I've been wondering when I would run across another thread like this one.
I am going to make some comments and watch what comes out and who comments and in what vein it is done. This should be interesting.
I am not into the "Victim Dictum " so often played in many arenas today..particularly as we near election times..major elections. It seems to be a
trend when nearing such major elections that a litany of "The Usual Suspects" shows up out of nowhere to begin using and misusing "The Victim Dictum"
on an unknowing and unsuspecting public to acquire votes by emotional masturbation of the public..ie..guilt manipulations.
"The Victim Dictum" is standard rhetoric of the womens various movements. It doesnt wash anymore among people who can think outside of the box of
"Guilt Manipulations or Guilt Politics " so often used for political lucre today.
This is a standard menu or bill of fare today in any of the womens movements issues. "I'm a Victim."
Tabloid type victimization is becoming wolfie among those who can think for themselves and some people are beginning to catch on to it and how it is
used and misused by the body politic for lucre.
The women got the vote in this country so long ago..for the same reason the 18 year oldes got the vote. Because they can be much more easily swayed
to vote a certain way...just give them enough goodies from the public purse without work and without RISKS being taken to get them and you can
gaurantee how and in what direction they will vote.
This is the purpose of the "Victim Dictum Dogma " so prevalent today. To precondition an easily swayed group of voters to follow a predictable line of
non reasoning..but it satisfys emotionally and politically.
It is very similar to how the body politic so often uses and misuses the word "Hitler." When I see some leader use the word "Hitler" I automatically
realize that I am supposed to stop thinking and automtaically jump on the predictable bandwagon and go along with some position of leadership by
default. No thinking necessary.
Not me..I now know it is a warining flag that someone is attempting to scam me..by default by appealing to my emotions..in order to default thorough.
They want to use and misuse the word "Hitler" to set the hook and reel me in.
It is the same with the "Victim Dictum."
BeWarned of this when reading these types of posts and also when watching the news...all of it ..even much of the psuedo conservative news..they too
will do this to set the hook in you.
The body politic knows this about the women of this country ..to appeal to their emotions...in order to set the hook..particularly near election
times. This is why the "War on Women" suddenly became so important..when between elections you hardly heard anything about it. But now that the
election time is over..it is rapidly diminishing in importance once again. Someone is playing the women for suckers after setting the hook in them so
deeply before the election.
The most disposable and expendable sex in this nation and many other developed nations has become the male..by default.
The male is required socially to run tuchdowns for his woman and children but be seen and not heard. Even come in last often behind his children and
pets while taking first place risk to bring the monies home.
He is so often such a dumb schmuck that he can do a point spread but cannot figure this out for himself.
He worships at the altar of the gods of sports ..but cannot run enough touchdowns to meet the demands of house and home.
I know alot of these men and males because you can often tell them as they are often more content, peaceful, and orderly at work than at home where
chaos reigns and they cannot find Peace in their lives. They are so dumb they have to settle for Piece once in awhile but it never suffices in the
long run. And yet it never seems to occur to them as to exactly what is wrong.
Ironically ..it never seems to occur to their modern, savvy, educated, intellectual, enlightened women as well. You know..Dr Phil!!??
Do you know any of these types of men?? I do. Lots of them.
Peace is the very rare and valuable commodity a woman brings to a man..not Piece.
For a man who knows..understands that it takes real commitment and dedication to bring a man Peace in his life. It does not take that much dedication
and commitment to bring a man Piece. This is the first place so many men and women deceive themselves.
Piece is a poor substitute for Peace.
I know lots of women for whom Piece is the only tool in their toolbox..anything else would take real work and real commitment and real RISKS...and
they want to avoid that.
This is called High Maintenance.
As my friend across the river told me when we were comparing notes on women one day...it was quite profound the way he phrased it.
His wife had passed away and he was back on the marketplace.
What he told me was that he discovered what so many women were coming over to his house and for what they were looking. They were looking at his
house, swimming pool..land etc etc et al...looking for what they could get access to for themselves and their children. They were not looking at what
was missing from his life and what he needed from them...Peace..not just Piece.
Piece was the tool they were willing to use and misuse to keep him blindsided..while leading him down the road to the altar and access to property for
them and their children without work and without RISKS.
This is a very very important concept to understand for a man at any age..young or olde.
Do not for one minute deceive yourself as a male to believing that you are by sex ..the only "Hunter Gatherer " out there. Just because a woman or
female does not hunt and gather as does a man or male..does not mean that she is not hunting and gathering. A woman so often hunts in a manner which
functions below the radar level of another man or male...but not below the radar level of another female.
Only a man can be this naturally stupid...because most women are not. She may not tell on her fellow women but she is not that stupid. It takes a male
to be this naturally and giftedly dumb. Astonishing but true.
But Hey ...how about those Redskins...Dallas?? NASCAR and other gods of sports?? LOL LOL LOL.
I've been trying to figure out how to put something really "progressive and modern" into Obamacare.
We know that the average male out here ..his brainwave activity flatlines when you throw the sports page, beer/alcohol, and cheerleaders in front of
him. Think I am kidding...watch what happens when you toss a sports page in front of the average American Male of almost any age..or the Sports
Illustrated Swimsuit edition.
Since we know that this administration in particular is putting more and more women in positions of high office..particularly in Obamacare...it is
high time that the women of this country take out insurance policies or a suppliment to Obamacare..that if they die first or be incapacitated..their
men ..the man in their life needs to be covered with a Sexual, sports, and alcohol "Security Blanket". That would be equality ..would it not?? It
would be fair..would it not?? And all on the public purse...just like the womens movements. The women of this country are "Progressive " enough that
this should be an easy sell..right??
Think it through guys ..it fits.
Only a few characters left..I will start a new post.
edit on 6-10-2013 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)