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Please read, where was Bin laden

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posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 03:16 AM
All the sudden OBL isnt making since. You cant be in two places at once. However doesnt what I just read in the part about "it sparked in my mind the the tyrant should be punished with the same and that we should destroy towers in america" and the part where he references the freedom parts. Does it seem he is speaking in the tense and point of actually being in lebanon or close to it now. He is in a city type or conventional structure on the tape right, could it not be in lebanon. Or am I a lost insane person wandering the asylum halls again lost and in need of guidence.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 03:27 AM
I found it strange for someone spear-heading the defense of Afghanistan for Islam against Russia would accept help from the US, be friends with us and then be plotting to damage us at the same time. For such an outspoken person who is apparently very big on honor and justice to accept assistance from such an evil country on one hand and then plotting to destroy it on the other is pretty odd. That's the mentality of terrorists who never admit to their actions or what they're about, not Bin Laden, he has been very clear regarding what he stands for.

I also found it strange that he mentioned Muhamed Attah (sic?) by name, as well as mentioning that there were 19 hijackers on sep. 11th. It has been proven that 7 of the 19 hijackers are definitely alive, if not more. 4 of them are trying to sue the U.S., so OBL's statements don't match what we know to be the truth. He looks a little different too, not just older and I found it odd that he talks relatively vaguely about recent actions which the U.S. has carried out on foreign soil. You would have thought that he would have cited the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan as reasons for further attacks, but he didn't mention that, nor did he say anything about any of Bush's actions other than reading that story on Sep. 11th, which we all know of already. If anything, he seemed very non-partisan, which I think is odd considering Bush invaded his home country and invaded Iraq, killing around 100,000 innocent fellow Muslims, you would have thought that he wold have had one bad thing to say about this.

To me it seemed like he was reading a script written by the CIA/Bush campaign, so the U.S. would believe that he attacked us on Sep. 11th and that he doesn't harbor any ill will against Bush specifically, so re-electing Bush wouldn't necessarily guarantee an attack.

Maybe I'm crazy guys, but let me know what you think.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 03:33 AM
OOOOHHHH OOOOOHHHH I think I had a brain fart, How can that man be claiming responsibility for 9/11 and make 2 chronological errors.

He said the month and day was September 9 didnt he

also he said it happen 4 years ago not 3 cause didnt 9/11 happen in 2001
its 2004 now

Whats the deal with that?

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 05:23 AM
Well, I don't want to jump on the bandwagon of mass hysteria, but I have to admit the whole thing seemed like a setup to me.

First of all the timing was a little too good. It's like this sort of thing was predicted 2 months ago. Everyone said that if OBL was suddenly captured at the end of October, then it would be an obvious political ploy. Well, the next best thing just happened.

Next, the video almost seemed fake. I don't care what the CIA or FBI said about it's authenticity, it seemed fake to me. Even OBL didn't look like OBL. The watch was on the wrong wrist, and his facial structure looked different. He appeared to be a look-alike to me.

It blew me away to hear OBL explaining why he did the things he did. It almost seemed to me like he was halfway apologizing, or feeling remorseful or something. It really caught me offguard. Where was the defiance? Where was the anger and vengeance?

Then there was the brown background. Maybe he's done this before, but I'm just not aware of it. Usually he's seen in videos taken outside somewhere in the mountains. This time it's with a brown background so you can't possibly determine where it was filmed. Hmmm...

I think I'm just paranoid and making something of nothing. I've yet to read about anyone questioning the authenticity of the video. Not even in the Middle East.

So, I guess it's real enough. But still, it just seemed strange to me ...

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by netbound
Next, the video almost seemed fake. I don't care what the CIA or FBI said about it's authenticity, it seemed fake to me. Even OBL didn't look like OBL. The watch was on the wrong wrist, and his facial structure looked different. He appeared to be a look-alike to me.

It blew me away to hear OBL explaining why he did the things he did. It almost seemed to me like he was halfway apologizing, or feeling remorseful or something. It really caught me offguard. Where was the defiance? Where was the anger and vengeance?

Then there was the brown background. Maybe he's done this before, but I'm just not aware of it. Usually he's seen in videos taken outside somewhere in the mountains. This time it's with a brown background so you can't possibly determine where it was filmed. Hmmm...

I think I'm just paranoid and making something of nothing. I've yet to read about anyone questioning the authenticity of the video. Not even in the Middle East.

So, I guess it's real enough. But still, it just seemed strange to me ...

No your not paranoid, as I stated the statement contained flaws in dates and times, a person so proud and justified in his position would have know the exact minute the attack began.

Also his hand jestures , since you notice the watch seemed to be disorganized, a person tends to without thinking to jesture with their donminant hand unles they are using both hands at the same time. People dont in a natural flow of conversation change back and forth without specific intention or rehersed nature behind the actions.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 05:53 PM
drbryankkruta, I have to agree with you. With all things included, it almost seems inevitable that the tape would be questioned. But, other than some boards on the Net, it seems that noone of any stature is questioning it.

Very odd ...

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 06:00 PM
you amercians make me sick with all your bloody whining about 911 it happened get over it and live with the fact that one man and his small army kicked your butts and kicked them good im just glad to be a canadian and not afraid to walk outside like all americans watch out america hes gonna get you roflmao

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 06:09 PM
Anybody ever think that maybe the video was mirrored before that added the sub titles. This could explain the hand jestures and watch.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by joey
I, too, found OBL's demeanor very different and very strange from his previous appearances. It appeared to be trying to be "statesmanlike". Gone was the fiery religious fanaticism. It was almost lulling in it's rhetoric. Hence, I found it very chilling. What to make of this? I don't know. But, perhaps, there's more to this tape than our knee jerk reaction that it's solely meant to influence the elections.

Who knows. Maybe this is the first authentic tape we have seen..
the others before being fabrications? He looked very healthy for
someone who needs dialysis.. and one wonders where he is that
he has access to modern medicine. Certainly not in a hole in the
ground. It certainly never made sense that he could be leading
a global organization with every possible communication channel
being monitored from a rock hut or cave on the Afganistan border.
But this raises other disturbing questions.. he is evidently living
better now than before 9/11 from his appearance, if this tape is
authentic. If the previous tape(s) were fabrications to goad on
the war effort when they were released then that would be
consistent with the other deceptions on going from the Bush
administration. My conclusion is NOTHING from this administration
should be accepted without answering a lot of questions that
often remain unanswered. About 9/11. About the Afganistan oil
pipeline project from before the war there. About the war in
Iraq. About Saddam and his past history, like that of bin Laden,
as a CIA asset. About PNAC and the plan for war in the Middle
East even if Saddam could not be used to justify it. About Bush
sitting in a class room listening to a girl read about a goat after
he had been notified about planes crashing into the WTC.
A full list of questions is an enormous list, but still they should
have been answered fully by now.

[edit on 31-10-2004 by mockan]

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 07:07 PM
hey ask bush to save you........ or is he and the american army only child killers IE. iraq bush is a chicken chit

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by netbound
drbryankkruta, I have to agree with you. With all things included, it almost seems inevitable that the tape would be questioned. But, other than some boards on the Net, it seems that noone of any stature is questioning it.

Very odd ...

Sadly everyone is so used to being lied to that they just dont care anymore.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by DBarry
you amercians make me sick with all your bloody whining about 911 it happened get over it and live with the fact that one man and his small army kicked your butts and kicked them good im just glad to be a canadian and not afraid to walk outside like all americans watch out america hes gonna get you roflmao

You know people wonder why Americans are so vicious now and trying to stick their nose up peoples butts trying to mind their buisness its cause of the actions of people who say things like this....

You are a unbelievably insensitive jerk, We lost friends , mothers, father, sons , daughters, and brother fire/medic personel and fellow law enforce, and military.

I personally lost only my brothers and sisters from my fire/medic and law enforcement membership.

I would say till you can feel atleast my pain which is never going to be as bad as those directly related to those who died and in some cases talked to those same loved ones on the phone as they died, then keep you keep your mouth closed.

I thought only an insisitive terrorist could act so callused about this situation till I met people like you. Where is your humanity.

[edit on 31/10/2004 by drbryankkruta]

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:26 PM
1990, Bin Ladden Ossama was in Iraq with some 30 men (the whole Al Qaeda army in this time), fighting with the coalition (America, Europe...)against Saddam Hussein and his Koweit invasion.
Ossama has always support US and Europ till he told his family to stop stealing the arab oil with Bush lobby in 1996. He asked the lobby to be respectfull with Arab nations and Islam and what they do with their money (Bush and Ben Ladden Familly).
September 11 2001, he was offered the 9/11. That thing that threatened him, seeing people jumping out of windows and a president that didn't move, getting a whole school in danger. Ossama told that it was crazy a few weeks later.

posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by DBarry
hey ask bush to save you........ or is he and the american army only child killers IE. iraq bush is a chicken chit

You know you have presented yourself with the most obscene insensitivity and ignorance. As a man in a country out side the US border yet so close its easy for you to play lookie lou and rubber necker, just watching our misfortunes for your amusement......and to have the gall to be even more open about your ignorant point of view on a subject that you have no personal knowledge of makes you the type of person that makes allies into enemies. If you dont like us and think we shouldnt be upset when 3000 people dying and you should note they were not all Americans who died in the WTC on 9/11 then get your arse up find an island and take your yourself their to live dont stay where you because it seems to make you uncomfortable which in turn makes you rude and with a lack of common descentsy.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 01:31 AM

Do not worry about dbarry. He says these things online because he doesn't have the nads to say them face to face. He is just one more coward trying to feel like he stands for something. We as Americans and most Canadians know that if something like 911 happened to them, we would be beside them with whatever aid we could give.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by DBarry
you amercians make me sick with all your bloody whining about 911 it happened get over it and live with the fact that one man and his small army kicked your butts and kicked them good im just glad to be a canadian and not afraid to walk outside like all americans watch out america hes gonna get you roflmao

I've never clicked the ignore button before. Congratulations you're the first person on ATS I actually thought was ignorant enough to ignore. ~click~

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by DBarry
you amercians make me sick with all your bloody whining about 911 it happened get over it and live with the fact that one man and his small army kicked your butts and kicked them good im just glad to be a canadian and not afraid to walk outside like all americans watch out america hes gonna get you roflmao


I will excuse your grammatically erred message for a chance to argue. How would you feel, if the UK suddenly built TWO huge towers, and your parents went to work in it... or your girlfriend... or your brother... or your sister, or all of them. A huge plane suddenly smashes into it, and they ALL die. Would you be mad at the person who had organized the attack? I thought so. Now shut the # up, and act like you're humane.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by tomcat

Do not worry about dbarry. He says these things online because he doesn't have the nads to say them face to face. He is just one more coward trying to feel like he stands for something. We as Americans and most Canadians know that if something like 911 happened to them, we would be beside them with whatever aid we could give.

cool thanks

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by drbryankkruta
OOOOHHHH OOOOOHHHH I think I had a brain fart, How can that man be claiming responsibility for 9/11 and make 2 chronological errors.

He said the month and day was September 9 didnt he

also he said it happen 4 years ago not 3 cause didnt 9/11 happen in 2001
its 2004 now

Whats the deal with that?

He said it was entering the fourth year since 9/11.

As far as the Lebanon stuff is concerned, he's mentioned Lebanon in almost every interview he has given.

1997 interview with Bin Laden by Peter Arnett

Focus on Saudi Arabia � an interview with Osama Bin Laden (1997)
Bin Laden: We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation of the Prophet's Night Travel Land [Palestine]. And we believe the US is directly responsible for those who were killed in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. The mention of the US reminds us before everything else of those innocent children who were dismembered, their heads and arms cut off in the recent explosion that took place in Qana [in Lebanon].

The Qana bombing he's referring to in that interview is probably the Israeli bombing of a UN Compound in April 1996.
He doesn't mention the 1982 bombing but when he refers to those killed in Lebanon, he may be including those killed in the prior conflicts.

In a 1998 interview with John Miller of ABC News, he does mention the Sabra and Shatilla massacre in Lebanon in September 1982.

Your situation with Muslims in Palestine is shameful, if there is any shame left in America. In the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, a cooperation between Zionist and Christian forces, houses were demolished over the heads of children.

Here are some more interviews:

In the interview below, he says he was not responsible for 9/11 and there is no mention of Lebanon. He rambles on about congress and drugs and Noriega and a lot of other subjects of that nature.
September 28 2001 Interview with The Daily Ummat

In an October 2001 interview with Al-Jazeera correspondent Tayseer Alouni, he somewhat admits to inciting people to carry out attacks. He mentions Lebanon and the Qana incident in that interview but not specifically the 1982 incident.
Muslims against global crusaders � an interview with Osama Bin Laden

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 10:13 AM
If Bin Laden was so out to get us, then what was he doing meeting with CIA agents two months before 9-11 in an american hospital in Dubai? Why did we turn down numerous offers of extradition, one even from afghaniastn before the invasion started?
Look up Goldstien and 1984 on google and you will have a good understaning of who and what bin Laden is.

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