So here it is, the Ultimate Enlightenment thread, which has been in the works for quite some time. I will do my best to explain, answer questions,
provide tons of links to back it all, and show how most religions, have an esoteric core (based on direct experience of these things), that has to do
exactly with what I'm about to explain below.
*Note (Please understand, that these explanations are not "beliefs" per se, but are instructions that much up to the world's mystics, Jesus, Buddha,
and many many others got "there". Also like Buddha said about his system, I urge you to test all of this and see for yourself if it is so). Also (for
those skeptics who will attack me and say, "He's comparing himself to Christ & Buddha!!!") ...I'M NOT COMPARING MYSELF TO ANYONE. I simply saw for
myself through direct experience that these things are for real!!!!
Now that all of that is out of the way, I shall proceed:
The Experience Enlightenment, we have to go within and get to "know thy self."
There is a schism between the head, (logic & reason), and the psyche/heart/intuition/subconscious which is (Love, intuition, artistic creativity, and
the access point for consciousness to reach it's source).
All the problems we see in the world, are due to this rampant ego, which is all about itself, ego-centric, selfish, corrupt, greedy, power monger,
animalistic, etc. Below is the way to free yourself from that
Everything is explained in the picture above, although it can be quite confusing to some, so I will now go about to explain it to you based on how I
experienced this, and going through all the levels:
Part 1
Inside of your head, is an Observer/Awareness/Pure Subject, and it is not the same as the Mind/Ego/Thinker of thoughts.
Take this as an example. Right now, Imagine in your ego/mind, an imaginary typical soccer ball. Got it?
Now notice that you are aware of that imaginary soccer ball. The fact that you are aware of that soccer ball, shows that there is the Observer of that
the soccer ball, and the ego/mind which thought of the soccer ball. They are 2 distinct and separate entities.
The Ego/Mind is basically the thinker of thoughts. You take yourself to be the thinker of thoughts, but this is an illusion and is not the real you.
The ego operates by labeling the body as being "You" ...but that is also an illusion.
Ego: "I am ....... hungry, thirsty, pissed, happy, sad, not good enough, the best, the worst, a sinner, a god, fat, skinny, gender, race, smart,
stupid, a christian, an atheist, an american, a brit, a bears fan, a texans fan, a new yorker, a londoner, etc etc
All of these labels of the Ego are all Imagined, just like the soccer ball you imagined earlier in the thread. Remember the soccer ball? You imagined
it for the exercise, but when we moved on, it no longer existed, because you began to imagine, & wrestle with, this thread. So too, you imagine
yourself to be/exist illusion based fantasy.
Ego again: "I need to ...... I have to ...... I want ......." These are all labels created by the ego. Take the body for example. When the bladder is
full, the Ego see's/feels this feeling of the bladder, and then labels it as, "I have to go pee". But that's an illusion. The reality is, that The
bladder is full, and has sent a signal/feeling to the brain, to do what is necessary to relieve it.
So really, the bladder is full and needs to be relieved. The Colon is full and needs to be relieved. The stomach is empty, and needs food. The body
feels thirsty and needs water. The ears hear sound, the nose smells, the eyes see, the lungs breath, the tongue tastes, the hands touch, the ego
labels/thinks. ...and in the midst of all of the aforementioned, Awareness/Observer is Aware of all of these aspects.
If your still having a problem being aware of the Ego, I created a thread a few months back specifically for this case. You can go to it here:
You want to see your ego? You're all idiots, pathetic, useless, scumbags, waste of
Part 2
No matter what esoteric religion, spiritual path, even countless philosophers from Greek (Socrates, Parmenides, Empedocles, as well as Neo-Platonism),
Christianity, Sufism, Taoism, Zen, Buddhism, Dzogchen, Natives, etc .....all pretty much point to the schism between the head/heart, illusion, ego
death, dark night and Enlightenment.
There are various techniques and ways "there", and next up we'll cover letting go the Ego. There are various ways to do this.
1. Neti Neti (Not this, Not this). Involves Observing the Ego, and letting go of it instantly.
2. Observing the Observer. Involves not looking out at the world, or at the images and fantasies of the Ego, but to actually Observe the
Awareness/Observer within the head.
3. Buddha's way of Enlightenment (Anapanasati) Involves just sitting and being aware of the breath in and out. Took Buddha 7 months to reach
Enlightenment in this way, and BOY will you ever become aware of the Ego by doing this, because the Ego hates this and labels it as
boring/stupid/waste of time, etc....
4. Jesus said' Deny yourself and take up your cross. There was a Saint, called Benedict, who would constantly deny himself. Whatever the ego
wanted/wants deny it. In the mood for Pizza? Deny it and it eat something basic. Want fame, fortune, tons of chicks? Keep denying the ego whatever it
wants ...which starves it.
5 Imagine an orb of white Light in the middle of the head, and breath into it, chi energy going into you as Observer/Awareness. This will also expand
it and help to realize it is you.
6. Mahasi style Noting. Involves noting everything that is happening. "Mind is thinking, body is walking, eyes are seeing, stomach is hungry, etc" The
more you do it, the easier it gets, the more Awareness expands.
7. Zen Koans: What's the color of Now? Where is not there located? What is, that isn't? Just like the thought of a soccer ball, is not an actual
soccer ball; so too who you think you are, is not who you are.
8. Grace. Praying for ego death, seeking God, asking for Enlightenment and putting the intention out there for this to happen eventually brings on
Grace. The Source, will meet you half way and make it much more easier.
Part 3
Doing the practices mentioned in part 2, eventually lead to changes that take place. Awareness/Observer begins to expand, to be full of energetic
qualities. The ego becomes smaller, quieter. All of the scattered thoughts and illusions begin to subside and "things don't seem to bother you
You begin to break the chains of the matrix/illusion/ego and are slowly heading towards experiencing the Absolute ...the aspect of you that exists
prior to mind/ego/thoughts.
Eventually you, as Awareness/Observer/Pure Consciousness, will pop out of the body in a non-local fashion, and for many, this results in the ego to
produce "Fear", which cause the Observer to "pop" back into the head. When it's seen that Fear as also an illusion of the Ego and let go of, then we
can proceed to exit the body and explore.
This exploration will reveal a number of exit points or "tunnels" that allow you as Awareness/Observer to exit the body. One is the forehead, the
second is at the top of the head, and a third one in the back of the head.
edit on 7-2-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)