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The Ultimate Enlightenment Explanation & "How To" Discussion

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posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Fundy huh? okay.

Good luck with that.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Wonders
reply to post by dominicus

Fundy huh? okay.

Good luck with that.

It wasn't necessarily a direct shot at you per se, just in general I was saying it. Usually when I post stuff about Enlightenment/Union w/ God, its a matter of time before certain ATS members that are westernized Christian dogmatic fundies come in and post that everything that's not in the bible, is of the devil. SO I never meant to direct that at you.

The warning was headed by that link you provided. Interestingly enough, I became aware of Spirits and the Spiritual world, just by going deep into Christianity itself. So I understand where the author of the link is coming from. Again, not a direct shot at you.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 06:37 PM
Good job OP, I feel you. You did well, and gave a good explanation, it was useful. Unfortunately it will just confuse others like everything else in the world confounds people.

There is a lot of quality there if one can read correctly and know truth when you see it, but that requires a clean heart, and most follow conjecture so they see error everywhere, leave them to there devices they chose to be deaf dumb and blind.

Funny thing about the whole sketch is that, one's life might have taken a path to enlightenment, but one has never picked up a Buddhist text, yet Buddhists constantly encourage others to read and study about the path of others, to attain something they themselves believe they have not attained - illogical. Any human being living the realest life follows the path from born.

You have to ask yourself, did Buddha have a pre-order draft copy of the path to enlightenment before he followed it so he knew what to do? The real reality is accessible by anyone anytime. Anybody seeking enlightenment if your heart knows your a cupcake dont even bother, no, you will bother, thats the beast.

.Every person on this planet is enlightened half the day or so.

.I'm not sure where you think you're going once you hit the final resting ground, this is the 'permanent' state, the effervescent, the luminous, the unperturbed; this is it, bro. School me with the knowledge/wisdom/understanding if you believe there to be futher levels of revelation and realization. Just no chakra talk, only meat and bones.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by dominicus

What is there to follow and what goal? These are instructions and experiences that happen along the way, when "you/ego/mind" get out of the way and Truth itself shines. There are multitude of ways "there".

Christians follow the teachings of the bible, buddhists follow the teachings of buddha, muslims follow the teachings of the quran and so forth.
Instructions are there to follow, how to be, how to live, how to become.
Their goal obviously is to go to heaven (religion) or to become enlightened (buddha)

You said:

The teachings are there for a reason. If they were not necessary, the Buddha and Jesus would have stayed quiet.

Now see it in practice in this modern time.
A hierarchy from top to bottom with leaders, teachers and their followers and students, pure indoctrination, power and position.
What they bring is old and dead, it is not our path, but we chose or are forced to follow it.
Therefore i said, see what it has done, it has made followers out of people, sheep.

How do you know? I know plenty of people who remember past lives, nde's, and I myself remember pre-existing as a Unit of COnsciousness/Awareness.

Nothing will survive the physical death, all there is, is just the content of our consciousness, our knowledge stored as memories, all that which has formed us to who we are today.
We are a product, formed through teachings and traditions, the culture in which we grow up, but we think of our self to be real, we have a notion of self, but there is no self, it is in fact our divided state from what is.
On the bigger picture, we regenerate, we are the younger version of our ancestors, and we will live on in the smile of our children.
Because we express our self, we leave behind writings, paintings, music, teachings and maybe we even did an invention which benefits mankind.
My whole childhood is filled with spirituality, as both my parents were clairvoyant, and many people came to ask what to do, or if they could contact their loved ones who had passed away.
There was no question of 'if' there was an afterlife, they were certain of it.
And although i am clairvoyant myself, (everyone is) i came to see it in a whole other way.
There are more ways of communication, verbally, non verbally (body language) and an energetic transfer.
I'm sure most people will have had the notion of being on par with someone, both thinking the same thought, speaking the same words.
If we are open to energies around us, lots of impressions and feelings come to mind when seeing and speaking to others.
Intuitive feelings arise, not only with people, but also while busy with something, work or at home.
But never had i contact with a person that had passed away, the energy came from them who lost their loved ones, their memories and their feelings.
So in the end it is your word against mine, which is ok, whoever is right, we will find out when the time comes.
To me, death is just a physical reality.
Life is spirit in action, we grow and have a sense of self while we are walking the earth, but when we die nothing of that sense of self lives beyond physical death, i would even say that it dissolves with the body because it is the energy we are, which is transformed into another form.
To us death might be real, but in the end there is just transformation from one form into another.

Jesus & Buddha inspired so many people, that around them both were built massive archetypal dogmatic religious structures, which exoterically has done more to divide than to unite.

How true.

However, minority esoteric structures were also built in the form of monasteries (monks, hermits, mystics), and it is through this minority that graduates into Enlightenment in the form of Saints have occurred.

Enlightenment is the next logical step for mankind in its evolution. I forsee a future where technology becomes interlinked with consciousness and everything can be downloaded, including the state of a monk in Enlightenment.

We all come from the One, to the One we all return.

Part of this brings me back to 'see it in practice' what i wrote earlier.
It is not a study in which one is able to graduate into enlightenment.
Than we are taught mystic teachings, but we are still with a full glass, maybe a little more clear water in it, because a lot of dirty water overflowed out of the glass while content was added.
If we could only see things as they are, not occupied with becoming nor with how things should be, just seeing with a clear mind, al knowledge has no meaning, reality is already at our feet, constantly present.
But we don't know how to meet it, therefore we don't see it.

edit on 10-2-2013 by earthling42 because: quote

edit on 10-2-2013 by earthling42 because: typo

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:29 PM
Above all, we have a lot to lose, goals in life, we want it to be continued.
Most people are caught in their own prison of striving, reaching, becoming, wanting, longing, to be someone, to have success.
But also the fear of not being able to make it, fear to be left behind, the fear of loneliness, public opinion.

For me it felt like dying, not being taught anything, just that moment of clarity in which everything changed, with afterwards silence, no pain, no emotions, it is as it is.
Seeing the weakness in others, how they struggle in life, not in control of them self, a constant battle in which the needs and wants dictate their lives.
This is why i reject the suggestion that it can be taught, that we somehow eventually reach a state of enlightenment through knowledge.
When one sees with a clear mind, without any background, my education, my belief or nonbelief, who i am, what i am and so forth, than it is revealed.

Biologically there is evolution, but is there an evolution in the mind? i doubt it, i would even reject it.
In the field of knowledge there is evolution, scientific evolution, also there is traditional and cultural knowledge which is changed by the winds of time.
The mind itself is formless, empty space, in which that knowledge can be stored.
One might even say that there is a question of involution, rolling in, a spiritual being materializes because of what it learns through seeing and copying of others in their environment.
So at a certain point we have to roll out again, undo ourselves of everything we think we know, find out that we really don't know anything.

Sure we know how to write and read, how to calculate, how to build a house or a car and so forth.
But who am i? what am i? why am i here? what is the value of life? what is life all about?
They might seem simple questions, but for our sons and daughters, we really should ask our self those questions, not looking for answers in a book, but learn through interaction.

So as the mind itself is formless and empty, there is nothing to download, there is no knowledge of how to be enlightened.
If it becomes at all possible, what will be downloaded is (the sky and stars are beautiful, a flowing stream, a tree with its leaves played by the wind, knowledge everyone already has)

That's all due to 3 things' Ignorance, Ego, Animalism (the primal passions)

We see less and less of violent brutality in the countries where the majority is educated and where the "religious type" is the minority. With the Internet, all that is changing as well, in that, as the old die, the younger generation comes into its own. This younger generation is one which does its research on the internet, is sophisticated, and intelligent. I of course speak of 1st world countries and specific demographical regions within them.

Just like each individual evolves, so to is each country, and the world as a whole.

It is the ego that has learned that it should fight and strive for what it wants, and if he succeeds, there is his reward in the form of sex, money, power, and so forth.
I don't agree with you about less and less of violent brutality, look up the history of Iran for example, ones a great country, now it is a prison to its own people.
First world countries, rapes, shootings, fighting, stabbings, robbery, drugs traffic, mental illnesses, destruction of the environment because there is money to be made, hunting and killing for fun or for money, homeless people that die from freezing weather, people who have lost their jobs and are thrown out of their homes because they cannot pay their bills anymore, many jumped killing themselves, nazism, racism, i would say there is more than enough violence, it is not only tied down to religious people.
We might have laws and a form of order, but it is laid upon a mind which is not orderly.
When a country is doing well and people have jobs and money, the superficial order is maintained, but when it is not doing well, the unordered mind comes to the surface.
It is tied to the social state people are in, one has to eat, one needs something to live for, because the society we grew up in is inhuman, people become inhuman.
Fight for their survival becomes their number one goal in life, or they start shooting everyone in sight including them self.

The younger generation is more violent and extreme than the people of the first generation who came here.
Than i am talking about islam, muslims, i do not know in which country you live, but here they are far from orderly, than i express myself softly.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:29 PM

Yes that's rather obvious isn't it. The whole purpose of this post, is an invitation to see for yourself, experientially, if all of this is true. Sure some will simply skim through it and move along, however the Truth filters out who may approach it and who may not.

If this even reaches One soul to experiences the Absolute, then the post is worth it.

On the other end, if we are to take the approach that the truth is an actual experience (which it is) and not words or descriptions, then the trap is to take the stance that nothing more can be said or done about it, and that's a mistake. Buddha too initially remained quiet with the realization that no words can apprehend the ineffable, however later concluded its better to at least try and point to it and discuss a way to realization, than to remain quiet.

Apparently not, because everyone is searching for descriptions.
There is not 'the truth', we abide in truth, life itself, we only have to recognize it.
When truth is described, poured in words, it has been abstracted, it is no longer living truth, but a description, old and dead.
My description about the sun is not the sun itself, go out and enjoy the bringer of life.
We are what we are, human and the rest of mankind, but through the notion of 'me', we set our self apart from mankind.
Not only from mankind, but from everything, the me opposed to that.
Than the whole world becomes a playground, what shall i do with this tree, or animal, or landscape, can i rule? have power over them? sell this all and make a profit?

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Quick question re: your new avatar. Do you know that centered at the top appears to be a two horned luciferian figure?

Don't get me wrong I love your stuff but seeing that has left me a little perplexed and I just wanted to clarify if you were aware that it could be viewed that way. Thanks.

P.S. Please change it. Maybe a butterfly or something might be more appropriate..

edit on 10-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:47 PM
Now for the feature presentation. Find any errors, falsehoods, incorrectness, and I will shave off my hair and become your disciple immediately.

Actual state of enlightenment is the raw state of mental awareness, luminous, ecstatical, knowing it knows nothing, sees things, knows everything, aware, undefiled, not deluded, 'place of consistent return,' permanent in between, whats revealed to remain final when falsehood evaporates. If you have an unsoiled heart and you have a habit of thinking, its natural and easy, because it really is, not because i say so, and not in ''theory.''

Everyone is enlightened say, half the day. Real reality is always accessible. Truth is everywhere, buddhism is like a black belt to Bruce lee. I'm convinced most Buddhists never found ATS and decided to troll the world. Can someone tell me which pre issued copy of buddhist doctrine the buddha used to achieve enlightenment? snickers.

In my experience if you haven't achieved it naturally by age twenty then its not meant for you, because your mind is supposed to naturally spin itself out, assuming you've been attending to your mind to carry out what its suppose to do; think. if you're like most people, you haven't, thats ok too, people become enlightened by living hardcore truth and having ultimate balls, not everyone is born with that, and it doesn't matter anyways. all paths are the same, they lead nowhere, just be yourself and follow your heart.

no delusion, no religion, no worship, no fashion, no seeking, no desiring, no ritual, no excess, no baggage, no fakery, no fake action, no wrong view, no false relationship, no plastic thought, integrity, fairness, righteousness, compassion, good will, good heart. These are things you are or you don't live, you can't switch when no ones looking, and you have nothing to switch in to when people expect something, When I lost some money on the train the other day, the first thing I thought was, ''someones gonna catch a bonus tonight'' you're not attached to anything, how could you be? everything is what it is you accept the truth of every situation wholeheartedly. You've long since thought through, ahem, ''meditated'' on the nature of things and being that you have a pure heart, if you have a pure heart, you will think correctly, and thinking correctly leads to understanding and realization.

This state is for intensive purposes, ''permanent,'' as it is affixed once it is uncovered, but it changes too in time. It is something, but its actually nothing, I was about to say, ''when I think about it'' but there really is no such thing as thinking when you exist saturaed in fulfillment of whatever truth and knowledge is available. You don't even refer to anything, you just are, you just know, because truth after truth you follow. It is something separate from you but you are one with it, you know it, yet you are wholly unfamiliar with. I used to think these were awful explanations from Buddhists, and they probably still are but I don't know how else to describe it.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by dominicus

Quick question re: your new avatar. Do you know that centered at the top appears to be a two horned luciferian figure?

Don't get me wrong I love your stuff but seeing that has left me a little perplexed and I just wanted to clarify if you were aware that it could be viewed that way. Thanks.

edit on 10-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

Sorry bud, but you seem to have read too much into the Avatars. No horns, no satan, no lucifer. I have the same image as my screen saver, and it's really large and there are no horns. It's a Phoenix rising from the Ashes, that's it!!! It's applicable to anyone who has hit rock bottom in their lives, or faced death, or something major, and made it through it, only to come out stronger and better a sense being resurrected.

reply to post by earthling42

Christians follow the teachings of the bible, buddhists follow the teachings of buddha, muslims follow the teachings of the quran and so forth. Instructions are there to follow, how to be, how to live, how to become. Their goal obviously is to go to heaven (religion) or to become enlightened (buddha)

Those too have their place. I followed the Above, and they eventually lead to a place, that is beyond words/description. The purpose is to lead you to that state.

Now see it in practice in this modern time. A hierarchy from top to bottom with leaders, teachers and their followers and students, pure indoctrination, power and position. What they bring is old and dead, it is not our path, but we chose or are forced to follow it. Therefore i said, see what it has done, it has made followers out of people, sheep.

Ain't nothing dead about it. Those traditions, the esoteric core, is alive and kickin. All the modern folks, are rehashing the old stuff. Take Eckhart Tolle. He's rehashing Advaita Vedanta, from 400 CE ...also linked to the Vedas from 1500 B.C.

You want to take a philosophical or ontological approach? Same thing, your gonna be going into the B.C. periods. Ain't nuthin new. Only thing that's changed is technologies and the times we live in.

Nothing will survive the physical death, all there is, is just the content of our consciousness, our knowledge stored as memories, all that which has formed us to who we are today.

Too many NDE's to take the above as final. Quite a few people remembering pre-birth memories which would also make the above void.

But never had i contact with a person that had passed away, the energy came from them who lost their loved ones, their memories and their feelings.

After I have had close one's pass in my family, I have seen clocks fly off the wall, wine glasses go flying right off the table in front of a multide of people, I've seen chess pieces being moved, etc.

So in the end it is your word against mine, which is ok, whoever is right, we will find out when the time comes.

We don't have to wait til then. This whole thread invites an individual to see for themselves if its true. The built in self defense mechanism, is the fruition of a direct experience of these things.

This is why i reject the suggestion that it can be taught, that we somehow eventually reach a state of enlightenment through knowledge. When one sees with a clear mind, without any background, my education, my belief or nonbelief, who i am, what i am and so forth, than it is revealed.

The thing is, how you describe your view of it, is also a "how to" guide. You once were not "there" also, and eventually the clear view became unobstructed through various ways.

So as the mind itself is formless and empty, there is nothing to download, there is no knowledge of how to be enlightened.

Had I not read books, I would never know about the possibility of the true nature of mind and Enlightenment, and I would have carried on in ignorance, a slave to the ego and lusts of the body.

I don't agree with you about less and less of violent brutality, look up the history of Iran for example, ones a great country, now it is a prison to its own people.

Sharia law and 3rd world Islam = Ignorance. If ignorance invades a country that is doing well for itself, then it brings the whole country back into ignorance.

The younger generation is more violent and extreme than the people of the first generation who came here.

I don't know about that. I can take Sweden and Norway as an example of successful countries with little crime. Or when Tibet was strictly Buddhist with no Chinese Gov't interaction. There are pockets of areas in the world where there is relative peace.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by earthling42

Apparently not, because everyone is searching for descriptions.

Some people still need a description that shows them that descriptions are not the same, as the actual things they describe. This is philosophy. To some it's obvious. For myself, I had to hear it, rather read it in a book, to realize that the actual is not descriptions or thoughts thereof.

There is not 'the truth', we abide in truth, life itself, we only have to recognize it.

People are of different sorts. Perhaps for you it was as easy as "simply recognizing it." I've met others who have naturally lived in this state of Unity/Oneness/Union since they were kids. The majority, however, are wrapped up in ego and need to hear or read something to shake the illusions. It was certainly the case for me.

When truth is described, poured in words, it has been abstracted, it is no longer living truth, but a description, old and dead.

Yes, but people need to hear this, because for many, it's not obvious. I heard about "truth" through words, descriptions, and they were beautiful and important pointers to the actual. Descriptions are now, old and dead for me as well, however that comes later on in the path.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 06:01 PM
As i said, it is your word against mine when it comes to reincarnation, which is ok.

If that is understood as a 'how to', it is not meant to be, i gave my opinion on how i see it, nothing more.

My solution to all the pain and suffering was simply 'don't be' that was the trigger, but this is my life path which is different from the path of you and others.

To write a little more about it, at first there was only silence and an understanding of why i was able to be hurt, also seeing their action in a whole new light was quite revealing.
There is no anger or grudge towards them, they acted out of frustration and pain themselves.
I'm still here, all the memories are there, but they have no place in the present, the past is dead and dies every moment.
It was after that, that i started to learn, seeing with different eyes, observing the world around me.
I did not even thought about truth, just did my duties and observed everything, as days weeks and months went by.
Before i was struggling with everything, my life, the misery, what to do, thinking of death, mutilating, but afterwards, non of that, just silence.
Maybe i am just a freak, who knows, but now i am happy for all that suffering because it brought me where i am now.
Would this be enlightenment? it sure gave me peace and space, moreover lots of energy that is not wasted anymore through suffering.

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by earthling42

If that is understood as a 'how to', it is not meant to be, i gave my opinion on how i see it, nothing more.

key point is that once, you did not see it that way, and then there were steps/consequences that caused a change in perspective

My solution to all the pain and suffering was simply 'don't be' that was the trigger, but this is my life path which is different from the path of you and others.

What does that mean ..."don't Be." ???

Everyone, in a sense, Is. Human Beings, or reversed, Being Human. Even if one chooses not to Be anything, with that person, there is still the inherent "Being."

To write a little more about it, at first there was only silence and an understanding of why i was able to be hurt, also seeing their action in a whole new light was quite revealing. There is no anger or grudge towards them, they acted out of frustration and pain themselves. I'm still here, all the memories are there, but they have no place in the present, the past is dead and dies every moment. It was after that, that i started to learn, seeing with different eyes, observing the world around me.

All of that above, sounds to me like a detachment from the Ego/Mind and not giving any importance or power. Interestingly, this is one of the steps towards Spiritual Enlightenment.

I did not even thought about truth, just did my duties and observed everything, as days weeks and months went by.

Yes, just like I described on page 1 of this thread, as another 1 of the steps. Constant Observation, as the observer, while not attaching to any of that which is Observed. This is also one of the steps.

Before i was struggling with everything, my life, the misery, what to do, thinking of death, mutilating, but afterwards, non of that, just silence. Maybe i am just a freak, who knows, but now i am happy for all that suffering because it brought me where i am now.

Silence is a big part of it. Also mentioned on page 1. The silence is when the Ego/Mind diminished and falls away. In it's place, reactivity is spontaneous and without thought.

Would this be enlightenment? it sure gave me peace and space, moreover lots of energy that is not wasted anymore through suffering.

Definitely part of it. Have you found the source of thought? Where thoughts come from? Do you feel like there are borders to you? Like there still is a you? Or do you feel merged with everything being one thing?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by dominicus

I would say consequences that have lead to that moment, which was suffering.

'Don't be', as in, 'not being', to describe it, there was a sudden contemplation, in which i saw the cause, if i'm not here, there is no one to suffer, it comes from myself that wants to be equal, that wants to be seen and to be loved.
There was a flow of energy which was so strong, so powerful and comforting, whatever happens, it will be ok, trust in whatever will be.
It was like taking back control, one could kick the body if they wished, but that would be alright, they were no longer able to hurt me, there was simply no one there.

And yet, yes i never really left, that is the fun part about all this, it was a change of perception.
There is still a me being, but there is no attachment, no becoming, i am what i am, a human being.

The steps, they were not taken before, but after that moment, this is something to explore because for me to be quite and just observe seemed and is very natural, it followed naturally.
But how can we explore it more, i shared my story on this, it was a lead up, no deliberate steps taken, this will be difficult i think but we can try.
There is no great knowledge, i'm just as uneducated as i have ever been.
To be something is of no importance to me, i'm human and that is enough.
What is important to me, is to reach people to think, in order to see through this false truth which is our reality.

Thinking is not a problem, ideas have to come from somewhere, and they lead to inventions.
We explore, see something and an idea pops up, either it is the beginning of something new, or not, that is to be seen.
So far we are in the moment, not restrained by anything.

But thought is also time and distance.
If we see something, enjoy it, why should thoughts interfere with that moment.
But we are also recording that moment, it becomes a memory and we think about that moment later on, then the past, which is our recorded image, comes in the form of a thought.
And while thinking that, the present moment has gone by without us noticing it.
We were thinking about then, a moment in the past.

A teaching is like a seed planted in the mind, over time it grows out be an obstacle which prevents a clear perception, pure becomes polluted.
If we see something which is not in compliance with what we are taught, we will say it is wrong, that teaching has become truth to us.
It is like a magical spell which is not easily broken when one is bewitched.
Of course i'm talking about religion now, but also deep imbedded in us is the traditional and cultural behavior, seen and copied from others.
We are a product of the society in which we are born and grow up.
In Africa , people still think that there are witches, last week, a woman was tortured and burned to death because they thought she was a witch.
They were taught about that and until today it is a strong believe which is passed from old to young until the day someone breaks through this circle and also has the ability to reach out and put a stop to this nonsense.
Thinking about the future 'i want to become' which means we have an image of how we want to be, what we want to be.
That image again is an recording of the past, we have seen something and we want to be like that, or we have our eyes on a goal to reach, be successful, rich, a doctor, a scientist.
It all comes down to one who wanders in time, and one who knows because it has been taught so, when thoughts arise, we are either in the past or future but there is no awareness of the present.

Freedom is not found in the outside world, but inwardly, so to speak, there is.
Because of detachment, which means that there is space and energy to observe, to learn about oneself, which is the rest of mankind.
I'm no different than anyone else, if i know myself, i know mankind.
Physical we might be different, i'm not you, and you are not me, but we share the same source, the same needs for our survival.

There is still a me there always will be until i die, otherwise i would not be typing all this.
But detached from the past, from labels, and from the notion of wanting to become.
A me without an image of who I am, just living and being aware through observation of what is.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:28 AM
We are human, human earthlings, among other earthlings which we call animals.
There is one humanity, although we are divided through labels as nationality and race, we are one, but knowledge divides us, not only in nationality and race, but also in politics, religion and social economical state.
And of course there is the me, who wants to make it in this world, be someone, have success, money, power and so forth.
We have formed countries, borders as invisible lines separates us people from each other, and each country has its own culture, its own values, its own language, its own laws, its own interests, and above all its own army to defend themselves against invaders, we need security, but through this separation we gave up security, and so we have formed armies against each other for a false notion of security.
It is because of this that we have the two sides of the coin, war and peace which is the time between two wars, in an insecure world.
So there is a me, we, you and them, all with their own interests, Buddhist(s), Christians, Muslims, American, Dutch, German, businessman, politician.

Because we live with an separated attitude, we even have no compassion for each other, in an earlier reply we already touched the subject of violence.
It all comes down to order, because our mind is such a disorder, this world is in disorder, and as long as we don't see that fact, nothing will ever change, then we will go on like this.

We have a responsibility in life, we are responsible, but we say, i'm not responsible, i'm just an man living his life, the politicians, they are responsible.
They make the laws, they run the country, i don't.
This is to easy, point a finger and wash in innocence, but the fact is, we are as responsible as everyone else.

Our duty is to work on our self, to bring about change in the core of our being.
If we don't change, nothing changes and we go on living a horrible life.
We are responsible, what we do today, will affect the lives of our children in the future.
Do we give them a world in which they can live freely, with prosperity and unity? a world in which they enjoy a healthy environment, forest and wildlife, clean water, air and soil?
Or we don't care about it, and we leave behind a polluted dogmatic world full of hatred and egoism, in which there is violence and oppression, hunger and poverty, because people live with an separated attitude.
What is meaningless and irresponsible is that image we have of ourselves, which divides us, so our responsibility is not having an image of our self.

So to come back to that moment of transcending oneself, that we should really explore because it is the key which unlocks all doors.
The me which wanders in time, which wants to become, which thinks that through knowledge wholeness is gained, and thus follows a path.
The me itself is a fragment which wants to become the whole, but it can never become the whole, moreover it is the main border for us to cross.
All old teachings are based on transcending the self, alchemy, the me has to be dissolved before proceeding, it is the first step.
We want to be in control, so we take steps to secure our self, but there never really is control as we are dependent on what is happening around us.
One has a good job, saves money for later, and then a crisis comes along, one loses his job, his savings and his house, it is that easy.
We do not really control anything, not our life, not our family, not our destination, it all depends on the world around us.
Letting go is the key, but that is the most difficult thing for us to do, and yet it is the first and main step to undertake.

One must have the will to let go, not a desire to obtain enlightenment.
Which means giving up everything and trust in whatever will be, that is what sets us free.
My apology for this late answer, i'm sick at the moment.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by earthling42

We are human, human earthlings, among other earthlings which we call animals. There is one humanity, although we are divided through labels as nationality and race, we are one, but knowledge divides us, not only in nationality and race, but also in politics, religion and social economical state.

Us, "being human" is a single aspect/perspective of our reality. Underneath the surface of this, there is so much more. We are souls inhabiting Avatars, and this Soul that we are is linked into Infinity.

It is because of this that we have the two sides of the coin, war and peace which is the time between two wars, in an insecure world. So there is a me, we, you and them, all with their own interests, Buddhist(s), Christians, Muslims, American, Dutch, German, businessman, politician.

We will one day move passed all this.

Our duty is to work on our self, to bring about change in the core of our being. If we don't change, nothing changes and we go on living a horrible life.

HEnce the purpose for this thread

So to come back to that moment of transcending oneself, that we should really explore because it is the key which unlocks all doors.

Yes, agreed 100%

One must have the will to let go, not a desire to obtain enlightenment. Which means giving up everything and trust in whatever will be, that is what sets us free. My apology for this late answer, i'm sick at the moment.

That's one of the ways there, letting go. On the 1st page of this thread it's all there and the links show the various ways "there." One being to Unknow everything and just sit and Be in that Unknowing.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:35 PM
There is no path to here.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
There is no path to here.

What path was taken for you to realize that? I'm assuming that wasn't always know.

For me, "Here" wasn't obvious nor was it known, and it took much reading, practice, and grace for the realization to be established.

I hope you do take note, that everyone Realizes "Here" in different ways.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:47 PM

edit on 11-3-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:53 PM

edit on 11-3-2013 by D1ss1dent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by blazenresearcher
reply to post by ecapsretuo

I don't believe in the I Am...concept!..I understand Unity...but the whole forced I beyond my sensibilities.

if you dont believe in the you are concept then there must be someone who doesnt believe it
This is one of the common traps when mind is trying to figure it out. Fall away to not knowing.
edit on 14-3-2013 by iameternal because: (no reason given)

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