posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL
Read your post and off the're not American so please move along....and take your opinions with you.
That being rather huffily need to listen to something...
Would you rather see a nation incapable of defending themselves against foreign invaders or intelligent people with firearms? In Switzerland, nearly
every single household has a firearm. A thug considering breaking and entering doesn't have to wonder if there is a gun present...he knows it.
I think...and man this is going to tick off some of the right...that in order to own a firearm, you must be trained and certified in it's use. You
have to get a license to drive a car...another dangerous implement...why not a firearm.
I was raised on a farm...I had my own gun at age 12...a .410 shotgun for squirrel and rabbit hunting. BUT! Our local 4-H group along with the Dept of
Natural resources (The game wardens) offered summer classes on shooting and gun safety. I was not allowed to use my gun or go hunting until I took
the classes...and this was coming up in a family of hunters and shooters where I had been around them my entire life. I have since taken many
shooting classes for different types of firearms. Not because I didn't know how they worked or how to use them but to be a little better with
them...and a little smarter.
It starts with education. Teaching people what they (the firearms) to use them and...most important...that once you point and pull the
trigger, it is cannot "undo" cannot hit the restart button and go back one level of the is done and it is final.
I can understand the cry for the regulation of certain firearms and I can completely understand the push back. The point of a "well armed" militia is
to be able to stand ground...if the "enemy" is overwhelmingly don't have a chance. So...many have wanted to keep the door open for
assault/military style weaponry. I am somewhat against a way. I see how they are mis-used but I understand the rationality of why they
cannot be taken off the table for citizen ownership. You don't want to bring a knife to a gun fight. a hunter and a tracker for years (including bow hunting and camouflage)...I would not want someone like me in the woods with a Winchester
Model 70 30-06 or Weatherby mark V 7mm magnum and a 3x9 scope putting the crosshairs one me...especially within 500 yards.
The point there was...the most dangerous of us are not the one that can spray the most lead...the most dangerous of all is the "sniper"...or the
hunter. Assault weapons and handguns are not absolutely necessary to defend or protect. Our country was won with Kentucky Long rifles and squirrel
guns. An invading army would suffer more loss from the experienced hunter 500 yards away with a hunting rifle than they would close fire with
handguns and assault rifles.
Just my opinion as an "American"...therfore entitled to an opinion....others...not so much
edit on 12/14/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason