reply to post by nkultra
An earlier member mentioned the need to prepare for the onslaught of suggestions that point toward a possible sound mis-identification, it's true. It
seems that you have not had to deal with that too much, everyone seems to be doing their best to help you reveal the true source.
I've heard strange sky noises in East Tennessee, U.S.A., periodically, over the past several months or so. Your recording isn't really close to the
same as what I've heard here, but it's not 100% incomparable to those heard here either.
Like you have heard by now, I too have heard the many different suggestions from others who are trying to help identify the odd noise. Some
suggestions have been compelling, but others are obviously not linked to what I heard.
I really don't know what you have captured in your recording, but I am glad you were able to capture it's audio and the weather environment in the
I wish I could do more, but the most I can do is offer my impression of your audio;
My first impression made me think of what an active, or 'live', electrical cable might sound like if it were submerged into water.
(it also reminded me of what one of those blue-light, 'bug zapping' lamps sound like when they are powered on, but on a much, much, much larger
Then it reminded me of the sound produced by a faulting electrical transformer. It gave me the impression that there was a transformer on a power pole
shorting out, getting ready the 'flash out'. -
I wish I could give a better description of my idea, but hopefully you will understand what I'm trying to compare it to - or maybe someone else who
reads this can help me better articulate my thoughts.
I do hope that your neighbors, friends, family, and yourself are in no sort of physical danger, but also, I do hope you have the opportunity to
experience the phenomena again - as repeated experiences may help pinpoint the exact identity and source of the strange sound.