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The One People's Public Trust & Sovereign Citizens Movement Scams Broken Down.

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posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:00 PM
Optional draft:

"Roll a fattie?"

Booze is not for all!

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Mkoll
This thread has taught me that it must be grand to live a life of raw burning belief, unfettered by the bonds of reality, unburdened by the need to decide for myself. Everything divided into binary categories of good and bad, right and wrong, us and not us. All disagreers are clearly agents of the devil/the space lizards/the illuminati etc spreading lies and untruth. Reason is treason

A simple life. A philosophical hermitage.
edit on 13-2-2013 by Mkoll because: (no reason given)

Lizard people are as real as the sun that shines during the day. Not because david icke says so, but because they can be traced to ancient egypt and mesopotamia. Of course don't expect mainstream history to dwelve into any of this.

Forget the shape-shifting bull# as it is meant to DISCREDIT the real deal.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Dude have you ever heard of metaphor?

I'm not saying sapient reptillian bipeds are an impossibility, just not as members of the royal family.

Have you actually seen the state of that lot FFS.....I've bred more intelligent fish!

edit on 13-2-2013 by squarehead666 because: clarity

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by squarehead666

And how much time did you spend in the U.S. court system?

As for your law sites, I looked through them. Did you bother to read the last one I posted, I'm thinking you didn't. Just looked at the ending prefix and jumped to your conclusion.

Seeing how I live in the country with the highest rate of incarceration, you think they would just freely promote this info and ruin the cash cow?

Seriously, think about it.

Furthermore, the ridiculous laws have been used to turn my fellow Americans into second class citizens who are losing their rights due to ridiculous charges.

Got charges, good luck getting a job for that nonviolent drug offense you picked up.

In fact before I start a rant, I will say that the laws are being used like a new “Jim Crow” to restrict people’s basic rights.

A great read from a civil rights attorney “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:19 PM
The thing about these Sovereign Citizen Movement scams is that you have to know its a scam. They could file all these documents and some crooked judge they pay could allow it, then down the road the government would change anyway and we'd all be stuck with it. Of course the little guy wouldn't know. Sometimes I wonder where the government is on that because they have allowed so much takeover on the part of agressive people, such as the over-paid top executives that paid themselves all of the operating funds, and made the corporation go broke. Then there are wealthy people getting their brain fluid removed through a needle hole in their ear, Jeffrey Damler style, so they don't know where their money is. Then the bank freezes their accounts, even if they get over amnesia, and say they don't know which misspelling really owns the money. People like the SCM have done a lot of this kind of damage. There is so much of that happening, you can't trust the government anymore. Its like Jeffrey Damler is Mitt Romney or something..

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:21 PM
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edit on 13-2-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by squarehead666
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Dude have you ever heard of metaphor?

I'm not saying sapient reptillian bipeds are an impossibility, just not as members of the royal family.

Have you actually seen the state of that lot FFS.....I've bred more intelligent fish!

edit on 13-2-2013 by squarehead666 because: clarity

The royals, the bankers, the pope and many(or all heads of church) have one thing in common: MASONRY!

Masonry is the key to studying the mysteries and ultimately paying homage to lucifer. Lucifer is the religion of reptillians and grey "aliens". The reptillians are not really aliens as they have been here for a long time.

Miners working deep underground have seen them. Pilots and sailors have seen ufos. Add 1 and 1 and you get 2.

Ancient egypt and mesopotamia the carvings depict dog-faced "elongated" heads. The pyramids and other structures are too massive(heavy) to have been built by man. Mainstream history dwelves on kings and princes while totally ignoring the true rulers behind the curtain. This has been reserved for the occult worshippers and mystery schools and is an unbelievable tragedy.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by IntrinsicMotivation
reply to post by squarehead666

And how much time did you spend in the U.S. court system?

You're the one who is currently arguing that BAR stands for British Accredited Registry and now you are arguing that the UK and US court systems are completely dissimilar

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by squarehead666
reply to post by tinhattribunal

Well that is a really helpful and informative post.

Are you involved with or receiving remuneration from this dubious outfit by any chance?
edit on 13-2-2013 by squarehead666 because: clarity

With all respect due, we've clearly covered that at no point does anybody pay or get paid from or to the OPPT. They don't want your money, they don't ask for it and they don't pay others.

Without all the information you may very well be arguing a point you don't know the full details about.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by IntrinsicMotivation
reply to post by squarehead666

And how much time did you spend in the U.S. court system?

As for your law sites, I looked through them. Did you bother to read the last one I posted, I'm thinking you didn't. Just looked at the ending prefix and jumped to your conclusion.

Seeing how I live in the country with the highest rate of incarceration, you think they would just freely promote this info and ruin the cash cow?

Seriously, think about it.

Furthermore, the ridiculous laws have been used to turn my fellow Americans into second class citizens who are losing their rights due to ridiculous charges.

Got charges, good luck getting a job for that nonviolent drug offense you picked up.

In fact before I start a rant, I will say that the laws are being used like a new “Jim Crow” to restrict people’s basic rights.

A great read from a civil rights attorney “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander.


I still have that page and many others open.....I will read it all, but an initial glance didn't look too promising.

I am not (and will not be) disagreeing that the legal system in the US (& UK) has been corrupted.....However it is still possibly our single best bet for reigning in the politico/military gang.

Therefore wasting it's time and increasingly scarce resources with ridiculous litigation like this seems highly counterproductive to me.

If the court system collapses under the weight of spurious litigation, they might have to come up with something else.....Like military tribunals perhaps?

edit on 13-2-2013 by squarehead666 because: s&p

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by WaterBottle
off topic
edit on 13-2-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

No. The far left is for statist communism, like in the ex soviet union and peoples republic of china, cuba, north korea, etc. I hate communism because I believe in limited entrepreneurship and keeping what you earned. It is the rampant wall street speculation based upon engineered fear-mongering of global events that causes market bubbles.

Anarchy is actually a right wing concept, not a left wing. Think about *NO GOVERNMENT*! The further right you go is for less government and the more left you go is for bigger government...among other things.

But ultimately whos interests are represented is more important then how big the government is!

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce
Here is where a 'sovereign citizen" tried to use OPPT nonsense in a legal document....

In a recent filing, the judge said, Leaming used the word “REGISTRY” in all uppercase in a pleading that was “undecipherable.” On at least five occasions during the course of the case, Leaming has filed documents that used the phrase “Mandatory Judicial Notice,” including one in which Leaming asserts he “relies in good faith on the public/commercial REGISTRY entries as published at, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, UCC #2012096074 . . . .” the judge said.

“For lack of a better term, this is gobbledygook,” the judge said

I think that term covers the claims made by OPPT very well. elieve/

Some people are trying the UCC nonsense in canada.... where the UCC does not apply! s-divorce-case-leads-to-extaordinary-dissection-of-various-schemes-and-introduces/

I have news for you.

The "nonsense" Canadian UCC info you claim will be put to the test here shortly. A REAL court with REAL judges just ACCEPTED and recessed after receiving UCC filing information regarding the OPPT, in a case. They didn't throw it out. The judge accepted the evidence, and recessed the court to fully review everything. So we are putting it to the test. And like I said before, you don't fully understand the Agent-Principal relationship that the UCC has with the dark info that we can't see, which DOES run the whole thing. Again, please look at my link I gave for Santos Bonacci. But be prepared to snap out of whatever it is that you are in.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by WaterBottle
off topic
edit on 13-2-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

No. The far left is for statist communism, like in the ex soviet union and peoples republic of china, cuba, north korea, etc. I hate communism because I believe in limited entrepreneurship and keeping what you earned. It is the rampant wall street speculation based upon engineered fear-mongering of global events that causes market bubbles.

Anarchy is actually a right wing concept, not a left wing. Think about *NO GOVERNMENT*! The further right you go is for less government and the more left you go is for bigger government...among other things.

But ultimately whos interests are represented is more important then how big the government is!

This is where the current policy of restricting the rights of 'The Individual' for the good of 'The Many' falls down.

If you put the rights of 'The Individual' at the top of the list, 'The Many' will benefit by default.


edit on 13-2-2013 by squarehead666 because: clarity

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal

The "nonsense" Canadian UCC info you claim will be put to the test here shortly. A REAL court with REAL judges just ACCEPTED and recessed after receiving UCC filing information regarding the OPPT, in a case.

Of course you can reference this case and name the court and judges....

So we are putting it to the test.

"We"? So you are a part of the OPPT crap, no wonder you are trying to protect their nonsense so much!
edit on 13-2-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by squarehead666

Finally, progress.

I still have that page and many others open.....I will read it all, but an initial glance didn't look too promising.

Thank you for your honesty. Please do read through the site. It broke it down by definition everything you were saying. If there something not right by definition, by all means, point it out.

I am not (and will not) disagreeing that the legal system in the US (& UK) has been corrupted.....However it is still possibly our single best bet for reigning in the politico/military gang.

I am thinking you missed my comment on the Justice system being only for “Just-Us.” Nice play on words, I must say. Here it is rare for Judges/ officials/ let’s just say representatives to be held to the same standard as the ordinary citizen.

Look at my breakdown from Blacks Law on “Citizen” defined back on pg 10 or 11.

To be fair though, every once in a while to appease the people we see an official put through the ringer. Still, they do not suffer to the same extent as the ordinary citizen.

Therefore wasting it's time and increasingly scarce resources with ridiculous litigation like this seems highly counterproductive to me.

I can agree with this. While we’re at it, let’s just do away with all non-violent offenses that tie up the courts where there was no crime (as defined by Blacks Law). By that I mean no harm or injury was done to another human being.

I can hold my breath for this day, but would long have suffocated. Even though the system is tied up, that is a steady stream of money in one way or another being pumped into the system.

With the state of our economy over here, they cannot afford to lose the income.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by squarehead666

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by WaterBottle
off topic
edit on 13-2-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

No. The far left is for statist communism, like in the ex soviet union and peoples republic of china, cuba, north korea, etc. I hate communism because I believe in limited entrepreneurship and keeping what you earned. It is the rampant wall street speculation based upon engineered fear-mongering of global events that causes market bubbles.

Anarchy is actually a right wing concept, not a left wing. Think about *NO GOVERNMENT*! The further right you go is for less government and the more left you go is for bigger government...among other things.

But ultimately whos interests are represented is more important then how big the government is!

This is where the current policy of restricting the rights of 'The Individual' for the good of 'The Many' falls down.

If you put the rights of 'The Individual' at the top of the list, 'The Many' will benefit by default.


edit on 13-2-2013 by squarehead666 because: clarity

I consider myself center-left but not by the twisted liberal-conservative measuring stick. Liberals and conservatives are BOTH RIGHT of center because both work for the status quo, which as I discussed before is masonic and luciferian.

A big government is necessary. Rights should be restricted based upon common sense and a sensible collective agenda. An agenda not for aliens or demons, but for people as a whole and good in nature.

A public sector, with a public central bank at the top, is of absolute importance. As long as we have a private central bank like the federal reserve and european central bank, then the surreptitious gang will continue to issue money and funnel it for its own dark agenda. The commerce banks should be private and profit oriented BUT they should pay interest to the government; hence much less taxation. We also need protectionist measures for the domestic economy and the best way is to incrementally raise tariffs to balance imports and exports. Globalism thus far has been a failure because it promotes coporate imperialism of the developed nations and their stock markets against the underdeveloped nations. Progresivism also means redistribution of wealth from the millionares, billionares and trillionares. Poor people should not be tasked with financing national affairs more than they can afford.

For america I support the second amendment because it is in the constitution and because it should be up to the states to decide on what controls they might want. The federal government should not get involved with this. And the first amendment should not be misconstrued to include voting with money which is exactly what campaign contributions are. Democrats and republicans are completly bought out by big business. Smaller parties get virtually no contributions.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by fourthmeal

The "nonsense" Canadian UCC info you claim will be put to the test here shortly. A REAL court with REAL judges just ACCEPTED and recessed after receiving UCC filing information regarding the OPPT, in a case.

Of course you can reference this case and name the court and judges....

So we are putting it to the test.

"We"? So you are a part of the OPPT crap, no wonder you are trying to protect their nonsense so much!
edit on 13-2-2013 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

I will work on getting you those references, because I too want answers. This was just discovered by someone who piped up in yesterday's conversation on the Collective Imagination. I don't follow blindly, I want proof too. But I know of the dark systems. The "black screens" as they are known. I know of the off-ledger systems that work to enslave us.

So right now we have the Canada case just mentioned, the case that is going on in Missouri for a foreclosure, the very large, very well documented event that was described in the "What the Fuq" (Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government) documentary in Australia, and I think there is a case in the UK, but I don't have the details on it yet. There's also a discussion in Germany, Iceland, and Greece that have all popped up, with ideas on how to notice the system. A Courtesy Notice (a kind form of noticing those parties trying to extort money) was used just recently in a student loan situation, and upon receiving the notice the loan company that was aggressively pursuing called, and said the loan is fully paid and the paperwork documenting that will be in the mail immediately.

The whole thing is, if the corporations are dissolved, it only leaves the people. People then can choose to contract with other people, but the limited liability of a corporation is no more. If you so choose by your free will to try and extort money on someone now that the corporations are dissolved and foreclosed, you are doing so on your own and could be held liable for your individual actions. So the courtesy notice brings this to their awareness, sets terms and conditions, and leaves it open for rebuttal, if they can rebut.

Oh and when I say WE, I'm part of the People, Bruce. Part of the People. So are you, so is everyone. But you can choose with your own free will at any point if and when you choose to be part of the DEBTORS, part of the people, or indifferent and on the fence. All are choices you make, and all are fine.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 10:06 PM
I feel I need to state an important point. At NO point does the OPPT or any of its Trustees recommend litigation against anyone in this system. So, this is very important. If anything, the whole goal is to take advantage of the already-created Trust information, notice the systems you are dealing with at the time that the situation has changed, and that you will no longer be participating unless they can prove authority over you. And of course, they can't. Then the courtesy notice reminds them of their individual, unlimited liability by choosing to pursue further, and that's it.

There is no point whatsoever in taking litigation against anyone in the system, and the OPPT filings and test documents are there to make the statement that we (the people) know that the system is foreclosed, and operating on individual unlimited liability. No money through the system except to send certified docs, no lawyers, no court if at all possible, it simply isn't in the best interest of solving the problem.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

This doesn't change the fact that every US Court that has had to deal with one of these frivolous filings has thrown them out with prejudice, heck the Opt-In website even used one of the dismissals with Heather's scribblings and bloody fingerprints all over it as proof that it works (even though if you read what's under all her scribbling it's the Court dismissing her claims that she could foreclose on US Bank.)

So yeah, they can review it, doesn't mean it's going to fly..

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
I feel I need to state an important point. At NO point does the OPPT or any of its Trustees recommend litigation against anyone in this system. So, this is very important. If anything, the whole goal is to take advantage of the already-created Trust information, notice the systems you are dealing with at the time that the situation has changed, and that you will no longer be participating unless they can prove authority over you. And of course, they can't. Then the courtesy notice reminds them of their individual, unlimited liability by choosing to pursue further, and that's it.

There is no point whatsoever in taking litigation against anyone in the system, and the OPPT filings and test documents are there to make the statement that we (the people) know that the system is foreclosed, and operating on individual unlimited liability. No money through the system except to send certified docs, no lawyers, no court if at all possible, it simply isn't in the best interest of solving the problem.

Which brings us to problem B.

You cannot legally foreclose on something you did not own or ever hope to own. When there is no legally binding contract between a party (A bank and a borrower for instance, where the terms include remedy f the borrower defaults) there is no foreclosure remedy, you can't just file some documents and then announce to the world that you just foreclosed on a government or an agency of said..

I seem to remember reading earlier (i read so much on this it made my eyes bleed) that the OPPT claimed victory because the World Court accepted their claim, when in reality it was just a notice that some clerk had received the documents on the other end, nothing more than that, "Hey we got this, and are filing it away somewhere" does not equal "The World Court accepted our documents" I could write a letter to the World Court and I would get such a notice of receipt, doesn't mean they took me seriously, just that they got it. This is the slight of hand trick, making people think something else is going on, when it's really not.

Something like "John Bohener was put in place as Interim President (forget the articles of succession, Biden would have been next) but the OPPT stopped it from being known, it's a bunch of poppycock, in plain English, John Boehner knows NOTHING of any of this (he was asked on a news radio program earlier) and was quite shocked that he was now supposedly the President, and some super secret group of trustees now foreclosed on the government. Hmm.. I find that more interesting then a bunch of judges deciding what to do with some nonsense filings..

And now I must go to bed, I have a long day tomorrow in a real courtroom to deal with a School District issue affecting my children and the services they receive. Maybe I should tell the School District that under UCC-1-301 I am affirming my rights to contract and they have to listen to me or I'll foreclose on their illegal buildings, and put the schools in trust for all the people in the town.. I wonder how fast they would cart me off to the Institute of Living....
edit on 13-2-2013 by vkey08 because: (no reason given)

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