posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 08:49 PM
Waternorth I don�t think DBarry is from the UK but Canada. The UK does actually have plenty such towers Also many, many British people DID die that
day. 9/11 was NOT an exclusive day of American murder. And to everyone else, yes DBary is an insensitive fool, but don�t be blind sighted by the fact
the great majority of the world now sees the USA as an empire building secular force with no thought or concern for anyone who does not fly under the
stars and stripes. Before September 11 it was scattered groups of Muslim fundamentalists. Now it is tens of thousands of them who want to hurt you and
millions more ordinary democratic westerners who think you had better wake up before they do. Al Queda is not an organisation like the CIA or
Interpol. It is a franchise, with lots of cells working independently of each other and sprouting and mushrooming up everyday. Bin Laden has no
control over them. Al Queda is more McDonalds, with a manager in every country and every town who is not controlled by the owner. Al Queda is in fact
the epitomic of The American Dream. It is independent entrepreneurialism at its best, just for the wrong cause.
�Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.� � Herman Goering Nazi Luftwaffe commander. At the
Nuremberg War-Crimes Trials, 1946
Over 100,000 innocents Iraqis dead since the start of the war (the people we are supposed to be freeing) Yet America is outraged by the 1000th
American soldier(paid to fight, career army and sent by Bush) dying there.
A lot of Americans have stated that the so called anti-American anti-bush brigade in the UK (not anti-American, a lot are anti-Bush but we are
anti-Lies, anti-Cover ups anti-patronisation of intelligence) should pray that a September 11th attack never happens to us!
From September to May 1941-42, the Nazi bombing blitz on Britain killed 40,000, all civilians and 5,000 of them children. At that rate Americans would
have to experience identical 9/11s once a week for over three months to equal Britain's suffering. How many non-Americans died on 9/11? How many