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Mt. Etna Major Eruption Now!

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posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 02:15 AM
Ten Most Dangerous Volcanoes on the Globe

What a great little page with intense photo's of the worlds top 10 most dangerous volcanos.

'Our' Etna is ranked TWO (2) on the list. Last is Washington State's Mt. Rainier.

Though I'm not sure the list is in ranking order it's great to see my two fave volcanoes on one page!


posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by silo13

That was very interesting. Thanks for that

Etna news and a bit of history
There have now been four paroxysmal eruptive episodes in rapid succession in 36 hours. The only other historic record of paroxysms occurring in such a short time interval at Etna was the eruptive episodes in 2000. During the first few weeks of that series, in February 2000, these episodes would occur sometimes at a rate of up to three per day. As I look at the charts today I feel she is already beginning to build for the fifth. There have been several small earthquakes this morning in the Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea and one small one in the Aegean Sea. Nothing at the moment for Sicily. The last one was yesterday at 22:17
These episodes happen so quickly there is little warning, poof and she's up again.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Tzavros

These episodes happen so quickly there is little warning, poof and she's up again.

Agree with that 100%! Thanks for the great info!

It's cool cloudy and quiet here today - hard to get a feel for her.
It's interesting she's back to 2000 again.

By the way - if you get a chance take a peek at the first page - very first one of the old thread.

Thank you again for that. (You'll know what I mean when you see it)...

Eyes open here!


edit on 21-2-2013 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by silo13

Ten most 'dangerous' volcanoes in the world? Although an interesting read, I can't agree with it. The first 4/5 are probably amongst the most active. But by what criteria do they define 'dangerous'. I can think of Santorini as one example of a volcano that could be classified in the top 10, because if that goes.....she will go big style, and she's rumbling away.
Interesting read all the same, but ANY volcano is dangerous.


posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Hi you
And *shhhhh* don't tell! Though I do have to agree with you - I don't think the list is as correct as it could be. In fact, for the purpose of the thread I'll do a little more research on it and post the 'true' facts.

Hope you take a peek at the first page of the old thread too. Thanks again - couldn't have done it without you.


posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:53 AM

02:30 ~ 20.02.13

She's quiet now.
Resting. Sleeping?
Noooo idea.

edit on 21-2-2013 by silo13 because: bbc

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Etna is not an explosive volcano, which mitigates the danger, as it's dangerous for those close to it, but not at a distance. It should be on most active list, but not most dangerous list. Unless I'm missing something here??

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by silo13

02:30 ~ 20.02.13

She's quiet now.
Resting. Sleeping?
Noooo idea.

edit on 21-2-2013 by silo13 because: bbc

I am seriously envious of how close you live to Mordor Silo!
What a cracking photo.

I am not sure if anyone else has mentioned this,but if I had all that supply of Etna ash I would be buying some mini plastic bags and selling the stuff by the gram on Ebay-try with just a few small bags to start with,and only charge say $1 for a gram and keep postage realistic.
Call it "Mystical Ash of Mt Etna,"or"Sacred Mountain Breath"or something like that,and I bet you would sell as much as you could collect.
People buy all sorts on Ebay..

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

What an excellent idea! Love the names you came up with too!

How about it Gracie?

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Thank you AC!
It would be cool,maybe with a mini printed and dated photo of the volcano like that last one,and Silo could make a youtube video of the ash being collected with Etna in the background to prove authenticity.

Even better would be if there was a healing/wellbeing property to the ash-maybe its good mixed in soap or added to a bath,maybe even mixed with garden soil for better crops...It would probably be easy to find some old culture who use it for something beneficial.
That would sell like hot cakes!
I shall look.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:23 AM
OK,the ash itself is nasty and not to be breathed-but the clay of that ash has lots of healing properties...

Hmm-any streams nearby may yeild some nice clay from the banks.
(if thats allowed)

But it seems like my ash plan is badly flawed,apologies.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

There's a clay called Bentonite people collect here - for eating - believe it or not. It's rich in so much that's so good you're just about reborn when you consume it - or so they say. I'm NOT pushing their product only linking so ya'll don't think I'm nutty telling you all people eat this stuff!

About the great idea you have? I agree with you - fantastic idea. But I can't.

Have you ever had something so special you don't want to jinx it? Or do anything to hurt it or change it? That's how I feel right here right now. I'm not going stagnant in life but I just don't want anything to change. If I started taking from Etna? Even little bits of ash? I’m afraid something would change. It's took me long enough just to share the pictures.

Is my attitude (in part) Sicilian superstition? You bet. But the other part? It seems any time anything special is exposed? It gets wrecked. I don’t want that to happen. I’ll send you and a few others little bags if you’d like - as a gift - and I’d really enjoy doing that - but that’s it. But... If you want a little bag you’ll have to promise not to eat it.


posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 01:47 PM
Hot lava spews out of Europe's tallest volcano

Hey! We made it to USA Today!

Mount Etna, Europe's tallest active volcano, spews hot lava out of its crater into the night sky.

With a great video and some 'noise' action at the link.

edit on 21-2-2013 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by silo13

Nice video. I would like to see a volcano erupting in person some day. I don't especially like traveling much anymore though so I will be satisfied with just seeing it on a screen. I suppose a volcano isn't so interesting to the people living around them. To you guys it is a noisy, troublesome neighbor that shoves it's ways down your throats.
Maybe volcanoes are related to government officials

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:00 PM
I wonder if the flooding today in Catania and other parts of Sicily had something to do with the outburst from yesterday? It is so strange, I walked in these streets many times

edit on 21-2-2013 by citizenoftheworld because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:09 PM

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by citizenoftheworld

I was thinking the same thing yesterday - it's just unreal. I mean - first Etna that devastates so much agri-business and now Catania - 80mm rain from a ‘cloudburst’ - and Giarre! 69mm! Unreal.

I got pics last night from a friend (I can't post) - the opposite side of Etna from me still has lava flow - but really nothing compared to before.

So from fire to rain!

Thanks for the pics.

Oh - did you read this in La Sicilia Sunday? (17th). I've wanted to post it but since the only info I can come up with is in Italian? Maybe you read it - between the both of us I think we can bring the info here and still have people satisfied it's from a reputable source? That is if you're up for it?

Here's the source: (I'll supply a photo of the article when my camera battery is charged).

Il fenomeno appare inspiegabile a un semplice spettatore. Una luce in cielo di colore rosso intenso che si muove, lasciando una lunga scia, poi si attorciglia su se stessa, quindi, si riallunga prima di scomparire. E non e l’unica ‘stranezza; notata giovedi sera da Antonio Carobene, appena rientrato a casa, in contrada Scala Vecchia. Ero appena rientrato e per fortuna ci racconta il signor Carobene avevo la macchina fotografica tra le mani perche stavo guardando delle foto. Mia moglie ha richiamato la mia attenzione indicandomi un punto cielo, verso l’Etna. Ho visto una scia luminosa di colore rosso che assumeva strane forme. Poi e scomparsa un punto luminoso. E’ rimasto per circa un minuto. Poi anche questo e scomparso.
Il signoreCarobene e riuscito a scattare foto e realizzare un filmato. Non so cosa pensare - continua il signor Carabene. Penso che non siamo soli nell’universo.
Certo e che giovedi scorso (anche se diverse ore dopo rispetto all’avvistamento, avvenuto alle 21.30 circa), in Russia, nella regione deli Urali, un meteorite, disintegratosi in aria, ha provocato migliaia de feriti

I would like to open up this line of conversation in this thread - the mystery and the 'strange happenings' of Etna - but it's tough when T&C calls for English only. If we can get a few people to help it might work.

For the rest of you - here's a basic translation.

The phenomenon is inexplicable to a mere spectator. A light in the sky a deep red color that moves, leaving a long trail, then twists on itself, therefore, Lengthens before disappearing. And that's not the only 'oddity; noted Thursday evening by Antonio Carobene, just returned home, in the district of Old Scale. I had just returned and luckily there said Mr. Carobene I had the camera in my hands because I was looking at the photos. My wife drew my attention to a point pointing sky, to the Etna. I saw a streak of light red that took strange forms. Then disappeared and a bright spot. It 'been for about a minute. Then too, and disappeared.
The signoreCarobene and managed to take pictures and make a movie. I do not know what to think - continues Mr. Carabene. I think that we are not alone in the universe.
It is certain that last Thursday (though several hours later than the sighting, which occurred at about 21:30), in Russia, in the Urals region deli, a meteorite disintegrated in the air, has resulted in thousands of injured


posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

Actually you could make a killing selling it to health spas to make mud baths and facial mud.

WOW....might be worth a trip!

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by citizenoftheworld

Wow, that's happening in Sicily this week?

That's awful.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by silo13
Ten Most Dangerous Volcanoes on the Globe

What a great little page with intense photo's of the worlds top 10 most dangerous volcanos.

'Our' Etna is ranked TWO (2) on the list. Last is Washington State's Mt. Rainier.

Though I'm not sure the list is in ranking order it's great to see my two fave volcanoes on one page!


The most dangerous volcano in Mediterranean Area is the submerged MARSILI Volcano, right in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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