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Homeowners fend off bailiffs, aided by POLICE! WOW

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posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
reply to post by Wifibrains


Another person in debt looking to shirk his responsibilities.

More in a response to this video in this post in another thread.

Why is financial irresponsibility being applauded?

Probably because the Owners have the game rigged against the ordinary people....
Thats the way its been since the feudal days.....
Your goverments are leading the whole parade of financial the common man has to pay....
And while hes at it he has to cough up the dough the friggin banks gambled away on their own ponzi schemes.....
Then you wonder why hes short on the rent.....which would YOU choose food or rent?
And how come theres so many houses owned by the "coucil" in britain?
Surely they could have paid for these homes a hundred times over by now...but no still being rented out....
(gotta keep the peons in their place ya well as keep em poor and barefoot.....
What exactly do you think?

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by sageofmonticello

Yes, but it is the mortgage industries job to not loan to people who can't afford to pay. Any mortgage company that would lend 350k to someone making 50k a year has to know that person can't possibly pay that loan. No?

Yes. But if the lender makes a bad judgement, instead of getting mortgage payments they gets stuck with a property for which they have to find another buyer who pays outright or buys on mortgage. If the borrower makes a bad judgement they get to lose the property under mortgage. That is the contract.

Sure, the bad judgements of the banks were later covered by a public bailout with no moral justification for it, while no such relief was given to home buyers. If the banks had been allowed to fail, the situation would only have been worse with the pace of foreclosures being much higher (not that that justifies the bailouts, on moral grounds anyway).

If those unable to keep up with their mortgages are allowed to keep their homes, there would never be any incentive for people to live within their means and take on only those financial committments they can fulfil.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by stirling

"Probably because the Owners have the game rigged against the ordinary people....
Thats the way its been since the feudal days.....
Your goverments are leading the whole parade of financial the common man has to pay"

rigged against them? lol im pretty sure set before each person before taking on a mortage there is a huge set of docs you have to sign. in those docs are all the rules, regs, laws, and monetary transactions are listed. if a person is to ignorant to read it, or cant hire a lawyer to read for them


same damn thing with these idiots in my country that took adjustable rates, and it didnt dawn on them to ask how high it could go, how soon it could be adjusted and for how long. all on a mc donalds burger flipping job heh.

then bam housing market bursts and all these people lose their houses and im supposed to feel bad AND FOOT THE BILL for them F THAT. but thats exactly what happened. not only did i bail all these dumb asses out, i bought a bank and didnt recieve one f ing dime in profits.

the game is not rigged, its pretty simple, if you dont have money , dont buy it, if you still need it and use credit/loan, then dont expect the world to bail you out when the people you owe money to want it back, pretty simple.

they should just make a new law called "dumb ass law", and only allow people to take out/loan 5-10% of their current worth.

everyone wants to live the dream, american or not, but the dream wasnt to be out on loan for everything you "want to own" it was supposed to be work hard, save money, THEN buy the things you need. but when your entire life is out on loan guess what, your not really living are you.

now if its the dead of winter and single mom , grandparent , handicapped person sure let them stay till spring or something but 90% of the others gtfo.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by DAVID64
Banks will find a way to get what they want, even if it takes force. I am a firm believer in paying your debts, but some of the big banks have the courts in their back pocket and fighting both with a lawyer costs serious money. Always take the time to read the fine print and have a lawyer look over anything you don't understand. I ran into an unbelievable catch when we bought our house. In the fine print, it said that even after the loan was paid we had to go through the bank if we ever sold it, giving them the right to refinance the same house to a different person. I had already laid a check for the down payment on the table when I read that. I ask the loan officer if that was what it meant. She said yes, that's basically what it says. Without saying another word, I picked up the check, got my coat and we started to walk out. [thought the real estate agent was going to have a seizure] To make a long story short [ too late ] we got that excluded in the new contract. Seems they had a change of heart when that check was going out the door. Imagine that

Well spotted, for finding that clause in your contract, and kudos for seeing the scam. Had you gone with that original contract, Technicaly, you would have been given permission to live in the house till you decided to sell, and the bank gets to sell the house again. That would have been another win,win for tha bank.

Btw, i made a carving of your avatar...check out the thread in my sig.

edit on 16-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2013 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by 23432

I thought I heard that Briggs family was named on the court papers but I might be mistaken .

Oh got ya! Lol. I think it was the bird or Byrd family.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 03:05 AM
Some great responses to this thread, aaaaand some not so great!

Why some think that what the banks are doing and the way they go about it is OK, is beyond me.

I only hope one day you do not have the banks come after you and your property and YOU are made to eat humble pie. That would be ironic. But , should that day ever come....I'm sure you will remember this thread and the actions of those in this vid, and follow suit. It would at the very least buy you some time.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

omg i am baffeld i love this good work wifi for bringing this

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by GRS1234

Your welcome GRS. I hope people will see this as more educational than entertaining.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:17 AM
In all professions there are twits and these bailiffs fulfil that category. In this example, the bailiffs appear to be working prematurely and outside of their authority, so have either been wrongly directed by a court official or are pre-empting the court decision as well as acting outside of the accepted norms of professionalism.

Either way, this was a correct call. It demonstrates that people who prepare properly by learning how the law works can successfully challenge authority when the time comes. It also shows that the police are not the thickies that many people constantly paint them as.

However, the fact remains that bailiffs are used to collect a debt and enact the request of the courts. We can all be as anti-banker as we like, but that’s the reality. They serve a proper purpose.

Look, for our American cousins the police managed to do it without shooting anyone, or being shot at.


posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by Observor

If those unable to keep up with their mortgages are allowed to keep their homes, there would never be any incentive for people to live within their means and take on only those financial committments they can fulfil.

I understand and accept what you say there, but we really do need to look at the bigger picture. The system is not rigid. It's sways and flexes all over the place, up n down, dip, double did, and so on. When these times of economic fluctuations come about the system should account for that. We do not live in a perfect world, and the system is far from perfect and is never really settled, yet the people are expected to bide by these contracts written in promising times, to the T.

It's so unhormonious. It could so easily be orchestrated like a symphony, but instead it's like organised chaos,

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Observor

Well buddy you know what they say about people in glass houses?

Just remember it could happen to anyone of us!

Financial circumstances change and the banks know this, they cause them to and use this for there heinous nefarious accumulation of power over us!

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
I understand and accept what you say there, but we really do need to look at the bigger picture. The system is not rigid. It's sways and flexes all over the place, up n down, dip, double did, and so on. When these times of economic fluctuations come about the system should account for that. We do not live in a perfect world, and the system is far from perfect and is never really settled, yet the people are expected to bide by these contracts written in promising times, to the T.

It's so unhormonious. It could so easily be orchestrated like a symphony, but instead it's like organised chaos,

I believe it is organised chaos. There really was no chance of any of the subprime borrowers getting to keep their homes. Subprime lending itself wouldn't have led to the banking collapse. The CDOs which recycled the subprime loans making more money available for subprime lending and CDSs all contributed and led to the crisis.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
Well buddy you know what they say about people in glass houses?

Just remember it could happen to anyone of us!

Of course it could happen to any of us. Losing the home on which one has an unserviceable debt is, in my opinion, not the end of the world. It is an extremely unpleasant experience for sure, but nothing anyone should not be able to recover from.

Financial circumstances change and the banks know this, they cause them to and use this for there heinous nefarious accumulation of power over us!

Sure, but they cannot do that without your active participation. Actively participating in the system and congratulating oneself when things are going one's way and crying foul when they don't is rather disingenuous. If you didn't thank the bankers, for enabling it, when you bought the house, don't blame them when you can't keep the house because you can no longer pay the mortgage.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

lmfao Skeptic, It seems your getting your butt handed to you in this thread mate.

Banks have gone on for to long. They need their just deserts.

I would hate to lose my job and have thugs like these guys try and take everything i have worked for.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Observor

Observor, have you ever lost your home? Can you possibly imagine the heartache and anguish that you would experience? For some poor people that could and will send you over the edge!

Buddy i dont want to thank the Bankers, I want to hang the Bankers!

To my knowledge i have never in anyway, shape or form enabled banks to do as they please.

Most of us have had no hand in the creation of "There" system or the system we were born into!

Banks..........Banks aaaaare bad! LoL
edit on 16-2-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:13 AM
Nice skit. Something real please.

Eta cops would never allowed this to be filmed. Lol at acting. Want to see teal seizures? I have some. Whole street and its only gets on pocket recorder because everyone that has camera goes away for filming. Get real.
edit on 16-2-2013 by Scholarly because: (no reason given)

Eta. Around 20:00 the camera gets in cop circle and can hear them talking about paper. So they let camera get that close? Lol. I've seen YouTube videos with a way bigger budget that people didn't believe. Deny ignorance has turned to embrace it.
edit on 16-2-2013 by Scholarly because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by Observor

Buddy i dont want to thank the Bankers, I want to hang the Bankers!

To my knowledge i have never in anyway, shape or form enabled banks to do as they please.

Most of us have had no hand in the creation of "There" system or the system we were born into!

Banks..........Banks aaaaare bad! LoL

Hang the bankers if it pleases you. Won't change a thing.

If you ever bought anything on credit, you are encouraging the system created by the banks. If you never encouraged the banks, they never had any hold on you. It is immaterial whether the system existed prior to your being born. It was a choice you made to encourage it, if you did that. If you never bought anything on credit, the banks never had any hold on you.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Observor

"Hang the bankers if it pleases you. Won't change a thing."

It would certainly help with my and others piece of mind!

"If you ever bought anything on credit, you are encouraging the system created by the banks. If you never encouraged the banks, they never had any hold on you. It is immaterial whether the system existed prior to your being born. It was a choice you made to encourage it, if you did that. If you never bought anything on credit, the banks never had any hold on you."

Where do live for christ sake? The North pole!

We were born into this system, you cant avoid it short of living in a deep hole in the ground!

Think on this, you are also enabling "Them" simply by utilising their technology aka the internet by participating in this discussion. We utilise the tools that we have after all!

edit on 16-2-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Scholarly

Are you saying its all acting lol?

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Scholarly

Buddy look at the Police officers and there cars!

This is not fake, if you think so feel free to check out the county courts judgment aka public domain information.

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