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Curious Canadian Couple Visits Newtown, CT One Month After Shooting

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posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77
Here are some more conflicting bits of info, take note of the article dates, as well.

December 31, 2012

A family spokesman has confirmed that Adam Lanza's father, Peter, claimed his son's body and that "private arrangements" for burial took place over the weekend.

State Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carer II had said Sunday that the body of the gunman in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting had been claimed sometime last week.


January 11,2013

HARTFORD -- While doctors and scientists conduct a battery of toxicological tests and genetic analysis to help determine what turned Adam Lanza into a psychopathic killing machine Dec. 14, the state's chief medical examiner doubts the reports will offer any answers.

This is a creepy statement from Dr. Carver in the same article:

"It's a fishing expedition," said H. Wayne Carver II, whose autopsy of Lanza is one of nearly 1,000 he has conducted in his 30-plus years of experience.

edit on 2/1/2013 by theAnswer1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by theAnswer1111

I just have to ask just what do you think is conflicting in those statements? Can you be specific?

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi
Sure thing. The first article claims that the body was already claimed and that funeral arrangements were privately made.
The second one is two weeks later saying the Dr. still had Lanza's body.

I went to the FAQ page on the Medical Examiners website and It says the body usually gets released within a day or when arrangements have been made. The first article said arrangements had been made already.

How do I make arrangements for a deceased to be released from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner?  The family should make contact with a funeral home of their choice.  The funeral home will make the arrangements for the removal from OCME.  Usually the removal can be made within a day of the death, however if necessary, the deceased may remain at OCME while the final arrangements are being complete

Just seemed odd.

edit on 2/1/2013 by theAnswer1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 12:25 AM
Have all the skeptics and de-bunkers "gone home"? I need a challenge...

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 01:20 AM

More Juicy Tidbits For The Skeptics And De-Bunkers

Dr. Begg claims he was working the ER on December 14th. The news reporter here says that he also treated some victims...

What victims? There were two reported survivors that we hear nothing from.

Dr. Begg was working the emergency room on December 14, when the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary happened.


Police said Monday that two adults were injured but survived the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and will be interviewed as soon as they're well enough to answer questions.


And then there is Shari Thornberg's survivor account:

Thornberg says they waited in the closet for "what seemed like forever." Police said the gunman entered at 9:30 a.m. and the shooting was over in about 10 minutes.

Thornberg says police arrived at the school and, unaware of who was doing the shooting, apprehended the janitor and another man outside the school.

Most of the children and Thornberg raced to a firehouse down the street, where "it was chaos," she says.

The Janitor is mentioned A LOT. We need to focus on who the janitor is. I'm starting to feel that they have some huge role to play in the incident. Not your average janitor. Know what I'm sayin'? Here is the creepiest statement of all from Shari Thornberg...

All three of these events are highly suspected false flag events...

"Our children have lived through the Sept. 11 attack, the Aurora, Colo., movie massacre and now this attack, and you realize how much evil is in the world," she says.



If we could get some solid timestamps on these accounts it would be very helpful. Shadow analysis puts 10:26AM as the time that the firehouse was being filmed. I don't see any kids at the firehouse. I doubt they would all be picked up and brought home by their parents in that little amount of time.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 01:38 AM
Oh, and if we can't get security footage of Lanza doing the attack surely the Janitor must be able to provide a detailed account of what happened...

They could also hear the janitor tell Adam Lanza to put down his gun.

If the Janitor was one of the two people tackled outside, why do we hear that it was an off duty police officer?

I am calling all truth seekers who see this to please focus all research on getting details about the Janitor. I think we can get some solid evidence on what actually happened if we can somehow get more information on this person.


posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by theAnswer1111

I disagree the about them saying they still had his body. It says they are doing

toxicological tests and genetic analysis

It doesn’t say anything about a body. All you need are samples that would have been taken at an earlier date and kept preserved. So that should be solved for you right there.

edit to add

I am going to bed but you should reread your own posts. You ask what victims and then you posted the info about who the victims are. You answered your own question. You are not making sense to me at times. Just like how you read into how they are testing Lanzas blood work. It is right in front of you but somehow you missed it. Maybe you didn’t understand how tests are done with samples. I suggest you try to be a bit clearer in your posts.
Like when you say this.

Not your average janitor. Know what I'm sayin'?

No I don’t. You should just say whatever you are trying to say don’t make people guess what you are thinking. Be precise and clear. It seems like you are trying to be cryptic. Anyway have fun I am sure the answers are there for most of your questions you just overlooked it somehow like with the toxicological tests they are doing.

edit on 2-2-2013 by Grimpachi because: add

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by theAnswer1111
Shadow analysis puts 10:26AM as the time that the firehouse was being filmed. I don't see any kids at the firehouse. I doubt they would all be picked up and brought home by their parents in that little amount of time.

There are children in the heli video. They are located in the corner by the compressed gas containers and fire hose (I think it's fire hose). Check out from 03.50 to get a good close up.

Not many kids... maybe 4 or 5 in the whole video so I agree the lack of kids if this is 10.30 ish is a bit odd. Did they really evacuate everyone from the whole area so quickly?
I'm sure I read an early report saying that people were hiding in the school, scared of exiting, for a long time.
Surely if the heli video is from so early in the day we would see way more activity around the school itself... police and emergency people.
This is a million miles away from the footage we saw of the Columbine shooting aftermath. And comparing the two raises a lot of questions for me.

I think this thread is about people who take the time and effort to do some research on the case for themselves. Not all of us can travel to SH like the enterprising Canadians, so the best we can do is go through the numerous contradictory media reports and look for clues for deliberate false flags or dis-info.

So as long as we all respect each others efforts in this regard and stop having a go at eachother this could be a very healthy SH thread... for a change.

None of us here are experts and we all make mistakes and so let's not beat up on one another for differences of opinion. No-one here knows any facts that would put them on a pedestal above others and so I urge you all to focus of the case and the OP and not on squabbling with eachother as that might:
a) get this thread closed.
b) give conspiracy researchers a bad name... like we need more bad press.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:14 AM
This is interesting.
In the 10 minute helicopter video there are two amazingly clear and obvious instances of groups of people walking from the back of the firehouse, around to the front and re-entering... why would this be?
Here's a youtube video that shows the two moments in question...

I used this video rather than the 'going in circles' one as I think the live commentary by the uploader shares the incredulity me and others feel when we watch the heli video.

I wanted to find out more about the firehouse. What was going on there?
I found this news report from 11.52 on the morning of the shooting from NBCNEWYORK (I think).

I transcribed exactly what the reporter says about the firehouse at that time (11.52 am).

Reporter: " Right, so what happened when this all happened the school was right up the street here so what the teachers did is, once they secured that scene, they brought the children down to the fire department so whats happening inside now is the kids are gathering there, they have lists of the names, parents need to make sure they bring proper photo ID, because as you can imagine there are hundreds of kids here, hundreds of parents here, it's sort of a mad scene inside of that fire department. They're just trying to keep it as orderly as possible, so parents just need to make sure they're nice and prepared so when they get down here everyone stays calm but that's really the best key advice people need to know about right now; bring that photo ID when you are trying to grab your child here because most of them are staying safe inside the fire department right now."

So, if the 10 minute helicopter footage was filmed before this... as the numerous shadow analysis' seem to suggest (10.30 am) then I'm even more confused about the lack of children and parents in the 10 minute heli video and the lack of trauma or panic... and why on earth would people be circling the firehouse from the back to the front if indeed it was such a scene of chaos. No-one seems to be leaving the area with their children.
It's just a whole load of odd.

edit on 2-2-2013 by manmental because: spellink

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

No offense but "Feel" and "felt" seem to be the operative words in a number of your posts. I'm guessing neither you nor your friends have ever been involved as parents in a situation like Sandy Hook so how you "feel" people should have behaved doesn't really count for much.

Check my posting history for the past two years. I have always expressed myself in that fashion. And yes, a child has died in our family, in fact, we had a still birth not too long ago on my maternal side. I guarantee that no one was smiling about that.
edit on 2-2-2013 by Thunder heart woman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by manmental
I doubt they would all be picked up and brought home by their parents in that little amount of time.

Originally posted by manmental
Surely if the heli video is from so early in the day we would see way more activity around the school itself... police and emergency people.

I can't count how many times I've seen people claiming what "should" or "would" have happened at Sandy Hook without any real basis for making that judgment. This was 20 kids killed at an elementary school. A once in a lifetime experience for everyone involved. Who's to say what should have or would have happened?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Helious

I agree. If children suddenly showed up on my drive way, I would not take them into my home until I phoned the police first. Just to notify them I'm a stranger and that I am concerned about the children. I sure as hell would not be taking them inside, giving them stuffed animals and snacks, and then after an hour or two, deciding to call the cops. This story never made sense and that old man is creepy and nuts. Adults do not just simply take children into their homes and let them hang out w/out notifying parents or authorities.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by theAnswer1111
From the info I have gathered and analyzed, it appears Gene Rosen was practicing his lines at 10:26 AM at the Firehouse...

That's my analysis.

Once again, if Gene Rosen and the student count for Soto's class are the best examples of what you have there really isn't much evidence for a conspiracy.

If the "official story" doesn't account for Rosen's behavior what conspiracy would? I mean specifically. Nothing that is remotely plausible. What I'm seeing now are veiled accusations leveled at an eccentric old man and a constant stream of relatively minor inconsistencies that are best explained by the initial confusion at the scene and no pressing need to reconcile them outside of the conspiracy theory world.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
If children suddenly showed up on my drive way, I would not take them into my home until I phoned the police first.

Once again, what you "would" do. Or what you think you would do. Or what someone thinks others "should" have done in a crisis after examining the situation from a distance and well after the fact.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by theAnswer1111
reply to post by Thunder heart woman
I just realized that hand might represent the Hamsa:

Depicting the open right hand, an image recognized and used as a sign of protection in many societies throughout history, the hamsa is believed to provide defense against the evil eye.


And you gotta love the Owl picture that that one little girl drew that was displayed to Anderson Cooper

This is very interesting and thank you for posting this. The owl is very close to a representation of 'Moloch', which is why I found it disturbing. As an aside, owls are the symbolism of dark energies, evil, or death in my tribe. We stay away from owl medicine because of this. If we see owl feathers or a dead owl on the ground, we walk around it and do not touch it.

edit on 2-2-2013 by Thunder heart woman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
If children suddenly showed up on my drive way, I would not take them into my home until I phoned the police first.

Once again, what you "would" do. Or what you think you would do. Or what someone thinks others "should" have done in a crisis after examining the situation from a distance and well after the fact.

What adult in their right mind who is a stranger to a group of children, invite them inside their home for HOURS as was claimed, and THEN contact authorities?

Are you saying you would take in a group of children to your home that you are a stranger to, and keep them there for hours before contacting someone? If so, that's really scary.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

No! Not the owl!
Once the 'owl' and 'masonic sacrifice' enter the mix then all rational thinking goes out the window.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Momto2

Originally posted by Thunder heart woman
You know what I am feeling? That these children were used in a satanic rite and that parents were involved. This would explaining the smiling faces and lack of shock when this tragedy happened. It would explain a lot to me.

If no one believes that children can be ritualistically abused and killed, please contact a local therapist who specifically works with children and teenagers who have been abused this way. It does exist, and parents have been known to be involved in groups who do this to their children. It is very sick and disturbing.

It has completely freaked me out how children have been used in this. Not just the president thing...those weren't Newtown kids. But the singing group....for some reason when I first heard about that my heart dropped. This happened in the middle of December, school was out until the new year and then within like a week the music teacher decided to put together a group, wrote a song, got them into a recording studio and they were on Good Morning America. Now they are singing at the Super Bowl? Does that give anyone else a bad feeling?

I'm right there with you. The 'theme' song. Same thing the MSM does when a tragedy strikes.... within hours, they have a font and a theme song to go with it. Wag the dog, anyone?

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Bilk22

Originally posted by Brocade
reply to post by Daedalus

I don't know about the US, but in the UK places where very notorious murders took place are sometimes demolished to prevent them becoming 'tourist' sites and stop 'souvenir hunters' taking things to profit from such crimes. There's an old article about it here.

I don't think it's remarkable that they're demolishing it. As genuinely fascinating as James Tracy's article is, he and his partner are only two of potentially very many people visiting the town and school as a result of what happened there. Personally, I believe it's far better to demolish the school than have its pupils and staff subjected to grief tourists for many years to come.

Yeah like the Tower?

What Tower are you referring to? I hope it's not the Tower of London, because that would suggest you can't understand the difference between the fifteenth century and the twenty-first or the concept of 'history'.

posted on Feb, 2 2013 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

I can't count how many times I've seen people claiming what "should" or "would" have happened at Sandy Hook without any real basis for making that judgment. This was 20 kids killed at an elementary school. A once in a lifetime experience for everyone involved. Who's to say what should have or would have happened?

I was basing my thoughts on news footage from other mass shootings... like this one from Columbine..

The 10 minute heli footage... IF (big IF) it was filmed at 10.30 ish looks very different... where are the SWAT teams, screaming kids? How would they know there wasn't a booby trap somewhere in the locality? Or other shooters? It all seems very calm. IN MY OPINION.

I am hypothesizing as this is a conspiracy site last time I checked and a whole lot of people, including many of the moderators here, feel that the media reporting on the day and since has raised many questions that need answers and contain numerous anomalies.

I agree that many people do seem to be trying to ram their agenda down other's throats with no evidence to do so.

I also agree that you have a different opinion of the events than say myself.

Perhaps you would be better off commenting in a thread that you could add too... rather than posting copious posts that have nothing to do with the OP.

You could and should have posted ONE post just saying you don't agree... why post several? Are you trying to derail the thread or get people into a non-productive arguement with you about personal beliefs?
Just asking... please don't take offence.

Let's agree to disagree.

edit on 2-2-2013 by manmental because: spellink

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