posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 04:52 PM
The individual controls their own thoughts, and socialization only occurs if you let it. The individual controls their government, and our government
reflects the morality of each of us. When the founding fathers formed the Constitution they understood the natural lottery. The fact that individual
life is random, and the individual has no choice over the life they inherent. So they established a government that would be defined by faith. Not
faith in the sense of any religious affiliation, but the fact that faith alone upholds any system. Faith is what the US Dollar is backed by faith, and
by faith alone. By eliminating the Gold Standard System, we eliminated the accountability of the Federal Government to act on our behalf. Our money
isn't backed by gold anymore,
I do not agree that Democracy can only exist within an established free-market as noted by Nietzsche who argues that, free will is logically
impossible because we are not self-created and thus we are always historically situated in terms of our perspectives and influences. Nietzsche is the
first individual to recognize the subconscious as a scientific truth, stating any relationship between consciousness and actions are so weak that
individuals cannot truly be labeled or assigned a motive based upon assumptions. Nietzsche believes that any pact which limits the absolute freedom
of an individual, results in a pact of slavery. This pact of slavery is self-imposed, as individuals are the sovereigns, legislators and enforcers
simultaneously. Thus he argues that all conscious beings are driven by their individual “will to power”. Nietzsche’s “will to power”,
exemplifies the fact that a structure like the free market, is subjective based upon biased interpretations of values. However, the true will of an
individual to act or exert energy is based on the conscious drive of self-fulfillment/realization.