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Homeowners fend off bailiffs, aided by POLICE! WOW

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posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by mc4denmark

Take a look on how commercials keep feed the American dream to thousands of youngsters, all they have to do is take a little loan and BAM, their in it for life.

If people get their ideas on how to conduct their lives and set priorities for them from commercials, I doubt they deserve any better.

Here in Denmark even our politicians goes out and say SPEND money, we need to keep the money flowing, and now when everything has fallen apart they have the nerve to say it is the peoples fault for not spending less. Christ, talk about mixed information will ya.

The last time I checked, Denmark is a democracy. Your politicians are elected by you. If the collective wisdom of the society is to spend like there is no tomorrow even by borrowing beyond their means to service/repay, reality will hit sooner or later.

I don't play the blame game. People who take irreponsible decisions pay for them, whether the decision was solely theirs or had inputs from others. It is not suprising to see irresponsible people voting in equally irresponsible politicians and when things go bad each claiming someone else was responsible for the bad turn.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by andy06shake

"They remain in power because people like you give them the power."

That sentence has all the hallmarks of racism my friend. Dont think you want to go down that road now do you?

Aren't you reaching! Race? How would I even know your race? Frankly, even if you told me in one post, I wouldn't remember it by the next thread. I don't follow members, I simply respond to posts.

How exactly am i allowing banks to remain in power? And dont give me any gibberish about me being part of the system because its a closed system, i cant just step out and go live on some other planet. There is no escaping these people short of being dead! Even then there is an inheritance tax!

So you reject the exact explanation of how you are feeding the system as "gibberish" and demand an explanation that you can agree with?

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

Great video! Bravo to the guys for standing against the banking fraud. Proves we must hang together or we will hang separately!

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
reply to post by Wifibrains


Another person in debt looking to shirk his responsibilities.

More in a response to this video in this post in another thread.

Why is financial irresponsibility being applauded?

And the banks shirked their financial responsibilities when they got bailed out with tax payers money.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 05:12 AM
This vid cheered me up on a cold sunday morning. It is a win in this insance. Just because the war hasnt yet been won it doesn't mean that this small battle wasnt a win.This site is so US centric that I often forget that here at home there are Brits fully awake and fighting back.

I'm very surprised and disappointed the views of a certain experienced staff member. The entire global banking system is corrupt beyond all possible hope of repair. The entire monetary system is fraudulent and designed with the express purpose of draining wealth away from the productive and handing it straight to the unproductive parasitical eltes.

I should be allowed to use the same practices as a bank.

If you give me a dollar for safe keeping i should be allowed to photocopy it ten times so i can lend a dollar out to ten people (and charge them interest on it). If five of those people hand back to me their fake photocopied dollars for safe keeping that should allow me to photocopy 50 more fake dollars and loan those out and charge interest. When 5 dollars of interest on the loans is paid to me that now allows me to print another 50 to lend out. Meanwhile lets not forget that some of the earlier loaned 50 dollars will at some point trickle back to me and this allows me to photocopy and lend out up to 500 dollars....and this goes on ad infinitum and hey presto before you know it the world is in debt to an amount far higher than the value of all the goods, services, and resources of the entire planet.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by merkins

It should have been obvious it was some kind of pyramid scam/scheme...

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by Wifibrains

In the U.S the police don't want to hear the law read to them.It would have only pi$$ed them off ,the poor guy that was citing it would have been tased, and they would have stepped over him.

No kidding!!! I was thinking the EXACT same thing watching that video. Here , right outside of Atlanta, GA, I'd have been on the ground bleeding if I even TRIED say a WORD to the police unless it's NO SIR, YES SIR. Those are some awesome cops over there.

I noticed they didn't even have the sirens on as they got to the house. They also didn't jump out of their cars looking like they were going to kick someones ass. The cops are TOTALLY different here in the USA. Complete Police State here.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by merkins
This vid cheered me up on a cold sunday morning. It is a win in this insance. Just because the war hasnt yet been won it doesn't mean that this small battle wasnt a win.This site is so US centric that I often forget that here at home there are Brits fully awake and fighting back.

I'm very surprised and disappointed the views of a certain experienced staff member. The entire global banking system is corrupt beyond all possible hope of repair. The entire monetary system is fraudulent and designed with the express purpose of draining wealth away from the productive and handing it straight to the unproductive parasitical eltes.

I should be allowed to use the same practices as a bank.

If you give me a dollar for safe keeping i should be allowed to photocopy it ten times so i can lend a dollar out to ten people (and charge them interest on it). If five of those people hand back to me their fake photocopied dollars for safe keeping that should allow me to photocopy 50 more fake dollars and loan those out and charge interest. When 5 dollars of interest on the loans is paid to me that now allows me to print another 50 to lend out. Meanwhile lets not forget that some of the earlier loaned 50 dollars will at some point trickle back to me and this allows me to photocopy and lend out up to 500 dollars....and this goes on ad infinitum and hey presto before you know it the world is in debt to an amount far higher than the value of all the goods, services, and resources of the entire planet.

Look, we all realize that our system isn't perfect. More and more people are waking up to the reality that the economic infastructures benefit the FEW, rather than the MANY.

However, there needs to be a plan developed, by capable people, to transition us from where we are now, to where we would LIKE to be, as a whole, in the near future. Without upholding the current laws, and without a proper plan, this world WON'T be a better place then it currently it, it will be FAR worse.

What I'm saying is that most people agree with you that things are off, but everything is a stepping stone. Each civilization, along with its government, economy, socioeconomic issues, culture, etc is a stepping stone in humanities evolution. We are currently outgrowing our current phase in this evolution, but nonetheless, there has to be a transition , otherwise we'll get to the next phase only by a complete collapse and restructuring of society which will probably be a very hellish thing for quite a while.

Having said that, I agree with the moderator. The ONLY reason the police helped that man, is because the proper warrant wasn't signed. If the proper warrant WAS signed, then the police SHOULD help evict that man from the house he failed to pay for. HE signed the mortgage. HE failed to pay. It is pretty straight forward.

Also, this is coming from a person who is in debt right now. Do I have sympathy for my fellow man in debt? Sure I do. My father just lost HIS house due to being unable to pay his mortgage. However, it is what it is. Times are hard for ALL of us. If the banks didn't reclaim what is RIGHTFULLY theres, THEY would collapse. They are just surviving like we are.

I don't like the current system anymore than anyone else, but it is what it is, and until we transition to our next place, we have to deal with this system in the best way we can.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 06:56 AM
And the sum outcome of what they did in the video was....Nothing..

All they did was delay the inevitable as there IS money owed and they WILL get the right documents in the end. Sorry but the person took out a mortgage could not pay it and the house gets repossessed, that's the way it works.

Yes the bailiff was a a dickhead, and so was the agent, their ignorance was astounding while the Police were fantastic BUT the bottom line is that someone has willingly taken on a mortgage and failed to keep up with it yet wants to keep the house, its simply not going to happen, you don't get free private housing in the UK, even council housing is hard to get.

As a person who in the early 90's lost their property to a repossession and now has a debt of £47,000 hanging around my neck I can feel sympathy for people losing their homes but I signed the deal, I accepted the cost and circumstances meant I could not pay at some point, I knew the clauses of the deal. Whilst I was VERY unhappy that the Halifax building society auctioned off my brand newly built house for next to nothing leaving me the massive debt the basic rule is that I could not pay, house goes.

I see a growing list of people like in the video, people trying to use legal babble to get something they are not entitled to, recently I was engaged in a long argument with people who try and use 'common law' to get away with not paying their TV license (here in the UK we pay for one set of channels because they do not screen adverts), now the law says that if you have an item capable of receiving and viewing TV channels especially the BBC channels that you must buy a license. The issue here is that these people HAVE TV's but do not want to pay the license and when the TV people come around to check if they have a TV they bring out all this legal common law rubbish rather than just pay the license.

The point, they are viewing what I view but want to pay zero, try using the same argument for watching SKY, they would cut it off in mins and the common law argument would mean nothing. I know if I own a tv I have to pay the fee, I don't like it but I get advert free TV in return, I can't expect that for free.

Same with all these Sovereign Citizens who try to avoid Tax in the States, does it work, NO, they all either end up paying or end up in jail.

Like it or not tax and fee's keep the system running, yes we the public get treated like dirt at times but its like people who claim unemployment benefit yet refuse to work, the end result is that the tax payer has to pay more to keep these layabouts in money but as people with work fall and the recession bites it means that the money for benefits dwindles so there are cuts yet these layabouts who simply refuse to do work moan that they are getting less.

They fail to see that if there's no one putting in to the pot there very little if nothing to then give out of the pot.

They fail to see the basics, benefits are not a right, they are a privilege...
edit on 17-2-2013 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Observor

Atleast i had a pop at answering your questions, all you seem to do is answer a question with another.

You dont have a clue how to resolve the mess we are in anymore than anyone else!

Also any time you address someone as "people like you" then you are making an assumption, essentially pigeonholing someone, that can be construed as racism.

Bankers and bailiffs are scum, you cant see that then you are blind mate!

Now im off to find a cure for the tramendous hangover i seem to have, maybe enable the bankers a little more with my purchase of Paracetamol. Such is life!

edit on 17-2-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by andy06shake

Also any time you address anybody as "people like you" then you are making an assumption, essentially pigeonholing someone, that can be construed as racism.

Banker and bailiffs are scum, you cant see that then you are blind mate!

quoted for the absolutly hillarious hypocrisy

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:05 AM
I freely admit to being a little hypocritical. Show me a Human that does not display said trait to some degree or another and i will be immensely impressed!
edit on 17-2-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by Wifibrains

In the U.S the police don't want to hear the law read to them.It would have only pi$$ed them off ,the poor guy that was citing it would have been tased, and they would have stepped over him.

Please do some research before making an accusation you cannot support.

There is a difference between CIVIL law and CRIMINAL law. As was pointed out in the video by the Constables, its the same here in the states. Civili issues are resolved by the civil courts. Law Enforcement has no authority to intervene / enforce civil judgements (except for the Sheriffs department and then only under a court order).

A violation of a court order is in itself not a criminal offense in this realm. It must go back before the court for verification of violation followed up by a judges ruling on the matter.

Before you condem the Police how about you learn how the law works first. The people in this video did their due diligence by reading and understanding the law.

You should follow their example.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by supermarket2012

Yep, I hate the current reg's on taser's.They were meant to be used in lieu of deadly force (that's cool).But now they are simply used as cattle prods.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
reply to post by Wifibrains


Another person in debt looking to shirk his responsibilities.

More in a response to this video in this post in another thread.

Why is financial irresponsibility being applauded?


You have no idea how or why this person has fallen on hard times.

Thanks for the great show of compassion to your fellow man.

And for your infomation you totally missed the whole point of the video. It was about the little man standing up to the big banks and winning with the full support of the law behind him.

edit to add also FYI: The tall guy with the clip board who you said in another post

I did. I saw an otherwise healthy and articulate guy holding a stack of due bills and repossession notices not accepting his responsibilities.

He was NOT the home owner, he was just there to help. As I'm sure you can tell if you watched the video it said "A small group of people join together to stand up to bailiffs"

From the youtube video description:

So a small group of determined people decided to stand in solidarity with the Bird Family and resist the violence threatened against them.This film is a testament of
what can be achieved when we stand together...

He I asume has knowledge of the law that is why he was there. To help the little man being bullied by large banks.

So much for denying yourself ignorance.

edit on 17/2/2013 by TVeducated because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by Wifibrains

In the U.S the police don't want to hear the law read to them.It would have only pi$$ed them off ,the poor guy that was citing it would have been tased, and they would have stepped over him.

Please do some research before making an accusation you cannot support.

There is a difference between CIVIL law and CRIMINAL law. As was pointed out in the video by the Constables, its the same here in the states. Civili issues are resolved by the civil courts. Law Enforcement has no authority to intervene / enforce civil judgements (except for the Sheriffs department and then only under a court order).

A violation of a court order is in itself not a criminal offense in this realm. It must go back before the court for verification of violation followed up by a judges ruling on the matter.

Before you condem the Police how about you learn how the law works first. The people in this video did their due diligence by reading and understanding the law.

You should follow their example.

Mr thinks he know's everything don't know s#@t. How about personal experience ,I sub let a room in a house in Florida. I come home one morning to find the owners setting my thing's on the side of the road.I had a lease agreement with the owner's and reciptes that were current to show I had paided.

I called the police ,when they arrived they told me it was a civil matter there was nothing they could do.I said that since it was a civil matter I'm goimg back in.They then told me I was not allowed when I started to go back in they threatened to tase me and ordered me to turn over my key.

When I tried to educate them to procedure for eviction I was called "A jail house lawyer".No action was taken by any court to remove me from the house.I actually won a settlement in civil court afterwards.

So my advice to you is try living in the real world.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

If the entire basis of a transaction was based upon fraudulent practices, does it not make the transaction invalid? But regardless of who is responsible for the financial crisis, don't you think that the bailiff should have the proper paperwork?

edit on 17-2-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Have you read Modern Money Mechanics(FED Reserve Publication)? Do you know were money comes from? In the allegory known as the bible, Usury which is known today as interest was the scam of the day. If you have such a strong opinion with no understanding of money creation you may be out of your element of knowledge. Such strong opinions about that which you do not know coupled with assumptions that you know more than the men in the video about such matters is plan and uneducated opinion, supported by a strong self interest for the status quo, this being indicated by your photo and the title of owner. Owner.....ponder that word for a while.

Just an opinion.....but then again I don't know you so I look forward to your reply to the above questions posed.

Like the great Jack Nicholson said " YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!"

edit on 17-2-2013 by Eyesa2diffcolors because: add text

edit on 17-2-2013 by Eyesa2diffcolors because: spelling

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 12:42 PM
Great video, just not sure when coppers stopped wearing proper uniform

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

I do... What part of civil issue do you not understand? I can try to explain it to you if you wish. It might go a long way to helping you overcome your ignorance of this topic.

As an example - learn what established residency is under Florida Domestic Laws.
Secondly, learn how that same law works when it comes to trespassing.
Third, learn how that same law has nothing to do with the civil piortion, which would be the sublet portion, along with an illegal eviction.

the them on this site is deny ignorance, not embrace it.

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