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posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Glinda

They are experts for chimneies, many got salvation escaping thru the chimney, after gas comora, and crematorium, during the ww2, when Vatican supported Hitler, Musolini, and other forces of axle and their cooperators

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by rebelv
Well, it took me a couple of hours but I read through
the entire thread.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been aware for a long
time regarding a prophecy which also correct me if
I'm wrong, was a quatrain by Nostradamus regarding
the 112th ?? Pope being the last pope, and that
he would be called 'The Black Pope'

I don't specifically recall the quatrain, can someone
post it?

It's an old predictions, supposedly from a guy called St. Malachy. He predicted, we are told, a certain number of popes, with very vague references to describe them. If you look at those in that position, they can seem to fit, but it's very unclear as to whether this is coincidence, fulfilled prophecy, or the CC deliberately choosing people that fit the bill, and making it look real. In the original form this supposed prophecy was released, the last pope, Benedict, would have been THE last. Later, the "Peter the Roman" was added on, and no one seems to know if that was actually part of the original, and missed before, or added on later. All in all, the entire thing was very non-specific, and thus, basically unprovable. Interesting, though, to be sure. The idea is supposed to be that this is the last one, and that it's related to End Times events. I don't know what I think about Malachy's predictions, but I do think there are a lot of signs that we are close to the end, so it's worth paying attention.

With any such predictions, you have to be very careful. The original wording for most of what Nostradamus wrote is VERY vague, and tends to be re-written to suit the beliefs of whoever is talking about it. It's the way fortune tellers work; they offer vague information, that the person can then fit into real events, when there really wasn't anything specific stated. A valid prophecy is possible, of course, but you have to be careful not to try and force things. If it's real, it will fit, like a puzzle piece. I don't know if those of Malachy or Nostradamus are real or not. I haven't taken the time to study the actual text, and do the research. I do know that many in the Bible were shown to be real. Old Testament stuff, for example, about Jesus, was very accurate, and was written hundreds of years before. So, studying possible prophecies isn't a bad idea, as long as you use common sense.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by dragnik

With all due respect, what has any of that got to do with me?

First of all, I'm British and not American.
Secondly, I can't recall discussing anything with you - if I have then I apologise but I've forgotten when or what about, it certainly wasn't in this thread.

Perhaps you've mistaken me for someone else or maybe I've got my dunce's hat on today - which is quite possible.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
What is wrong with archaic and ancient? The older something is, the more pure it normally is. You are making a false arguement here. The problem is people are worshipping demonic entities without knowing it. Faith based on lies is cruel. Truth sets people free and the last thing the nephelim and their followers want is to set anyone free. The best slave is one who does not know he is a slave.

You talk about people following religion being foolish, but what you talk about is as much religion as what you attack in Christianity. A religion is simply a belief system. As for Christianity, well, you are stating things the demons love to hear, claiming that Jesus didn't die for the sins of Mankind. That isn't pagan; it's justice fulfilled. God is just, and does not break His own rules. When we sin, we break the rules God set, and there must be a price paid for that. Jesus choosing to die paid that price for us. It's that simple. That is truth. What I state, I can back up with Scriptures, and personal experience. Upon what do you base your statements? You make interesting comments, but I didn't notice a source.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 01:28 PM
Attention....the media has just revealed that the Catholic Church is a 170 billion dollar a year business.

Well, duh....what's Islam making with all their oil wells?

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by savefaith
So Nibiru is gone, 21st dec is gone and we dont have a black pope now. What will be the new end of the world conspiracy theory?

Wait.... it's coming... that IS the new End of the World Conspiracy! You would think that just due to the sheer weight of predictions and the law of averages that SOMETHING would have been a hit, yet strangely nothing was... I smell fresh doom and a brand new conspiracy emanating from that and just around the corner!

On the other hand, we DO have the Black Pope now, I don't care how grandfatherly he looks - he's a Jesuit, and I just don't trust him on strength of that alone!

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 02:45 PM
Thanks to all, this is a really interesting thread.

Did some research last night because although I have studied bible
prophecy and comparative religions, and a lot of occult &
esoteric stuff, I am not really studied in extra-biblical prophecy.

So, I did some research last night, and I couldn't find one
single instance of a phrase in Nostradamus quatrains
or in the Malachi prophecies, or in the Fatima prophecies
of a 'black pope'

However, I know people have been talking about a
'black pope' prophecy since at least the 80's.

So, in a weird way, it is still a prophecy, in a really
weird way.

The other thing I found out, and I'd love it if someone
could get some more info about this or debunk it
if you can, but I came up with the following info...

That there are portraits of 110 popes in the Sistine
Chapel, and there are only 112 pre-constructed
spots for those portraits.

Pope Benedict will obviously take spot 111

and then there's only one more spot in the
Sistine Chapel for 'a last pope?'

Can anyone confirm this? I find that rather
revealing if its true.

Maybe, those 112 spots have been there since
the construction of the Chapel and hence
why there are prophecies regarding the
112th pope being the last one.

Also I find this new pope's flag, looks to me
like a flying saucer (I know its supposed to
be a hat) but it still looks like a flying

Rebel 5
edit on 14-3-2013 by rebelv because: logic

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by colbe
Don't be anti-Catholic any longer. :goodnews: The reason, the Remnant is Roman Catholic. Come along, before the Great Warning, study the faith. It's going happen, God is going to show everyone personally, you'll realize God wants you to become Catholic.

Prophecy comes true. There are more messages from Heaven to confirm the new Pope is holy and
chosen by Christ. Thank you too God the Holy Spirit.

I am not Catholic, nor will I ever be, Does what you say here mean that when I get to hell, I'll be in the presence of my friends? That does seem to be preferable to being in the presence of strangers for all eternity, so I reckon I'll just have to take my chances.

I've "studied the faith" - several of them, in fact - for many years. Probably twice as many years as you are old. God does not want me to be Catholic. He told me so. Now, what you want to make of that development is entirely up to you.

I've gotten no "messages from heaven to confirm the new Pope". I'll check my in-box later, though. On the other hand, if the Pope is God's man, why would he ever need ME to "confirm" him?

The Pope is a man. Maybe better, maybe worse, but just a man all the same. Since I am not Catholic, and never will be, he has no bearing on my world. As all men are fallible, I bow to NO man. I believe God would likely be very cross with me if I did.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 03:06 PM
As a matter of fact, bowing to a man would be
considered breaking one of the ten commandments.
It's called Idolatry.

The Jewish religion considered God to be
immortal and not human, and
therefore the worship of a man or
any image of a man was considered
blasphemy and idolatry.

Worshiping the pope would be one example
(to keep this post on topic) but worshiping
the image of Jesus is also Idolatry, since
Jesus was a man.

This is one of the big reasons why Jews
do not concur with Christian interpretation
of the old testament.

It is true that the Jews are waiting for
The Messiah, who will be a man,
HOWEVER, they do not interpret
the old testament the way
Christians do that the
Messiah will be (or was) God almighty.

Rebel 5
edit on 14-3-2013 by rebelv because: syntax

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

As for atheism that goes mostly with communism, not mixed economy socialism. Sure the soviets called it "socialism", "union of soviet socialist republic". But so did national socialist workers party of germany and we all know the two sides disliked/hated each other.


Are you insinuating that one bunch of Socialists might have been at odds with another bunch of Socialists? Who'da thunk it? Is that sort of like one bunch of Christians - i.e. Catholics - being at odds with another bunch of Christians - i.e. Protestants? Going by your logic in the former example, claiming that one bunch or the other cannot be Socialists, then we must assume that in the Catholic-Protestant divide, one or the other cannot be Christians, right?

I can see both Catholics AND Protestants taking up your banner here and pointing at the other side claiming the "other" cannot be Christian... but at the end of the day, they really both ARE, aren't they?

Sort of like National Socialists and... the other breed of Socialists... In the final analysis, it's all about the politics, and the fact that BOTH want to hold the reins and be the final arbiters - on their own behalf, of course, and to the detriment of the disparaged (which category includes all of the rest of us, right along with their "other")...

ETA: "Mixed economy Socialism"? What an oxymoron! That's nothing more than a pretty phrase to entice the frog to jump into the pot on it's own, so that it's in the right place when the cook decides to start incrementally turning up the heat.

edit on 2013/3/14 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:03 PM
It was pink smoke.

A group of women who say they are priests launched pink smoke from a balcony overlooking the square on Wednesday to demand female ordination.

Pink to make the boys wink.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Glinda
Per CNN breaking...White Smoke from the Vatican chimney reports CNN in St Peter's Square. Details on new Pope to follow!

Oh yay! Let's see who the next famous mass child molester is going to be!

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:12 PM

A "cloud angel" rose over South Florida on the day that a new pope was named at the Vatican — resulting in snapshots and comments that multiplied like the biblical loaves and fishes.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz

Originally posted by Glinda
Per CNN breaking...White Smoke from the Vatican chimney reports CNN in St Peter's Square. Details on new Pope to follow!

Oh yay! Let's see who the next famous mass child molester is going to be!

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Miracula

A "cloud angel" rose over South Florida on the day that a new pope was named at the Vatican — resulting in snapshots and comments that multiplied like the biblical loaves and fishes.

I have no quarrel with that. South Florida needs all the angels they can muster. I would, however, have been more suitably impressed with it's connection to the Papal events had it appeared over the Vatican instead. All they got was a stupid seagull.

Maybe Frankie is going to vacation in Miami, and sent an advance team?

edit on 2013/3/14 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:46 PM
Boehner and Pelosi are the two highest ranking Catholics in the Congressional House.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:09 PM

After being revealed to the world, he dined with the cardinals in a Vatican residence where he thanked them for electing him but then quipped: "God forgive you for what you've done!"


The article makes it out to be that he was joking when he said that, but it's still a very odd thing for him to say.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

So was the end of the world context, even if some try to fit it into other things. I try to ignore it anyway, for I feel they're all role playing and have no rights over this planet.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 08:56 PM
The significance of this vote matters to the faithful Roman Catholics in the rest of the world.
Personally, I don't care at all, except to say that white or black, where there's smoke there's fire, and it needs to be put out quickly lest someone gets burned.

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
What is wrong with archaic and ancient? The older something is, the more pure it normally is. You are making a false arguement here. The problem is people are worshipping demonic entities without knowing it. Faith based on lies is cruel. Truth sets people free and the last thing the nephelim and their followers want is to set anyone free. The best slave is one who does not know he is a slave.

You talk about people following religion being foolish, but what you talk about is as much religion as what you attack in Christianity. A religion is simply a belief system. As for Christianity, well, you are stating things the demons love to hear, claiming that Jesus didn't die for the sins of Mankind. That isn't pagan; it's justice fulfilled. God is just, and does not break His own rules. When we sin, we break the rules God set, and there must be a price paid for that. Jesus choosing to die paid that price for us. It's that simple. That is truth. What I state, I can back up with Scriptures, and personal experience. Upon what do you base your statements? You make interesting comments, but I didn't notice a source.


keep at it you nuts. When you crossover you're gonna smack the back of your own head.

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