posted on Mar, 4 2013 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by jcutler12888
Hi I remember it on a documentary I watched several year's ago but the theory went that about the seventh century the last hindu raja of india sent
his imperial army complete with there travelling wagon's in which there family's would stay to fight the growing menace of the Islamic invasion that
was causing problem's for india as far as trade and raid's into india were concerned, this great army complete with it's elephant's and equipment
as well as there family's was made up of the very highest cast of the indian society that were the royal and noble family's even higher in cast that
the brahmen priest's, for many year's they defeated army after army but attrition took it's course and they eventually having travelled far from
home turned to go back only to find india had fallen to the moghul tribe's while they were away as without it's standing army the back door had been
left wide open, what was left of the army then fragmented and became nomadic, the language that many Rrom or Roma still use has numbers and phrases
that are still of sanscrit origin, now there are competing theory's but it would seem that they became a large itinerant population that mingled with
the people's of the land's that they passed through so are not just of the raj phut army but there is definitely a core of truth to it, gypsy
mysticism is partially a descendant of hindu mysticism, the name Gypsy is a misnomer that was applied when they first entered Europe and the
European's thought they were Egyptian's. for hundred's of year's they shared there train's with jew's who were forbidden to settle and also
Romania is the result of a dark age law that was passed by the feudal lords that if they found any gypsy on there land's they owned them and they
forcibly settled the traveller's even crippling them like in the dark day's of American slavery by slicing the tendon's in there feet so they could
not run away, often there song's include a lament for the lost homeland far away but as they are not solely of raman origin they can be said to have
many lost homeland's,.
I hope this help's, it was a documentary I watched several year's ago and the name escape's me, made by an investigative linguist and
anthropologist whom tried to trace the Roma back through history eventually to India nd the Raj Phut - almost every were they were persecuted and
driven on or made slave's or scapegoat's - they are not to be mistaken with the Irish travellers whom are not gypsy but the descendant's of
outlaw's exiled by the Irish clan's.