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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Painfulhead

I find that websites that debunk chemtrails have much more expensive looking web pages. Why is this odd? I don’t know for sure. Seems right that the people that would want to keep something like this quite would have more money at their disposal. Also seems right that grass roots whistle blowers wouldn’t have as much capital.

Having a website and domain today costs a few dollars per month (literally), and a "professional looking" website is not a matter of money as well. (Wordpress, for example, but also some forum software etc. is FREE). I know because I have many, many websites.

The reason why MANY (not all) conspiracy buff, chemtrail, bigfoot and UFO sites look cheap and unprofessional is not a lack of money, but a lack of brains and skills which always makes me personally conclude on the mental state of the persons operating the site. (I wouldn't say that if i wouldn't know FOR A FACT that any 10 year old today can make a very good and professional site in an hour or two. )

If someone has a site that looks like Homer Simpson made it...what does it say about the validity of their claims?

edit on 5-3-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Phage

Wrong. In the short term (5 years or so) it lowers overall temperatures as we have seen since the early 2000's by blocking UV radiation and sunlight. But now that green house gases are being trapped in the atmosphere we are beginning to warm again.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by smarterthanyou

Wrong. In the short term (5 years or so) it lowers overall temperatures as we have seen since the early 2000's by blocking UV radiation and sunlight. But now that green house gases are being trapped in the atmosphere we are beginning to warm again.

That doesn't make any sense. Why would the radiative forcing effects of contrails be changed by greenhouses gases (which have always been trapped in the atmosphere, there is just more of them now). Contrails have a warming effect, a small one, but a warming effect and they always have. If there is a warming trend caused by other factors, contrails will contribute to it. If there is a cooling trend, contrails will mitigate it.

edit on 3/5/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

I am telling anyone out there that considers themselves sane individuals, that they are spraying something 100%, without a doubt whatsoever.

And your evidence is? Wait, don't tell me. It's "just look up." Right?
That seems to be about the only evidence there is. The trouble is, persistent contrails have been around since planes flew high enough to make them. There are more of them now, but the are the same as they ever were; clouds of ice crystals.

edit on 3/5/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

amen brother, it aint hard to tell... really isn't and all the contrailers on here should be ashamed of them selves if they live in my county or state, were in this together, i have no agenda other than I have two young children that deserve the best ...

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

Well then do something about!
Don't just complain here on ATS!

Here. You can join a class action suit.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:32 PM
I just watched this on youtube. I believe what this man says. It's all over folks unless we act now. No more heads in the sand.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by BoogieMan911

Yeah. You can talk about that interview here:

edit on 3/5/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by BoogieMan911

Yeah. You can talk about that interview here:

I'm new here give me a break.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by BoogieMan911

Not a problem. Just pointing you in the right direction.
I wouldn't believe much of what Wigington says though. And the pictures are misleading.
edit on 3/5/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by BoogieMan911
I just watched this on youtube. I believe what this man says. It's all over folks unless we act now. No more heads in the sand.

The guy who originally posted this video pulled it because he didn't like being embarrassed by how many inaccuracies, errors and outright lies it contained.

He talked about it on another forum, and you can see the discussion here - and hte specific post where he said he removed it is here

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

The guy who originally posted this video pulled it because he didn't like being embarrassed by how many inaccuracies, errors and outright lies it contained.

He talked about it on another forum, and you can see the discussion here - and hte specific post where he said he removed it is here

Are you freaking kidding me?

What a joke. So what if some guy changed their mind about uploading the video? What do you think that proves? That guy isn't one of the speakers in the video. And anyone can upload a video if they want to.

The only thing that proves is the lengths that the debunker posse will go to, to try and discredit any and all information on this topic.

As soon they realize that an article, a video or a blog is getting some attention they all gather up and brainstorm on ideas about how to cast doubt on the people and information presented.

The fact that you accept this kind of disinfo tactics as being credible and worthy of adding to this discussion. It just goes to show how willing you are to accept anything a debunker says. As long as it supports your belief system.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Phage
And your evidence is?

Uh, Them spraying all over the sky above the East Bay?

Wait, don't tell me. It's "just look up." Right?

Well yeah actually. That is what a human being does in order to view something that is occuring above them.

That seems to be about the only evidence there is.

Well that is great if it "seems" that way to you, but many of us will continue the investigation as long as we see fit.

The trouble is, persistent contrails have been around since planes flew high enough to make them.

Yep, Of course contrails have been around since the invention of the turbine engine. However, The topic of the thread is not about contrails, it's about chemtrails.

There are more of them now, but the are the same as they ever were; clouds of ice crystals.

How in the world have you managed to inspect every single Aircraft that has ascended from planet Earth?

You should well understand my friend that in order for you to validate your theory, You must provide some solid scientific evidence, yes?

Otherwise buddy, it's just blowing reckless assumptions out of your pie hole.

edit on 6-3-2013 by SheopleNation because: Image InserT

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by MagicWand67
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

The guy who originally posted this video pulled it because he didn't like being embarrassed by how many inaccuracies, errors and outright lies it contained.

He talked about it on another forum, and you can see the discussion here - and hte specific post where he said he removed it is here

Are you freaking kidding me?

What a joke. So what if some guy changed their mind about uploading the video? What do you think that proves? That guy isn't one of the speakers in the video. And anyone can upload a video if they want to.

The only thing that proves is the lengths that the debunker posse will go to, to try and discredit any and all information on this topic.

As soon they realize that an article, a video or a blog is getting some attention they all gather up and brainstorm on ideas about how to cast doubt on the people and information presented.

The fact that you accept this kind of disinfo tactics as being credible and worthy of adding to this discussion. It just goes to show how willing you are to accept anything a debunker says. As long as it supports your belief system.

The content of the video is nonsense - you can contact the original uploader yourself though various channels if you want.

Saying he is a debunker in disguise is just an excuse for not having to admit that your belief is based on a hoax - you could get over it if you wanted.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by SheopleNation

Yep, Of course contrails have been around since the invention of the turbine engine.

Since before then actually.....but knowing that would involve understanding what they are - which y9ou clearly do not.
edit on 6-3-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Painfulhead

"Ever since that day in February I have watched and shook my fist at the sky. The sudden stop or sputter of the ’trail’. some jets leaving a trail and the next not. Two jets flying in close flight paths one with one with out. The crazy way that these trails fan out or apeir to cascade down like slow rain. " cut and paste just for you ^^

I've been watching the sky since I was a kid and I never remember it doing this "The crazy way that these trails fan out or appear to cascade down like slow rain" how one edge seems heavier and falls off an edge like a waterfall or water spilling over edge of a table. From Rhode island to mid Massachusetts I see planes dropping lines, within hours the entire sky is a crazy foggy misty haze look to it, but not cloudy, not thick clean puffy clouds, just a crappy haze. Hell just seeing multiple planes in same area, some dropping lines other not, and lets not forget the v patterns, x patterns and on some days I swear they are painting the sky filling in all the areas that don't have the "haze" even my girlfriend believes me now and she hates anything conspiracy lol.

Go back and watch old tv/movies that were shot outside, you hardly ever see anything that resembles this, yet fast forward today and you can see it in the background from commercials to movies.. Unless everyone is going to say they put them into the movies? lol

Also when I was younger I used to go to tons of air shows, the only time I saw a contrail last for more than 5-10 mins was if it had red, white , or blue smoke mixed with it ^^

btw screw the haters, i have degrees, work in a great job and i hardly ever proof my reads (here)lol, f em i dont get paid to type here ^^ not to mention any conspiracy site you join is a mixture of whackadoos to einsteins heh so just have fun and let lose at worse , just dont ever look in your respond box ^^ hehe

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by bluestorm
reply to post by wmd_2008

really, okay that explains everything, thanks for clearing up the years of debate and personal observations on this subject, i feel so much better knowing the truth

So what you are claiming is that very contrail is being deliberatley sprayed well have a look at this video below it's the SR-71 Blackbird now correct me if I am wrong that's a spy plane, now if YOU were designing a spy plane why would you fit a sprayer

YOU are saying contrails are chemtrails and are sprayed using an on board system why would a spy plane have one please put your thin metallic cranial shield on and explain why

Go to 1:03 on this video.

So would YOU design a spy plane to do that

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by MagicWand67

Are you freaking kidding me?

Well then you should read this....I am not kidding you either...

It sure is easier to learn what your looking at instead of thinking that the world is being sprayed and using fearmongering or I guess in your case it may not be...

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:17 AM
My question seems to have been ignored by the member I posed it to, so I will repeat it here. It is a simple question, but one that seems impossibly difficult to answer so I will try to spell it out as clearly as I can.

I get the patents, I get the SRM proposals etc, I know full well that things have been, and are sprayed from planes for various reasons and I fully understand that skies full of contrails, more and more than in the past due to the growth in air traffic and the change of engine type and higher cruise altitudes, are a concern for various reasons, these were things that have been offered as answers in my previous attempts with this question, but I already get all that and they are not what my question is about.

One specific point.

What is it about the trails in the sky that means they are spraying and cannot all just be aircraft contrails? What is the missing link that ties the speculation and concern to what can actually be seen?

It is claimed to be clear and obvious, people look up and see chemtrails, but no one has yet been able to articulate it, someone please?

I know many of the members here are acting out of concern for what they are seeing as abnormal, or are searching for the truth about this, my question is not for those who are looking with an open mind and considering possibilities, I am in that camp too. My question is for the ones who 'know 100% as sheoplenation does.

If you know, please tell the rest of us
edit on 6-3-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

Go back and watch old tv/movies that were shot outside, you hardly ever see anything that resembles this, yet fast forward today and you can see it in the background from commercials to movies.. Unless everyone is going to say they put them into the movies? lol

And what about this from Spartacus....1960

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