigar shaped canisters. Last night my husband and I saw saucer clouds and my sister and I saw many if them around Tuesday.
Something's up. Literally
Thank you so much for your post. West Point is pretty close to me. I live by Antelope Drive. I'm getting it out there on Facebook, hoping some of my
local friends got something, or at least heard it.
I'm wondering this: The sound appears to be louder than a jet passing 100 feet over your head, yet no-one else seems to come out of his house and
take a look, and that's in basically all these videos.
I can emphasize though, that the quality of the video is outstanding. The SGS3 is a beautiful phone btw, got one as well ^^
Last time I was there, they only had a squadron of F16s stationed there, and while their sound was a daily occurrence, it is quite distinctive and
nothing like that "sound from hell" the OP recorded.
I will not rule out Hill AFB 100%. All I can really do is ask my childhood friend to watch the video. He is in the Air Force. I don't know if he will
or can tell me anything.
I hear jets all day long here, they shake my house. This sound was very different, it was way loud and you could hear it echoing off of the mountains.
You can kind of hear the reverberation in the video.
This is pure speculation and a sign of possibly visiting here too much, but could these sky sounds be some kind of test for a loudspeaker for Project
edit on 16/3/2013 by kingears because: (no reason given)
That sounded like a clear approach, peak and fade of something going over? Am I misunderstanding it? Something flying over you didn't see maybe? (or
couldn't see?)