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Mt. Etna Major Eruption Now!

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posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

And it's headed this way!


posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by silo13

Oh booooger! Batten down the hatches again! That's a lot of nasty tefra.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Erm...this seems a bit quick...

Mt. Etna eruptions intensifying: town covered in ash, declares state of emergency

April 3, 2013 – Zafferana Etnea, SICILY – a small tourist town in the province of Catania with 9,450 residents — was blanketed by thick black volcanic dust after the eruption. Locals said they heard the explosions and felt violent shaking. They said the air was humid, the sky went dark and there was no visibility. The town’s residents are used to frequent volcanic eruptions – this is the eighth this year alone. The Italian locals now have a massive clearing job to do as roads, gardens and rooftops were covered in up to ten centimeters of ash and stones. Workers use special equipment to blow away the ash and collect solidified lava. The damage was assessed “incalculable” and the region and the neighboring municipalities have declared a state of emergency. When the ash gets wet it takes on a cement-like quality and turns waterproof — causing flooding in streets and houses. Giuseppe Patti, a geologist and teacher, said that the ash is moderately toxic if inhaled and has a mild degree of radioactivity. –Sun UK

[url=http://][/ur l]


posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:47 AM
Calming - but it's hell out there.

Be back later with some earlier pics - thanks for your patience!


posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by silo13

Another incredible pic from you! Been watching the cams non-stop since your first post today...looks like the ash is covering up everything right now.


posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 01:56 AM
Once again I've been kicked off ATS just as Etna's erupting and it's really becoming too coincidental - especially for someone who doesn't believe in coincidence.

That being said? I'm working through another computer and I'll have to wait until the DOS is lifted off my IP or until I can figure out how to get around the problem (again) before I can post the pictures and video I have from yesterday.

In between now and then Etna's quiet - but looking really dirty!

More photos, info and a video will be posted later.

peace all
edit on 4-4-2013 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by silo13
Once again I've been kicked off ATS just as Etna's erupting and it's really becoming too coincidental - especially for someone who doesn't believe in coincidence.

I saw in the earthquake thread that ATS was under a DDOS attack yesterday, or prior.
I couldn't get on yesterday, either.

Just want to say I appreciate your thread, sharing all these great photos with us. I don't think I've posted until now, but I've been keeping up with it.

I think I would be finding another place to live! Too much clean up going on all the time.

Stay safe out there!

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by sled735

Thanks so much Sled. If you like what you've seen so far - get a load a this - it's PHENOMENAL!

Quick question you might be able to answer. This is not my video but I have a short clip of the same time/eruption I'll post below. Here's the question. At certain points in the videos - both the above and mine - you see, well, like these 'visible' blasts. Do you know what they're called? I (finally) caught three (yay) on my video but I really don't know the correct way to describe them.

Here's my video below. Enjoy them both!


posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 03:42 AM
I'm including this - but I'll state - I don't like HDR - but some do sooo here you go.

This was the bucolic atmosphere/day just as she started to erupt. Just goes to show you - there's no turning your back on Etna!


posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by silo13

I don't know what the blasts are called, but you might find it here:

Absolutely Awesome videos! Thanks for sharing!

posted on Apr, 5 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by silo13

Those last 2 videos are awesome.
How big do you estimate some of those chunks are that are being shot through the air?
Oh,and when shes going berserk like that can you feel the ground or your house shaking?
Amazing stuff again Silo!
Keep safe.

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

I wish I knew the equation to use to answer your question - I’ve asked it many times myself. And though I can’t give you a concrete answer for the size? They must be just huge considering I can see them with the naked eye from where I am. I’ve heard those projectiles called ‘bus sized’ in the papers sooo that should give us both a rough idea.

The house shaking? Ohhhhh yeah! That’s how I knew she was erupting this time. Usually I get the ‘feel’ she’s about ready, check my camera battery, etc and then start a waiting process. This time it was just one big KABOOM, the house shook and she was off and running. From there is was a constant shake and rumble like EQ activity until she settled. More so than usual this time also.

I’m planning on trying to get even closer next time - maybe I’ll cat cha pic of one of those ‘buses’ for you. Thanks for being here and have a great day.


posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 12:49 AM
I always enjoy these photos and stories

Stay safe

posted on Apr, 6 2013 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by silo13

I’m planning on trying to get even closer next time - maybe I’ll cat cha pic of one of those ‘buses’ for you. Thanks for being here and have a great day.


I don't have a good "feeling" about you getting closer to get better pics!

You have lived there to the point of becoming complacent with the activity. Don't take any chances with your life!

I don't know how you feel about psychics/mediums, or prophets, but there have been many, many of these people having dreams, and seeing MAJOR volcanic activity, and earthquakes that might happen this year. This could be the beginning of "the big one"!!!!!

I would be getting farther away, not closer. I just had the over-whelming urge to warn you. Get out while you can.

Be safe.

edit on 4/6/2013 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 01:30 AM
Last night Etna woke up (and woke me up) with a couple of explosions - but nothing more than getting dirty.
A fine layer of ash and a little stink in the air is all that's left this morning and as you can see in the photo she's still putting out some fine ash.

Eyes open...


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by sled735

I don't know how you feel about psychics/mediums, or prophets, but there have been many, many of these people having dreams, and seeing MAJOR volcanic activity, and earthquakes that might happen this year. This could be the beginning of "the big one"!!!!!

I’ve been keeping an ear tuned to the people who seem to be in the ‘know’ - as in the volcanologists here in the area. I’ve also heard the same mirrored in the predictions of others. Both have been giving dire warnings of late, I agree.

The thing is? It’s going to happen, I have no doubt. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in our lifetime either. But all that taken into consideration? I’d rather be right her - or at her top - when she goes than down on the beach waiting for the tsunami!

That’s just me. But I thank you for your consideration and kindness.


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 02:55 AM
It seems Etna suffered a collapse moments ago. I say this because there was a great deal of sudden output with seemingly no gorund shaking and no audible explosion but again a great deal of ash.
If this was a collapse it bodes ill for an eruption.

Eyes open.

As I’m posting this - another either collapse or explosion.


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 03:38 AM
I‘m thinking a series of collapses.

There‘s no noise - or very little audible - and it‘s quite sporadic.

But, you never know - so again - eyes open here.


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 04:53 AM
She's having a couple of 'roll overs in bed' as I did this morning...I was very lazy! It will be too eadly for Boris Bennenke to have reported if indeed it was a colapse of the crater wall....I'm sure he will in the next day or two or at least somebody over on Erik Klemetti's site might now...


posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

3 more mini-explosions this afternoon. She's sitting up there puffing every so often. Very silent, very well...dirty.

I've more photos but waiting to see if anything a little more striking than a geriatric volcano puffing a pipe takes place.


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