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Since the U.S.A is the most hated country in the world let's pull out

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posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:24 PM
I agree we need to shrink the mission of the military but not to a point we can't protect our interests. If anyone thinks Israel would still exist without U.S. assistance they are foolish. On the other hand if Korea can make kia's and Hyundai's they can make tanks to protect themselves. As for the Cold War being fake, the Russians didn't have 10000 tanks to protect Siberia from NATO. They knew NATO would not attack them first or unprovoked.
And stop calling Hiroshima a war crime! Those bombs saved millions of lives on both sides of the war and kept the Russians from invading Japan to get their chunk of the island. They were ready to invade Japan before the Americans were scheduled too land. Would that have been split like Germany?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:32 PM
Dear Op,

I do not agree with your title, but I do agree with the points you placed in the first post.

USA will not disengage with the world.

Only tyrants, islamic mititants and their supporters will want USA to disengage, so that they can continue to subjugate mankind, a truth all americans must wake up to and be aware. Since 1940, it had been USA that had prevented our world from being blown apart back to the stone ages. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were only months away from developing their own atomic bombs.

The only reason USA is helping out in the world is because of its committment to hold true to the sacred Constitution that is copied by ALL nations on planet Earth that seeks to be free. And the founding fathers were far sighted humans whom are aware of what is truly the lifeblood of our world, espacially during the 19th century - TRADE.

Without trade amongst nations, there would be no progress for each nation has no full resource for self sufficency, unlike today whereby US stands alone as the only nation of self sufficency. Australia needs labour, China needs oil, Russia needs trust.

Thus, USA had built up massive militaries, to ensure that trade is not disrupted, or held hostage by the savage few, and for decades, promoted the Rule OF Law, and had helped many smaller nations progress both socially and economically.

The rest of the world DO owes USA a huge debt - priceless and honor bound for the countless taxpayers funds expended and more critically - american sons to help other nations in trouble. Mistakes no doubt had been made, for none knows who was the betrayer until the last moment, but americans, like all progressive humans, learn from mistakes to progress and evolve.

Unfortunately, many, including the small nations that USA had helped, HAD taken such hospitality and fellowship FOR GRANTED, by condemning USA in many ways and yet when SHTF, their support and bootlicking of petty tyrants failed, USA is always the first to be sought for help, in terms of aid in all forms, including military.

And USA had never turned its back and tried every means short of an all out world war to save the smaller nations.

USA/americans ask for nothing, but only peace and rule of law from others, very often even turning a blind eye when others sought to gain after american help had been offered, such as resource contracts by China in Afghanistan.

But there will come a day when americans will say enough is enough. USA is self sufficient in every way, and with its own allies, would offer benefits for all its citizens and allies to progress, evolve and fulfill its destiny to the stars, and leave the rest of the world to rot.

May that day not come, for most americans are big hearted folks whom knew what is suffering and have no wish for fellow humanity to suffer. However, if more choose apathy, ignorance and blind faith or fear of tyrants, then point break will have to happe, to spare all, including american haters.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:33 PM

You misquoted me I never said America asked for the responsibility. After WW2 durning the cold war with the U.S.S.R when Europe was Quaking in their boots.Who was handed the biggest role in Euorpe's defense?
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

The nation just off the coast of Europe, with 90% of its military equipment and personnel positioned within its borders and on the continent.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by manmental
Good post/Rant!
As a Brit I don't think the USA has the balls to pull out... because without the rest of the world you are a scarily small nothing of a country.... with nukes.

We don't want anything you produce. IMHO we can live without you.

The feeling is mutual.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty

Originally posted by sparky31
so in your mind the world would collapse if america locked its self off?

one flew over the cuckoos nest is an understatement.

I want your opinion truthfully not passionately.How would the worlds economy behave if the number one economy in the world suddenly pulled out.

We'll find out real soon. Seems like the US economy is rapidly self-immolating.

As far as the Cold War goes, it was an invention of a government that seems to need a constant boogieman to justify their taxation and militarization, and the need for billions in black ops to begin to solve the nagging little problem of reverse engineering the alien technology they had handed to them.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by manmental
Good post/Rant!
As a Brit I don't think the USA has the balls to pull out... because without the rest of the world you are a scarily small nothing of a country.... with nukes.

We don't want anything you produce. IMHO we can live without you.

The feeling is mutual.

Scarily small? That my friend is denial!
The U.S. is not small in land mass or in the contributions it has made to the world.
You may not like a lot of acts that have taken place , but your country has a shaded past as well.
Shall we start with the crusades or just jump to the falkland's? And I believe you Limeys are involved in irag as well..

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

I can not help but agree with the idea it is time for us to pull in our arms away from the rest of the world. We are in far too many nations, doing things the average american does not support, or even know about. It is draining our life blood and encouraging other cultures to hate us that much more. We should return our millitary to our home shores, with the exception of bases which are actually vital to our security interests. Korea would be one such place, with the supporting bases in Japan, where our troops are actually needed. That war has never officially ended, and it is certain if we withdraw from there, the North will invade again. We should withdraw from the World Trade Organization and cancel all free trade agreements. These have cost us millions of jobs (seven million from NAFTA alone) and have only served to enrich a select few, whom have created a credit fueled service economy to maintain an illusion of our nation's wealthy standard of living. It is in its death throes, slowed only by the manipulations of the very men who have created this problem, until the can maximise thier holdings and hold us to the standard of a new peasant class.
We should not reduce our spending on defense. It is in times like these where they will be needed the most. As we withdraw our forces from the world, it will embolden some nations to strike, believing us to be weak, and thus vulnerable.
Lastly, our isolationism did not bring us out of the Great Depression. World War Two did. Our depression was prolonged by the policies enacted by FDR and the government, trying to spend our way to prosperity through government sponsored work programs and the like. Much in the same way we have been trying to spend our way out of the current "Great Recesson". Most of the world had gotten out of the depression within a few years. Iceland did what we should have done here. They were the first to get hit in the last economic crisis (mere months after the architetects of the cirsis had given them AAA status) and did the exact opposite of what we did. Instead of bailing out the banks and engagin in massive spending programs, Iceland bailed out the common citizen, nationalized the banks, and put the bankers in prison. Their economy is doing great right now, while ours has been stuck in a slow death spiral.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 03:03 PM
Hi all.

The idea of the thread's title is good, but it will NOT happen.

??? Don't you know that it's NOT the politicians nor generals that
run countries and armies ???

You do know that what/who run the $HOW$ are:
petrol / oil,
weaponry / armament,
and similar greedy$ !!

A proof that politicians run NOTHING IS:
??? How come a crazy company like Monsanto is still existing ???

Blue skies.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by JDmOKI
reply to post by sevensheeps

I'm supposed to respond to stereotypes of American tourists? I don't care if Europeans hate Americans. What I do hate is Europeans generalizing me as an American. You're just as brainwashed and naive as the Americans you assume to know so much about.

sorry for the reality check...

No you are not. We/I don't hate Americans my friend.

What I am trying to say is that the OP is stereotyping with his/her little Team America rant.

I asume absolutely nothing, you assume a little to much.

About me that is.

The BRICK countries could do the same for us, and do you see them in every conflict around the globe?

For 'democracy' and 'freedom'.

You know, America couldn't even retreat all their armed forces etc. That would be a very stupid move.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 03:08 PM
if amerika pulled out its trooops and closed the military complex, you would have an entire country on unemployment lol

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by jazzguy
if amerika pulled out its trooops and closed the military complex, you would have an entire country on unemployment lol

So basically you are saying it wouldn’t affect us in the slightest.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by sevensheeps

I didn't mean to incite that you were brainwashed or naive specifically. I'm just stating that we are all fed the same rhetoric and some Europeans act like Europe is somehow immune.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by hequick

We were out of the depression fully by the late 30's look it up.What ww2 did was make our economy a giant.By the request of other nations.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 06:48 PM
The world wouldn't burn without the U.S.

It is a pretty absurd thing to blurt out.

There is also no need for isolationism, the US should not be hypocrites and actually practice free market principles (that they preach) and trade with as many nations as we can.

There is no need for the military industrial complex, it isn't a necessary evil, we ARE the evil. Assassinations, regime control, nation building, fear-mongering, massive financial/monetary manipulation (even though we like to point the fingers at other countries), all under the auspices of being the policeman of the world, the bringer of freedom and democracy.

We can cut all that out and still trade with people, isolationism is not necessary at all.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by HenryNorris
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

I am sick of Americans saying that they bail people out. Stop with the nonsense. America exploits the world.

American 'foreign Aid' is used to exploit the world. Keep your printed paper bribes and weapons.

As if America bails anyone out. What a joke.

Triffin Paradox clearly shows that America used the Reserve Currency to give themselves an incredible unfair advantage over the rest of the world. Then when Vietnam destroyed confidence in the USD Nixon changed the rules. Americans act like going away from the Bretton Woods System was bad for them. Americans have no idea and are the most arrogant and egocentric nation. You are ripping us off.

Then America force petrodollar and a system that forces nations to use USTbonds. America had to do this because America is the land of tullips and is built on debt and credit.So even with all the advantages over the rest of us again, America causes a GFC,.

Now stop. Stop saying America helps. Stop. Its stupid.

America is ripping off the world and has started a Currency War.

America is not going anywhere because you owe us money. No isolationism. You will work for once.

You owe us money and you will never be able to pay. Keep your trillion dollar coin. Is that some kind of joke?

Asia alreasdy has isolated America to destroy it and remove Reserve Status. But you still owe us money and it will only get worse when you get a second humiliating Credit Downgrade.

What a brainwashed people Americans are to think their nation is anything but evil. Hail China!

This (apart from the Hail China

It's obvious the world would not be the same if America pulled out of everything...But come on, America have put themselves in that position.

Ever heard the saying, "you've made your bed, now lie in it"?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by sevensheeps
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

You actually think it would cause global chaos if 'Merica would retreat.

Come on dude, no way.

Here in Holland we would be the same, there is no way that will would slide into chaos. Actually I think we would celebrate.

Americans have such an big ego and think the whole world is yours, and yet most of you know nothing of the world outside your borders.

And on the other side, not all Americans are bad people. And I guess most of your troops wouldn't even wanna go back. They probably have a better life here then back in your country.

Live and let live.

Ok look this is a falsehood, I was stationed in Germany as an American infantry soldier. I frequented holland many times for extracurricular activity. The fact is you and your country's are sell out's, you for the most part have adobted mtv and American entertainment as your own. You sag your jeans and you accept dollar bills. You have allowed and slowly are allowing your cultures to be assimilated much like the rest of the world. I dated several German women who wanted to go back to the land of the walmart. I became sick at the idea, i told them America is the mass production of generic made in china enjoyment, it is devoid of culture, it promote's destruction and ignorance, and will take your's too if you let it. I said you still have cobblestone you have villiages you have traditional dress, if not for the streets signs in America you wouldnt be able to tell the difference between city and city. I knew it was strange as i did ruck marches with my m4 on german street's it was for training and pt but really it was an imperial occupation. America is beyond powerful it is sudductive it has turned individualism into selfishness and blurred the lines of reality. Yes indeed the America of today is the greatest threat to humanity and it's respective cultures.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:37 PM
This is the most narrow minded juvenile post I have seen for a loong time. Have you ever heard of the bigger picture?
Do you understand the concept of treaties and consequences? Accountability? I honestly don't know where to begin although I can see many people have certainly tried to open your eyes. I could make a very long winded post here, but you and I both know I would be wasting my breath and I would be hard pressed to do so without violating the manners and decorum rules... which is very unlike me, but I am restraining myself as much as I can right now.
Please heed the words of your fellow ats members and do some real thought guided research on the chain reaction possibilites of such an action before making off hand threads that are knee jerk reactions to a perceived attack on your countries ego.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Thank you I don't see how people could see otherwise.Here are the top three Countries..

U.S.A $ 14,580,000,000,000

China $ 7,800,000,000,000

Japan$ 3,319,000,000,000

These are 2011 numbers still almost a two to one edge over China.

Good thread, what's more interesting is to see how upset the Euros are when they come to the realization that their whole world is directly tied to the United States of America.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
This is the most narrow minded juvenile post I have seen for a loong time. Have you ever heard of the bigger picture?
Do you understand the concept of treaties and consequences? Accountability? I honestly don't know where to begin although I can see many people have certainly tried to open your eyes. I could make a very long winded post here, but you and I both know I would be wasting my breath and I would be hard pressed to do so without violating the manners and decorum rules... which is very unlike me, but I am restraining myself as much as I can right now.
Please heed the words of your fellow ats members and do some real thought guided research on the chain reaction possibilites of such an action before making off hand threads that are knee jerk reactions to a perceived attack on your countries ego.

The bigger picture?Thats what I was trying to get across.Sorry I have not had a reply from one one member that has brought up treaties or consenquences.I checked every reply in my inbox.The vast majority were mean vile hate spewed rants.People were so blind with hatred that they ingnored facts.

As for opening my eyes.It is hard to open someones eyes when you are preaching from a puplit of hate.From your opening statement to you Manners and decorum threat.

Heed the words of the other members?I guess you skipped over some members and read the posts that fit your views.

Narrow minded juvenile post.That is the pot calling the kettle black
edit on 13-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by FuZe7

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Thank you I don't see how people could see otherwise.Here are the top three Countries..

U.S.A $ 14,580,000,000,000

China $ 7,800,000,000,000

Japan$ 3,319,000,000,000

These are 2011 numbers still almost a two to one edge over China.

Good thread, what's more interesting is to see how upset the Euros are when they come to the realization that their whole world is directly tied to the United States of America.

Yea when you read the whole threat can"you just feel the love.

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