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posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

I've been watching the sky since I was a kid and I never remember it doing this "The crazy way that these trails fan out or appear to cascade down like slow rain" how one edge seems heavier and falls off an edge like a waterfall or water spilling over edge of a table


posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by flexy123

If someone has a site that looks like Homer Simpson made it...what does it say about the validity of their claims?

Isn't it more about the content of the site then it is the design of said site?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by bluestorm
reply to post by SheopleNation

amen brother, it aint hard to tell... really isn't and all the contrailers on here should be ashamed of them selves if they live in my county or state, were in this together, i have no agenda other than I have two young children that deserve the best ...

Sorry for saying you ignored my question in my previous post, maybe you just missed it.

If you say its not hard to tell, you would be ideally placed to say what it is that connects the trails in the sky to the GE proposal papers/ability to spray/tptb disregard for the plebs that we know exist?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:22 AM
Some info for the chemtrailers to digest!

WORLDWIDE, IN 2008, around 93,000 commercial flights a day worldwide.

In the USA aircraft fly along specific routes and corridors called the National Airspace System (NAS). The NAS is comprised of the air navigation routes and infrastructure across the United States that supports approximately 60,000 daily flights of commercial, general aviation, and military flights.

Heathrow Airport London
Some passenger numbers to consider.

By the close of Heathrow’s first operational year, 63,000 passengers had travelled through London’s new airport

By 1951 this had risen to 796,000.

Terminal 1 opened in 1969, by which time five million passengers a year were passing through the airport as the jet age arrived with Boeing 707s, VC10s and Tridents taking travellers from Heathrow to and from all parts of the world.

The 1970s marked the decade when the world became even smaller thanks to Concorde and wide-body jets such as the Boeing 747. As the decade drew to a close, 27 million passengers were using Heathrow annually.

Today Heathrow is the world’s busiest international airport and the hub of the civil aviation world. Over 67 million passengers travel through the airport annually on services offered by 90 airlines travelling to over 180 destinations in over 90 countries

By the time Heathrow celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2006 it had handled around 1.4 billion passengers on over 14 million flights.

First year 63,000 a year NOW 67,000,000 passengers more than a thousand times more and you people can't understand why you see more contrails do the figures above make it clear

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Since before then actually.....but knowing that would involve understanding what they are - which y9ou clearly do not.

Wrong. Being an expert on contrails is not needed when discussing chemtrails, I know enough, and I also know that I never get used to the smell of shillism.

Well since you seem to have all the answers, and desire to derail this thread by shifting the focus to me and what I know about contrails, then how about you enlighten us all?

Get over your condescending self, you're not impressing anyone other than your own ego. ~$heopleNation
edit on 6-3-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by SheopleNation

I take it you have read the post above for Heathrow Airport London a 1000 fold increase in passengers since it opened 67,000,000 pass through it in a year,

You can also watch flights above you via flightradar24 and get info on the aircraft,

The plane selected goes red and details show on left that plane was at 32,000 ft at 595 mph etc etc.

60,000 flights a day across the USA do you honestly think you shouldn't see contrails because that's what they are!

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by wmd_2008

nothing in that video at 1:03 showed a persistent contrail that lingers all day, it showed what i expect most un -persistent contrail to look like...

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by wmd_2008

Who is denying the existence of contrails? Of course they exist. Just as chemtrails exist.

I am not going to educate you about weather modification, been there, done that. There is a simple solution though, use the search function.

You can choose to do that or search on google about the weather modification bill that's been past. They are spraying something without a doubt.

Those who take the time to research the subject and who can think for themselves understand what is going on. Denialism = being stuck on the stupid wagon my friend.

The questions are, what are they spraying, and what is the effect of that spraying on Human Beings and eco systems?
edit on 6-3-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by SheopleNation

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Since before then actually.....but knowing that would involve understanding what they are - which y9ou clearly do not.

Wrong. Being an expert on contrails is not needed when discussing chemtrails, I know enough,

Please, how much is enough? And what is the primary difference that allows one to tell?

I cannot understand why SRM/GE etc would look anything like a contrail, where is this info in any of the sources that discuss these proposals seriously?

That is all my question is and I dont get why all 'those who know' seem to be ignoring it

edit on 6-3-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
reply to post by wmd_2008

Who is denying the existence of contrails? Of course they exist. Just as chemtrails exist.

I am not going to educate you about weather modification, been there, done that. There is a simple solution though, use the search function.

You can choose to do that or search on google about the weather modification bill that's been past. They are spraying something without a doubt.

Those who take the time to research the subject and who can think for themselves understand what is going on. Denialism = being stuck on the stupid wagon my friend.

The questions are, what are they spraying, and what is the effect of that spraying on Human Beings and eco systems?
edit on 6-3-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

This has been asked of others in this thread, so lets ask it of you - what is your definition of a "chemtrail"? When speaking of "chemtrails", some talk about trails behind high-flying planes; others talk about other things, such as cloud seeding or the lower-altitude drops that were done in the 50s. There is obviously a great deal of difference between these things, so clarifying your position would actually help everyone understand where you might be coming from.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by waynos

sorry not wanting to ignore, i had to get off this thread for a night, it just seems to go in circles anyways, some people have been debating it for years on ats and i really dont think my opinion is anything new under the sun..

that said i dont quite understand you question, but from my experience and in my humble opinion if it looks like a fake cloud and acts like a fake cloud well then..... also i think there are numerous reason to spray sometimes its to create a reflective aerosol layer and other times its to disperse a flu (yes i do believe this, do i have proof other than personal observation no), i say it aint hard to tell because its happening now somewhere above.. as to why do i tie persistent contrails (i stopped using the word chem because i just dont have the means to test wtf it is) with the study on volcanic aerosols and global warming, well because if it seem the most logical explanation as to why they want to spray and what the effects tptb want to achieve, according to that study it would seem they want to decrease the real effects of man made global warming artificially, and guess what - i might not be against them doing that, I just feel I deserve to know what and why..

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
reply to post by wmd_2008

Those who take the time to research the subject and who can think for themselves understand what is going on.
edit on 6-3-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

If you "know what is going on" how can you possibly believe that you can tell chemical content of something miles away from you?

As far as "thinking for yourselves"...yet you all sound the same, despite the evidence to the contrary. The same wrong facts, mislabeled pictures, invalid testing procedures...all of you continue to pull them out as though your belief was both new and original. Face it. If you thought for yourself, you would be able to pull out some kind of real evidence. But no one does, ever. When all your "thinking for themselves" comes up with 100's of different opinions, how can you say conclusively anything about "chemtrails" except that you blindly "believe?"

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by stars15k

even water vapor is a greenhouse gas!!

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by bluestorm
reply to post by waynos

...other times its to disperse a flu (yes i do believe this, do i have proof other than personal observation no)...

This is easy to refute.
UV rays easily disrupt a virus' DNA. It's why some things can be sanitize with a UV lamp.
The amount of time it would take for an undetectable source of a virus to reach the population below is much more than the time it takes to make this disruption. In a perfectly still column of air, which is only theoretical since the atmosphere is always moving, anything smaller than hail will take around 24 hours to travel that far. In the real world, given air currents, nothing small enough to be undetectable would fall anywhere near where a contrail is sighted, if it reaches ground at all. And during that 24 hours, it is constantly being diluted by the rest of the atmosphere.
So spread of disease through supposed "chemtrails" is totally useless. This is not refuting that bioterrorism is real, because I know it is. It's been going on for thousands of years and is nothing new.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by stars15k

And all clouds are aerosols.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by stars15k

i just have personal observation and an opinion on this one, when i lived in hawaii anytime planes left a "persistent contrail" a few days later lots of people would be getting respiratory problems.. many times this happened, maybe it justs coincidence but it happened so much it all became a joke amongst us..

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

If it helps to understand where I am coming from, this is what I mean;

I am familiar with aviation over the last 40 years as a fascinated amateur, contrails therefore hold no mystery for me. I study the history or aviation keenly and am familiar in how air traffic has grown in the period since the end of WW2 and am also familiar with the huge changes in commercial aircraft powerplants since the end of the 1970's that mean that the high bypass type engine is now used all the way down to the smallest of regional airliners, whereas in 1970 they were brand new and only used for the very largest airliner type, the 747, then in commercial service in very small numbers. This means that regional aircraft also cruise much higher now than they used to when I was a lad.

All of which perfectly adequately explains to me that I will see far more trails, and far more persistant trails, than I ever would have previously and this number seems only set to increase. Therefore the large number of trails I see tallies with what I know and would expect. I have concerns that there is a danger in this and the side effects may be more than we bargained for, but I wont go off topic as that is very different to deliberate spraying.

Now, with that put to one side, I have taken a great interest on this board with regard to geo engineering and suchlike. There have been many excellent sources posted that discuss various proposals, but I have noticed that none, at least that I have seen, describes grids of thick, contrail like trails. Many describe completely different methodology and even the ones that do talk of aircraft releases only describe it as particles distributed from aircraft, with no mention of whether they would be visible at all, and that this would be the least preferred of all the methods.

Therefore, if it is true that some/many thick persisting trails that look like contrails are not contrails, but something deliberate, then why do people hold this to be so? What information supports that viewpoint? I am not dismissing GE etc, I get there are reasons that TPTB cannot be trusted and would carry out acts that benefit themselves and no necessarily anyone else, I am not a 'blind faith truster' and can easily conceive an operation being carried out. Its just this one particular sticking point I have never seen addressed. I just don't see how A - (the existence of GE programmes), meets B - (they look like contrails). If there really is more to it than people simply not understanding contrails and weather and leaping to conclusions then there has to be a link that ties these two, apparently, completely different phenomena together. I think this is a really fundamental question that needs to be answered.

edit on 6-3-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
reply to post by wmd_2008

Who is denying the existence of contrails? Of course they exist. Just as chemtrails exist.

Contrails exist and there is a wealth of verifiable evidence from studies of them.

If chemtrails exist where is the verifiable evidence?

The existence of the 2 is not "the same" - one is known to exist, one is believed to exist despite the vast evidence of absence.
edit on 6-3-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: spelling & typing errors

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by bluestorm
reply to post by wmd_2008

nothing in that video at 1:03 showed a persistent contrail that lingers all day, it showed what i expect most un -persistent contrail to look like...

YET again you jump to the wrong conclusion people on here look up see contrails and say the are spraying and claim chemtrail, the point of the SR 71 video was to show HOW can you tell a contrail is a chemtrail please explain, that's why I said do you think they would design a spy plane to spray

EVEN an SR71 leaves a contrail at the CORRECT altitude so NOBODY could identify from ground level a chemtrail if they existed that was the point

If it flew at a constant height under the right temperature/humidity guess what it would leave a persistent trail !!!

The link to flightradar24 was to show that if you have a smartphone,tablet etc with internet connection you can see what is leaving a trail above you the pro version lets you point your tablet/smartphone at the aircraft and the details show without you doing a thing!!!

NOW has the point sunk in!!!

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

"If it flew at a constant height under the right temperature/humidity guess what it would leave a persistent trail !!!"
really? is that your opinion or a fact? i doubt they would design this plane to leave a persistent contrail and nothing in that video showed a persistent contrail.. not a good example

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