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Since the U.S.A is the most hated country in the world let's pull out

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posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by dollukka

The Dude Abides

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty

Originally posted by dollukka
Thats a lot of HS i have seen for awhile, HS is what comes from the horse.

Americans never asked for the responsibility of the World instead they decided to take it by force.. Hiroshima.

Americans are not "adult" enought to be any other countries "parent" instead they keep pushing their nose in every matter there is in the World and with the unmatural way like a teenagers they don´t really CARE, they just WANT want and WANT MORE..

You misquoted me I never said America asked for the responsibility.

After WW2 durning the cold war with the U.S.S.R when Europe was Quaking in their boots.Who was handed the biggest role in Euorpe's defense?

At least you don't deny treating the U.S.A like a teenager treats their parents.

edit on 12-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

You DID say Americans did not ask for it.

Half of the statement was a concession, while the other half was the real explanation.

I don't know yet if this has been explained but I can't help but to laugh when I see something like this, because then the argument becomes about misunderstood meanings rather than the topic at hand and I can't help but to find it amusing... even when it happens to me.

The US is not responsible parent of any teenager. There are ancient cultures that have survived to this day and the US is more like the teenager who thinks it knows everything.

It's not babysitting the world, it's destroying it.

I have yet another theory of the standard oil companies pursuit, the loss of the gold backed standard and what many outside of the US call the "petrodollar"... and it's about our strange relationship with Saudi Arabia. Saudis do not seem to "feel" the same way their government "acts" with it's US oil ties.... everybody knows this and I think this relationship might soon change *in the open eye of the public* They are using more non American currency... exactly what we DON'T want them to do.

So how did the relationship start.

There must have been some bribery going on and I think it too, like our leash on Japan, goes back to the automotive industry.

You know they say that we could have had good electric or non gas consuming cars long ago, but I think we pulled a huge sick stunt... Well, it is OBVIOUS we did and much of it started with THIS man.

So not only do they RAPE the earth to back the "petrodollar" and the new standard, but they look at Saudi Arabia and say "We could actually put you out of business with a clean automobile and your resources will have very little value... OR... If you cooperate with us, we will make you rich"

Don't people see why their stunts, their shenanigans are so evil. They would rather destroy the Earth and keep everyone locked in a dependent grid, just to keep control in their families name. That is some SICK STUFF.... and dumb, very dumb. Their decedents will inherit a dead, polluted planet riddled with wars they created.

These idiots must have been drinking really bad whiskey because they were clearly insane.

If they had used that conniving for good, instead of tyranny... they could have defeated any other tyranny of the world and their descendants could have had anything they dreamed of.

I will look.... and help would be appreciated to explain just how we got Saudi Arabia under our increasingly weakening thumb.

Oil still would have been used but it would be much more expensive, used for select things and not be pumped out of the ground in billions and billions of barrels on a regular basis. I'm still not convinced the Earth doesn't some how need it, like a car needs it... The earth is somewhat of a machine of convection with intense heat and when we screw that up... Bye bye Magnetosphere- Hello, leeched out Iron Oxide and cold cracked core just like Mars... The world before the Earth!

Earth rapers! That's what they are!
edit on 14-1-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-1-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by manmental
Good post/Rant!
As a Brit I don't think the USA has the balls to pull out... because without the rest of the world you are a scarily small nothing of a country.... with nukes.

We don't want anything you produce. IMHO we can live without you.

I like Americans but not so much your Government. Or guns.
edit on 12-1-2013 by manmental because: (no reason given)

With a Thankless attitude like that, good. Let's part ways. We'll see how long you last without American influence in world affairs.

Not that I support the Neocons (I certainly don't, and I prefer isolationism to be frankly honest).

However, the past shows us (and the world) that the world needs someone to police it or at the minimum, intervene. The United States was mostly isolationist before WWI and WWII. It wasn't until after WWII that the Neo-cons decided to police the world, and in hindsight, maybe they were thinking about geopolitics in the long term - like preventing another world war? I'm not sure.
I dislike bringing up past events, but do you really think Europe would have conquered Hitler had the USA not intervened? It's speculative, but I'd wager a betting man would have bet on Hitler. Especially considering they had the might of the Japanese Navy behind them. History shows us that the Japanese swept the pacific before the USA got involved.

Furthering that train of thought, which country was instrumental in the rebuilding of all the damage caused by the World Wars? The United States was. We never asked to be dragged into these World Wars - but we were.

This leaves the US in a peculiar position. Especially in todays geo-political environment. What happens (atleast, economically) in the states affects the rest of the world, like it or not. This is unfortunate for people such as myself who advocate isolationism. I'd like to pull out of the rest of the worlds business, but who will fill the void America leaves in her wake? Russia? China? What happens if / when other powerful countries vie to fill the void....another world war? These are problems I don't have an answer to.

So while I agree with you, that we should GTFO of the worlds business, I wonder what sort of collateral damage would happen if we were to suddenly "flee the scene" as it were. Have any of you people actually thought about this before ranting and raving about how awful the United States is?

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:05 PM
YES... I've thought about it. A lot. All the US is really doing is creating a path of disaster. Like it or not, war creates jobs but the waste from wars creates excuses to take more resources from other countries... hence more wars, then more pillaging, then more wars etc etc...

That's not policing, it's parasitic.

So much of American culture is empty, shallow and disgusting and we all need to refocus on educating our youth rather than making them pawns in the pissing contest. That's how we will advance, not with wars and all of our American garbage.

We need to seriously regulate profiteering, provide basic benefits across the board, create a culture of cutting out excess and, waste and empty jobs and start a massive campaign nationwide with a tight labor budget and even use criminals and the homeless with few questions asked and start shelling out as many solar panels as we possibly can to free the American people from dependence and get back to tending to our land.
edit on 14-1-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:41 PM
We're just waiting for second fall of Rome.

posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 11:10 PM
Power vacuum. Lovely phrase.

This is what the US has left in its wake after ww2 in several instances:

1. Korea
2. Vietnam
3. Laotian Civil War
4. Cambodian Civil War
5. Several South American interventions
6 2nd Gulf war
7. Afghanistan
8. Libyan Civil war
9. Soon to be Syria (if we're allowed to say the US has been active in the attempt to oust Assad).
10. Iran? oooh maybe soon.. too early to say obviously.

In each of those conflicts, the US was directly, or indirectly responsible for power struggles, leading to a lot of death and destruction, for which the US has scantly apologised. Deplorable really. Had Americas' intentions been pure, things would be different in many of those conflicts. This isn't to say america hasn't attempted to do good things in times past, but rarely is it apparent that the best of intentions were meant for the contries afflicted.

Now I'm a firm believer in seperating the people from administrations, so please read my views with that in mind. And everytime I meet yanks, they're good blokes 'n' gals on the whole (except for you lot on here :-P j/k), and I wouldn't dream of being a prick towards them in the slightest just because of history. But let's call a spade a spade and not a fkn shovel. Your country has messed up a lot of things, and rarely puts itself in a position to truly claim responsibility for healing the aforementioned nations. You just cut and run in many cases (after ww2 that is).

Beyond war, the US's interest in the IMF and WTO is equally deplorable. Pegging on policy conditions to aid packages that benefit US interests has led to disaster for many nations. You guys really have to stop doing that.

Am I saying it's always the US's fault? no
Am I saying that the US has always done bad things with their weaponry? no
Am I trying to get personal here? no
Am I saying America operates with its own interests in mind before anyone elses? You bet.

Do I see the value in apologies? yes
Do I think the US could've waged those wars differently or not at all? most certainly
Would I prefer the US to be the policman than another superpower? probably

So take from that what you will.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

I would like nothing more than for the US to be able to pull out of some of the most dangerous areas on earth but those areas would only become far more dangerous. It wouldn’t even be a month before the world came begging us to help police them again. It sucks that we have to provide security to these morons but they will not do it for themselves. All the other countries enjoy the security we provide while badmouthing us. Someday maybe we will pull back then watch them burn.

The most dangerous areas on mean Detroit, new orleans, st Louis or baltimore?
there will be nothing left to burn when USA is done
open your eyes my friend

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by dollukka
Thats a lot of HS i have seen for awhile, HS is what comes from the horse.

Americans never asked for the responsibility of the World instead they decided to take it by force.. Hiroshima.

Americans are not "adult" enought to be any other countries "parent" instead they keep pushing their nose in every matter there is in the World and with the unmatural way like a teenagers they don´t really CARE, they just WANT want and WANT MORE..

hiroshima??? might want to ask the koreans, the chinese, and the philipinos about japan taking something by force.

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

You should understand politics behind the actions.

Few definitions of politics... The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs. Any activity concerned with the acquisition of power, gaining one's own ends.

It was all about the politics gaining power for long-term sight.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:45 PM
The title is meant to elicit a specific reaction, no doubt?

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

Ahhh, in a perfect world!

I'm all for this idea, but it just won't happen. TPTB need to have their hands in everyone's business, not to mention the whole world police kick.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 01:18 PM
Nothing will happen to the rest of the world, because it can stand up on it's own without the US.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:34 AM
Before I say all this I'll first say that this is about the government not the American people...

The "policing" the world is a lie.
Its all just a smokescreen to hide the fact that without the constant string of wars the United States could not sustain the status quo for more than a decade.
The U.S has 6% of the worlds population and 50% of its wealth. The lifestyle the American public take for granted and call "freedom" has been bought with millions of lives and the financial oppression of foreign states.
The list of democracies that the U.S government and intelligence organisations have usurped and destroyed through covert means, financial manipulation, military intervention and yes even terrorism is quite a long one.
The Military Industrial Complex will go to any lengths to ensure the continuation of "The American Way of Life" by any means.
The extent of the barbarity these people will go to is self evident when you look at written history and they don't even try to hide it just justify it.
The world thinks of the Third Reich the Nazi party as the epitome of evil but if you just look at the vietnam war as just one example the disparity is more than apparent.
The war was started by a false flag attack on a U.S Naval vessel. ( a tactic that has been used and suggested many particular date in the new millennium comes to mind if you know what I mean).
58,000 American soldiers where killed in Vietnam but 3,900,000 Vietnamese where killed and the civilians where rounded up into concentration camps. Civilians where killed and scalped in their villages by American soldiers women and children raped babies killed in their cribs. Chemical weapons sprayed on the populace. The carpet bombing was so intense that more than three times the ordnance was dropped on tiny vietnam than all of europe combined in wwII by both sides combined. The orders from the top where to kill anything that moved and to send anything and everything that flys to bomb everything...
Many democracies have been subverted and undermined by the CIA and have had Dictators installed some who have been or are actual payed and documented CIA agents.
Even Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden where at one time CIA Agents.

The sad truth is that without the United States keeping the majority of the world either poor or dependant on their protection through their constant manipulation then most of the policing would not be needed...
(sounds a little like a mafia protection racket does it not?)

I recommend watching the full series of "Oliver Stones: The untold history of the united states"
It may open your eyes a little.
edit on 10-6-2013 by Anonbeleiver77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 03:39 AM
Is this a promise? Only I don't want to get my hopes up, you have a reputation from running away from your actions like at Bhopal and the way you used Chemical Weaponry on innocent Vietnamese people in one of the many wars you enjoyed starting.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 04:11 AM
Reply to post by SplitInfinity

Go ahead. considering that there was no such thing as the U.S.A 250 years ago, if we made it up to that point im pretty sure we could manage without you.

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posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
As we have been told repeatedly on how bad America is to and for the world.Let's just pull out.We can take the worlds largest economy and move back to isolationism. Just like before ww2 after all we did pull out of a world depression through isolationism in the mid to late 30's.We can do it again.

Yes please, I'd appreciate that. The Japanese, in particular, will be delighteded to know that your soldiers won't be raping Okinawan schoolgirls anymore.

How soon can you start packing?

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Sankari

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
As we have been told repeatedly on how bad America is to and for the world.Let's just pull out.We can take the worlds largest economy and move back to isolationism. Just like before ww2 after all we did pull out of a world depression through isolationism in the mid to late 30's.We can do it again.

Yes please, I'd appreciate that. The Japanese, in particular, will be delighteded to know that your soldiers won't be raping Okinawan schoolgirls anymore.

How soon can you start packing?

And no doubt, you and your wonderful fellow Australians would be happy to see the end of your country being used as the bridgehead in the US plans to impose itself on south-east Asia?

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by zeeon
I dislike bringing up past events, but do you really think Europe would have conquered Hitler had the USA not intervened?

Yes. It was Russia that saved Europe by defeating Hitler in the east. The Russians pushed him all the way back to Berlin from Moscow -- one of the longest, most painful retreats in history.

The USA put in a good effort. It's fair to say that the Americans did the best they could, and we all appreciate that. But the US was stretched across a number of fronts and simply wasn't strong enough to dislodge German forces from Russia. Without the Russian counter-offensive Europe would have been completely lost.

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Sankari

Originally posted by zeeon
I dislike bringing up past events, but do you really think Europe would have conquered Hitler had the USA not intervened?

Yes. It was Russia that saved Europe by defeating Hitler in the east. The Russians pushed him all the way back to Berlin from Moscow -- one of the longest, most painful retreats in history.

The USA put in a good effort. It's fair to say that the Americans did the best they could, and we all appreciate that. But the US was stretched across a number of fronts and simply wasn't strong enough to dislodge German forces from Russia. Without the Russian counter-offensive Europe would have been completely lost.

Exactly it was millions of Russian lives that saved us from Nazi Socialism not the U.S who only entered the war after pearl harbour and it was U.S corporate greed and conniving that made enemies of the Russians our allies and sparked the cold war which came close to but thankfully didn't lead to nuclear war.
edit on 10-6-2013 by Anonbeleiver77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2013 @ 06:46 AM
Hubris /ˈhjuːbrɪs/, also hybris, from ancient Greek ὕβρις, means extreme pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.

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