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Zimmerman Brother - "Obama Bullied our Family"

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posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Libertygal
don't drone me, bro!

Good one, gonna add it to my signature.

Maybe you should make t-shirts and bumper stickers. It will make you rich.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Considering there are any number of like cases around the country evey week, folks defending themselves with deadly force, the POTUS just had to jump in on this one case.

Anyone care to figure how many blacks killed this last year to current were killed by blacks? No story there. Even if the one was simply trying to protect himself.
edit on 6-2-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Bilk22

Then how do you explain separation of powers? Or does that not even matter and the whole shebang should be tossed aside for the sake of your argument?

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by OneisOne
reply to post by Bilk22

Then how do you explain separation of powers? Or does that not even matter and the whole shebang should be tossed aside for the sake of your argument?

Does it appear we have separation of powers now? The President has pardon powers. He can override a jury. I'd say he has law enforcement authority. That is the roll of the president. There's the legislature who write laws. Then there's the judiciary who adjudicate the laws and there is the office of the president who enforces the laws. He swears to "uphold the laws of the Constitution." Pretty simple actually. That's called separation of powers.
edit on 6-2-2013 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

Edit: I think people need lessons in civics if they want to discuss things intelligently. It's no wonder this country is going to hell. People don't even know the roll of the president yet they want to debate it and other related issues on a conspiracy site.

The reason people have issues with Obama and GWB is they overstepped their bounds as law enforcement and instead are making their own laws via executive order. GWB didn't abuse it half as much as Obama yet Obama apologists are probably the people who need the civic lessons the most.

edit on 6-2-2013 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 10:59 PM

The truth is far different. Not only was Zimmerman not a racist – he had a black business partner, has Afro-Peruvian roots, and helped out underprivileged black kids in his neighborhood – he also was a supporter of the very president who would later slander him by innuendo. As Robert, George’s brother, told me, George is “a registered Democrat. He registered as a Hispanic. He kind of did some internal family campaigning for Obama.”
George supported Obama, Robert explained, because “He was like many young people who thought that the president’s club had been a club of white men since our founding, and that there really wasn’t a good reason for that, except that the right man for the job who happened to be black had not come along, and that electing a man who happened to be biracial or multiracial like we were, would reflect not just a situation that we found ourselves in ethnically in our family, but the reality of where America had come, which is that we are a melting pot of cultures and we are a diverse society.

“Ironically,” Robert added, “the man who he campaigned for within his family was the same man seemingly indicting him in a way from the Rose Garden years later.”

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 11:12 PM
Breitbart is in the same category as world net daily.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Definitely whining.
What did Obama say that was "bullying"?

If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.

How is that "bullying"???

It was bullying because Obama should have never spoken to the matter whatsoever until it has passed through the courts. We had a case up here last year where a serial killer kidnapped and killed a young girl... don't recall hearing any gum flapping from DC about it. In fact I don't believe I've ever heard Obama say a damn thing about crime in Alaska, but for some reason he sure does enjoy latching on to the most sensitive cases where he has a chance to throw a little more power behind one of his pet causes. (Or, possibly, create a bit of buzz the media can focus on rather than the Fast & Furious illegal arms dealing his right hand man was behind, which was what the media had been focused on before the Trayvon mess occurred.) I think it is safe to say dozens, if not hundreds of young men who look like they "could be Obama's own son" are killed in gang violence in the US every year... never hear a peep from Barack about that, though.

Another aspect which indicates bullying is involving Al Sharpton. When you have a criminal investigation and you bring in the idiot who almost turned NYC into a race riot over a girl who smeared her own poop all over herself and falsely claimed she'd been raped by a couple of white guys, only to use that ridiculous fame as a springboard to becoming a "black leader" and two bit celebrity, you've got some issues with rational thinking. The instant the name "Al Sharpton" is raised, the name "Tawany Brawley" should be shouted en masse, at the top of the lungs, until that little racist turd crawls back under his rock and shuts the hell up.
edit on 6-2-2013 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 12:43 AM
Oh shut up.

If you cared about being "bullied", which Obama did not do, then he'd shut up and stay out the media.

Attention whore.

edit on 7-2-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:40 AM
Zimmerman is a murderer. I don't care how he feels. He should be in jail.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:55 AM
I dont think any politicians should be involved in discussing the events of a shooting.Why was he bringing it up in the first place? Does it concern the national security? No. Some dumb punk started a fight and got shot. Big deal happens like 20times a day.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 06:29 AM
If this case had been investigated properly from the outset, Obama would never have felt the need to remind Florida to do the right thing and get justice for this youth's family.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 07:02 AM
Obama did not bully this guy's family, the only person that stood his ground and lost unfortunately was the young teen Trayvon, if George Zimmerman actually had a pair of you know what instead of a gun, first of all he wouldn't have profiled Trayvon or even approached him and bullied him for merely cutting through his neighborhood, and we all know he would definitely not have pursued him, questioned him and possibly initiated the fight, sometimes having a gun emboldens individuals with bully tendencies, sort of like an extended manhood, I bet most of you know this type of personality also, where they speak gun only and if it weren't for the guns they own you would not hear a word from them because they are not able to defend themselves without one.

I think the thing is unfortunately, the perpetrator that caused Trayvon's death was a bully with a gun, unfortunately he wanted to be dirty harry and be a cop but his skills, possibly even his mental skills were not up to par for that job, so being the neighborhood vigilante with the itchy trigger finger was was the next best thing.

He approached an unarmed teen with his bully intimidation tactics unfortunately biting off more than he could chew, because this teen had a pair, was not having this nonsense stood his ground and defended himself like a man and probably would have taught Zimmerman a lesson. Trayvon wanted to know why the hell this bully was following him and was not afraid to confront and ask why was he following him especially when he was on the way home from the convenience store and had not done anything wrong, when he felt threatened by the bully Zimmerman he went into defense mode and started doling out a complete whipping on this guy, if the punk bully Zimmerman had no gun this would have been settled man to man, actually teenager to man, and the man would have been owned for his foolish actions.

In my neighborhood it is private, we have signs posted, but everyone knows if you see a trespasser you call the police, you do not pursue them, plus the 911 operator told Zimmerman do not pursue the individual but he disobeyed that information, it is clear to see that Zimmerman was bloodthirsty and was intent on using lethal force regardless, for that he deserves jail time for a long time.

Zimmerman is a murderous bigot and needs to be locked up in a place where there are no guns and he can learn a lesson by keeping his pie hole shut and not look at others and profile them, if he gets convicted he won't last long unless they put him in 24 hour solitary.
edit on 7-2-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
If this case had been investigated properly from the outset, Obama would never have felt the need to remind Florida to do the right thing and get justice for this youth's family.

The way that game is played is that by getting involved they are suggesting that the investigation is not being done properly even if there is no reason to believe otherwise.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
If this case had been investigated properly from the outset, Obama would never have felt the need to remind Florida to do the right thing and get justice for this youth's family.

The way that game is played is that by getting involved they are suggesting that the investigation is not being done properly even if there is no reason to believe otherwise.

Anyone not blinded by their preconceptions can clearly see that this case wasn't investigated as thoroughly as it deserved, which is what all the public outcry was about and why a president had to get involved..

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
If this case had been investigated properly from the outset, Obama would never have felt the need to remind Florida to do the right thing and get justice for this youth's family.

The way that game is played is that by getting involved they are suggesting that the investigation is not being done properly even if there is no reason to believe otherwise.

Anyone not blinded by their preconceptions can clearly see that this case wasn't investigated as thoroughly as it deserved, which is what all the public outcry was about and why a president had to get involved..

The public outcry was flamed up by faulty press info. Zimmerman is now a scapegote.

I know a guy that was getting held up and so defended himself.....ended up getting investigated for maybe trying to buy crack off the hold up man. At first the whole deal looked like a crack buy gone south. He was cleared but thats how that works.

In Zimmermans case, as soon as the boy attacked him Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. Had Zimmerman been a 6ft6 large black man the boy would have never attacked.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
Zimmerman is a murderer. I don't care how he feels. He should be in jail.

Based on the available facts.. No, he's not.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Isn't Robert Zimmerman bob Dylan

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:46 AM
If Zimmerman got himself a Jewish Lawyer, both he and his lawyer would be instant millionaires.

The PResident publicly defamed Zimmerman and caused him irrepairable harm. He's entitled to be compensated for the damage the PResident has done to him.

Time will tell if Zimmerman has a brain in his head and takes Civil legal action against the PResident.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by Bilk22
He's the highest ranking law enforcement official in the nation.

If true then that's darkly ironic .. considering that law enforcement officials are supposed to be trustworthy and Obama gets caught in lie after lie ...

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Pervius

How did Obama discredit Zimmerman? Care to be a little more specific with your claims?

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