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SYMBOLISM - Witchcraft, Mind Control, Masons, Illuminati

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posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Masons as was Benjamin Franklin...and most of the forefathers of the United States...use symbols dating back to ancient Egypt. These go back to the craftsmen that worked to build the Egyptian Monuments as well as are on U.S. Bills as a sign of the Masons Craftsmanship.

I am familiar with the Masons and they do much in the way of Charity and other worthwhile projects that benefit the poor and those in need. They do much more than any church which tends to keep the money to build greater and greater exotic buildings or is sent off to the Vatican if Roman Catholic where large sums of this money are paid to Lawyers in an effort to defend Pedophile Priests.

Mind Control you have given examples of Disney as well as other TV Shows or Films which you have decided is trying to subliminally control our youth. PLEASE! If you want to look at an example of Mind Control then look no farther than the BIBLE.

This next thing you can look up and has even been confirmed by the Vatican. Moses NEVER parted the RED SEA. Moses CROSSED the REED SEA. This is a Marshy Tidal area between the Med Sea and the Red Sea. It is a mistranslation of the Ancient text. The Vatican was asked why it has not changed this back to the proper translation as well as have other Christian Leaders of different Christian Sects. Their responses are that to do so know would only confuse the faithful but they admit it to be wrong. Now THAT is Mind Control.

In the end...You are seeing what you want to see. Whether it be Fantasy or not as you only see conspiracy at every turn.

Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Ladyk74

Wow....that is pretty compelling and disturbing, but I have one problem. when ever these subjects come up and there is a homosexual involved it's used like a .......see I told you so, I find it offensive and divisive. it's like if your gay you get an automatic stamp of evil, why is it that? it's isolating for homosexuals that agree and want to get involved with this particular fight to protecting children

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Very well said! I'm guilty myself, had the entire collection. I grew up on it. I watched them as an adult. Matter of fact, Lion King was my favorite movie. It was only at a much later time that my eyes were opened.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Ladyk74

You have the right to believe what you will no matter how misguided it may be and I will even help protect that right. But I have a right to help protect people from the Evils of Ignorance and generated fear of the Unknown.

There is no greater threat to Mankind than Fear and Ignorance of the Unknown.

Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by GREENFOX74

Yes you are right about that.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Why don't you create a thread:

the Evils of Ignorance and generated fear of the Unknown.

Put up all the info on the subject, with material to study and read.
edit on 30-12-2012 by Ladyk74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:38 AM
The area of sexualisation of women through Disney interests me greatly, possibly as a woman myself and being brought up watching the Disney princesses.

I think there is a fear spread throughout society especially in religion, of women. This can be seen through most major religions of today from Muslim to Christianity. I feel Disney grooms young girls to view themselves in such a way that keeps society in place.

I notice even through my own actions in the past, despite viewing myself as a woman with some intellect, I often resulted to playing them damsel in distress and using my appearance and sexuality as my tool to get by in the world. This is not a natural state, and it is learnt, and this has been learnt by many generations of women.

Males as a result suffer at this in balance, and both sexes can never reach their full potential whilst playing out ego drama. Maybe this is what they want to keep the masses trapped...
edit on 30-12-2012 by ssophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Ladyk74

There is very little reason for me to list them as you are doing that very nicely.

Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by lucifer6

So what your saying is that to accept your premise i must first buy into some biblical
view of the world, there again the bible is a symbol into itself, to some it is a symbol
of peace and happiness, spreading gods love unto the world, to others, such as myself,
the bible is a book of segregation and hate, used by many to spread and influence
those in power to do immoral things in some gods name.......

The idea that evil is an active force in the world is as ludicrous as the idea that
god is here performing miracles that just so happen to never ever be proven
though they supposedly have done things which would be easily testable, now
that's not to say there aren't psycho devil worshiping crazies out there that
believe via symbolism they can influence the world, this is however simply the
other side of the crazy coin, there supposed deity has the same amount of
non power that the god everyone claims to exist does........ IE none.

People are the ones doing these things for whatever reason, im sure many times
its nothing more than, oh that looks cool i will use that one! To add all this conjecture
and claim it as fact is the reason why no one uses religion in science, there are
facts to be had, there are cases of hidden messages in childrens movies, yet
most of the time they tend to be either a crazy person or a disgruntled employee
getting back at their company for any number of wrongs they feel have been done
to them.

All im saying is reading way too far into some things is simply not a way to find
truth, look for what actually makes sense and make a level headed well thought
out judgment from there of what might or might not be true. for your premise to
be true, one must accept a huge claim with burdens of proof all its own that it
cannot even meet.........

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:51 AM
It seems to me one would be spinning their wheels using Religious Text as a source to debate a Religion. It is akin to using a Tobacco Companies internal Medical Research Data to determine whether cigarettes are Good or Bad for you.

One cannot assume Religious Text such as the Bible to be unbiased toward questions relating to it's relation to Christianity.

Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Ladyk74

You have the right to believe what you will no matter how misguided it may be and I will even help protect that right. But I have a right to help protect people from the Evils of Ignorance and generated fear of the Unknown.

There is no greater threat to Mankind than Fear and Ignorance of the Unknown.

Split Infinity

You cannot have ignorance of the unknown, if it is unknown then you are automatically ignorant towards it.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:04 AM
As long as the all holy Tiki Room in Disney Land isn't blasphemied, I can be ok with this thread.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by bloodreviara

Hope you feel better you got that all out, seriously it's about being aware of the progaming being put out to your kids or just children in general, I like to believe it's not just a religious thing, but about information being put forth to wake people up and to protect their kids from these types of influences

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by g0dhims3lf

FEAR of the Ignorance of the Unknown. It is that Fear that causes people to see Evil in the most ridiculous of places.

Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by ssophia

Well put.... I had a friend from Jordan and she wanted to pursue a relationship with a American guy she liked and she was a very materialistic woman, and her parents were all about her marring into money.. well this guy she liked did'nt have money he managed a fast food joint, and as soon as her folks found out about the guy, she was sent back to her home and she was married off.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

That is a very interesting video. I enjoy watching these for the way they make a person think about stuff on a deeper level.

But... I think the actual understanding is to be found in the idea that symbolically the right is male and the left is female. I'm not talking about sides of the brain. I'm saying that it is a common duality symbolism to consider right male and left female.

I think the Bible verse is speaking of a foolish male. The idea of a good shepherd taking care of a flock is the idea of a shepherd that would take care of the young, or go and get the little one that wandered off, and take care of the sick, and feed the flock, and not destroy the best of the flock, but rather breed the best, etc. The foolish shepherd would not do these things and so the flock would wither and die off. The right eye and the right arm would represent masculine strength. The foolish shepherd would be lacking that masculine strength. These are patriarchal Bible verses.

The video is still thought provoking though.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by GREENFOX74

I am merely pointing out that we already know, we cannot protect children
100% from the bad things in this world, i was a "victim" if you could even
call it that, of these subliminal messages in my youth, we watched many
Disney movies, and as of yet i have not been arrested or even had a single
speeding ticket, what im pointing out is, while there is a reason to keep
an eye on disgruntled employees sneaking sick things into children
movies, there is no need to drag the religious stuff into it, it is a real
problem that is being dealt with in real terms, adding some outside
force of evil that requires a religion to fight the battle is not going to
help but hinder actually fixing it.

Real logical protection makes sense, over blowing and hyping things
that are simply explained and fixed is not the route to go, deal
with reality first and then apply religion if you simply must apply religion.
fire the guy who sneaks in the bad things and remove them from the movie,
release a statement as to what happened and that your company
will try harder in the future, expecting perfection from these guys
is as crazy as expecting perfection from anyone.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:38 AM
As a freemason, I find this thread beyond hilarious. It just goes to show that when it comes to conspiracy theorists, there are none so blind to the truth as those who WANT TO BELIEVE that something insidious is going on. The OP isn't really doing anything here but spamming links and youtube videos and claiming all the dots are connected, but IT DOESNT MATTER because this is what ATS WANTS TO BELIEVE. And no amount of truth and reality is going to intrude in on the delusion, no matter how wrong the OP may be. Especially in an echo chamber like this.

To the people who are actually trying to show OP some sense of reason, you are to be applauded by ultimately I fear its all for naught - you are using the standards of logic, reason, and evidence. But you are debating with someone who is not - thus you can never hope to convince the OP of anything except what they already want to believe.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by g0dhims3lf

FEAR of the Ignorance of the Unknown. It is that Fear that causes people to see Evil in the most ridiculous of places.

Split Infinity

You are quoting truth, but remember where you are - this is a conspiracy echo chamber. If people cared about truth, they wouldn't "connect the dots" via youtube videos.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by thelongjourney

Good point. A rock is thrown in the air around here and lands Evil Robot Rock Hell Bent on Global Enslavement of our Youth. How much for the Women!? LOL!

Split Infinity

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