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The Dachau Massacre. The Slaughter of Nazis in Death Camps During WW2.

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posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by salainen
reply to post by intrptr

I've never understood holocaust denial, it clearly happened, so why do they try to deny it? I don't see the point and I don't see how they can believe it.

Blog made by such people must be mostly complete rubbish.

I always thought it was absolute insanity as well, but I have learned that there are degrees od deniers (deny-ers?) anyhow, you have your true nutcases, who think there was no "culling of undesirables" (remember, it wasn't just Jews) at all, then there's those who think the number is somewhat lower than it is said to be (so what? Does it make a difference if the numbers are off a little?), and then those who think the numbers were significantly lower than they were.

My belief - it might be the generally accepted number, or it might be less. It certainly wasn't a small, isolated incidedent, and no matter what the actual number of civilians executed was, it was far too many. (meaning, anything greater than zero is terrible.) my point - maybe people who subscribe to a lower number killed are right, maybe not, but that doesn't change anything in terms of how evil and terrible and wrong it was. Hitler & co were insane. What they were after was to find an execute the Rothschilds and others of their ilk who were essentially attacking their nation economically- since they turned out to be powerless to do so, they devolved into misplaced bloodlust for all Jews. If only they could have found their targets at the start, and left all of those good, innocent people alone, the world would be a much different, much better place.

Let's hope we (humans) never repeat the Holocaust again, and let's hope we never repeat the wholesale extermination of prisoners of war again either. That - learning from, or at least not forgetting, our histories, is why I am glad we can talk about whatever we want. Sweeping this story under the rug is a disservice to all.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by ken10
So how exactly does one get rid of 20,000 bodies per day.......even if you could kill that many ?

You burn them. In the crematoria that they built. Ever heard of Treblinka? There are huge pits of ashes there.

Well 1 oven can cremate approx 1 body per hour (45kg of body mass per hour, but for ease of maths we will say 1 body per hour) so maximum capacity is 24 bodies per day per oven, how many ovens were available to burn bodies full time ?

People just don't comprehend the numbers involved.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by ken10


But as I have said previously, this thread isn't about the sickness of Holocaust denial. So why are you trying to make it that way?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by interupt42
War sucks and as one of the veterans of the WW said "Only the weapon manufactures win in a war" . With that said, having watched a recent documentary on the Nazi camps , there were over 200,000 children sent to their death by the German soldiers.

Good to always hear both sides of the story but Man Slaughtering Man in war is expected , however Man Slaughtering children purposely is unforgivable.'

I have a hard time understanding how a whole country could have been led to believing that killing children was justifiable under any circumstances?

And yet some of the scientists who "studied" these children became scientists for the American Government and military. Hard to believe this also but true.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:51 PM

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:54 PM
So exactly what is your argument DerekJR321?

That the Holocaust never happened or that the Holocaust happened to more then just Jewish people?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:57 PM
Concentration Camp guards were drawn from the SS - the very same branch of the German military that had earlier massacred 80 US Army POWs from the 285th Field Artillery Battalion of the 7th Armored Division at Malmedy in late 1944.

After Malmedy there was no quarter given to SS troops. Joachim Piper claimed until his dying day that he never gave the order to harm the captured Americans ... I call bull#. They even used their uniforms and vehicles to infiltrate behind Allied lines.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

I'm sure it's already been said.....

But what comes around goes around.


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

I'm sure it's already been said.....

But what comes around goes around.


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by opethPA
So exactly what is your argument DerekJR321?

That the Holocaust never happened or that the Holocaust happened to more then just Jewish people?

My argument is that the Holocaust is a propaganda piece used by the powers that be to take control. Yes, there were prison camps. Yes, Jews were put there. As were Gypsies, POW's, etc. But the volume of lies told to us about these "camps" is overwhelming. And I am tired of seeing it used as the be all end all excuse for certain actions. And I am tired of seeing those, who were NEVER affected by this, using it to line their pockets and make millions of dollars off of it. Did people suffer and die? YES. Did it happen exactly the way we are told? NO.

Every time we get dragged into a war, we hear "Hitler" or "We can't have another Hitler". Why? Why not "We can't have another Pol Pot"? Or someone else. Why is that? Why is that every time WW2 is mentioned, or "Concentration Camps"... our mind is forced to immediately think of "The Jews"? Why are the numbers of those who died constantly altered? Why is the fact that the rail system to these camps were bombed for months on end before they were "liberated" never mentioned? Why so much propaganda? To make us NEVER want to do it again? Why is EVERYTHING about WW2 directed towards the Jewish people? And barely a trickle is ever mentioned about anything else? Who controls the information? Why were we taught that thousands upon thousands were gassed at Dachau, and yet there is a sign in that very camp today that states "No inmate was ever gassed at this camp"? But this taught information was never redacted from our schools? Why is it never taught that the volumes of bodies supposedly cremated would be impossible to achieve? Why are we constantly having this rammed down our throats? Where are the museums to the thousands and thousands of dead US soldiers? Where are the museums to the millions of Russian soldiers? Where are the museums to the Japanese who we put in prison camps?

edit on 31-12-2012 by DerekJR321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:05 PM
No one logically minded denies the death of millions of innocent people happened, however, the cause of these deaths, and the numbers, are clearly to be debated.

"Blog made by such people must be mostly complete rubbish."

You stated without seemingly haven researched these events yourself.... These are most certainly not blogs, and if you actually want the truth of these matters, you can watch the full 5+ hours of evidence contained within these videos.

"So what? Does it make a difference if the numbers are off a little?"

It makes a huge difference when this event is utilized by some individuals to make fortunes, about 50 holocaust survivors die a day in Israel from poverty and loneliness, while those who never had to suffer from this event make millions, and millions off the lies perpetuated by them, and their parent's. The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein, a Jewish man, details clearly how the tragic event has been utilized by some to make money.

The death of German POW's extra judicially, is no different then the death of "American"/Soviet POW's, unless there was a true trial to determine their guiltiness, its illegal to execute them in this fashion. Where is the outcry over the millions dead at the hands of the Soviet Gulags? Why didn't the "freedom loving" "Americans" push all the way to Moscow, and persecute all those responsible for the mass murder of the 1940's? Well, quit simply put, its because they are the one's who created both the Soviet, and the "Nazi" beasts, using a political tactic detailed in Niccolò Machiavelli's "The Prince", of creating controllable enemy's for the purpose of control.

Professor Anthony Sutton clearly details how the Nazi's, and Soviets were created/facilitated/funded by the "American" financial, and corporate institutions. Unsurprisingly, one of the main banks who funded the Nazi's rise to power BIS (bank for international settlements), is now the owner of 56+ central banks. Standard Oil, which was broken up due to monopolization laws, is now formed back under Exxon-Mobile. The Ford Motor company, which exported lots of its labor to Germany (using concentration camp prisoners), is now a huge motor industry. These company's all profited enormously from the deaths of innocent people, and yet are not held accountable for their actions.

So thus is readily demonstrated why the "American" war machine is allowed to murder, rape, torture around the world, without any real international condemnation. They used experimental weapons on the populations of Vietnam, burning women, and children alive with Napalm, and turning entire city's into rubble. They bombed Lao's into oblivion, causing it to become the most heavily bombed country in the world, which is horrific considering the size of Lao's. All the while, making money off both sides of the war, remember GAZ automobiles (which supplied vehicles to the N.V.A.), was largely facilitated/created by Ford Motors! Heck, if you do your research carefully, you will even find the so called "Nazis" were allowed to work freely in Germany, and "America" as long as they swore allegiance to the "American" Fascist state!

Operation Paper Clip was an operation in which hundreds of Nazi's were hired into the ranks of the CIA (OSS at the time), and other "American" organizations. Klaus Barbie, also know as "The Butcher of Lyon", was hired as an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC). Wernher von Braun, one of the main men behind the U.S. space program, was a card holding NSDAP member, and an SS member.

Reinhard Gehlen a Major General in the German Wehrmacht, was appointed as head of the West German BND! Which was the German equivalent of the OSS (American army intelligence). Where he proceeded to hire swaths of former SS, SD, and Wehrmacht into the ranks of the German intelligentsia.

Enough of this beating around the bush, "America" is responsible for their actions, and they need to be held accountable just as they have done to other nations in the name of "freedom, and liberty". The death of a Afghani, Iraqi, German, Japanese civilian, is no different then the death of an "American"/British/French civilian, and those who wage war on mankind for the purpose of profit, while concealing it within a veil of false justification, will be held accountable for their crimes, regardless of their nationality.

As they say, history is written by the victor, and one only need to look beyond conventional "education", and "media", in order to see that the "allied" manipulation of facts is widespread, and continues on to this day.
edit on 31-12-2012 by 007Polytoks because: Fixed video links

edit on 31-12-2012 by 007Polytoks because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2012 by 007Polytoks because: fixed mistake

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:10 PM
"My argument is that the Holocaust is a propaganda piece used by the powers that be to take control"
like you said Derek .up:

Napoleon said "the history is written by the victors" so .......every one get the point about this ......

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

That still doesn't answer my question...Do you believe the Holocaust happened, never happened or happened to more then just the Jewish people?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Thanks for posting this interesting piece of WW 2 history that I had heard a little about many years ago, but without the info you have provided. It is easy to come down hard on any allied soldiers who partook in any mass killing of German military prisoners when most of us members were fortunate enough to have not been there, or even born during that period.
Depending on which side you were on, the S.S. were looked upon as either the "best of the best" or the "worst of the worst". When it came to recruitment for the S.S., Hitler and Co. had a list of qualifications all potential recruits had to first pass, including purity of the bloodline. Many officers were psychopathic killers, and had been recruited right from prison. All members were volunteers, and by the end of their training graduated with the belief they were invincible, along with the knowlege they would be Germany's last line of defense should the war go that way.
When the tide of war started turning in favour of the allies and supplies for the German troops were fast diminishing, why give food to prisoners when soldiers were going hungry? The answer was to take no prisoners and empty the camps. Those soldiers and the officers in charge of looking after the camps were mostly hand picked from the S.S., with possible future anhilation of prisoners being a top priority. For this the Nazi Command needed men without even a trace of conscience.
The Allies weren't exactly guilt free when came to getting rid of prisoners, either. More than a few soldiers in the fight against the Germans were men who as children, watched their parents being beaten by Nazi thugs before being loaded on packed boxcars heading for concentration camps where they became slave labour, or if deemed too old or too sick, quickly marched off to "shower rooms" for immediate extermination. Most of the male children who had managed to escape the clutches of the Nazis and flee to an allied country, when old enough joined that country's armed forces, that they could do their bit against the Germans. As things started going bad for the Germans, more and more prisoners were being taken, with most joining the march of fellow prisoners heading for the relative comfort and safety of an Allied p.o.w. camp. As often happened, a lone soldier would find himself ordered to keep an eye on several German prisoners until a truck came along to pick them up. Too bad for the Germans if that lone soldier who as a child growing up in Germany, happened to see his parents getting beat up and dragged away!
There was plenty of guilt on both sides, although much of it I would prefer to call "justifiable homicide", or simply good ol' "payback"!

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by 007Polytoks

Ok so we get it now..You feel America is the Evil Empire and must be held accountable for their actions ..As long as you apply that to every country then I won't argue it because your are entitled to your opinion.. Just make sure t England, Russia, Japanese, China, Canada, Italy or whatever country you live in is also held accountable.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by opethPA
reply to post by DerekJR321

That still doesn't answer my question...Do you believe the Holocaust happened, never happened or happened to more then just the Jewish people?

If you are asking me if I believe the "official" version of the Holocaust, as taught to us today is true? Then the answer is 100% NO. I DO NOT BELIEVE THE "HOLOCAUST" HAPPENED IN THE WAY WE ARE TAUGHT.

Is that clear enough for you?

-- EDIT --

And let me clarify my position here. My point of view has nothing to do with Jews or Jewish people for that matter. True Judaism has been hijacked by Zionists. I have absolutely NO hatred for Jews. I do however despise Zionists and liars. I do not deny that Jews (amongst others) died in camps during WW2. I do deny the means and methods taught to us. BY ZIONISTS.

edit on 31-12-2012 by DerekJR321 because: added info

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by opethPA

Oh, I most certainly condemn all country's equally, the only reason "America" is the centerpiece, is because they are the one currently waging war in the name of peace, a war against an enemy (once again), that they created. If Germany funded the Afghan Mujahedin, and then decided to "wage a war against terrorism" to fight against this very problem they created, then I would be speaking about Germany. They are also the nation that has chosen to take the centralized roll in pushing forward this Old World Order, they chose it for themselves.

Tho in retrospect, its not like the majority of "American" elite are truly "Americans", they are European decedents, most likely originating from Germany/Russia/Hungary etc... As are most people who currently inhabit North America, so quite frankly the condemnation of "American" hegemony, since its leveled at all those within the nation who promote such things, not the nation itself, would stretch across multiple nationality's.

The British ruling class is largely Germanic as well (Royal family is German), so while the Nationality that they falsely hide behind might be used as a label for them ie: "British elite, American elite", the true people who are responsible are time, and time again, not Native inhabitants of either country. I suppose we could call them "the faceless few", or "the committee of 300", tho that does little to truly distinguish them.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:28 PM
Not sure why the op point is. So we executed the nazi guards at the camp. Big deal. Don't care if its technically a war crime. They deserved it and I don't harbor any negative feelings for the us troops involved

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

So if the Afghan militia's decide to murder a U.S. soldier, who is said to have participated in the prison camps, are you okay with this? Will you "not harbor any negative feelings for the Afghan's involved"? Or what if a group of Iraqi's decides to summarily execute a group of "American" POW's, who are said to have been involved in a prison camp?

Its sad to see that "you don't care" about the hypocritical stance of the U.S. war machine, which advocates the extra judicial murder of its "enemy's", while its own soldiers are held up as untouchable's. Sure shows what a warped world view you have.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:42 PM
Regarding the killing of the nazi guards at the nazi death camps.....were there 6,000,000,000 of them killed? Did they help kill ANY of the multi-millions killed by their own organization - you know, the international standard for evil, the nazis? I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this post - to alert us that nazi guards were killed during/after WWII? From my point of view, not exactly Earth shatering revelations here. But, perhaps I'm missing the point. Why should I/we care about the killings of nazi death camp guards during WWII?

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