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Was Oswald really shot?

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posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 05:05 PM
Wouldn't the theory that Oswald is a patsy and had nothing to do with this and was set up by higher-ups coincide with what we're supposed to think? It's likely that there was a conspiracy (extremely likely). Oswald was a major player in it. If there were some elaborate plan, I doubt they'd have a major role in it go to some clown off the street. "Oswald" must have been an important guy. If he didn't get shot that day, he probably didn't just disappear.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by broctune

The CIA uses some of the same tricks as Shakespeare in their secret communications. For example take a look at
some of the anagrams that can be made up from celebrity names.

There was a photo of Enron chief Ken Lay circulating just before his heart attack. Seemed like too much of a coincidence, either they gave Lay some makeup to make him look like an aged Oswald or it was in fact Oswald.

Plausible deniability ranges from the "glaringly self evident" to "I hope you don't expect anybody to actually read that" just like ATS threads.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Cauliflower

Please tell me more about Ken Lay.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:15 PM
It boggles the mind how people can think the Kennedy assassination wasn't staged/hoax, but think Oswald getting shot was totally legit. They're two scenes in the same movie.
edit on 21-2-2013 by broctune because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2013 by broctune because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:21 PM
broctune dude.....what did I just read in your title.......
why wasn't this brought to major notariety....before, I know it would a perfect set up--the way it went down ....on tv, even//

speed him away in a station that what they did? odd

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:23 PM
Those news reels the OP linked to ring with same sound as crock of Sheet. IMO
No second needed.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by broctune

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by Guyfriday
reply to post by twitchy

I did see your RATS thread, and I stay by my assumtion that GHWB and the IMC were behind this.

Have you seen the film Dark Legacy by John Hankey? It's on Netflix now if you have a subscription there, it goes into a piece by piece expose of the Bush connections to the JFK assasination. There's aslo a picture floating somewhere that shows GHWB outside of the book depository, don't know if it's him or not, but the resemblance is uncanny and that smirk is defining IMO.

I've seen that film too. I also think GHWB was behind the JFK assassination.

whats the smoking man say to mulder in the x files i have seen presidents die ? and he just happens to live at hw west george street

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 07:51 AM
Here are two picture links of Oswald and Lay.


edit on 22-2-2013 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Cauliflower
Here are two picture links of Oswald and Lay.


edit on 22-2-2013 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

I do see some similarity. I can't definitively say they're the same person, but I do see a strong resemblance.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by OutonaLimb

no smoke from the gun, no visible blood, no agonising and prolonged cries that are
associated with gunshot wounds to the stomach,

No visible smoke? Well, naturally - I assume you've not seen the footage btw..

No blood? Wrong, obviously.

No agonizing and prolonged cries? Wrong, again.

Oswald clearly cried out in pain, and could be heard crying out immediately as the shot's were fired and in the aftermath too. If you didn't know this, you've trying to debate without even seeing the shooting take place as these cries are clear.

In images after the shooting, we can clearly see a man in pain too, and also some blood.



horns coinciding with the beginning of the action etc. etc. but it's all real because moderators
heff and rising say so.

Yes, bring our moderatorship into thing's. That'll thoroughly help your case and bring forth credibility.

Also, there was a lot of people there. I think it's pretty obvious why the horn was being honked. Come on now, can we please use a little bit of common sense here?

i never did hear you comment on cultos excellent and compelling thread linked in
my above post. do you discount completely all the evidence amassed supporting
his conclusions, or are you just unwilling to entertain this real and present possibility?

No offence, but I'll be wasting my time. I have genuine research to continue in regards to this case.

JFK was shot.. deal with it people. It happened. Elvis is dead too, as is Diana, as is Tupac, as is Michael Jackson etc. etc. People in high positions are still people, and they also succumb to death just like you and me. Welcome to life.

or are you gatekeeping, raising agent? nice to see you made it to moderator.

Oh, a personal attack. I didn't have to wait long for that at all. Congratulations, you just lost the debate and all credibility by delving to the tactics of a child in primary school by going down the route of agent calling as opposed to continuing this discussion like the rational adults we're both supposed to be. But, despite this, I'll continue nonetheless..

do you deny any likeness between a young ron paul and lee harvey oswald
from the photos above?

Yes, and the notion that they're the same person is utterly ridiculous too.


You also claim in your post that JFK and also Mary Pinchot were not shot. Your credibility is vastly escaping here. Sorry, but it just is. I'm here for genuine, serious research. Not that.
edit on 21-2-2013 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

man you have shown your true colours. all you have said here amounts to a hill of beans.
still no blood, no smoke, nothing but what appears to be an acted out and staged production,
broadcast live (although it probably wasn't) for maximum shock value (a major part of the
whole psy-op). i suppose you are terrified each time you go to the cinema because there,
it looks real (unlike the oswald BS), so it therefore must be real.

so you can't be arsed to look into the quantities of information presented indicating
(and indeed proving) that jfk, meyer and oswald all faked their deaths but you are confident
that it can't be so because the notion offends your sensibilities. researcher my arse!
and yes , elvis tupac and michael jackson did fake their deaths. not a very uncommon
practice at all in the world these players operate in.

that's why no-one has been prosecuted in connection with the jfk episode.
there was no crime committed, only a mass hoax.

there are gatekeepers all over the jfk conspiracy shop.

edit on 22-2-2013 by OutonaLimb because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by broctune
It boggles the mind how people can think the Kennedy assassination wasn't staged/hoax, but think Oswald getting shot was totally legit. They're two scenes in the same movie.

Why does this 'boggle your mind'? It shouldn't. Like I said a couple pages back, it is my opinion that LHO was not supposed to have been captured, in the grander scheme of the JFK plot. That LHO was in fact captured by authorities before he could be 'disposed of' (as planned) presented a very clear and present danger to someone, and it required immediate action at the first opportunity. Who that someone was is unclear to be sure, but the urgent and almost 'at any cost' method in which LHO was killed is evidence of this.

By looking at the historical films one can almost imagine the conversation which took place leading up to the event...(hypothetically) "This just can't happen! Oswald wasn't supposed to get caught! We've got to do something about this; we've got to to take this guy out, and right now! He knows way, way, too much! He'll sing like a bird if they lean on him. Who can we send in there to do it? Let's send Ruby, he's a loose cannon anyway, so he's disposable..."

So what if they did "lean" on LHO, what could he have told them? Oh sure, he might have been able to tell them a name or two and that would have taken a few folks down, but I don't think that was the real fear. I think the real fear was much bigger than that. Say, for example, LHO said (again, hypothetically)... "They just told me to fire from the window in the general direction of the car...they didn't tell me to try to hit anything. It was too far. ...", well, now wouldn't that have changed things! Then the "they" becomes exponentially more important.

You see, in my humble opinion LHO was a pawn in a much larger conspiracy. If LHO was dead "they" could always confine the event to one shooter, but alive he might have easily revealed a much large web of conspirators.

So, to your 'scenes from the same movie' analogy, I guess I disagree. I believe what you saw was two scenes from two different movies, the latter of which was a very hastily made 'B' movie and the former a full length blockbuster screen play.

Just my observation.

edit on 2/22/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:55 AM
I was in the front row at a play once and the seat next to me was roped off because it was part of the show. One of the characters got shot and fell into it. It looked a lot like the Oswald "shooting" to me.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:59 AM
I'm not really following you about how LHO was not supposed to be captured. If he were trying to get away, don't you think he would have left Dallas immediately instead of going to see a movie? It seems to me like he was trying to get captured.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

I agree. The only things that stand out as weird to me, and I mean the only things are why they didn't back the truck up to the door/what was that other car doing driving in (what was that car - the ambulance? looks like it), and how people reacted to the sound. It should have been deafening. That round in an enclosed area? yeah deafening.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Flyingclaydisk

Originally posted by broctune
It boggles the mind how people can think the Kennedy assassination wasn't staged/hoax, but think Oswald getting shot was totally legit. They're two scenes in the same movie.

Why does this 'boggle your mind'? It shouldn't. Like I said a couple pages back, it is my opinion that LHO was not supposed to have been captured, in the grander scheme of the JFK plot. That LHO was in fact captured by authorities before he could be 'disposed of' (as planned) presented a very clear and present danger to someone, and it required immediate action at the first opportunity. Who that someone was is unclear to be sure, but the urgent and almost 'at any cost' method in which LHO was killed is evidence of this.

By looking at the historical films one can almost imagine the conversation which took place leading up to the event...(hypothetically) "This just can't happen! Oswald wasn't supposed to get caught! We've got to do something about this; we've got to to take this guy out, and right now! He knows way, way, too much! He'll sing like a bird if they lean on him. Who can we send in there to do it? Let's send Ruby, he's a loose cannon anyway, so he's disposable..."

So what if they did "lean" on LHO, what could he have told them? Oh sure, he might have been able to tell them a name or two and that would have taken a few folks down, but I don't think that was the real fear. I think the real fear was much bigger than that. Say, for example, LHO said (again, hypothetically)... "They just told me to fire from the window in the general direction of the car...they didn't tell me to try to hit anything. It was too far. ...", well, now wouldn't that have changed things! Then the "they" becomes exponentially more important.

You see, in my humble opinion LHO was a pawn in a much larger conspiracy. If LHO was dead "they" could always confine the event to one shooter, but alive he might have easily revealed a much large web of conspirators.

So, to your 'scenes from the same movie' analogy, I guess I disagree. I believe what you saw was two scenes from two different movies, the latter of which was a very hastily made 'B' movie and the former a full length blockbuster screen play.

Just my observation.

edit on 2/22/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

can you comment on this?

and on all the other evidence for fakery presented in section C; the staged death of lee harvey oswald.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by OutonaLimb

Pretty good stuff. Especially about Oswald's left arm being in the way of the shot. The Mary Pinchot Meyer stuff is interesting too. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by broctune
reply to post by OutonaLimb

Pretty good stuff. Especially about Oswald's left arm being in the way of the shot. The Mary Pinchot Meyer stuff is interesting too. Thank you.

welcome broctune. the (fakery) truth will out.
from JFK to 9/11, before, in between and beyond!

raising agent, a serious jfk researcher, dismisses all of the above evidence
without even bothering to look at or assess it.
is it any wonder the truth of the fakery has been concealed for so long?


the truth will out, in spite of the best efforts of most serious JFK researchers.


posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 08:39 AM
When a stage magician wants to make himself disappear, he always has a lot of identically dressed assistants on the stage to pull focus and provide cover for him as he changes into the same outfit as his assistants. If the authorities wanted to spirit a well known assassin or conspirator away from the limelight of the public legal system, they might just arrange for him to get "shot" on live TV. Oswald could have been hastily changed into a dark suit in the ambulance, then exited unrecognized in full view of witnesses. The press corps would follow the ambulance to the hospital, while Oswald left in an unmarked car with his guards. Just saying.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by DJW001

then exited unrecognized in full view of witnesses.

We all repeatedly forget a simple fact - Oswald became one of the most recognizable faces in America at the point of his death.

He could hide nowhere.. and it's implausible to assume he could/would.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

We all repeatedly forget a simple fact - Oswald became one of the most recognizable faces in America at the point of his death.

He could hide nowhere.. and it's implausible to assume he could/would.

Nothing a pair of thick glasses, a mustache and a new hairstyle couldn't fix. You saw Oswald shot dead in front of your own eyes, didn't you, so how could the geek with the mustache be him?

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