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Connecticut Kindergarten Shooter - Victim of the CIA and Not a Perp - MKUltra?

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by 1plusXisto7billion

Originally posted by pheonix358
As I posted in another thread:

The more I read about these shootings the more I see a plan to disarm America.

The theater did not have the impact, the mall didn't do it, lets try a school or two.


I think your right. If they take our guns, the entire gun industry would lose a lot of money. Sure they would make a ton from government contracts but it would cause a larger unemployemnt rate and with how the economy is, I don't think they would do it.

George Nazi SOROS bought most of the American arms industry this year so he does not care, as it has been his intention to shut them down and only provide the Government with weapons and ammo. The fact that Remington sold to him was a crime that should have woke up everyone.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by coyotepoet

Really??!!! Really??!!!

So he, or 'they' controlled the number of people who died even after the shooting, ie, in hospital? What about the people he attempted to kill, the wounded? What if they had died?
And it makes no difference to your theory what numbers are arrived at - when it's 27 it's significant, when it's 10 it's significant, when it's 13 it's significant (and doesn't that reduce to 4 anyway - not significant enough?)
There is literally no combination of numbers you can find that you cannot reduce to something signifcant in your theory, and so it's really completely useless.
I mean, you're even using the wrong numbers as support for the theory (premature death count, revised death count).
It's completely arbitrary!

I really can't see how adding random numbers together 'adds' up in your mind to something worth two question and three exclamation marks.

I will never understand how people can think numerology means anything.
Sorry, it's just so weak.

edit on 15-12-2012 by delusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Im not sure if this has been asked yet but does anyone know how many shots were fired? 27 people killed at the school including the shooter. according to Yahoo news it say ALL student were shot upclose by MULTIPLE rifle shots. Is this media hype or was the shooter able to unlead 27 + 27 (if multiple shots) plus not sure how many other shots total fired. did he have multiple clips? The hand guns, how many round did they have? Multiple clips? Was he able to reload and unload, reload and unload with out someone taking him down?

Yahoo news

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
Let's not forget about the numbers that show up in things like this

The date 12/14/2012 reduces to (1+2+1+4+2+1+2) 13, a significant number

28 people total (adds to 10-signifies completion)

Reports stated that 27 were dead, 18 were children. Both instances of 9 (2+7, 8+1) plus 27-18 also leaves you with 9

Later reports stated that 20 children were dead, 18 died on the spot, 2 later.

The shooting suspect had a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Sig-Sauer 9mm handgun and a Bushmaster .223-caliber assault rifle.

There's 2 more 9's and a 7 (2+2+3=7)

Shooter is 20 yrs old and killed 20 kids and 6 (at school) +1 (elsewhere) adults and again a 7+2=9

And then there is symbolism: Dark Knight in Aurora, the Killer in Wisconsin lived on the 3600 (3+6=9) block of Holmes Ave.. After the Sikh shooting, NPR interviews a Dr. Arora on the incident, Now we have Sandy Hook in New Town right after hurricane Sandy in a town where the author of the Hunger Games book happens to live. C'mon now.

And Googling just now to find the time of the shooting I find that they interviewed the families landscaper (?) whose name is....Dan Holmes.

Holy moly. Don't you give yourself a headache? Because you sure as hell gave me one.

Why do people crunch these man-made numbers (that only half the people on our planet uses and recognizes) and come away with some esoteric message?

Sacred geometry applies to nature, not some serial stock number on a gun or a man-made calendar that's artificial to begin with.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

1/2niphilim and I were onto the same suspicion that Peter Lanza and GE Capital was somehow related to James Holmes Father Robert Holmes and the Libor case. Really want to research more if there is a connection or if its BS....


posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by scorpiosin

May God have mercy on all the innocents that have been victimized by these acts of terror! it sadens me to say but this may be just the first in a series of violent rampages against children! I do believe there is more to this then meets the eye! We will see if this heinus act is politicized to push a gun control agenda! I imagine this may go even farther to be used to remove more of our freedoms from america! Who knows we might have to register if we have a social disorder or are under the care of a shrink! I really hope i'm wrong but I've been expecting something along these lines to come along since the Aurora incident! We may even see a bombing next time! Though I don't think that representative government is behind this, "at least i hope not"! I do think it's very probable for an intelligents agency guided by one of the many think tanks in DC to pull up many likely scenarios! These shooting always makes me think of "the report from Iron mountain", "MK Ultra" and "Operation Northwoods"! With such a heinus past, our large government is capable of anything! God help the victims of such actions and Lord help us to see the truth so we can bring those responsable for these manipulations to justice! If our government is killing children there is no limits to what they will do!
It sadens me greatly to think how fear will spread over this country for all those with children and even denial of the possabilities is no protection from these terrorist!

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 05:07 PM
Please stop doing this.

this is the problem with most conspiracy theorist, i too agree that many things are happening by design of an elite but every time something comes up it has to be a CONSPIRACY, the shootings at the primary school, hell even when Michael Jackson died people said that either he wasn't dead or he was assassinated for the insurance money.

i'm not poo pooing everything that some say and yeah again, i agree that sometimes the governments or the elite do have a hand in most things but blindingly taking away the tragedy or in some cases adding fuel to the fire of blaming anything and everything on conspiracies is just stupid and beyond the point.

why not take a step back and wait, learn everything you can and then judge, as it only happened recently to blame governments etc. is just stupid and pointless, this is one of the reasons people laugh at the idea of a conspiracy, if we stop just throwing that word about on everything that happens then maybe people who believe that the government is lying or some other ptb is involved wont get laughed out of the room.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Alchemst7
Im not sure if this has been asked yet but does anyone know how many shots were fired? 27 people killed at the school including the shooter. according to Yahoo news it say ALL student were shot upclose by MULTIPLE rifle shots. Is this media hype or was the shooter able to unlead 27 + 27 (if multiple shots) plus not sure how many other shots total fired. did he have multiple clips? The hand guns, how many round did they have? Multiple clips? Was he able to reload and unload, reload and unload with out someone taking him down?

Yahoo news

I read he was armed with 2 semi automatic pistols and a rifle (I think)

I still can't even fathom what those poor little kids must have felt when they saw an adult coming after them with a gun! They must've been terrorized. I think they were too young to faint too!!
Good lord this is rough. And now their poor families are left to cope with this madness. And that's just what this is, friggin insane madness.

They're supposed to be coming out with some details that will help shed some light on this event. But I tell ya, short of him being a MKUltra victim himself, nothing can make this feel less tragic.

edit on 15-12-2012 by Human_Alien because: grammar

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by delusion
A kid was arrested for a planned high school massacre the morning of this shooting.

Please explain why 'they' stopped one from happening while 'allowing' the other one?

Because they control everything right?

Wouldn't a second massacre have worked to the advantage of their 'agenda'?

Well, maybe the kid in Connecticut didn't try to recruit others to help him who then subsequently ratted on him like what happened to the one you cited.

If you call too much attention to this and ask 'why why why' then don't be surprise if the government installs surveilance cameras in your homes, cars, sidewalks etc to monitor your every move ....all in the effort of thwarting this in the future.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:24 PM
a snip from a Yahoo News source

Catherine Urso, of Newtown, said her college-age son knew the killer. "He just said he was very thin, very remote and was one of the goths," she said.

Ah Ha... A Goth ...a doomer------------

wonder why he shot the people & kids with a ,223 Rifle instead of the pistols he had with him?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:27 PM
Since the OP is no longer present to present or defend their claims.

Thread closed.

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